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2419767 No.2419767 [Reply] [Original]

Gut flora

Most amazing example of emergent homeostasis?

>> No.2419792

well if out it you die. so yeah it is

>> No.2419809


>> No.2419987

Probably meant "without it you die"

I think its amazing that we're not inherantly colonized by the right proportions of bacteria as part of the development process, and that we simply acquire different strains during birth and afterwards, and everything sorts itself out.

>> No.2420004

nigga aint got no penis...

>> No.2420025
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The fuck is emergent homeostasis?
How does symbiosis remotely imply gaia theory? How?

>> No.2420042

I never meant anything to with gaia. The dynamic equilibrium isn't designed or fostered, it emerges, no? Though maybe homeostasis isn't the right word, if the population profile changes much throughout life. I guess I just mean its incredible that we can get all the right ratios of bacteria that do the right things, without any direct design control over the system.

>> No.2420056

Because the bacteria want to be our friends!

>inb4 bacteria furries

>> No.2420177
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Oh, well that's fine then. In many ways, you could apply the same idea to ecosystems. It's just important to remember that it's all the result of a sort of complex stalemate. I'd actually wonder if if it's a sort of successional process. A quick google search shows that it happens in chickens:


(NOTE: I just scanned the abstract and discussion. I know, I'm a terrible person)

Perhaps this succession can help "fine tune" the balance as different areas of the gut are colonized and lost by different varieties of bacteria.
(NOTE: totally talking out my ass; totally not my field. Really just wanted to give an affirmative response to this not being a gaia thread).

>> No.2420466

lol what is lactobacilus doing in a chicken? They're not even mammals!