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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 26 KB, 320x256, triforce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2411331 No.2411331 [Reply] [Original]

The bible is the greatest piece of art ever created.

>> No.2411334

>inb4 trolling is 'a' art.

>> No.2411337
File: 13 KB, 650x450, 03137.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you mean


>> No.2411350
File: 98 KB, 499x499, advicegod0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It actually sucks as fiction goes; It is disjointed, long winded and lacks a single cohesive theme or narrative. Indeed, it often contradicts what has been lain down mere chapters earlier.

Troll attempt 0/10
Bible as a fictional book DanBrown/10

>> No.2411355
File: 109 KB, 500x373, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are incredibly dull and boring.

>> No.2411449
File: 215 KB, 281x441, Morte Lolwut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>science board
>religious person
>posting about art

How does this work?

>> No.2411463
File: 282 KB, 600x800, 1295974350180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come the tiny amount of experts get to decide what we're taught and how the world should be run? We want to preserve nature, and we want to know the truth.

>> No.2411483


Well, for one, they ARE in fact smarter than you, but for another they were put into positions of power BY THE GENERAL POPULATION, so you can't exactly claim they showed up out of nowhere and just declared themselves smart and powerful.

>> No.2411484

in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti !B.0X4iZ/uM
I thought you said just yesterday that you weren't going to 4chan any more...

>> No.2411489

I just reported this board. gtfo of science

>> No.2411495
File: 875 KB, 519x450, Trolls_everywhere.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that the bible is the twilight of his time, but...

yeah, twilight still sucks

>> No.2411496 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 349x262, 1295897218997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the beginning instance of mankind’s birth and creation, genesis, the key and definitive elements to all of existence were forged and set in motion; the Trinitarian Formula, the Father, Holy Spirit, and Son. Each fraction of the group was assigned with different responsibilities, which in an ideal situation would work harmoniously with one another.

The Father is referring to the Psychological Domain of existence; he is the architect to all of the life that had existed and is to exist in the future. He is the executive element of Wisdom, which constitutes towards the Trinity, and is commonly associated with Creation.

The Holy Spirit is referring to the Physical Domain of existence; she is responsible for the capital composure of those beings that are created. She follows orders from the Father, constructing what he had designed and then mothering it. She is the component of Courage, that corresponds to a third of the Trinity, and is commonly associated with Sanctification.

The Son is referring to the Spiritual Domain of existence; it is the developing mechanism required for The Father and The Holy Spirit to continue. It provides the organism for reproduction, enabling the parent domains to advance and broaden. It is the fundamental constituent of Power, and it is commonly associated with Redemption.

Together the three conclusive aspects of Wisdom, Courage and Power embody the higher organism that is Man, who to exist requires each section of the complete Trinity intact and in working form. The divine plan destined to construct and shape the vast universe and every living being that lies within it, was complete, and ready to create, redeem and sanctify for eternity.

>> No.2411500
File: 99 KB, 845x869, 36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the beginning instance of mankind’s birth and creation, genesis, the key and definitive elements to all of existence were forged and set in motion; the Trinitarian Formula, the Father, Holy Spirit, and Son. Each fraction of the group was assigned with different responsibilities, which in an ideal situation would work harmoniously with one another.

The Father is referring to the Psychological Domain of existence; he is the architect to all of the life that had existed and is to exist in the future. He is the executive element of Wisdom, which constitutes towards the Trinity, and is commonly associated with Creation.

The Holy Spirit is referring to the Physical Domain of existence; she is responsible for the capital composure of those beings that are created. She follows orders from the Father, constructing what he had designed and then mothering it. She is the component of Courage, that corresponds to a third of the Trinity, and is commonly associated with Sanctification.

The Son is referring to the Spiritual Domain of existence; it is the developing mechanism required for The Father and The Holy Spirit to continue. It provides the organism for reproduction, enabling the parent domains to advance and broaden. It is the fundamental constituent of Power, and it is commonly associated with Redemption.

Together the three conclusive aspects of Wisdom, Courage and Power embody the higher organism that is Man, who to exist requires each section of the complete Trinity intact and in working form. The divine plan destined to construct and shape the vast universe and every living being that lies within it, was complete, and ready to create, redeem and sanctify for eternity.

>> No.2411505
File: 502 KB, 1680x1050, 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Man was finally erected, so too was his external mother and father; the couple obligated to parent him through the wide and expansive universe, Time and Nature. The dimensions which hold and protect Man, and the symphony that guides him like a swift wind. They exist as the extrinsic dwelling of all mankind, linked through the brother of Man and their Son, the soul.

Nature is not kind, she treats all beings impartially – alike a bellows, empty yet never ceasing its supply. She is complete, because she does not serve herself, but rather the life that exists within her ever adjusting womb. Only the strongest and wisest beings are chosen to continue, this is the flow of nature, an eternal decay and renewal; all the flourishing things will return their source, and whoever accepts this natural ebb and flow is gifted with enlightenment.

Time is a box-like essence that plays the role of an overseer, and sets the proportions for beings to experience, what goes around comes around, and what goes up must come down. Many subtle measures and depths exist within the confines of time, only the astute can determine the specifics that are hidden within its broad expanse. Although the obvious limits of time are noticeable, inside its boundaries is a field of flawless liberty.

