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2413963 No.2413963 [Reply] [Original]

>In Western Civ class
>Teacher says he believes in the Ancient Aliens theory for how the pyramids were made
>My Face

A fucking college professor believes in that shit.

>> No.2413978

... most of my professors believe in human caused global warming :/

>> No.2413979

I think we all should be allowed to believe in one silly thing at least.
As long as it's not taught and forced upon others.
Don't you?

>> No.2413980


Maybe you shouldn't be such a hideous fucker. It's completely plausible. How did they get all that man power to move those stones MILES?

>> No.2413987


They had a labour force of hundreds of thousands. I think you underestimate the power of man.

>> No.2413999

Well considering the quarries were located all by bodies of water...THEY MUST HAVE SWAM THEM THERE!

>> No.2414001
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>In psychology class
>teacher says there is a huge debate over evolution and intelligent design
>tries to say both sides have fair points
>drop class

>> No.2413997

Is it one-tenth the power of cheese?

>> No.2414010
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> College
> Biology 101
> Professor explains how similar we are to pigs/apes
> Some people walk out

I fucking hate the south

>> No.2414016
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>> No.2414049

>eighth grade report on an animal of your choosing
>supposed to debate its badassery with another person and their animal
>I'm notorious for winning arguments in my grade, like with my teachers
>choose ape
>say we're closely related to them
>first comment the other kid makes is "you believe we came from monkeys?"
>spend whole time explaining darwinism, common ancestors, evolution in general
>shoot down any half-assed argument he makes

Fuck year

>> No.2414059

his name?
I dont believe you;

>> No.2414060


the pyramids were built by free farmers during drought seasons.

>> No.2414071


>implying "ape" is an animal

>> No.2414076

Wow. You guys are so open minded. Must be nice to be so effing smart.

>> No.2414081

>biology over 9000
>dna mutations->evolution etc...
>teacher ends class with "either that, or we spontaneously started existing without explanation"

>> No.2414084

And supervised by skilled seasonal artisans. Some of their tombs are close to the pyramids. You don't do that for slaves.

>> No.2414086
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>in biology class
>ask professor if we evolved from monkeys why are there still monkeys?
>he rolls his eyes and doesn't answer
>put him in his fucking place

>> No.2414094

Enjoy your D, bro.

>> No.2414097
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>First year engineering design course
>Universal to all engineering departments (500 student lecture)
>Guest lecturer
>Normal prof is clearly embarassed at not doing homework about him, he's saying goofy shit
>Says he doesn't believe in the Apollo landings
>All but about a dozen students, of 500, walk out
>mfw I'm okay with this

>> No.2414101

Wow, those sheep have been trained well.

>> No.2414105
File: 8 KB, 302x248, Genie (Aladdin).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>state college biology class
>guy won't ever know why name. ever. and we get nothing but scantron exams.

>> No.2414107

Denying reality is a sign of independence, but it's also a sign of insanity.

>> No.2414117

>go to school w/ honor kids , liberals and atheist, 22:2 dems to gop
> gop/ creationist "why are their still monkeys if we evolved from them"
> men "shut up and you will learn in 5 minutes you church monkey"

>> No.2414126

what the fuck am i reading

>> No.2414127

Being so ignorant as to just walk out when someone presents an opinion different from the mainstream is a sign of being a close-minded idiot.
Re-type your sentence, and substitute "he said the world was round' ,and see if it makes any more sense.

>> No.2414130

"He said god exists"

>> No.2414144

I don't see what you're getting at here.

>> No.2414155

It's a joke.

>> No.2414156

Not all opinions should be listened to. If he said "fucking infants is pretty cool" instead of "the moon landing was faked", would you promote being kind and caring and everybody sitting through the rest of his lecture? Probably not. Believing the moon landing was faked is the closed minded stance; he was being terribly insulting to the entire field of engineering with the statement, and they had good reason to leave.

I think protest and discontent are very noble traits. Virtuous even. If they have good reason. And unlike most kids today, they had good reason.

>> No.2414162


Can you actually provide proof we went to the moon ?

>> No.2414176

There's goddamn foot prints that the Hubble Telescope shows.
We have hundreds of pounds of lunar rock and SOIL.

>> No.2414178

Yes. Laser reflector experiments aren't hard.

But if you applied any critical thought to the history and data at all, you'd know which position is far more reasonable to believe: That a large conspiracy involving thousands of people that could easily have been debunked by the Soviets has remained an incredible secret, or that we actually did what the data shows and there are just a few people who see conspiracies everywhere because it makes them feel special.

>> No.2414185

The first one actually isn't valid. The Hubble telescope doesn't have that resolution. But there are lunar orbiters that have imaged previous landing sites, including footprints.

>> No.2414186
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>: That a large conspiracy involving thousands of people

>> No.2414192

Wrong telescope then.
My apologies, I didn't mean to lie.

