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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 41 KB, 388x500, Michael_Faraday_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2410912 No.2410912 [Reply] [Original]

>Have class in the morning
>Have class at noon
>Have class in the afternoon
>Don't go to class

University general.

>> No.2410919

>exam tomorrow
>not going to revise
>my subject isn't even sci related

>> No.2410927

>didn't study for first exam session
>got 2 exams on 6 anyway
>next session is on thursday
>only studied half the week last week

>next semester planning
>no class on three mornings
>3 lectures on wednesday morning
>the fuck

>> No.2410933

>Exam on next monday
>Haven't visited a single lecture
>Didn't open book yet
>Study 60 hours the next 5 days

I hate myself.

>> No.2410934

this pretty much sums up my university experience

>> No.2410937

>can't prepare for exam due to (serious) sickness
>write exam
>talk to prof about resit
>study & write exam again
>worse than on first try

>> No.2410940

My college transcript looked like professional wrestling:


>> No.2410975

>Only have six hours of classes in a busy week.
>Never attend.
>Have three 400 page books per subject.
>No other preparation than online powerpoints for tests.
>Score above average (B- or A- usually).
>Mfw I realize I've squandered my potential.

>> No.2410981
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My face.

>> No.2410997

Spoilers: If you're a lazy fuck you don't have any potential.
Thinking 'oh if only I had worked I could have gotten that much more' is wrong. You failed to work, therefore you are a failure. Stop defending yourself.

>> No.2411005

>degree in maths
>enjoy it all
>attend all lectures cause who doesnt love maths

>> No.2411013
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>have exam in 16 hours
>10 hours pass
>begin to panic and begin to study
>no sleep at all
>go to exam with a massive headache and an "caffeine overdose"
>be only person to get 100%

>mfw I later discover that I was also the only person who passed the test

>> No.2411021
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>start uni taking 22 credits, double major mechanical engineering biology
>work ass off for b's and the occasional a in applied maths
>flabbergasted at inanity of what constitutes undergrad biology education in america and premed classmates
>modify courseload to hit school-suggested path
>last term: 12 credits, straight a's
>this term: try to relax, sign up for 8 graded credits, control theory pass/fail for math minor and martial art credit for insurance purposes
>start interactive tech advertising hardware company
>auto show gig for scion overlaps with first set of midterms
>reschedule exams, get to say "my company has a gig"
>everybody walk the dinsoaur

>> No.2411029

>have 15 page research paper to write over the course of a semester
>turn in all related assignments on schedule
>have everything done except for actually writing the thing
>get no sleep writing it the night before it is absolutely due

Fuck yeah. I'm pretty sure I was the only faggot in that class who actually turned in all the work on time, though...lazy people, man...

>> No.2411030
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>ace in midterms
>Full of confidence, stop studying&party hard
>Final exams approach
>Study generally, think you ace again
>All questions are made from side notes of an 300+ pages of a book
>faces of everyone entered the exam

>> No.2411031

>Exam at 9:00am today
>Came home afterwards
>Dicked around online for a couple of hours
>Had a wank
>Decided to take a nap
>Woke up
>Completely dark outside
>Have an exam at 9 tomorrow that i haven't started revising for yet
>Browsing 4chan while eating a toastie


>> No.2411040

>got a mornig class
>fall asleep
>mfw is really late
>lose that fucking important class
>an hero when I noticed that professor took a quiz

>> No.2411041

>Have nothing to do but research/write thesis
>sit at home and fap all day

>> No.2411047
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>exam today (optics, 2nd year undergrad)
>been procrastinating on 4chan for past 5 days

>> No.2411048

I agree that if you are lazy then you are currently worthless. This does not negates potential however - merely makes the potetial pointless unless you can overcome your issues.

Raw materials are no good if you don't work them, but they still have the potential

>> No.2411052


ITT classic stuff on uni jajajajajajajaja

post moar studentfaggots

>> No.2411054

My point was that you can't apply potential to something that has already happened.