The Son of the pair is an ever changing crystal abyss of infinite and tranquil silence, which gives to its parents the necessary substance for them to entwine with one another. Commonly the forms and shapes of the components that are provided by the soul are similar to the clearest and most affluent waters and liquids. It reflects the beings that exist alongside it – and consents visualization through its adaptable and luminous embodiment.

>> No.2411509

We created the scrolls in which became a proprietary bible in Catholicism format. Our hand like that of shakespeare authored the new open source bible of Christianity call the protestant bible by use the Kings version. This book was designed from the very beginning to clone generational thoughts in your upbringings in the lands we needed the greatest control. And that land is the new atlantis. Our base from which our military hand of chess rules supreme. Our book will forever keep you thinking of the end times.

>> No.2411510

Oh come on, I thought you left!

>> No.2411512
File: 60 KB, 1280x983, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Together the external entirety of Time, Nature and the Son materialize the higher organism that is God, which exists as the fourth dimension, responsible for the sophistication, management, and the evolution of Man. The three are completely reliant on the others presence, meaning that if one of them was to disjunction, the other two would most definitely rupture and vanish.

>we NEED nature.
>we don't NEED experts.
>we hate those who say we don't NEED nature.
>any 'expert' who makes the claim that we don't NEED nature, is NOT an expert.

>> No.2411514

>I just reported this board

and yeah, me too.

>> No.2411537


Show me where this is in the Bible and you get a cookie.

>> No.2411557
File: 133 KB, 1920x1200, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These people are the enemy, they're trying to teach you dumb so that you don't care about your natural instincts, including your perception, and they are attempting to kill us for the money they earn. They are not experts, they serve their pockets, they are slaves just like you, and they know it - they just don't want you to know, so they can earn and live comfortably. Each thing you learn within education is propaganda, and its' poison, all of these schools, colleges and universities deserve to be burnt down and abolished from society.

Any theists, anyone who claims they believe in God, need to learn their faith, and quick, there is enough of us to create the biggest resistance that would ever be witnessed. If we don't take out the enemy at the source, we destroy the planet, and our life-force with it. If you don't care, then you're not Theistic, and not a believer in God. If you do believe in God so you'll be reborn upon dying, so that you can do good things, then you want to learn the truth. There is only one God, and it's reality, not fantasy, although it is depicting. The bible is metaphorical. Look.

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

>this is describing the passage of God from the viewpoint of MAN, in the same way God created the passage of MAN, through the viewpoint of God. Think of it as a mirror.

>> No.2411558


>The three are completely reliant on the others presence, meaning that if one of them was to disjunction, the other two would most definitely rupture and vanish.

Awesome. How do we go about killing time and/or nature? Let's get on that, I wanna see this shit.

>> No.2411582

You seem to have some misguided ideas about evolution.

For starters, nature or natural selection are not the driving force of evolution. Changing environmental pressures are. If circumstances in africa 2 million years ago had remained static (ie the selection pressures remained the same) then H. Erectus would have never become H. Sapients. Because of the chaotic nature of evolution surely Chao(s) should be considered the driving force behind man's development.

Also it is not the strongest or the fastest or the smartest organisms which survive. These are usually the first to die out. The only survivors of change are the most adaptable to new situations. Those who are rigid and inflexible always fall to the chaos of the world eventually.

>> No.2411596

in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti !B.0X4iZ/uM got a good point, we should all play zelda ocarina of time, a great image of a triforce in the first post

>> No.2411599

even CERN is religious. With the statue of shiva doing the cosmic dance of "revision" Science can not survive without religion. and religion can not survive without science. Science+Religion=Divine

>> No.2411615
File: 1.53 MB, 1920x1080, 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I've wrote is descriptions of both the elements, I've played the part of the being that is present watching them both.

>'the face of the deep' is the face of man.
>'the face of the waters' is the face of man.
>'the Spirit of God' is the Son of Time and Nature (Heaven and Earth).

2-Dimensional Intelligence
3-Dimensional Intelligence
4-Dimensional Intelligence

>> No.2411625
File: 601 KB, 1920x1200, eagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2-Dimensional Intelligence
3-Dimensional Intelligence
4-Dimensional Intelligence

>> No.2411630

Holy shit. I've been awake 24 hours and I just had 300mg of caffine and AETHER IS STARTING TO MAKE SENSE!!!


>> No.2411633


Except that the principles that allow a religion to stand undermine science, and the principles by which science works undermine religion. With a religion, ANY religion, you have a set of core premises that you aren't allowed to question, ideas that are held sacred and must be accepted on faith. As soon as you cordon something off and say you aren't allowed to scientifically examine it, as soon as you designate something as "unknowable", you aren't doing science anymore.

>> No.2411634

In the wisdom Consciousness created Origin.
And Consciousness hovered over the Torah.

The water is the Torah. All chars in the Torah are the original consciousness.

>> No.2411639

Aether = Dark Matter.

>> No.2411648 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 1066x943, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one God,
The Torah is a book, and nothing more than a book, same with the Bible, Tao Te Jing, Quran and any other transcript considered to be holy - the only thing that matters is Man, and Man required God.