>> No.2414196

>Someone offered their opinion.
>It differed from ours.
>We left and refused to listen to anything else, because he's obviously retarded.

Yeah, cool open mindedness, idiots.

>> No.2414209
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>The Laser Rangefinding Experiement
>No dispute from the Soviet Union, who tracked the missions in their entirety on radar
>A part of Surveyor 3, an unmanned probe sent years earlier, was returned on Apollo 12
>Rock samples are non-terrestrial
>Nearly half a million people were employed by the Apollo program; none of whom believe it to be faked.
>Third party photographs of landing sites from Japanese, Dutch, British, and Belgian satellites

Nope. None at all.

>> No.2414214


/discussion of moon landing.

>> No.2414210

Some positions should not be supported. He's free to talk. I'm not forced to listen.

>> No.2414213

The same argument applies.

>> No.2414223

> Some positions should not be supported, or even considered

This is how you create a close-minded society.

>> No.2414227

I'm not even a denier, but I'll tell you right now that your explanation is bullshit. The Hubble has nowhere near the requisite resolution to see footprints on the moon. The Hubble was manufactured by the same process as the KH-11 spy satellite, in order to save money. The KH-11 has 6-inch resolution on EARTH's surface. The Moon's? Good fucking luck.

>> No.2414228


Watch the National Geographic documentary on Stonehenge. The pyramid blocks were probably moved in a similar manner.

>> No.2414230

>Some positions should not be supported.

Give me one good reason why we should consume the children of the homeless to lower food costs and I'll listen.
We could use the carcasses as fuel, convert the fat into ENERGY.
We have tons of homeless lazing about. If we could just eat them...

>> No.2414231


You mean just like the opinion that Earth isn't flat? Or that Earth isn't the center of the solar system?

Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.2414232
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This photo is one of my favorites. Of course, nothing is good enough for the conspiracy theorists. Absolutely nothing. If you took them up there yourself to the original Apollo landing sites, they wouldn't believe it.

>> No.2414245

I had no idea part of Surveyor was returned. Fuck. That should have fucking micrometeorites in it and everything. That should pretty much seal the deal, no?

>> No.2414251

It's not about refusing to hear something that opposes what I thought previously. It's about protesting pathological science - about protesting a cancer of the mind that is destroying the credibility and the integrity of all science everywhere.

I've heard all the conspiracy arguments. I've looked into them. I've made my own conclusions from all the available data. And the conspiracy theorists are crazy. And if a man calling himself a scientist tries to give that view, offensive to all reason and experience, a semblance of respect, and pretends to assume an air of legitimacy? I'm going to make my voice heard, just as clearly, that he does not have my support, and I will not allow him to destroy the name of science for the sake of his ego.

Because that's what drives conspiracy theorists - a need to feel superior and special. They don't care about the truth. And I won't allow such cancer to infect the institutions that brought us out of the dark ages.

>> No.2414254

its to limited, if we start doing that, we will exhaust that potential fuel source.

Its better to just leave the world alone, who knows what damage we could do if we got rid of all the homeless in the world.

>> No.2414262

The USSR didn't jump at the chance to say we faked it. If their was any chance at all that it was faked, the Soviets would've been all over that shit. They'd take any chance they could to discredit the West, especially America.

>> No.2414269

Not if the original moon rocks didn't. Moon landing hoaxers are not rational. It's a pathological mindset, like many conspiracy adherents exhibit.

>> No.2414278

>History 101
>Studying the holocaust in depth
>Fat neckbeard yells during the lecture "Of course you've been indoctrinated into believing a hoax"
>Everyone throws shit at him and tells him to shut up
>Lecture continues

This neckbeard rocked camo almost daily, has a confederate flag tint on the rear window of his truck

>> No.2414314
File: 89 KB, 853x480, StargateDaniel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pyramids are an amazing achievement undertaken by the people of that time but its difficulty hardly attests to evidence of alien tampering. What the hell would even be the motivation behind making a bunch of inferior semi intelligent organisms build useless stuff for? Honestly, that's a ridiculous baseless claim, especially when we have an evolution of design showing progress in materials and techniques over a long period of time.

I don't, however, dismiss the ancient alien theory all together. It seems very unlikely that there has been any extraterrestrials on Earth to guide and control humans but there are other more likely possibilities. If we consider that life is rare but likely to happen given the that similar conditions to Earth potentially must exist many other places in the universe, then we must admit that alien life is very possible. If we look at how we, a byproduct of this biosphere have managed to technologically achieve space travel and even conceive interstellar flight, one can say the same must be possible for other intelligent lifeforms. Now when we take into account how long the universe has been making worlds like ours available and how short of a time it took to yield intelligent creatures such as ourselves, it seems perfectly plausible to suggest that there is a likelihood that another intelligent species evolved and developed space travel (for a number of motivating reasons) and could have potentially come in contact with or at least been aware of Earth during its 4 billion year history.