>> No.2411055

go kill yourselves

>> No.2411057
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>be honors English degree fag
>realize you can't afford law school or grad school
>decide to earn a teaching certificate, then take it from there
>mfw "education" classes
>mfw the American educational system

I still cherish my liberal arts degree.

>> No.2411059


1 more

>> No.2411070
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>> No.2411083

Unless you went retarded and can never ever apply yourself now, you still hold the potential. If a piece of metal is left on the floor and is not touched for a a year or for a thousand years, it still has the potential to take on another shape if it is heated and processed.

>> No.2411084

"liberal arts" and "cherish" should not be used in the same positive sentence.

>> No.2411096
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>have 9am lecture
>attend because I it's a lecture course I enjoy
>spend rest of day working on masters project because I enjoy that too
>mfw people are paying money to not attend lectures
>mfw I don't understand whether it is because they are lazy fucks, or just don't enjoy their courses

>> No.2411098
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>> No.2411108
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Liberal arts degree ohh the lol

>> No.2411118

But if someone with potential dies without realising it, did that person actually have potential?
I guess what I'm saying is that not doing something is exactly the same as not being able to do something.
Since they are not able to get off their lazy asses and do something they want to do, it means they are not full of potential, as they would choose not do do shit.
Contrast this to like an olympic runner who was full of potential but lost both his legs in a bizarre t-shirt wearing accident. He was destroyed potential.
If you do not get off your lazy ass, you are not wasted potential, you are just a waste.

>> No.2411127



>> No.2411129

The end result is the same, strictly-speaking, but by its very definition potential stands for what could become under certain conditions.

In the same manner, I consider the lazy but gifted to be somewhat like inert chemicals in need of a catalyst - they can be put to use, but in their current state they are no different than waste.

>> No.2411133

>Have a week to do homework
>Start 4 hours before class
>Finish with an hour to spare

>> No.2411164

>attend lectures, maths is interesting
>get home, revise the day's lectures briefly, do some questions
>Hours of free time left

why don't you guys just do work as you get it? I don't get it.

>> No.2411165
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>> No.2411167

go kill yourself
be an hero

>> No.2411175


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

>> No.2411192
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>Attend to every class
>Do homework most of the time
>Score above average in every class
>mfw I don't see the difference with High school

>> No.2411211
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>science and maths

Take your bullshit to /cm/ or whereever else it belongs

>> No.2411213
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>Finish toastie
>Now would be a good time to start a new file in Heart Gold!

>> No.2411220

>3 weeks to revise for lectures
>8 episodes of Stargate SG-1 per day

I think I might just finish the series

>> No.2411228

wtf ?! Are you my roommate ?!

>> No.2411243

go kill urself too

>> No.2411395
File: 56 KB, 550x550, reading-is-for-faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk 2 miles to school thru freezing balls snow
>attend classes
>hope to meet my future gf ;_;
>walk 2 miles to home thru freezing balls snow (lol commuter student)
>not much homework, have a hard time anyway
>worry about no job this semester
>no gf still
>strugglan thru college, 1 day at a time

>mfw when I have to read shit instead of doing problems

>> No.2411437

My last two weeks:

> Have to study for physiology exam the next day.
> Play Mirror's Edge instead.
> Have to study for Genetics exam
> Play Batman Arkham Asylum
> Have to study for bioinformatics
> REALLY have to study for Molecular cell biology
> Timesplitters 2

>> No.2411460

Is medicine /sci/ related? Because I hope to study that at University next year (Britfag)

>> No.2411466

>have a class early morning
>have a class late evening
>fuck my life

>> No.2411480

yeah it is annoying but gives you time to study/do homework. Deal with it.

>> No.2411490


>> No.2411581

>Community College
>Taking Gen. Eds before transferring to UNH
>No science this semester

>> No.2411602

My thought process for the week:
>Well, if I get my pre-labs done early, I can do my homework for physics on Tuesday
>If I do my physics homework early, I can do my strength of materials homework Tuesday night
>This means I can do my circuits homework early on Wednesday
>If I can manage all of this, I may just be able to study for my midterm the next day or read half the Iliad
Fuck this quarter.