>> No.2411657
File: 156 KB, 767x1092, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one God,
The Torah is a book, and nothing more than a book, same with the Bible, Tao Te Jing, Quran and any other transcript considered to be holy - the only thing that matters is Man, and Man requires God.

>> No.2411665

Exactly. Even though some scientific "dogma" is almost universally unquestioned. If a testable hypothesis refuted there is no part of science which prevents people from changing their beliefs. Furthermore there is no regret about having held a false belief to be true. It was the most probable explanation at the time. Most religion cannot survive this because their principals are based on "absolute truths" which are non negotiable and hard to change without losing faith in the entire system.

>> No.2411670

>>2411615 fixed
2-Dimensional Intelligence
3-Dimensional Intelligence
4-Dimensional Intelligence
(GOD, alias ZEUS, THOR)
5-Dimensional Intelligence
7322-Dimensional Intelligence

Prove me wrong or acept it!!!

>> No.2411671
File: 16 KB, 872x531, 1295226687548.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'the face of the deep, and the face of the waters' - are you claiming that I am only one of these faces? How many times have I told you and your heathen obstructed mind, the human construct of '1' does not exist. The binary form of '1', which accounts as the opposite of 0, does - but they're totally different concepts.

>> No.2411673

Oh man now I see two aethers! I should go to bed but the caffeine demands I read!

>> No.2411687
File: 322 KB, 1608x2001, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is proof in this thread that:

1. You have been lied to.
2. God exists.
3. We require nature.
4. Experts are not really expert.
5. Educators are trying to enslave and kill us.
6. Theists are as one, for there is only one God.
7. Theists account for Man.
8. Atheists account for Abominations.

>> No.2411699
File: 4 KB, 126x112, !..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that matters in this illusion is your behavior absolutely nothing else matters beyond this.

All of those books Al-Qur'an, The book of changes, The Torah. Are allegorical stories.

In the Ancient Orient, all religion was more or less a mystery and there was no divorce from it of philosophy. The popular theology, taking the multitude of allegories and symbols for realities, degenerated into a worship of the celestial luminaries, of imaginary Deities with human feelings, passions, appetites, and lusts, of idols, stones, animals, reptiles.

We taught our children in ancient times with these allegories. It's a form of milk. While the Adults prefer the secret initiations of the truth It's in a form of protein.

Any adult caught believing these allegories are thought to be nothing more than simple children trapped inside the body of a adult vessel.

>> No.2411720

There is proof in this thread that:

1)You´re trolling
2)I´m Trolling
3)Pikachu is god
4)I´m Bored
6)Pizza is great!
7)Garfield is an awesome cat
8)God loves giving AIDS to newborn african babies

>> No.2411721
File: 696 KB, 1000x981, 25.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the significance of this post? If you were trying to teach me the reason for Gods, I know, already, but thank you for the information I didn't know. However, are you in agreement with what I've said or do you simply have an opinion of it?

>> No.2411733

We are telling you the way we designed it from the start. Whether or not you believe in what you do or don't will be your own downfall.

>> No.2411739

We have not only the power to reveil but also the power to re-veil as well.

>> No.2411741

>The bible is the greatest piece of fiction ever created.

there OP, fixed it for you

>> No.2411747

>1. You have been lied to.
There is no such thing as objective truth. Truth is always subjective, in the eye of the beholder in other words. Truth is the consensus of the masses.
>2. God exists.
Again gods existence is not an objective truth. God cannot exist if there is nothing to conceive of him.
>3. We require nature.
Perhaps, perhaps not. Humans could not survive without our cousins (other animals and plants).
>4. Experts are not really expert.
Depends on what you mean by expert. An expert surgeon could easily and proficiently preform any number of surgeries, as well as advise other on how to do the same. Can he or she then be considered an expert?
>5. Educators are trying to enslave and kill us.
What do you mean by educators? The school system, universities, personal mentors?
>6. Theists are as one, for there is only one God.
That depends on who you ask. Again the only truth is what people think.
>7. Theists account for Man.
What a "man" is is decided by the consensus of mankind. There are no clear cut role models for humanity.
>8. Atheists account for Abominations.
How do you define an abomination, something which is abnormal, then what is normal, what makes it normal

>> No.2411754


Sir Issac Newtons Cabala study. Newton issued the end of the world at 2060. You either accept all of his science or you accept none. in which case would make you look like a idiot in the field of science surely?

>> No.2411761

einstein cabala studie revealed the secret formula of E=MC2

either you accept his sources or you quit science?

>> No.2411774
File: 134 KB, 1333x1318, 28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meaning that you wouldn't like humanity knowing, correct? Then you are not 'we', stop continuously lying to yourselves - you are also not illuminated, for that, only we can become.

Are you our friend, or are you are enemy?

>> No.2411776

this guy is making idiots out of all of you. I fucking love this lol

>> No.2411787

Newton's 2060 prediction was based on the Bible (Revelation and Daniel). It has nothing to do with science.

>> No.2411794

>he believed the world COULD end in 2060 AD. (Newton also had many other possible dates e.g. 2034).

Either way religious beliefs =/= science.

>> No.2411795
File: 17 KB, 350x342, 1295223931600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I speak for Man, you speak, for Illuminati. If you cannot be one of us, then you are one them. Do you understand this?

