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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2412752 No.2412752 [Reply] [Original]

Summing up a long talk with my father ...
- The need for mathematicians is going down. What the world needs is physicists, engineers etc.
- c isn't a universal speed limit, "I don't belive that".
- Some other uneducated stuff about science, philosophy and what not.

It's official, I hereby declare myself to be the smartest person in my family (my brother being the error bar).
That was so batshit retarded I'm going to have a hard time believing I'm the offspring of such a dumbfuck.

Good night.
Yes, I've been trolled, seriously. And he doesn't even know it. Ignorant fuck.

Feel free to tell stories about your own asshole parents.

>> No.2412756

the speed of light is not a constant; it's capped.

>> No.2412780

>- The need for mathematicians is going down. What the world needs is physicists, engineers etc.

He's right

>> No.2412791

keep in mind, it doesnt count as being trolled unless it was intentional. it is like you cannot be a liar without intent, the difference is that you are just 'mistaken/deluded' wheras if you are intentionally lieing, it makes you a liar.
just as if you are accidently retarded, you are not a troll.

>> No.2412789

good for you. Do you want a medal?

>> No.2412800


I too agree with needings engineer of more.

For make glorious United States.

>> No.2412805

My mother is dumb as bricks so she doesn't think too much, my father is so oppressed by my mother that he doesn't say what he thinks too much.
But he did tell me once that he wondered what would happen if the world stopped turning, what he thought would happen seemed inaccurate but he wasn't stubborn about his opinion so it was all cool.

>> No.2412817

Josef you seem like one of the smarter people on this board so I'm gonna let you in on a little hint.

Never talk physics with your non-physicist friends or relatives if you want to maintain any semblance of respect for them. No really, don't.

>> No.2412818

Matt is that you?

>> No.2412834

Does your dad pay for your college? He has the right to give you shit about what you're studying.

Too many fucking namefags on anonymous message boards...

>> No.2412837

But if you find a good friend or two to talk physics to. ITS FUCKING ON! I have a mate who I can talk to for hours about shit. Also another one with a great understanding or special relativity and QM. Of course the second is a bit of a weirdo but its still pretty cool.

>> No.2412838

yeh, what gave me away?

>> No.2412839

I've had interesting talks with non-physicists. Exploring new perspectives on things you already know etc.
But yeah, today I clearly should have followed your advice.

>> No.2412860

>start talking about a few wiki articles i read
>say ludicrous things during tangents
>get school by my brother
>try and listen to his explinations
>i'm not as intelligent as him
>but i'll try harder tomorow
>i will become somthing great

>> No.2412859

Josef sounds European so I'm guessing college ain't too expensive and anonymity is for the sake of feeling free to say whatever you want, not to make us all look the same to an external observer.

>> No.2412858

I tried to explain the concept of determinism to my mother, but she wouldn't have it.

>> No.2412864

Ya I'm not saying people won't have interesting opinions in general, or that you can never even touch on the subject of physics/science/math, but 99% of the time none science people aren't gonna "get" it and will make rage inducing comments on the regular.

>> No.2412870

I've had numerous arguments with my dad regarding dropping a tennis ball and a piano off of a building. He says they would both hit the ground at the same time. I say it would be pretty close, but they would only hit the ground at the same time in a vacuum, as you need to take air resistance into account. He says that's bullshit.

I tell him if what he says is true, if you drop a feather and piano off of a building, they should hit the ground at the same time. He says that it's obviously different. I tell him that a feather falls slowly because of air resistance, so he is pretty much conceding to my point.

He denies this, and stubbornly insist they'll hit at the same time.

>> No.2412872

>>2412838 I'm not this Matt of whom you speak >>2412818 is trollan.

>> No.2412874

hahahaha. You're like what, 21? and you still look up to your dad?

woopdedoo. I'd say most people here are the smartest/most enlightened in their families, and have known this since their teens, yet we don't go posting threads here about it.

>> No.2412875

Your dad was right c isn't universal speed limit read up on.

Faster light (Casimir vacuum and quantum tunnelling)

>> No.2412893
File: 57 KB, 640x552, man-hug-man-hug-manly-demotivational-poster-1214783873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know where you're coming from.

Just surround yourself with people who do inspire and interest you.
Also, try to focus on things you do have in common with your father and are able to enjoy together.


>> No.2412896

My dad was trying to remember how many mm where in a dm and i said there were a 100 and he was impressed i "figured it out" so quickly in my head..