>> No.2411626

>Monday have class at 10, 1, and 4:30
>skip first 2, go to last one
>shit I already know, browse the internet while the professor talks

>today 1 class at 12
>get 12 hours of sleep
>still tired
>go back to sleep wake up at 2
>feel pissed for some reason
>browse 4chan
>see science thread
>quickly stop recursion

>> No.2411629
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>Never go to class
>Read book a few times over a couple of weeks.
>Ace tests and quizzes
>mfw I Destroy the final with my dick

>> No.2411646
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>Wake up 6:30.
>Actually get out of bed 6:50.
>Do morning shit.
>Go to 2.5 hour Physics lab.
>Return to room.
>Practice piano for an hour.
>Work on my art commission for an hour or so.
>Alternate between /sci/, studying, and piano for the next few hours.
>Commit a few things to memory.
>No exams for like two weeks.
>Aside from some Calc homework, have a free night.

Dat CS schedule.

>> No.2411649

I hope you enjoy your philosophy major.


>> No.2411660

Sorry, Chem Major.
It'll be different next semester, though.

>> No.2411712
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>pay money
>don't go to class
>spend equal or greater amounts of time studying out of a book

>> No.2411736

spend 7 hours a week reading a book instead of 2 hours a day?
This is only for my gen eds mang

>> No.2411742
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>5 hours of sleep over the coarse of the weekend
>class starts at 9
>its a lab day so i'm not done until 5
>little break between classes
>lab has extended groups
>me and partner get grouped with chuckle fucks
>can't wait until these fuckers get weeded out or stop needing chem credits
>this will happen after o chem hopefully (bio majors in lab should decrease as well)
>o chem is next semester

>> No.2411796


When people say "University" without an article like "a" or "the" in front of it, we know you're a britfag.

>> No.2411983
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>Enjoy classes.
>Attend (nearly) all lectures.
>Feel challenged by most lectures to investigate subjects.
>Study reasonably well for most tests.
>Pass all tests with ease.

Problem /sci/entists?

>> No.2412017

>can't wait until these fuckers get weeded out or stop needing chem credits
>this will happen after o chem hopefully (bio majors in lab should decrease as well)
>o chem is next semester

Real biologists go for Pchem and Anal Chem.
Also, you get to deal with the chuckleheads in your own major.
>There are lots of them

>> No.2412081

>Go to all lectures
>Learn something in all of them because I listen to the professor

You know that they're professors for a reason...right?

>> No.2412133
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> have a maths exam tomorrow
> wake up at 10 to go to the last minute maths revision session
> think better of it, sleep.
> wake up at 3
> housemates tell me the session consisted of being told the answers to the last maths assignment.
> i got 98% on that assignment
my face

>> No.2412205


Jesus Christ I think we might go to the same university. Molecular Genetics (not mine, but similar) right?

>> No.2412309

>Report on anal chem, o chem and biochemistry
>Molecular biology test in 2 days
>Histology's seminar in one week, don't even know what's about.
>"Hey anon want to see a movie" "Sure, nothing better to do"
>Same repeats throughout the year.
>Worst grade: 8,5 on a useless subject.

>> No.2412353

biofags are ok they just tend to not be so great when it comes to math
and i am one of those chuckle fuck chemists
the difference between me and the individuals i mentioned is a few pounds of functioning brain matter and will to be excessively careful with my data

>> No.2412368
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>Enrolled in grad school class on cerebral cortex as part of undergrad honors
>Professor emails us yesterday
>"Here's the list of readings for this week"
>It's well over 300 pages of reading
>Class is on Wednesday
>There's also a 15 page paper due at the end of the semester
>I'm working on an honor's thesis which has to be defended by mid-April
>I'm enrolled in physics II which has homework assignments due every 2-4 days, as well as cognitive psych which also has its fair share of readings and assignments
>My face right now

>> No.2412419

>smoke weed
>every day

college fuck yeah

>> No.2412431

>Acting superior to biofags because you're chem major, despite the fact that you're only in second semester gen chem
Yeah, might want to try to tone down that ego bro. You're no better than the pre-meds who think they're special just because they're self-proclaimed pre-meds and enrolled in gen chem and intro bio.