>> No.2411803

Grammar is the mechanics of a language. Also Grammar is the Trivium of education known as part of the liberal arts. And the work he did would also fall under cryptology as well. Science none the less.

Your opinion is diluted in our presence.

>> No.2411805


>You either accept all of his science or you accept none.

No, that would make it a religion, and not science. Science doesn't work like that. Isaac Newton was just a man, not a prophet, not a god. He had some particularly useful ideas in the field of physics, but also believed in alchemy, among other bizarre ideas. We can embrace his understanding of physics because we can see that it corresponds to reality (mostly; a few adjustments are needed here and there, but it's pretty damn close). We don't have to accept anything else he says if it sounds like bullshit.

>> No.2411810

All parts of science are interchangeable and disposable. Just because somebody has one thing right, does not mean he has a complete understanding of the big picture. Each theory must be judged on its own merits, although theories from popular scientists garner more attention, they also receive closer scrutiny. You seem to be confusing scientific thinking with religious thinking where everything a certain person (prophet) says is automatically true.

>> No.2411831

Actually its very boring
The only reason why its popular is because of religion
The pagan and Greek religions are way more fun as far as the story is concerned

>> No.2411834
File: 55 KB, 237x235, 1295225006072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it you believe you're above Man, in which case, you're a cowardly liar.

>> No.2411842

Or the vikings. Loki is the original misunderstood anti-hero.

>> No.2411847
File: 39 KB, 281x441, Morte U Mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


D&D mythology got a leg up on all y'all.

>> No.2411854

Hmmm d&d mythos is just a sad ripoff of Tolkien and magic adventure fanfic.

>> No.2411862

yeah that's the pagan religion

>> No.2411868
File: 127 KB, 660x376, Shield-Trinity2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Spiritual Layer
1. Encryption
2. Compression
3. Development

The Mental Realm
1. Encryption
2. Architecture
3. Creation

The Physical Realm
1. Compression
2. Composition
3. Creation

1. The Spiritual Layer [is not] the Mental Realm.
2. The Spiritual Layer [is not] the Physical Realm.
3. The Mental Realm [is not] the Physical Realm.
4. The Spiritual Layer is God.
5. God is the Mental Realm.
6. God is the Physical Realm.

1. SL + MR: Encryption.
2. SL + PR: Compression.
3. MR + PR: Creation.
4. Developing + God: MR + PR Developing.

>> No.2411871


Not if you're talking Planescape.

>> No.2411881

Hey strangly opinionated anon. Care to comment on this >>2411747

>> No.2411883

>shit just got real

>> No.2411893
File: 75 KB, 404x573, lucis (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're asking me to prove the insignificance and untruth of the concept of '1' with the concept of '1'. All your claims are based around 'Oneism', the belief that anything and everything can be proven through the man-made construct of one.

Me: "Oneism is stupid and Evil"
You: "Prove it with ones"

Impossible. Just stop posting, you're a parasite.

>> No.2411906

Are you a Grammar?

>> No.2411911
File: 182 KB, 1920x1080, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are weak, if there was ever a time to attack, it would be right now.

>> No.2411916

The question does not make sense.

>> No.2411931

Sorry I don't understand your definition of 'ones'. Do you mean individuals, a number or some concept I am unaware of.

>> No.2411937


Then are you a magnet?

>> No.2411939
File: 20 KB, 504x328, eye-horus-tattoo-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a shroud?

>> No.2411940
File: 2.34 MB, 2208x1469, mauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's what unification is about

welcome to /sci/

>> No.2411945


How many people telling you to leave /sci/ and never come back is it actually going to take?

I've seen countless threads that you've been in, and it has been made very clear that no one wants you around here trolling, whether or not you're Aether.

>> No.2411950
File: 21 KB, 433x329, Linkmahboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aether my boy. This non-science is what all true trolls strive for!

>> No.2411953
File: 55 KB, 262x599, horus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times do I have to tell you that you're a parasite that needs to be wiped out of existence?

>> No.2411973
File: 61 KB, 306x599, atum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see, maybe, I need reassurance.

>> No.2411975


Well, considering that this is the first time i've ever even actually posted on /sci/, and i chose to waste my first post trying to help you understand how arrogant, ignorant, and annoying you are, i'd say you need to make sure someone shouldn't be saying that to you.

Also, watching boondock saints doesn't make you some sort of prophet.

>> No.2411981
File: 35 KB, 985x195, ego aether this is stupid they don't listen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He *is* aether, and he has shown time and time again that he won't stop, even if he's convinced that nobody wants to hear him. There must be a little voice in the back of his head that keeps telling him to post. It's like he's schizophrenic or something...

Anyway, don't bother.

>> No.2411992
File: 64 KB, 276x599, osiris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're still an abomination, you just don't know you are, this is the end of the discussion between me and you. Do one.

>> No.2411995



>> No.2412007 [DELETED] 


It's interesting, because you're so quick to push your ridiculous crap on us, but the second you're confronted, you dismiss the conversation.

I will agree that your name is my least favorite to see floating around.

>> No.2412011


>you just don't know you are
>Do one.


