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2407298 No.2407298 [Reply] [Original]

Any premed, med or doctors up in /sci/? Could you please help me out.

>High school GPA
>classes you took or would recommend one taking in high school

Thanks bros.

>> No.2407303

Fuck off premed faggot

>> No.2407307

High school doesn't matter.

Med schools won't ask for high school gpa.

Also, high school classes are shit; you'll get pwned in entry level. Yes, this also applies for "AP".

Also, underage b&

>> No.2407311
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I'm a sophomore in high school, y u mad?

>> No.2407314

Funny how many people came intro freshman year undergrad with AP credit and failed their asses off.

>> No.2407329


Meanwhile I'm a 23 y/o freshman who had a 2.5 high school GPA and I'm getting straight As with ease. It's fucking hilarious.

Then again, they all have social lives and I'm a friendless loser, and everyone in my age group already is well underway starting successful careers...

>> No.2407335
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>High school doesn't matter.
>Med schools won't ask for high school gpa.
What will they ask for then?
>Also, high school classes are shit; you'll get pwned in entry level. Yes, this also applies for "AP".

So classes I take don't matter

>Also, underage b&

>> No.2407342

>23 y/o
>everyone in my age group already is well underway starting successful careers...

Ha ha, no. Getting a job with a fresh degree is a bitch.

>> No.2407349

Not the guy who said those things, but he's right. They care about undergraduate GPA, recommendation letters, your volunteering activities (helping homeless, clinical hours, blah blah). This is one case where your undergraduate institution may matter, for normal graduate schools they have the right outlook of who gives a fuck where you went.

College is balls easy, people just have their priorities badly balanced. You 23 y/o freshman cause of military? or just late bloomer...

>> No.2407352
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>biochem major
>orgo 1 class last sem
>prof is explaining how to name *insert functional group here*
>premed faggots in the front row constantly ask inane questions to the effect of "Should we name it 2,4,6-trinitrowhateverthefuck or 1,3,5-trinitrowhateverthefuck."
>every. fucking. day.

>> No.2407359
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If they no get A, they no get into good med school.

Not a lick of sense among them. Just memorizing old tests and academic bulimia on exam day.

It makes me sick. Some of them even call themselves scientists.

>> No.2407366

I finished my BS in computer science about a year and a half ago and was well on my way to beginning a new an exciting career in IT, but I just realized I hate it, so now I'm back to square one. I'm 24 years old. No worries, if your lost, you're not alone.

>> No.2407367


If by late bloomer you mean I was a basement dweller for 4 years then yeah that's me. Plan on having my drivers license done by the summer, that way at least I can be alone in new and interesting places besides my house. Baby steps. I'll get fuckawesome grades, get a good job and be rich and alone.

>> No.2407378


the methyl functionality takes president.

>> No.2407387

Shit I have a girlfriend and am doing well in grad school and my plans still involve being rich and alone. You'll learn how awesome that can be.

>> No.2407396

How is naming molecules even relevant to today? You can just write computer algorithms to name them, jeez, what a waste of time.

>> No.2407405

">Med schools won't ask for high school gpa."
Are you an idiot? They only care about your MCAT, your college GPA, and lab work type shit.

Yes your high school GPA does matter, but only because it can help get you into a better University. Alternatively, you can just say fuck it, do mediocre, go to a junior college for 36/24 credits (quarter/semester) and then apply as a transfer student with free college credits, and an easy-as-shit 4.0

Doesn't really matter. I wouldn't recommend the CC route just because your friends will think you're retarded, but it doesn't really matter.

PS: You wont be a doctor. You'll end up switching either because it's too hard or other shit is too interesting.

>> No.2407409

If you can't name molecules you'll look like an idiot.

>> No.2407407
File: 29 KB, 432x288, 1289104762446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How high of an undergrad GPA?
>If they no get A, they no get into good med school.

explain please.

>> No.2407421

Get good grades in high school to get into a good college.

Get good grades in college to get into a med school.