Also, it's worth noting that the pre-meds who don't take class seriously or are far too stupid to be doing science are, for the most part, weeded out by gen chem and intro bio, so actually you shouldn't have to deal with chucklefucks come orgo. Instead you'll be dealing with type A anal-retentive pre-meds whose entire lives are engulfed by their obsession to get into med school.

>> No.2412447
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>went to class today
>came back to apartment
>browsing /sci/
>see this thread
>feel obligated to poast about school
>see others bragging about how tough their classes are
>feel obligated to poast about how you guys are all douchebags on ego trips

>> No.2412454
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>imply ego trip
>be a tripfag
choice is yours

>> No.2412476

Fuck off retard, I bet you are latin american

>> No.2412482

>Finally enrol at university after convincing myself it will be impossible
>Do pretty well
>Pleasantly Surprised

>> No.2412485

I don't like hiding behind Anonymous, and it's not like I'm claiming superiority. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not hot shit, nor do I hold myself in any high regards. Life is a work in progress and I'm somewhere around the bottom right now.

>> No.2412501

Keep your inferiority complex to yourself.

>> No.2412503
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>interested in material but too depressed to study most of the time
>cram for few weeks before exams
>generally get about 80%
>it's a good mark, but not great
>feel worthless knowing that doing well on tests in no way requires any original thinking or creative capacity
>basically learning what smarter men than I figured out from first principles

>> No.2412516

>woke up at 7am for a 4 hour orgo lab.
>while waiting in line to use the IR machine I eavesdrop on the super cute girls conversation infront of me, Shes explaining starcraft 2 to her friend.
>Im in Love
>I have side mission in that class now.

today was a good day

>> No.2412527

>basically learning what smarter men than I figured out from first principles

I think this all day erryday as well Anon.

>> No.2412573
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>see this thread
>feel better about the amount of procrastination I do


>applied mechanics course mid-semester
>multiple choice
>need to get a minimum of 40% to pass the course or instant fail
>think the materials pretty easy, class questions have been easy
>ignore the advice of friends who did the course last semester and browse 4chan / play vidya the week before test
>take the test
>get fucking destroyed by that thing, don't know how to do half the stuff on it
>guessing most of the answers
>2 weeks later result time

and that's why I now study every day during semester

>> No.2412582
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>attend 30 minute lecture
>do 5 hours with of homework with no knowledge of the subject

>> No.2412597

>attend analysis lecture
>given HW and a shitload of assignments
>stare at it for an hour, start doing it the next 2 hrs.
>take a break, play Counter-Strike v1.6 for an hour, and start again.
>2hrs doing it.
>hand it in.
>only one to get 100.
>everyone else got D's and C's.

we haven't even gotten a test yet, man. i know that shit will be hard.

>> No.2412598

>go to lectures and take notes
>don't study at all during semester
>only a vague idea of how to solve problems for each class
>learn a semesters worth of material for four subjects in the study week before exams

>> No.2412616

Should really get me some Adderall. The worse thing (or best?) is that so many of my friends are into varying degrees of drugs I know it wouldn't be a problem. But...money. Also, it would be a bit of a wimp-out.

>> No.2412621

LOL! gerea

>> No.2412626 [DELETED] 

>go to lectures and take notes
>don't study at all during semester
>only a vague idea of how to solve problems for each class
>learn a semesters worth of material for four subjects in the study week before exams

>> No.2412630



>> No.2412645
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>have friend who doesn't study but always gets good marks anyway

>> No.2412652

>One class in morning and one in afternoon
>Go to morning class
>Go to on campus pub
>Spend all day there and miss afternoon lecture
>To drunk to drive home
>Sleep it off in the Arts School computer room (really comfy chairs I'm not in the Arts)
>Wake up get home at midnight

>> No.2412942

>procrastinate and don't study
>get bad marks
>do the exact same thing next semester

>> No.2413000


This man knows what he's talking about. Dont start talking shit until you actually enter the college of your choice. rather than being some pre-chemistry bullshit artist.