>> No.2412897

I still look up to my father. I know I'm book smarter than him and have been for awhile. Guy's seen a lot though, and is generally a wise, hard working, tough SOB.

Not that that was related to anything but basically, you sound like an underage spoiled faggot.

>> No.2412901

i wasn't trollan!

>> No.2412905

My dad probably doesn't even know what a dm is, doesn't make him stupid. My dad's smart as balls at what he does, but he also doesn't try to argue with me about what I know, he's know I'm smart.
this guy is way right, cry moar.
Well you sound like an emo kid that never grew out of it.

>> No.2412907

You know what will really fuck you up when I ask what if you were in a spaceship doing c and there is a mirror in the spaceship, will you see yourself?

>> No.2412906 [DELETED] 

I wasn't sure that this was fake Josef until now. Josef with the tripcode !!nUf2NflSAyw is NOT the European physicist Josef who posted all the cool lab pictures and physics machines and has been contributing to the board for about 6 months now, this is some (unintentional?) imposter Josef.

>> No.2412909

German. 600€ per semester.

>> No.2412912

Why don't you try not being an asshole, and explain why their wrong so they can get a deeper understanding? For example, one of my friends watched that New Age cartoon about the double-slit experiment, and asked me about it. I explained to all my friends that consciousness isn't the thing that causes wace functions to collapse, and how even though their portrayal of the experiment was right-ish, their conclusions weren't justified. I explained the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, how mass turns into waves, why photons have momentum, etc. We all came out with a deeper understanding and no one was angry or anything.

>> No.2412917

I'm such a good Josef stalker I even obtained some pics from his lab he didn't post on /sci/ back then.
(Now I'm a tripfag already and some people still have doubts or what)

>> No.2412919

My parents are mostly good. We're a pro-science family, even if I'm the only atheist (rest of the family is Presbyterian Christian).

But my mom has a few things that she refuses to be even remotely rational about. These are mainly food things. She has gotten sucked into all this "ASPARTAME AND MSG ARE LETHAL POISONS" thing and thinks that the FDA is being bought off by the greedy food industry so that they won't blow the whistle on all these "toxins" and the companies can sell you food that addicts you even as it kills you.

My dad plays along, but he thinks it's just as insane as I think it is. She's the only one of my parents who took any significant number of science courses in college, yet seems to not realize that she's basing all of this shit on fallacious post-hoc-propter-hoc reasoning.

She has a pinched nerve in her neck that acts up occasionally and causes her discomfort, and she bought into this "aspartame and MSG are evil" kick after she stopped drinking diet soda and then apparently had considerably less neck discomfort. Placebo effect, anyone?

>> No.2412922

I tried explaining. I really did. Could as well have talked to a wall.

>> No.2412926
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>I know I'm book smarter than him
>implying there are several kind of smart

>> No.2412936

As if there isn't.

>> No.2412949

Even /tg/ knows there's a difference between intelligence and wisdom

>> No.2412959



>> No.2412966

Hell I know a girl who's an absolute savant, remembers every scientific and literary concept, who coined it, who developed it, anything. But she cant figure practical things like the classic bucket riddles where you have two containers of a certain volume and you have to attain a third volume. Now you can tell she is smart in one area but severely lacking in another. Clearly there is more than one kind of smart.

>> No.2412968

Although your mom`s a bit retarded, the FDA isn`t exactly your friend...

>> No.2412969

Neither of my parents accept evolution. 'nuff said

>> No.2412973

Yeah, one gives you higher damage on a successful cast and the other give you more mana points, duh

>> No.2412991

High Int
Low Wisdom

>> No.2412995

You're confusing wisdom with willpower.

Wisdom decreases your chances of triggering hostile encounters.

>> No.2413001
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What the hell system are you using? AD&D had locked-in spells per day for Wizards with INT only affecting how many spells you know, while WIS gave Priests extra spells per day. 3.5 has the caster stat change from class to class, but each class has only one caster stat affecting spells per day, save DCs, damage, etc. 4E does it all via powers, and for that the effects of each vary on a power-to-power basis.

>> No.2413002
File: 22 KB, 245x251, i can't believe this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mother is a retired doctor. She buys right into all that nutritionist pseudosciencery and recently said she agrees with dr.partick holford (i'm assuming she doesn't know too much about him)- still facepalm worthy though.
She also refused to believe in evolution for ages. Not sure what her opinion of it is now, but it can't be very positive.

