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2416272 No.2416272 [Reply] [Original]


Yellowstone National Park's supervolcano just took a deep "breath," causing miles of ground to rise dramatically, scientists report.

The simmering volcano has produced major eruptions—each a thousand times more powerful than Mount St. Helens's 1980 eruption—three times in the past 2.1 million years. Yellowstone's caldera, which covers a 25- by 37-mile (40- by 60-kilometer) swath of Wyoming, is an ancient crater formed after the last big blast, some 640,000 years ago.

Isn't it weird that Future Guy predicted exactly this?

>> No.2416278

This is going to be fuel for the 2012 apocalypse fearing people.

>> No.2416283

>implying people on the subway haven't randomly started talking at me about birds dying and fish without eyes and other random shit

this is going to be the two most annoying years of my life

>> No.2416286

Future Guy was fun. I enjoyed suspending my disbelief, and either he was telling the truth or he was a bloody good science fiction writer.

>> No.2416294

i'll enjoy trolling people reminding them of the anomalies (coincidences) in the world.
2012 is nigh

>> No.2416306

I think 2012 is just going to be a excuse to get wicked drunk.

>> No.2416360


Consider their back peddling the after party of it all.

>> No.2416384

If there's a global disaster, it'll give people (read: the general public and people who can pull strings) the motivation to get into space so we don't have all our eggs in one basket anymore.

>> No.2416434
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aw man 2013 is going to be so sweet!
I am going to laugh at all the 2012 apocalypse thinkers once we had that bullshit gone.
I am lower than scum but man does it feel good

>> No.2416441

I will definitely be making a Youtube video and being all Sagan-like if this happens

>> No.2416449

As soon as it's over, it will be just like no one was ever worried about it. Just like y2k.

>> No.2416459

I'm going to go to the apocalypse parties. Apocalypse parties are awesome.

>> No.2416461

sorry to break it to you.. but when 2012 doesn't happen, they'll say the russkies were right about it being in 2019 (really, russians published that the mayans ment 2019, not 2012)

I think the same team also said that the mayans were just predicting droughts, probably only gonna affect central-america

(i'd look for sauce, but it's in a news article ((bad)) + it's in spanish)

>> No.2416464

isnt 2019 the date apophis hits earth?

>> No.2416469

Let's hope it works and people aren't so caught up in their own shit to care. That's the nasty thing about disasters, there's always such disorganization and panic to get anything done properly.

>> No.2416473

So basically we want a narrow miss of a disaster? An asteroid close enough to disrupt tides or something?

>> No.2416475

is it?

>> No.2416480

Fuck, I want to go to an apocalypse party. That sounds like fun.

This would probably be ideal, maybe something a little more severe.

>> No.2416486
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>> No.2416498
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So, if Apophis really is on a collision course with the Earth, who wants to go to Cape Canaveral with fully automatic rifles and attempt to hijack one of the shuttles or rockets?

>> No.2416503

well they called it apophis... you know, apophis the destroyer.
Not sure if they would do that for no reason.

>> No.2416505

It's okay guys, I read my tea leaves and studied my star charts today. They are indicating that their will be no cataclysm in 2012. They are also telling me that they are not a true science. However, I sleep better at night.

>> No.2416515

You have my sword. Or... automatic rifle.

You know how to fly a space ship? If not, I could probably figure it out, though I'm guessing there wouldn't be much room for error.

>> No.2416521
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i love how no one read the article.

It says in there that scientists aren't concerned because the magma is 10 kilometers underground.

The only time they would be concerned if it was 2 or 3 kilometers.

I had to check if i was on a different board cause of all the 2012 crap and no common sense

>> No.2416523
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I would expect them to have computer systems for the launch, the hard part will be re-entry into Earth's atmosphere (if there's anything left worth landing on)

If not I will be taking many asparagus seeds, we will steal the ISS' fuel, and jet off to Mars. better do it while it is at a Fast Transfer distance though.

>> No.2416524

Actually it was named after the Stargate SG-1 villan

>> No.2416525
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>learn how to pilot a spaceship on the fly

>> No.2416527

I'm keen. What else should I bring?

>> No.2416533

Relatively lightweight things with some form of ultraviolet shielding in which we can create greenhouses. If you can nick a small nuclear power generator that'd be super.

>> No.2416542

It's pretty obvious what's in the article. I mean, nothing DOOMSDAY-like ever happens. It's pretty much safe to assume nothing is going to happen.

However, be prepared for the worst, always.

Which is why plans like these
are important!

>> No.2416558
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>People rallying behind inurdaes' Mars obsession.


>> No.2416560
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Mars, is a world of wonders

>> No.2416563

Come on, it's just a little fun.

>> No.2416574

Not to him. He's serious.

Or a very good troll

>> No.2416590
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oh lord, I lol'd so hard. Thanks man, you're my favorite person of the day.

>> No.2416597

Doubt it. Nobody seems to be bothered much other than yourself.

His major flaw is where he confuses hopes with accurate predictions.

>> No.2416609
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I'm just feeling some really good change will occur relatively soon.

>> No.2416623
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A glorious dawn awaits.

>> No.2416627

Yeah, well, depressed people feel it's never going to get better and Muslims feel that Allah's watching over them. I like you, Inurdaes, but I lack your optimism and certainty concerning the future.

>> No.2416647

Things will only get better if we make them better.

>> No.2416651

Oh i am not bothered by it.
I understand what he wants.

Just surprised me that people rallied behind him. I used to be like him, but then i realized the difference between present reality and future reality.

If you are right well then you won't be the only one happy.

>> No.2416660
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I used to feel the same way, in fact, many would expect someone who has had my life experiences to be extremely pessimistic. I am about some things, such as the future state of mainstream society, but being on the internet as frequently as I have been, reading and watching talks other educated people give and the seemingly increasing pace of progress, I see an eventual point where scientific, technological and intellectual progress will just overtake the rest, and/or split off to form the good society.

If it doesn't happen, I believe /sci/ is already aware I plan to create it if all else fails.

>> No.2416682
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>I plan to create it if all else fails.
You have my sword.

>> No.2416693
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>> No.2416694
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Just in case people don't know of future guy here are some of his predictions for HIS timeline.

2008: Barack Obama elected president.

2009: President of North Korea dies, however details of his death are released years later.

2011, January 6th: Assassination attempt on Barack Obama.

2011, November 19th: The release of id Software's Rage.

2012: Chelsea Clinton elected president following legislation allowing the minimum age for presidency to be lowered to 21.

2016: Maynard elected president of the USA..

2016: The development of "cohabs" after "a botched attempt to curb globabl warming by removing particulate matter from the upper atmosphere"

2016: Civil war in America, .

2030: Cold sleep firms are in operation.

2037: Cold sleep firms start taking reservations.

2036: Aphosis does not collide with the Earth.

2060-2070: Alex Beyman is born.

>> No.2416719

Alex Beyman?

>> No.2416721

Alex Beyman is futureguy

>> No.2416723
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>> No.2416725
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Uh huh.

>> No.2416799

self-fulfilling prophecy

>> No.2418296

derp derp it went up by like 10 inches guys. this does not constitute anywhere NEAR enough inflation to indicate eruption. volcanoes do this shit all the time.

mfw my study site has inflated 2.5 METERS in the last 5 years and still hasn't erupted.

>> No.2418326

Do creationists have a theory of intelligent burping or something to explain this?