>> No.2412012

But seriously can you expand on what you mean by "one"

>> No.2412015
File: 118 KB, 550x832, art-sign-of-one-darius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh lawd is dat sum Sign of One

>> No.2412019
File: 53 KB, 348x482, Ammut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one who worships Oneism, tell me a theory that you believe which doesn't revolve around the mathematics system reliant on the numeral '1'.

>> No.2412037
File: 107 KB, 400x500, nu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of your theories are based around the number '1'. Here are some concepts that derive from the number 1:

-Physical Evidence Superiority

Without the concepts of the three listed above AND any other concepts/theories that are based around Oneism (the usage and full trust in the number 1, even if the trust is subtle, alike it was normal), what theories do you have? Name me some.

>> No.2412038

Nature vs Nurture

>> No.2412047
File: 45 KB, 281x441, Morte No Fucks Given.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nothing you're saying makes sense anymore.

I can't even figure out why you're posting Egyptian gods at us now.

Get some therapy.

>> No.2412050

Well there is Nihilism if you remove all those things from your perspective. I suppose you could call that the belief in zero or null.

>> No.2412061
File: 36 KB, 273x599, Isis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gravity is based around the concept of the number one; it's held that Gravity is a force that only pulls mass to earth by giving them weight, depending on the magnitude - when truly it's the universal vector, that stabilizes man, it does not only 'Pull'.

>> No.2412066

Or... nihil.

>> No.2412078
File: 59 KB, 289x599, set.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That depends what you believe 0 to be. Before numbers, all was 0-value existence, there was nothing of value, and everything was considered nothing (incognito) - so all WAS value, rather than individually valued.


>> No.2412089


Except gravity is a force by which every object in the universe is pulling on every other object in the universe with a force roughly proportional to the product of their masses and roughly inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. I say "roughly" because Newton laid it down as fairly exact, but Einstein showed he was off by a little bit.

Incidentally, we know that Einstein's model is off bit a little bit too. It just works well enough for most purposes, and we don't yet have a better one. Hell, Newton's model works well enough for most purposes: as Einstein put it, it was "close enough for government work".

>> No.2412090

gravity also pulls light, and is not a force generated only by earth.

>> No.2412091

But gravity has nothing to do with self or individuality. It simply states that all matter attracts to all other matter. There are equations which can quantify gravity but the 'theory' of gravity is just a simple qualitative statement abstract of mathematics.

>> No.2412093
File: 29 KB, 204x259, Nihilus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2412107
File: 44 KB, 497x600, 497px-Cristo_redentor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I Have A Better One

>> No.2412114

If all was value, then who was phone?

>> No.2412129

Exactly my point. Non zero values originate from people. Not the universe and not from a perfect god but from fallible human beings.

If you can argue that something a person values is based on nothing then you have proven that human's beliefs can and are inherently abstract and meaningless.

So since all human beliefs can be argued as meaningless, and the universe provides no inherent values, then Nihilism is a plausible option.

>> No.2412142
File: 16 KB, 914x737, ref.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you're putting Faith into something that isn't true. Without sparking your "OMG TIMECUBE HE CRAZY" genome, the theory of timecube, more specifically the rotational mechanism between the Sun and Earth, is perfectly accountable, and doesn't use the concept of the number one. The Sun revolves around the Earth, inducing the Earth to revolve around the Sun.

>> No.2412153


How the fuck did you get from point A to point B there? This makes about as much sense as Jared Loughner's YouTube videos, seriously.

>> No.2412167
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Are you seriously trying to say that Timecube makes sense?

>> No.2412177

You're retarded, you deserve hell, and I see no reason why we cannot force it upon you.

>> No.2412187

Technically the sun does little circles as the planets go around it but they are very very tiny circles.

>> No.2412193


>>The bible is the greatest piece of art ever created.

Yes, and as fiction, it's wonderful.

>> No.2412194

Ok let me try to explain. If there were no people tomorrow, what would be right and what would be wrong. Would torture and rape still be evil?

>> No.2412197 [DELETED] 

Technically, no. You're retarded. You, yourself, are composed of opposites. Gravity is created by the attraction between opposites, not a force from the centre of the universe.

>> No.2412201

That actually already happens, every action has a reaction. With gravity, the sun also feels a pull from earth. If earth was large enough and close enough, the sun would wobble around, and that is certainly observed.

>> No.2412202


probably because you're not god, huh.

>> No.2412209
File: 14 KB, 334x309, trinity2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically, no. You're retarded. You, yourself, are composed of opposites. Gravity is created by the attraction between opposites, not a force from the centre of planet-type structures. We exist empirically, a physical force cannot pull our empirical structure, it would be like having no mind, no spirit, just physicality.

If there was no us tomorrow, there would only be right, for we are the only species with knowledge of Good and Evil.

>> No.2412212


Ethics and morality are societally-determined, so I think you know that without society, the question is "no they wouldn't, but it wouldn't matter".

What I'm saying is: how do you get from gravity to ethics? How does understanding a physical law affect morality one or another?

>> No.2412219


Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Are you the guy who originally MADE Timecube? Are we really looking at "them man, the dickhead, the LERGEND" here?

Seriously, dude, get some help. You obviously need it.

>> No.2412221

We do not exist empirically. We are composed of smaller components. When we die thats it, shows over, no thoughts no feelings nothing.

