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File: 16 KB, 450x365, william-james-sidis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2410223 No.2410223 [Reply] [Original]

If William James Sidis was so smart then why is he dead?

christians: 1
atheists: -1

>> No.2410225
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if jesus was so smart then why is he dead?

>> No.2410226

oh my god i just lost my faith

>> No.2410230
File: 81 KB, 500x497, 1282789243709[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Jesus was truly God then why is he dead?

Christians -9001
Atheists +9001

>> No.2410244


> if jesus was so smart then why didn't he really exist?

fixed it

>> No.2410271

he died for our sins newfags, and he isnt spiritually dead

>> No.2410274


if atheist are so smart, why did Jesus resurrect himself?

atheist: -1
christians: 1

>> No.2410345

Actually, Jesus did exist and is a fully historical figure. You can't get away from that, he is as real as Hitler and Stalin, the only debate to be had is if was the son of god or not, which tbh he obviously was not

>> No.2410347

If Jesus was so real. Why is he a fictional character in an amalgam of creation myths?
Christians: 0
Atheists: 1262

>> No.2410357

There is no evidence to suggest that jesus existed. The romans did mention some prophets, and theologists said 'lulz that must be jesus'.

>> No.2410364


you can't 'lose' faith. it's not possible. it has to do with human ignorance. the only way to lose your faith is to stop being aware of things that you don't know.

>> No.2410372


mfw jesus; pwned by son of god

>> No.2410373


>and theologists said


>> No.2410374

I think you'll find the evidence for the existence of Jesus is overwhelming. There is reference to him in numerous texts which all refer to Jesus. Can't be bothered to recall them all now. I'm not claiming he was the son of god, I'm terribly anti-religious but I am very well aware of his existence as a historical figure, there is actually more evidence of the existence of Jesus than the that of julius caesar

>> No.2410379

Hey retard!
I have a degree in history of religion, specializing in the the early church. Let me state this very clearly and explicitly for your benefit.

There is no, as in none whatsoever, evidence that there ever was a historical person corresponding to the biblical jesus. End of story.

However, as there was quite a number of wandering preachers with their own following of "apostles" at the time, And "jeshua" was a reasonably common name at the time, its quite possible (and the opinion of most scholars) that the jesus of the bible is an amalgamation of these.

>> No.2410382
File: 33 KB, 300x225, 1292973908285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One guy hurts somebody with a gun
>Everybody loses their minds and wants to eradicate guns from the face of the earth
>Millions of Muslims stone women for not making themselves look ugly enough
>Nobody even considers removing stones from the face of the earth

Talk about your double standard.

>> No.2410389
File: 251 KB, 540x720, giant-troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if your god is so smart why is he dead?
christians: 1

>> No.2410390

Hey fag, your a fag.
hurts dont it

>> No.2410393

>americans care more about america than sudan
Unbelievable !

>> No.2410395


>> No.2410401
File: 14 KB, 250x250, j-v-z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was killed by a christian
Who didn't like the truths he

>> No.2410430

zenu wins
his name will remain in history forever
jesus will fade
i'll give you an example
everyone knows euclid, aristotel, pithagor
but no one remembers all the names of the roman gods at that time...

theists: -635345
atheists: +999999999999999999..

>> No.2410469
File: 20 KB, 363x360, yourprettygood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2410560


zenu was a philosopher, and not a god? and thus he will be remembered?