My advice, take AP bio in highschool and then dont get college credit for it. The class will prepare you for bio 101 and bio 101 will prepare you for the other bio classes.

The drop out rate for my bio 101 class was 60%, most of the people who passed had taken AP bio but were still doing bio 101 in college.

The people who skipped over bio 101 because they got AP credit got their faces slammed in bio 102.

>> No.2407429

>If they no get A, they no get into good med school.
Med schools are swamped with applicants. If they see an app that's 4.0, massive volunteering hours at a hospital, extracurriculars, and etc, then compare your perfect application sans a 3.8 GPA, there is no reason for them to take you.

And there are a hundred thousand of the former. If you have under a 3.75, either you don't go to a good med school or you sucked some serious dick.

>> No.2407436


Not true, but I wouldn't want to get lower than a 3.5 GPA in undergrad college for med school, and if you have a 3.5 then do well on your MCATs and have a lot of experience.

I would say get a 3.8GPA in highschool to play it safe.

>> No.2407442


> I would say get a 3.8GPA in highschool to play it safe.

I would say get a 3.8GPA in college to play it safe


>> No.2407446

"you'll look like an idiot", but as a scientist I don't care much for looks, memorizing procedures is a waste of time -- time that could be used otherwise more effectively learning more useful knowledge.

>> No.2407458


This is why premed students are pretty much the worst people on earth. They only care about their grade, they will literally cheat to get an A, and they are forced to put in countless hours "volunteering" when they honestly don't give a fuck, but they do it anyway because it'll mean a fat MD paycheck at the end.

Premeds, enjoy being horrible people and enjoy scooping geriatric turds. Also, enjoy probably not becoming doctors anyway.

>> No.2407464

I'm always surprised to hear the fail rate for bio 101. Shit is so easy compared to other science classes. Chem 101 is way hard, Phys 101 even harder. How can anybody not pass bio 101?

>> No.2407473

Grad school here.

GPA doesn't matter anymore, just need to keep a 3.0.

3.0 = 4.0.

Also, undergrad GPA for high school is meh. If you have a 3.0 and awesome research experience you'll get in before someone with a 4.0 and only some research.

Profs love to see in LoR "sure, student X got a C in my class, but he went missing for two weeks, did poorly on the exam for those two weeks, but came back with tons of data on the project I assigned him to help with."

It's way better than the LoR "student y is excellent. He can answer any question I ask and aces all my exams."

We can already tell that from your damn transcripts; your profs are just parroting transcripts because they can't say shit about your research capabilities.

>> No.2407477
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Meanwhile they learn almost nothing, and a Md/PhD publishes a paper in J. Diabetic. Med. about a novel method for determining the area under dosage curves, and 25+ people cite him.

>trapezoid method for detemination of definite integral
>Tai's method
>dozens of doctors can't spot the difference

>> No.2407478

So you're saying that googling the name of every molecule in a paper is more efficient than learning how to name them in an introductory class?

>> No.2407485

where the fuck do you live that 101 classes matter?
AP shit prepares you for 101, but you don't even get credit for your major until the 200 sequence.

btw, the fail rate from my 201->202 class was 28% this year.

>> No.2407512
File: 28 KB, 320x320, 1295023894641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I remember reading that in some other thread. Not even knowing about integrals... Doctors, are you even trying?

>> No.2407508


depends where you go.

chem 101 was a "show up and you pass" class for me.

bio 101 was my hardest class yet, i suppose the professor made a difference too.

>> No.2407525

It's easy, but it's also a bunch of shit nobody cares about, with no real organization.
Everything in physics follows logically from the previous thing, if you're not a retard. Chemistry, less so but there's still a logical rationale behind the material you're tested on.

Bio101 is a clusterfuck of phylogenic names, species morphology, and other shit.
I'm a synth. bio PhD. student. Bio101 was the most worthless class I never had to take (my uni took AP Bio instead of it, but I had to teach people taking it and I sat through some lectures to see whether or not it was as shitty as they were claiming). It's not hard, per se, just lots of memorization, no logic, no real understanding of the material.
AKA, the worst kind of science.

