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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2407856 No.2407856 [Reply] [Original]


Ever had any run ins with the police?

A couple hours ago my dumbass friend was walking around with a toy gun. Apparently some functioning retard tipped off the police in thinking it was real.

As we continued to walk through the neighborhood we were stopped by about two police cars.


I figured it was a couple psychos that were going to senselessly kill us.

"Well, looks like this is it. Didn't think I'd go out by getting shot execution style, but whatever" I thought, as I was getting into position.

Gotta tell ya though, I feel like the police officer was a bit excessive. You know, he'd reminded my friend that if he moves, then his guts will be splattered across the sidewalk, among other things. It just seemed like a classic example of a cop with a small dick, you know.

During the whole situation I wasn't so much scared as I was embarrassed. Thinking "God, now I'll end up having to explain this whole mess to everybody..." etc.

After the thing was over, an older lady walked to us and comforted us by explaining how her son went through a similar situation, and how he's now suffering from post traumatic stress. She insisted that he was being excessive, and if I need comfort I could contact an her personal email that she provided.

Of course I don't really care. I mean, I was just laughing through embarrassment the entire time. I'm pretty sure my friend was scared, though.

I got the police officer's card, though. I don't know. I'll probably prank phone call him or something later on. Seems really lame & pathetic, however.

>> No.2407874


>> No.2407876

Stop whining, and it has nothing to do with science.

>> No.2407880

Holy projection batman

Police man make little boy feel small and scared?

>> No.2407892

>she wants to fuck

>> No.2407893


Isn't this only in the UK?

>> No.2407909

was kinda fun to read OP, don't do it again though, OK?

>> No.2407925

do it, cops are dicks

>> No.2407928
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Not quite as intense as yours but..

I was walking with my girlfriend through a public park a few weeks ago, about an hour before closing. We're walking on a nice path through the trees and just talking quietly to each other.

In the distance, we see a cop car pull in the parking lot. He see my car parked there and goes up and takes a look. He doesn't see anything inside so he decides it's a good idea to bust out the super spot light on his car and just start waving it everywhere.

After like 15 minutes he is still keeping up the waving as we walk out onto a path visible from the lot. As soon as he spots us shines the light on us for like 5 minutes. Mind you, this is a very bright light.

Eventually he stops us on the way back to the car and tells us to leave. I tell him the park closes at 11.

>Look at watch

Get in the car and wait and drive slowly out. Left the gates exactly as my clock struck 11.


>> No.2407931


Fool, the old lady was hot for your body, hence the email. Hell, she probably set the whole thing up with her nephew, the cop.

Shoulda tapped it, bro.

>> No.2407950

Not science. If /r9k/ wasn't such a shithole before it went, it would go nicely there.

>> No.2407953


>complaining about an obvious /new/ thread in /sci/

hey, moot deleted /new/ what fucking else is supposed to happen?!

>> No.2407984

nobody is projecting.

I was laughing during the whole time, in fact.

Started this thread to see if anybody had any police stories.

>> No.2407994



>> No.2408009
File: 29 KB, 350x450, 4_22_schiavo_terri2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh suck a dick.

>i'm going on 4chan to follow the rules