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2418244 No.2418244 [Reply] [Original]

I was thinking today, on my way to college, that dying would be like ripping through the space in front of me. I came to this conclusion when I noticed the structure of my body, how it is tightened or compressed - like there's some kind of invisible substance around me, pushing all the atoms together, and if I were to die, it would be like this substance vanished or I would pierce through it, becoming a part of whatever is behind this substance.

>Whereas atheists believe that Death is just pure ENDness, just death, no hope at all that there might be life, just pure nihilism, they obviously don't love life enough.

>> No.2418254

And then you reached your philosophy engineering lecture.

>> No.2418253
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Or maybe I would become that substance. I'm not too sure... I can only imagine.

>> No.2418261

>English, Law and Computing

>> No.2418266

Dude, that's even fucking worse.

>> No.2418283


>they obviously don't love life enough.

As an atheist, sure, why not? Why would you love something as bipolar as life?

>> No.2418290
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>> No.2418304
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So what's the problem with having imaginative beliefs that there is life after you die?

>> No.2418307
File: 29 KB, 704x480, End of Evangelion.mkv_snapshot_01.08.03_[2011.01.26_19.23.29].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't Evangelion, you don't turn to liquid when you die. The thing 'pulling you together' is called collagen. It's what gives skin it's springy feeling. Also, you've got connective tissue, bone and phospholipid bi-layers working with cytoskeletons giving every cell a certain amount of inherent support. At a smaller scale, I'm sure a physicist will give a better explanation.

As for not loving life. That's patent bullshit, just because you love something that doesn't mean you don't have to be realistic about it ending.

>> No.2418312
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>> No.2418313
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As if anyone's been back to tell you. You're funny tho.

>> No.2418316

what a Jack

>> No.2418321

I'll let this Fine Man explain what's involved and what your evangelion AT field is.

>> No.2418324

after you die kind of feels like all the time that happen before you were born.

>> No.2418330

there's a reason they cant come back and tell you.
>They've turned into millions of maggots

>> No.2418337

The fact you can damage a persons personality by damaging their brain and create offshoots of conciousness by splitting the brain up (alien hand syndrome) is a big clue to how tied you are to the fate of your brain. It's not the most palatable concept but that doesn't mean you can't have some fun.

Here's a cool one, print out a life sized picture of a skull, stick it to the mirror and pull your gums back so you can see as much of your teeth and gums as possible, keep going until you realise that your face is nothing but a load of meat slapped on to a chunk of bone.

>> No.2418342

apparently I linked the wrong clip.
but yeah we are getting repelled of shit because of electromagnetism and stuff.

>> No.2418350

I think OP already has a picture of that with dubya bush, but I might remember incorrectly.

>> No.2418351


>> No.2418357

Waiting for that to load (I'm on a shitty EDGE connection), I'm going to watch it with Mind Heist playing in the background.

>> No.2418369

>they obviously don't love life enough

They obviously dont love life enough for what? To convince themselves theres life after death? How much you love life is going to have absolutely no bearing on whether theres an after life or not.

>> No.2418373

The notion that death is the end makes me enjoy life even more.

>> No.2418410


atheists can actually appreciate life for itself

theists don't care, they only hope for a better future as ghosts, they are nihilists in this life, they see no point in it

the only thing that gives a theist meaning in this life is the prospect of another life after it.

theists are nihilists

>> No.2418417


to a theist, this life is only a means to an end, a thing they have to struggle through and avoid

to an atheist, this life is the end in itself, the whole point of their existence culminates in this life, this world, now.

atheism is completely life-affirming, theism is life-denying

>> No.2418422


>atheism is completely life-affirming, theism is life-denying

indeed, hence why so many religious theists fight their natural desires

>> No.2418428
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>to an atheist, this life is the end in itself, the whole point of their existence culminates in this life, this world, now.

>atheism is completely life-affirming, theism is life-denying

im ok with this

>> No.2418430
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>> No.2418443


the only aspect of life that a theist enjoys is the hope for this life to end and a utopian illusion to begin

they are essentially nihilistic individuals that reject this world and all its meaning

if a theist gets into heaven, he will again see no point in it, and dwell on the prospect of a better-heaven appearing in the future

theists are never satisfied, they are hungry ghosts

>> No.2418458


How dare you, you piece of shit. You have no right to make assumptions about my faith, my lord or my saviour. The fact that people like you are even allowed to speak sickens me and shows what a messed up society we live in.

Atheists have no appreciation of life, that's why Stalin and Hitler went on mad rampages that killed billions. Christians understand that life is a gift from the Almighty.

>> No.2418460
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oh you

>> No.2418472


i have to say, i agree with them. sorry, maybe you can go whine to jesus about it.

>> No.2418474


hitler and stalin were again life-deniers just like theists, they just replaced religious tyranny with ideological tyranny, nazism and communism

they discriminated against those who were different and sought to control everyone else, essentially the same agenda as every religion out there, indeed hitler was even backed up by the catholic church and they celebrated his birthday for years and years

>> No.2418475

I wish people like you didn't exist.

>> No.2418481
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You drive a hard bargain atheism, you really do, but I think I'll live life with the belief that there isn't death, just for teh lulz, if you know what I mean.

>> No.2418482


is u mad?

some random atheist just got logical on your ass

>> No.2418507


I cant say the same about you.
I actually dont mind if someone believes in something. though i really really dont get it. i stopped believing in Santa when i was 6, why moving on believing in some other entity just for the sake of it. and just cause many peopel believe in it, doesnt make it more valuable or true.

capcha: Eurify control
fuck yeah, Europe here, eurifying your arse.

>> No.2418510

i always find it so ironic how theist form arguments against themselves without even realizing it.

1) you started this post by making assumptions about atheists

2) Stalin and Hitler killed millions because of their dogmatic beliefs.

>> No.2418512
File: 18 KB, 640x480, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What to do now...

>> No.2418549

an instance of clean troal energy

>> No.2418781
File: 53 KB, 400x400, alpaca6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I always wondered having tits that big would suck in a way...

One day you`re an innocent 13 year old and the next day you`re 16 and get attention and tits like these you didn`t even ask for.