>mfw some of my friends look up to qualified doctors as intellectual demi-gods.

>> No.2413013

Both of my parents have PhDs. You mad?

>> No.2413041

My dad is an uneducated building inspector and my mom is a public school teacher that votes republican because she's a masochist.

>> No.2413048

>Feel free to tell stories about your own asshole parents
Don't mind if I do!

Just last week, my mom asked me "If I get a nose job and have a new kid, will that kid have my new nose or my old nose?"

>> No.2413051

Do you suppose your children will be smarter than you?

>> No.2413064

have some respect you ungrateful fuck.

>> No.2413066

My father is not exactly stupid in a scientific manner. He is kind of interested in science, but he has no passion for it or for anything in life. He is all about money and he is not very good with it.
I study computer science. Yet he always wanted me to study business informatics or take business studies as a minor subject because "HURR DURR THATS WHERE THE MONIES IS". Now from time to time he tries to force some business shit on me. e.g. he said I should focus on SAP programming because apparently that's what computer science is all about. When I tell him that he is full of shit and doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about he just ignores it and continues spouting nonsense.

Apart from this, he is simply very stupid as a human being. He is unfriendly, intolerant, impatient, uncomprehending, stubborn and stiff like a brick. Maybe that would be OK if at least he was successful. Well, he isn't.
I don't understand how any man can live like that. I wouldn't be surprised if he jumps from a bridge one of these days. 'Luckily' I think he is too stubborn to notice how miserable his life is.

Also before anyone asks (implying any cares): Yes I really hate my dad. He messed up two thirds of my life and the only good thing he contributed to my upbringing was him leaving my mom and me when I was 17. In the exact same year I was freed from him my life took a huge turn for the better.

>> No.2413067

did you tell her yes and that amputees have one arm/legged children

>> No.2413076

my dad failed hard in life because he fell inlove with my mother and had an offspring early in life

still, when I talk to him, he seems to have a huge knack for science and maths.

sometime, when I can, i'll pay him some college and hookers, I'm sure he's going to love it.

oh if only he hadn't had my family i'm sure he'd be top tier

>> No.2413079

Well, your mom is wrong but...
Seriously fuck Aspartame. It's shit.

>> No.2413082

No... you shoulda been there! We'd totally have trolled her! Instead I tried my best to let her come to the right conclusion by using the example of braces on teeth.

>> No.2413100
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here is the jist

> Mum buys me homeopathic medicine
(inb4 underage B&)
> tell her i wont have it - explain why, do my best to explain what homeopathy is and why it dosn't work.
> she says if i wont have it she will.
> tell her to get money back (it was $50 AUD, contains 20 tablets.)

> She tells me im a lacky of the drug companys
> thinks there is a worldwide scientific conspiracy to supressed the 'value' of 'natural remedies'
> thinks synthetic drugs are 'morally wrong' because they are not natural; humans should not play god.
> Thinks The govt has put flouride in the water to control us :. we spent about $300/week on bottled water (for 4 people, me, her and my two younger brothers)

AT least she belives in global warming. "ANd by that i mean 'the earth is spinning faster and the friction with space is casuing heat"

I have missed stuff. Anyone want to adopt?

>> No.2413105

My parents are similar, but I understand that the church had their brains wrapped up since 20 years before I existed.

Information wasn't as easily accessed when my parents were younger, and 45 years of church talk isn't going to just melt away. Keeping that in mind keeps the nerdrage under control. Saying "fuck you, dad" is kind of a bitch move.

>> No.2413107

I have an uncle who once said "that's just conjection"
don't even remember the conversation
but it stuck with me as the stupidest line I'd ever heard

>> No.2413112

My mother is a devout christian
My dad doesn't believe in evolution
My brother says logic is unproven and requires as much faith as religion
and the list goes on and on...

>> No.2413123
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>flouride in the water
Purity of essence. Essence of purity.

>> No.2413135

Slightly different story. One of my best friends is an aerospace/ocean engineering major, I do physics. Math-wise, he's probably the smartest guy I know and he knows knows plenty of physics, so I sometimes go to him for some help. If he had decided to go with physics, he could have humiliated everyone in the department. That being said, my friend is also huge on Christianity. He doesn't believe in the big bang (creationism lol) and thinks evolution is a hoax.

