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2406674 No.2406674 [Reply] [Original]

I am addicted to Coca-Cola... cant send a day without drinking it, ... how can I overcame this addiction?

>> No.2406677

That's the caffiene you're thinking about.

>> No.2406681

No, it's the sugar

>> No.2406712

Don't know what you find attractive about sodas, too much sugar.
Two glasses and i'm already disgusted.
Or alcohol.
Or cigarets.
Or drugs in general.
... Or sex.
Or social interaction.

Well, i am pretty boring, i guess.

>> No.2406730

Most, if not all of those things, can end up being terrible for you anyway, so you're not missing much [in the long run]. Anyway OP, you might want to try weening yourself off of it. If you drink, say, an unhealthy six cans a day of the stuff, cut back to 5 the next, then 4, and so on. You'll have headaches, but that's bound to happen either way.

>> No.2406740
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>> No.2406759


>> No.2406777


Just stop. There's no 'trick' to it, exercise some willpower you flabby-souled weakling.

>> No.2406795

stop buying it?

>> No.2407647

It's not as addictive as cigarettes, right? Well, get this. My mom's 50 and quit smoking cold turkey after spending most of her life as an addict. She did this during a period of immense personal stress, and isn't a particularly calm person. If she can do that with smoking, you sure as fuck can with COLA.

>> No.2407666


If you're REALLY a pussy, cut it down to a coke a day. Then a coke on M-W-F. Then only once a week. Then once every two weeks, etc. At any point, if you don't care about it anymore, just stop.

If you can't do this, you're a faggot with no self-control who needs to check into rehab. Over soda.