>> No.2412222

Well EK, it seems that it doesn't matter if we report the thread. I just got back from office hours and still it's going.

>> No.2412224


>>Gravity is created by the attraction between opposites, not a force from the centre of planet-type structures. We exist empirically, a physical force cannot pull our empirical structure, it would be like having no mind, no spirit, just physicality.

metaphysical gibble-gabble. do you have any proof of what you're spouting or are you parroting some existing idiot?

oh yeah, and any sort of explanatory phrase will not contain a slur. work on it puppy and we'll see you next time.

>> No.2412225


art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction art fiction

>> No.2412231

I think your confusing my arguments with somebody else. I wasn't talking about aether's silly 'one' concept but non-zero values as being positive or negative connotations which people hold as empirical constants

>> No.2412234


I don't think you know what "empirically" means.

To say that we exist "empirically" means that we exist a way that can be demonstrated, tested, observed, and for all intents and purposes proved.

Which we can. We can demonstrate that we do exist beyond a reasonable doubt.

Crazy timecube guy is not wrong when he says that our existence is an empirical fact. He's wrong about damn near everything ELSE, but not this.

>> No.2412235
File: 60 KB, 280x600, shu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smaller empirical components. Saying that we exist as entire physicality does not account for the impulse(s) we receive from touching the physicality of others. Each smaller component is an atom, and atom is formed with Empirical components, Mental (accounts for the given impulses, colour, etc), Physical (accounts for the structures, etc) Spiritual (accounts for the growth and healing).


>> No.2412238
File: 2 KB, 103x126, aethertroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice quads

oh thats right, they dont yet.
... but they will soon.
your days are numbered, aether, you little faggot!

>> No.2412240
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>> No.2412248
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You mad because it's right, right?

>> No.2412249


I don't think it knows what empirical means either...

"Derived from experiment and observation rather than theory"


"[archaic] Relying on medical quackery"

>> No.2412255

Yes your component molecules are empirical. They can be pulled by a physical force. This has been proven. Just because your atoms are arranged into a person does not mean they are exempt from basic universal laws.

>> No.2412256
File: 7 KB, 222x252, 1295909854802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An atom is empirical.
We are made of atoms.
We are empirical beings.
The theory of Gravity is based on the notion that Gravity pulls Physical mass, impossible for us to be pulled by it then, because we are Empirical beings.


>> No.2412257
File: 21 KB, 179x220, So Stupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Gravity is created by the attraction between opposites, not a force from the centre of planet-type structures.

Pic related.

Einstein's theory of general relativity, which is the current model used for understanding gravity, showed that gravity exists as a distortion in space-time. There's a model you can make right in your own home to get an idea of what this means: place a bowling ball in the middle of a mattress and roll ping-pong balls across it. The bowling ball will distort the surface of the mattress, and the ping-pong balls' trajectory will curve in accordance with the mattress.

This isn't an experiment to prove what Einstein established, just a model so you can sort of visualize how gravity works. Gravity has nothing to do with opposites attracting and everything to do with matter distorting space and time.

Incidentally, ALL matter distorts space-time like this. Even a speck of dust. ALL matter has gravity.

>> No.2412271
File: 40 KB, 427x599, Go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As your picture was related to your post, I didn't read it, as your picture was stupid and irrelevant.


>> No.2412273
File: 36 KB, 512x384, Boeuf Bourguignon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Préparation : 1 heure
Cuisson : au moins 5 heures

Ingrédients (pour 4 personnes) :
- 600 à 800 g de pièce à fondue pour bourguignon
- 4/5 oignons
- 4/5 carottes
- 1 bouquet garni
- sel, poivre
- 1 bouteille de vin rouge assez bon
- 100 g de beurre

Préparation :

Détailler la viande en cubes de 3 cm de côté, enlever les gros morceaux de gras.

Couper l'oignon en morceaux. Le faire revenir dans une poêle au beurre. Une fois transparent, versez le dans une cocotte en fonte de préférence.

Procéder de même avec la viande mais en plusieurs fois, jusqu'à ce que tous les morceaux soient cuits. Les ajouter au fur et à mesure dans la cocotte. Ne pas avoir peur de rajouter du beurre entre chaque fournée. Quand toute la viande est dans la cocotte, déglacer la poêle avec de l'eau ou du vin et faire bouillir en raclant pour récupérer le suc. Saler, poivrer, ajouter au reste.

Recouvrir le tout avec une partie du vin et faire mijoter quelques heures avec le bouquet garni et les carottes en rondelles.

Le lendemain, faire mijoter au moins 2 heures en plusieurs fois, ajouter du vin ou de l'eau si nécessaire.

>> No.2412282

Maximum trolling in here. Why do you guys even try?

>> No.2412284

So then we fly off into space due to centripetal force. And dont say we aren't affected by that either because there are fucking amusement park rides which prove you wrong.

>> No.2412287



>> No.2412288
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You read it. I can tell. You just didn't respond because you know that you're wrong.

>> No.2412294
File: 307 KB, 473x745, TrollBarbossa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2412301
File: 29 KB, 450x407, Oppression (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The theory of Gravity is incorrect, and the effect of having your mind and spirit 'float of into space' is an effect that we gain through the education, our mind becomes 'nothing' our spirit becomes 'nothing', as space, in actually, is nothing.

