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2415188 No.2415188 [Reply] [Original]

This is the greatest book I've ever read. Please recommend me books like it. I'm listening to the pale blue dot audiobook currently but only have of it is Sagan's sweet narration. Do Neil Tyson's book approach Sagan when it comes to astronomy? Are there any more science books in the same vein as "Demon Haunted World"?

>> No.2415204
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Read Jared Diamond

>> No.2415241
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Michael Shermer's books are similar to Demon Haunted World.
Neil Tyson isn't all that great of an author imho

>> No.2415251
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>> No.2415265


I doubt you've ever read that. Yeah full of information but holy FUCK IS JARED DIAMOND DRY AS FUCK

>> No.2415273

Tower of Babel by Robert Pennock, a very good pro-evolution book from a few years back. He explains the facts without any atheist butt hurt.

>> No.2415293
File: 120 KB, 250x419, Book_badscience_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of my favourite books in that vein, the targets are mostly medical bullshit with entertaining explanations of statistics and the failings of the media in informing the public about science.

>> No.2415325

Yes i have, twice.
He may be a little dry but what he's talking about is awesome.
He's not that dry really.

>> No.2415359


>> No.2415434
File: 21 KB, 275x411, irration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Upside of Irrationality by Dan Ariely.

Similarly, How We Decide by Jonah Lehrer