So can I look at most of the claims of ancient alien theory without wincing? No. Can I admit that it is quite the coincidence that many mythological and religious claims of a people beyond comprehension visited them from the sky? Yes. Are aliens the source of most mythologies? Maybe.

It's healthy to have an open mind but helpful to have a realistic one.

>> No.2414318

There was a dude in my Freshman classes who dressed every day like Guile from Streetfighter, only he had a tattoo (a legit tattoo) of a hammer and sickle on his arm, rather than the stars and stripes.

>> No.2414322

Nice. An open mind, but not so open your brain falls out. Willing to change worldviews, but only in the face of evidence.


>> No.2414331

>wrote what everybody things but was too lazy to type out
>sudden switch to praise

>> No.2414339

*clap clap clap*

>> No.2414360

he's an idiot for saying it didn't happen, but there is evidence that it didn't occur on the grand scale it is made out to be. he's got to learn to not distance his audience so much at first with such radical statements.

>> No.2414371

>German record-keeping
>Evidence it didn't happen on the scale its purported to


>> No.2414376
File: 24 KB, 461x403, AncientAliensGiorgioTsoukalos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Really, I'd love if it were true. I would want nothing more than for us to learn we are not alone. Plus it would be great to make Christian rethink the inspiration behind the Bible. But nothing pisses me off more than watching that Ancient Alien program with that dude with a horrible tan and crazy hair spout out claims left and right. The dude just says the most outlandish shit "THE ANNUNAKI WERE SAID TO HAVE FORCED HUMANS TO MINE FOR THEM BECAUSE THESE ALIENS NEEDED GOLD FOR THEIR TECHNOLOGY THAT THEY RAN OUT OF ON THEIR PLANET!"

I mean holy shit, talk about jumping to conclusions.

>> No.2414379

one third of the holocaust . com

sorry, it might conflict your world view and you wouldn't want to change that, now would you?

>> No.2414386

Really. I mean, even WE don't use slaves with picks to mine gold. Why the hell would aliens? Don't they have huge mining equipment?

>> No.2414404

Oh yeah, this looks legit.

>> No.2414412
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>> No.2414466
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>> No.2414467


or more likely, our conception of alien visitors arose from the same psychological mechanism that earlier people's conceptions of sky-gods came from. You are taking the universality of human thought patterns and applying it to everyone but the culture you hail from.

>> No.2414490


Hey, perfectly reasonable too. Still, even if it isn't extraterrestrial in origin, the sky father theme and ideas of people from specific constellations is an interesting underlying human pattern to research. I'd like to understand why we have a common theme in various creation myths and struggles of deities.

>> No.2414507


Humans like to believe in an authority greater than themselves. We are social beings and such ideas make social hierarchies easier.

>> No.2414519

>Take Speech 101
>We get to pick any topic for our argumentative speech
>Religion, sex, NOTHING is off limits!
>"last year I had a student talk about their first orgasm lolololol"
>Pick illegal immigration. Didn't get to state my position on it.
>"No, you can't choose that topic."
>Wait, what? Why not?
>"Just no."
>She stops me after class
>"You'd need to research that topic all year and read multiple books before you can give a speech on that subject."
>Oh it's a good thing I have!
>"I still can't let you do a speech on that."

Fucking cunt.

>> No.2414531
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But seriously, I applaud your deduction. Very reasonable. I would still like to know why so many mythologies tell about a sky father and earth mother (sometimes reversed) are separated to make the world. I suppose it could either be their simple rationalizing of some way to create the world or maybe an event in early human history of a tribe being torn apart by the separation of its Cheif alpha male and female couple and causing the two tribes to migrate and expand in different directions and "opening" the new world for them.

>> No.2414658


I would've gone above the bitch and talked to an administrator.

>> No.2415346
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>> No.2415378
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*sniff sniff* Smells like Sagan in here...

>> No.2415530

Has ancient aliens ever explained why a space faring race would be using dirt "runways" or having humans mine by hand?

>> No.2415558


I think you'll enjoy that website.

>> No.2415579


What, it is extremely entertaining imo.

First time i watched FOX news my mind was blown, sometimes it's like a parody of itself.

Quite different from norwegian media indeed.

>> No.2416674

>In Western Civ class
>Teacher says he believes in the Ancient Aliens theory for how the pyramids were made
>My Face
>In Western Civ class
OP I think I found your problem
After all they can't give those other cultures credit for anything can they?

>> No.2416728

>In a museum.
>Guide is explaining that on one particular night Soviet soldiers turned up in homes of thousands of people and gave them 30 minutes to pack for a trip to Siberia
>One tourist asks "It was clearly illegal. Why didn't the people just call the police?"
