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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2412937 No.2412937 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think about the term evolutionism?

>> No.2412961

Evolution is not a religion despite what trolls may say so 'evolutionism' is just stupid.

>> No.2412955

Gives creationists too much credit.

>> No.2412972 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 686x686, Thisiscorrect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


evolution is a scientific theory, we dont need a word for people who 'believe in it' anymore than we need a word for people who 'believe in' the germ theory of disase.
science isnt based on faith, its not what we believe, it is what we know to be true.

also, the term darwinism makes no sense either.
it is like saying i am a newtonist because i 'believe in' newtonian mechanics.

>> No.2412976

I don't see how evolution and creationism cannot coexist. Let's say a god made the first organism and kickstarted the process of evolution. That would make sense.

>> No.2412998


Sure he could have. A lot of people really only believe in god because they don't understand how life could have originated without him.

Of course that brings up the question: why is a deity necessary for life to have started?

>> No.2413011

Most people believe that. Evolution does not defy religion, or god, it does however defy The Bible and Creationists cannot have that. They believe the Bible is unassailable truth so when science discovers something contradictory they fight it. The truth is that they place the Bible higher than 'god' which is why they deny evolution.

>> No.2413023


this boys askin the right questions

>> No.2413055

what about something that is not necessarily a deity, yet is the source of life and the start of the universe

>> No.2413075

Then where did that come from? Infinite regress is a real issue here...

>> No.2413077


Something like energy?

>> No.2413128

I personally believe that the Bible does not contradict with Evolution. The Biblical 7 days of creation could very easily be figurative language and that this process took the 13.9 billion years science points to as the age of the universe.

U mad athiestfags?
U mad christfags who believe the universe is 6000 years old?

>> No.2413283

To me its impossible to think about evolution without creation. Sure most of the Bible fudges things, but the idea that something must have started everything and that the path those creations took led to immense complexity could only be logically realized with a creator. The problem isnt with evolution, its with the idea of how it works, this is what makes evolutionism different than just studying evolution

>> No.2413297


No ones ever really had a problem with figurative interpretations of the bible. Don't be fucking cunt.

>> No.2413304


Jesus that's a mess. "one's" and "a fucking cunt".

Polite sage but still mad.

>> No.2413411
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It's surprisingly easy to believe in creation if you disregard parts of the Bible. If the world could be rid of those who believe the Bible to be infallible and those who can't believe anything supernatural to be plausible... well, that would be cool ya know

>> No.2415388

Everything being created in a literal 6 days is what was taught to all Christians through out history.
Only when science disproved that idea did christfags discover this whole "oh ya it wasnt 6 days, its 6 ages, our bad, lol"

>> No.2415411
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>To me its impossible to think about evolution without creation

>> No.2415417

I have no issue with it, but it' really doesn't mean much except as a straw man. you can believe in evolution and be religious, and you can be an atheist and not believe in it . I draws to many preconceptions

>> No.2415427 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2415469


How old is she...

>> No.2415476


>> No.2415484

Why are you saging me?

Report the image.

>> No.2415485

liberation soldiers in full body armor break down your front door, slap the shit out of you and take her.


-will never happen

>> No.2415487 [DELETED] 
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7; Just the right age.

>> No.2415501

Dude! What the fuck!

How do you know this!?

Delete your posts!

>> No.2415506

I have a daughter.

I am disgusted.


>> No.2415502


what do you have against puberty?

>> No.2415510

Why did you post this shit right out of the blue?

>> No.2415509 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2415516
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>> No.2415517

>File images with numbers

You you have a few hundred of these pictures?

>> No.2415522 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2415537 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2415542

gross, how would you explain to the mother if she got pregnant

>> No.2415540 [DELETED] 

hes trying to get us all in jail. Hes posting all this stuff then hes gonna call the FBI and their gonna supopena 4chans sever records and see who clicked the image (technically downloaded to your harddrive)

>> No.2415549
File: 96 KB, 800x600, 118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2415548

Just "browsing" this thread means you've downloaded it.

Temporary, but still, you've "downloaded" it.

>> No.2415544

What. They can't do that, right? NB4 I get trolled to hell and back.

>> No.2415555


Reported. Hope you get raped by big black dicks in prison, pissed on, made to give blowjob in showers, and then shanked when your asshole prolapses.

>> No.2415557
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>> No.2415563



>> No.2415568

The reason why mods don't mass delete is because some of them save the images.

Little girls are fine, but no nasty shit, please.

>> No.2415570
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>> No.2415573
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>> No.2415584
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>> No.2415586

>Pictures deleted, one by one instead of mass purge
>One picture left
>Guy not banned

Way to go, mods.

This is why we need janitors.

>> No.2415598
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>> No.2415603
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