NEXT (I'm on a roll)

>> No.2412322


Except empirical existence isn't separate from physical existence. We are made of atoms, as is EVERYTHING THAT EXISTS. Atoms can be empirically proven to exist, as can EVERYTHING MADE OF ATOMS. Atoms are physical, so EVERYTHING IS PHYSICAL. Everything that is physical is subject to physical laws, thus WE ARE SUBJECT TO GRAVITY, AS IS EVERYTHING.

>> No.2412325

Hi aether, how's it feel to understand something most people don't?

not much fun unless you can tell them how much they don't understand, right?

isn't it masturbation to sit here and explain superior thought to the ignorant for your own pleasure?

I thought you gave up masturbation.

If you had anything of value to say you'd say it to those with ears. Tossing your pearls before swine is just like spilling your seed upon the earth. You are the filthiest thing, disguised as the purest.

be well.

>> No.2412331

>the theory of gravity is incorrect
How... what... buh? Your mind and spirit are permanently attached to your brain. They aren't something separate.

For a while I wasn't convinced that you were trolling due to your insane detail and commitment. But your recent posts are tipping my opinion that you just may be trolling.

But enlighten me; the theory of gravity is wrong. Why is it that things fall? Where does the energy for acceleration come from?

>> No.2412340


>> No.2412348

Physical existence is a part of Empirical existence, meaning that Empirical doesn't cancel to Physical in any way, but rather Physical accounts to the complete Empirical factor, in this instance, an atom. It would be relatively believable if you claimed that Gravity pulled Empirical Atoms, but you didn't, you claimed it pulled Physical.

>> No.2412354


Stop trying to reason with the unreasonable.

>> No.2412376
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>> No.2412398


At the moment I'm thinking he's an egotistical maniac with delusions of grandeur and disorganized schizophrenic. The subject is likely male, between the ages of 34-48 and has a minor criminal record. Judging by his rants he is probably prescribed low strength medication but does not regularly take them. He has strong family values, although his family often rebukes him.

>> No.2412402

Sense in general dipshit, you cannot detect 'sense' physically, you would require your mentality to detect 'sense'.

End of discussion. In this thread:
Proof of God, Gravity Disproved, Proof of the Importance of Nature and Proof of Empirical Truth.

>> No.2412441

Well its good to know gravity isn't real and all my atoms can dissassociate due to nuclear forces.

Also god is real and hates people for some reason.

Nature is also important for us. Not that it matters since the earth is going to stop orbiting the sun (no gravity remember)

Oh and even truth has been proven true.

But why are you leaving aether since your on a roll, dont you want to disprove sound waves or electicity?

Perhaps >>2412398 was a little too close to home for you eh?

>> No.2412459

The earth was created by the sun. Like a Solar dew drip out from a ejection came the earth. a ocean of liquid heat. dusted by near galaxy explosion that coated the earth. For all components come from the sun. And this dimension you call universe runs off our fuel hydrogen. For without our fuel all stars shall die.

>> No.2412471

There is Gravity, Gravity is alike vector magnetism, it's essence is between mass, not in the centre of all mass.

>> No.2412477

The sun earth did not come from the sun. They both formed from the scattered remains of a previous sun. Our sun is mostly hydrogen and helium. If we came from the sun were did the Iron and sillicone which our core is made of come from?

>> No.2412483
File: 13 KB, 389x301, angelica has a poroblem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Prove something which cannot be detected exists.

Describe the color blue to a blind man.

>> No.2412484

This is true. Hydrogen is the Man particle whilst everything else is the God particle .

>> No.2412491

Actually that was just guessing, I must research on your words of wisdom though, you seem to know how shit works.

>> No.2412507
File: 26 KB, 302x195, 1295315765637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: unsubstantiated and untestable claims

using the masterful techniques displayed in this thread, I might say that I am a deity myself.
use evidence to prove my statement invalid.

>> No.2412511

Ok so the earth kinda flew out of the sun one day and got coated in star dust?

As someone else tried to say the earth is mostly heavy molecules created by very old suns but our sun was quite young when the earth formed, how could it miraculously spit out a huge chunk of iron, lead and uranium millions of years before it was even finished fusing its hydrogen?

Furthermore how could this ball of molten iron escape from the sun? enough force to get away would allow it to leave the solar system but any less would lead to it being drawn back in.

>> No.2412521


Way to clear namefeild.

You are a celestial faggot.

>> No.2412522

Physically: Impossible to disprove (Oneism).
Empirically: Deities are in the mental realm, so you're not one, unless you are THOR.

>> No.2412528
File: 180 KB, 428x510, 1285418416202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh aether
never leave here, we love you too much

>> No.2412529


It's official.

You are the most ignorant self satisfied asshole on /sci/.

Take everyone's advice and get out.

>> No.2412530

You want me to clear my Name field? Are you a shroud ?

>> No.2412532
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>> No.2412535


No, i'm just wondering if you realize that you responded to yourself under the same tripcode.


>> No.2412543
File: 3 KB, 209x215, 1294185319752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God i have been waiting for this moment.