>> No.2413074
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> last semester as double major electrical + computer engineering
> two remaining required EE classes scheduled at same time as two remaining required CE classes

>> No.2413130

I envy you greatly.

>Spend all night on 4chan and various related sites.
>Exam at 9am.
>Can of Relentless at 8:30.
>Everything went better than expected.

>> No.2413175
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>pay close attention in class
>write down absolutely everything
>review notes later
>use the textbook whenever necessary
>do extra problems than just the ones assigned
>become friends with profs
>remind myself every day why i'm in university
>predict final exam material as early as day one
>memorize every syllabus
>never ever lose easy marks
>it's okay to imagine a perfect future if it helps keep motivation
>get all A's
>begin thinking about graduate school
>take advanced classes to prepare yourself

>> No.2413202
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>PhD in Math
>Any job I want
>300K Starting

>> No.2413205
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>physics major
>everyone in my hall is history/internationalstudies/polisci/other bullshit liberal arts
>study 4+ hours every night, hear loud music and partying next door all the time
>get mostly Bs, some Cs and As
>everyone else gets As and Bs
>say fuck it, i'm gonna go party
>get Ds in almost all my classes

>> No.2413225
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>Study ass off in Physics, expecting to get Distinction if lucky
>ignore chem as it's fuck easy and HD is assured
>HD in Physics, D in chem

>> No.2413252

>same deal in my dorm
>every time they see me exclaim "where have you been anon?"
>bite back urge to retort with scathing comments about their majors.

Oh its so tempting.

>> No.2413270

>Neurobiology professor goes over nernst equation for yet another lecture
>it's cool though, at least it's easy

>Physics (mechanics) prof doesn't show
>Sub is ESL, I think he was greek

>First real lecture in Molecular bio
>Spends entirely too much time going over material from past classes but flies through new material like a fucking jet
>Get to spend an entire semester learning from my textbook in what is arguably my most important class this semester

>> No.2413287
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>Had class on moday

Stayed home.

>Class today, 2 lectures

Stayed home

>2 labs tomorrow and a test

Have not started studying yet at 8:24PM, my own procrastination is beginning to scare me.

>> No.2413328
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Same thing here, anon.
I signed up for CompSci and I can only take 13 credits this semester, of which only 4 is programming I while the 3 other classes are:
english 101
fundamentals of speech
intro to anthropology

Fuck, I seriously hope to take at least two maths courses next semester + 1 phys and 1 programming.
Also, I'm a freshman, starting CC on friday this week.
>mfw when friday is speech and english 101
>mfw when I've never been to post secondary plus I'm a foreigner in the US and I dunno what to expect AT ALL

>> No.2413352

>five years ago
>don't attend any classes for almost a full semester, stay in apartment, surf /b/, drink, and clean apartment constantly
>fail everything, move home, they wonder if I'm schizophrenic or need to join the army or something
>Wal-Mart and Quizno's, save up money, mostly redeem self in parent's eyes by working hard in two shitty jobs
>return to school, kick ass in Differential Equations and Modern Algebra Take Two, even make Dean's list again
>drink as much as I please in the privacy of my dorm room, impress 18 year olds with my knowledge of the goings-on of campus
>finish degree <3.0, I'm just happy to have the piece of paper.

>> No.2413367

>finish degree <3.0, I'm just happy to have the piece of paper.

That's probably going to be me as well. I want to get on with my life already.

>> No.2413515


yeah, honestly, I'm just proud to have completed the degree, and to have studied something I genuinely enjoyed (math), which is certainly a better "in" to various jobs than studio arts, women's studies or a psychology 4-year degree. My parents were worried that I might have completely forgotten how to do math while working my shit jobs, and I was a bit nervous about differential equations, but it panned out nicely in the end. I have the knack for the undergraduate level, I just had to re-learn my follow-through on courses.

I had a delayed adolescence. Had I applied myself, I could have kicked ass, but to date, undergrad was the happiest time of my life, and I'm content with beta day work-as long as I can get it.

>> No.2414193
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