>> No.2413141



>> No.2413142

mum and most of family believe in homoeopathy

mum thinks man on other side of the world whom she pays money to have a machine broadcast a frequency set to my unique own frequency is keeping me alive...

I have to put up with my mum telling me homoeopathy works

>> No.2413152

>the earth is spinning faster and the friction with space is casuing heat


>> No.2413153


>My brother says logic is unproven and requires as much faith as religion

How would you prove that logic doesn't work without at least trying to use logic?

>> No.2413160

You are now aware that "proof" is a social construct.

>> No.2413163


>we spent about $300/week on bottled water

LOL are you fucking serious? I only drink bottled water(like the carbonated taste), and I pay 0.19€ per bottle so that amounts to like 1.50€ per week!

>> No.2413188
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>> No.2413189
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>Joseph used to be cool, not afraid of nothing

>Joseph is now a whining underage bitch

WTF dude? I know like is tough, but there is no reason to rage over shit you cannot change.

>> No.2413195


Aldi? Oder Lidl?

>> No.2413242


aldi and sometimes rewe or edeka, they all cost the same.

>> No.2413275

logic is based upon accepted truths, there are three of them (only really two because one can be inferred from the other) they have no proof, they are just accepted as necessary otherwise nothing would ever make sense

>> No.2413326


and what truths are those?

>> No.2413334

Truth = Consensus

>> No.2413443


1 billion christians

christianity = truth

>> No.2413467

>Hey dad, do you believe in evolution?
>I lol'd

>> No.2413471
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Hey OP

My dad bought me this when I was 8

You jelly?

>> No.2413475

I know that exact story

>> No.2413489

to them it is surely truth. Would you say that the pain of a phantom limb is not real to a veteran. Or that things cannot become true or untrue based on new developments and discoveries?

>> No.2413579


>doesnt believe in the big bang
>knows plenty of physics

pick one

>> No.2415511

Good morning again. Needless to say, I slept shittily.
(It's actually alright now, everything settled over night. Start looking down on him, proceed as before otherwise.)
Go ahead, call me an arrogant prick. pff

>> No.2415594

Could be worse OP - my entire family is creationists. And by entire I mean immediate, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc with 1 or 2 exceptions.

>> No.2415616

I think I can safely say I am the smartest of my brothers, but I probably have a while before I can claim I'm smarter than my dad. If there's any reason I'm in the position I'm in, it's him. My mom's definitely smart too, but in the years after leaving the house, it's become more and more apparent that my dad is where it's at.

>> No.2416000
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My case is similar to Dexter's family: stupid mom, stupid dad, stupid sister (in my case brother), but they are fun, good people. I love them.

>> No.2416034
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Not parents, but grandmother:
- Stars as lamps, or some relatively small light source, completely denies that they are massive thermonuclear fusion reactions trillions of miles away because 'Quran says so, and Quran knows many things scientists only recently found out such as the fresh water and salty water do not mix" (I am not shitting you)
- Evolution is fake because if we evolved then y r dere not munkies evolving into hoomans?
- Man never went to the moon because lots of people think they didn't go to the moon
- The moon is not bright at night because of the high albedo w/ sunlight, but rather burning phosphorous on the surface
- "Lol y do you wanna go into space we have this planet and it will always be here"
- Thinks the discovery of exoplanets are completely bullshit and we will never find any

>> No.2416056

I'm glad you made this thread OP.
Show on the Science channel comes on.
Says something about the meteor that killed the dinosaurs.

>Mfw my dad says that never happened because all of the dinosaurs ate each other.
he also said that if evolution was real monkeys wouldn't exist.
mother fucker.

>> No.2416083 [DELETED] 


>> No.2416093

I can't even imagine having no sense of discovery or curiosity or plain and simple NEED for knowledge.

I don't really know what my family does. My mother is a housewife, my dad is retired, he did psych and I think my grandfather was an accountant? I think one of my uncles is a DJ, one of my aunts works at a World Market and I just realized I don't know shit about my family.

>> No.2416109
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I hear you, I draw blanks when I'm thinking of what to get my grandmother when her birthday comes up, so I end up just giving her money.

>> No.2416118

Candles and decorative bowls. They're the best generic gifts for older women ever.

For maximum trolling, get her a decorative bowl with a night sky scene on it.

>> No.2417023

>>>The need for mathematicians is going down. What the world needs is physicists, engineers etc.

Horey shit. Your dad just went completely retarded.