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File: 118 KB, 700x1107, human.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2405366 No.2405366 [Reply] [Original]

Homo sapiens appreciation thread.

It is good to be in a species so intellegent and powerful.

>> No.2405373
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lol no.

Bear master race reportan

>> No.2405374
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>> No.2405380

If you think that you're 'intellegent' [sic] and 'powerful', then you truly know nothing.

>> No.2405381

Tardigrades here.

Humans are faggots!

>> No.2405388
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>> No.2405410


around 3:30 in, supposed to be against theists but transfers well i think.

>> No.2405506

Stop posting, tardigrades, this board is for humans. You can't post here.
You don't even have fingers.

>> No.2405525


>> No.2405529



it is not the SPECIES that is so "intelligent" and "powerful". We are a species of mendacious apes who for the most part MISUSE our most powerful tool, brain, to make assertions of BAFFLING STUPIDITY and ABSURDITY.

Look at the prevalence of belief in religion, metaphysics, and morality.

The fact is that most of our members are LOWER THAN WORMS since worms would not even have the capacity to make the mistakes and errors we do.

""Man is beast and superbeast; the higher human is inhuman and superhuman: these belong together. With every increase of greatness and height in man, there is also an increase in depth and terribleness"

>> No.2405547

actually the more appropriate quote would be

"Ye have made your way from the worm to man, and much within you is still worm. Once were ye apes, and even yet man is more of an ape than any of the apes. "

Although the two go together in asserting that an increase in depth and potential go hand in hand with a wider range for ERROR and SUCCESS.

Could any bird willfully press the big red "nuke" button?

>> No.2405571

We are intelligent and powerful.
All other beings that we have to compare are animals and stuff..the it surely applies.
People say "we are stupid" by sheer ignorance.

What COULD make them think that we are dumb because we "could be" betters that written language made possible that the whole specie had the benefits of exceptionally clever and hardworking people, so all the special things we have conquered today couldn't be made by the average guy.But instead of thinking that, they believe that the conquests(made by exceptions) are the standards for human..then they think that people are idiots for doing what they do.
(my verification showed a "theta" this time)

>> No.2405637
File: 614 KB, 414x600, doom marine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does somebody have the Berserker Probe copypasta? Because there is a serious lack of prospective xenocide in this tread.

>> No.2405679
File: 35 KB, 310x475, book of man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even assuming the non-existence of supernatural phenomena, there is single dogma of Abrahamic and Chinese Monotheism that would make me support both regardless of any belief or lack there of, Dominion. Dominion is the single greatest social construct ever concieved. For it does not give the universe over into Man's hand, but instead demands that it be taken by force.

It matters not whether dominion is the will of the Gods or the constuct of man. It does not matter whether it was given to us or we took it by strength of arms, we have it now and we will never let go.

Man is the measure of all things material, for he alone holds the measuring stick. And if there anyone who does not like our measurements, we will use that same stick to bash their brains in.

>> No.2406150

>>2405679 This is true. Though domination can be a good concept. Not the violent form that you use. I believe what we have is a domination of reality. History is dictated by who wins war. Eventually it will become the best ideas that dominate reality by victory of thought not violence.

>> No.2406345
File: 847 KB, 604x598, implyingemperor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that you can't have both forms of victory simultaneously.
>Implying that violence is always worse for all parties than peace.
>Implying using our brains to enslave all non-huaman life and harness all natural phenomena, and put them to our own ends is not violent in spirit.

Always get the job done. That is your first, last, and only priority. If you need to be raving manic spraying bullets and declaring all aliens an affront to your God, do it. If you have to be a scheming manipulator that drives billions to war while professing peace, do it. If you need to be a cold scientist who calculates every action that you ever contemplate to within an inch, do it. If you need to be an authority worshiping zealot who gives freely of himself and serves his Empire without question, do it. Humanity has no nature, except this: we endure. No sacrifice is too great, no price too high, no road too long. We will get the job done, no matter what.