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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2406078 No.2406078 [Reply] [Original]

Haven't done math in years. Help?

>> No.2406088

2x = 36
x = 18

>> No.2406085

2x + 5 = 41
2x = 46
x = 23

>> No.2406095

It's 2x squared

>> No.2406096

There's a square in there, bro.

>> No.2406093 [DELETED] 


>> No.2406098

Shit, now I see the squared.
2x^2 = 46
x^2 = 23
x = +/- sqrt 23

>> No.2406104


>> No.2406105

the other person forgot the exponent

>> No.2406107

x= +/- 3sqrt(2)

>> No.2406111

Forget everything I previously said,

>> No.2406117


>> No.2406119

Or even +/- sqrt 18.

>> No.2406120

derp I meant


>> No.2406121

Change side change sign dude.. They not teach you that in high school?

>> No.2406124

Since this board went to shit, my basic arithmetic has been poorer than usual.

And that's bad. Yes, I'm gonna blame others for this one.

>> No.2406129



>> No.2406130

They didn't teach me any maths in highschool. Too much of a reprobate, I'm afraid.

>> No.2406133

this thread is pretty derp

>> No.2406146

>17 posts to answer this question

Seriously /sci/?

>> No.2406151

ITT engineers and philosophy majors doing homework

>> No.2406153
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>> No.2406164
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I'm sorry man, I don't mean to be a dick, I don't want to insult your intelligence, I'm sure you're a respectable man/woman, and I don't doubt your capability in anything that you put your mind to.

but >mfw simple algebra

>> No.2406169

2x^2 + 5 = 41
2x^2 = 36
x^2 = 18
x = +/- 3(2)^1/2

This guy's correct.

No. Because, no. You have to break it down. You can't leave it as sqrt(18).

>> No.2406180

Nobody outside of highschool gives a shit about "simplest radical form." That said, OP is in highschool, so he should care.

>> No.2406181
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>mfw middle school kids on /sci/

>> No.2406190
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>> No.2406194

oh fucking tit nuggets, I forgot about plus or minus.

You have to put that in front of any radical that you solve for, in this case when you take the square root of x^2 = 18. Since both negative square root of 18 and positive square root of 18 get you 18 if you square either of them.

>> No.2406204

This thread seriously made me lose all hope in /sci/

I could do this in my head to get 4.2, but most of you can't even do basic order of operations

>> No.2406207

also really, the plus or minus doesn't matter unless you've got some kind of extension to the problem, like if the equation were, instead of = 41, = y. Then it would be a function. If someone said "this is the function of number of potato chips devoured by a neckbeard over time, find the time at which the neckbeard has devoured 41 potato chips" You would solve it in the exact same manner, except you would disregard the negative square root of 18 because that would be an erroneous answer, as a negative time doesn't make any sense when you assume that the origin is the start of the event.

>> No.2406209

hey bro, it's not like you have to pass a test to post on this board

>> No.2406213
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Try this on for size

>> No.2406224

I pleased that you have such a vast intelligence. How about a meaningful contribution?

>> No.2406242



x= 18^(1/2)

>> No.2406244


>Nobody outside of highschool gives a shit about "simplest radical form." That said, OP is in highschool, so he should care.

The fuck? Where the fuck do you go? ASU?

That's bullshit. Even in the higher-end courses, it's expected that you break that shit down. Just because you were able to pass Algebra 1 & 2 doesn't mean you forget the fundamentals.

>> No.2406247

Thats neither Eulerian or Semi-Eulerian

>> No.2406253





>> No.2406259
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>> No.2406272
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>> No.2406278

But in the real world (i.e. the 99.99% of people who aren't mathematicians), surd forms are fucking useless.

People like decimals.

>> No.2406298

This is why we need new janitors, stat.

>> No.2406308


>> No.2406333

2x^2 + 5 = 41
2x^2 = 41 - 5
2x^2 = 36
x^2 = 18
x = +/- 3sqrt(2)

>> No.2406336

2x²+5=41 | -5
2x²  =36 | /2
x² =18 | √
x =+- 4.242640687119285

pew pew

>> No.2406363

I honestly can't tell if you guys are trolling or are serious.

>> No.2406369

Why do you faggots keep answering this?

>> No.2406407

So /sci/, for the love of god. What do you do first? Do you divide the fucking equation by two first or you take its square root? Let's clear everyone's head.

>> No.2406420
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>> No.2406426

>Do you divide the fucking equation by two first

>or you take its square root?

>> No.2406449
File: 10 KB, 800x600, math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2406477

2x^2+5=41 subtract 5
2x^2 = 36 divide both sides by 2
x^2 = 36/2 simplify
x^2 = 18 take the square root

x= sqrt(18) and -sqrt(18)

>> No.2406900

Is this one possible or have i just been trolled of 5 minutes of my time here on earth

>> No.2406944
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Not sure if possible

>> No.2407090
File: 83 KB, 1134x757, Impossible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not possible