>> No.2407529

Doctors suck at math. So many of them don't even understand P values in statistics. They do whatever it takes to get perfect grades but they literally don't know anything.

>> No.2407537


>phylogeny, morphology

>no logic to them


>> No.2407539

right. Biology is not a math science. You don't have to be good at math to do biology.

>> No.2407546


Looks like someone's never taken an upper level ecology course.

>> No.2407569

phylogeny uses some math but it's not like physics, where there's an singular model where everything falls underneath it and everything (tries) to build on top of it. Biology is a bunch of scattered topic with no mathematics to support it. That's why a lot of physics prof. hate biology. Or at least a few of the ones I know. It doesn't fit into their neat little mathematical world order where everything is clear and makes sense. Every biologist has his own way of doing things.

>> No.2407582

I go to a new york state school with a top notch medical school. We're known for our biology program and we have a high volume of pre-med students.

our pre-med program is:
1 year of general chemistry
one year of biology (cellular/molecular and organ/physiological, no ecology whatsoever)
one year of organic chemistry
one year of math (calculus and/or statistics)
one year of physics
one year of writing

High school classes barely matter. If you wanna get off to a good start, get going with calculus and AP science classes.

>> No.2407588


The more complex the system, the harder it is to study. Biological systems are the most complex systems humanity have ever encountered. Naturally, studying those systems would be challenging.

If your system can be mathematically modeled into deterministic results, your system is simple.

Biologists can model some of the systems mathematically, but the model isn't plastic enough to explain all biodiversity. The systems are too complex to fit neatly into several equations.

>> No.2407589

Let me guess... SUNY Buffalo?

>> No.2407595

Depends on the biology. I took up to BVP and diffy Q's as electives because I love math, but so far
>Molecular/Cell Undergrad
>2 years of Synthetic Biology PhD work
I haven't had to use any of the later stuff. Most majors will only require two years of calculus, and barely use that much.

>> No.2407614
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In physics, I can start with the simple assumption that there are particles in a gas and they have mass/momentum, and derive the ideal gas law.
I cannot start with the fact that this latin name means bony fish, and end with a phylogenic statement about elephants.

>> No.2407613


>> No.2407621


>he can't tell the difference between nomenclature and phylogeny

>he's googling the word "synapomorphy" after I hit enter and get dubs.

>> No.2407622

I wish. That was my first choice.

>> No.2407628
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check them

>> No.2407643

another anon here
i wanted to go to med school, but i dont have the 3.5 or above. might go to pharmacy school with a biochem degree

>> No.2407645

Do grad schools ask for your major GPA, or your overall GPA?

>> No.2407651

Stony Brook!

>> No.2407652


Both are important. Your major GPA plays a larger role but your overall GPA has to be good enough to get into the graduate school (not the program you're applying to).

>> No.2407663

Oh well, close enough. UB > Stonybrook, though.

>> No.2407671

Hahaha, and what if you dont have your precious computer on you?
Basic skills like understanding nomenclature are ESSENTIAL to good lab work

>> No.2407704

yea thats like being

"im great at history! i just have to google everything!"

>> No.2407717
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If you need to google EVERYTHING you might as well not have your degree.
You might as well just sit at home, reading wikipedia and slashdot.
Arguing with other people with the hope of gaining knowledge.
My god.

>> No.2407720


Stony Brook here too bro, I hate all you premed fucks.

What year are you? Dorm?

>> No.2407753

I went to Loyola University Chicago, which is a pretty big pre-med school too. Your High School GPA doesn't matter. But you should try to do well in high school so you can get into a college that's known for pre-med, like Loyola! Loyola's not even that had to get into, it's just an expensive school.
When you do get into college, major in biology (which should be easy, I hope, for your sake), maintain at least a 3.5. Start studying for the mcat as soon as possible. Find a professor who will let you work in there lab (there's lots at Loyola). And then cross your fingers.
Good luck!