>> No.2412544


Think about it from the blind man's perspective. What good reason does he have to believe you? You COULD demonstrate the benefits of being able to detect colors, but you'd have to do it on his terms (i.e., in a way he can detect), not yours. He still won't be able to detect blue, he'll just wish he could.

But OP still hasn't demonstrated A) that what he claims is true or B) that there is any benefit to believing it in the absence of evidence. There is literally no reason to accept OP's claims, because it's apparently not true and we don't gain from the illusion.

>> No.2412565

You believe in a deity conceived by vikings to be "the one true god"? Thor isn't even the chief norse god. Odin is.

>> No.2412579
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>> No.2412580

Shut up faggots, when I said that was just guessing I was referring to "everything else being the God particle". I already know the MAN particle.

God = Nature, Time and Soul.
Man = Courage, Wisdom and Power.

I'll apply science to this to find out whether or not which atoms/particles are God and which atoms/particles are Man. (cells). BRB.

>> No.2412589

Sorry guys but he wasn't samefagging. the double post was justified to clarify what he had said. The "you seem to know how shit works" part was directed at the illuminati namefag.

To prove I am not aether I will say the following:
Science is not based on the worship of the number 1

>> No.2412596

>I'll apply science to this to find out whether or not which atoms/particles are God and which atoms/particles are Man. (cells). BRB.

>whether or not which atoms/particles are God and which atoms/particles are Man. (cells). BRB.

I'll BRB when I've found out whether or not some particles/atoms are God and some particles/atoms are Man. (cells) BRB.

>> No.2412600

I fucking love that aether's grand design of the universe does not feature 'logic', 'reason' or 'knowledge'

>> No.2412605


Also samefag.

You lose, faggot. give it up

>> No.2412615


That's the funniest thing I've seen all day.

>> No.2412619
File: 167 KB, 450x450, Aether porn2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here....

>> No.2412628
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>> No.2412629
File: 29 KB, 255x352, Reflection (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never lost a thread on /sci/, let's get that clear; I have been told I've lost by singularity abominations in hope of them deterring onlookers from seeing the true content I post, but that's about it. I'm the flawless 'troll' that only speaks the truth. You can't handle the truth.

>> No.2412639

How can you use a oneist system to prove your claims if that system is false?

Also, circular logic and statements without foundations are silly.

>> No.2412659
File: 11 KB, 259x194, Reflection (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a oneist system, MAN and GOD would be an opposite (symmetrical) system. Also, circular logics are better than dot or singularity logics.

>another glorious truth.

>> No.2412678

sage because you are all retards for feeding the trolls

>> No.2412681
File: 21 KB, 500x333, ENDLESS OPTIONS FOR RENEWAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2412689

Not admitting defeat and/or walking away from an argument does not mean you have won it.

You ignore people when they challenge you and hide behind your self proclaimed superiority.

Your method of gaining knowledge has no foundation and since you dismiss every piece of proof thrown in your direction, you cannot verify your theories.

Your method of solving problems comes from one point of view and is made so that it can't do anything but confirm that point. You believe that this is what makes what you believe 'truth', while it's actually an example of circular logic.

You never won anything, and you never will.

>> No.2412703
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>> No.2412705

>complete truth in the whole thread
>no flaws
>God proven
>Gravity disproved and amended
>Empirical truth proven superior
>Natures importance proven
>trolls and sages desperately waiting for some way to deter readers and manipulate the truth into lies.
>see a post that wasn't even a mistake, and didn't really have anything wrong with it.
>direct all attacks at that post to attempt to make the previous posts/truths lose credibility
>continue focusing on this point for the rest of the thread

>> No.2412710
File: 84 KB, 1112x417, aether lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Oh aether, you so crazy.

>> No.2412715

>I've never lost a thread on /sci/
In Hitlers own words he never lost the war either.

Unlike hitlers germany however we live in a democracy, and because a majority decides you've lost you've actually done so. Being butthurt about it won't change a thing.

tl;dr hitler was a good christian but he denied the truth, just like you.

>> No.2412716

Circular logics have no value because you can use them to prove anything, even what is false.
Therefor you cannot tell whether your 'truth' is right or wrong unless you step out of your circular logic.

>> No.2412727

hey I (>>2412589) moved on, the rest of the people resent you personally so they misinterpreted it. I am above ad hominem (at least during debates) and am willing to continue.

Tell me would god exist without people?

>> No.2412733


Ah, but that's where you're mistaken.

Every time you post a thread, it ends with every single person who had been a part of it aside from yourself thinking that you're an idiot troll, and you sit there and soak up your self satisfied ignorance because you think ANYONE agrees.

>> No.2412735

>God proven
>Gravity disproved and amended

You can't push faith a long way, but when you argue that gravity is disproved that instantly signals you're a troll.

From your performance of the last days a troll with far far too much spare time.

>> No.2412737

If by 'amen' you mean 'LALALA, I'm right, bye bye!', then you've proven me right

>> No.2412742
File: 17 KB, 274x222, laughinghitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still thinks we lost the war 'Empirically'

>> No.2412747


Oh my god did that really happen? That is FUCKING HILARIOUS.

>> No.2412764

the Bible is the best selling book of all time, by far. maybe even combined. nothing else comes close.

>> No.2412769
