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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2403829 No.2403829 [Reply] [Original]

Nature is more technologically advanced than our human nature technology.

>> No.2403834
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>> No.2403836

sages saging sages saging sages

>> No.2403848

nature cant sage like me

>> No.2403853

we have made elements.

>> No.2403854

why you troll this?

>> No.2403876
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We didn't make nature, but it made us.

>> No.2403879

the human body/ brain is more complex than science

after all, science is only the deliberate part of the brain; the relatively immature cortex

>> No.2403893

He's right though.
However, we are catching up. We've only recently got around to actually working out how life works and all the billions of tiny chemical systems that makes it all tick.

>> No.2403895


just in time to destroy ourselves...


catch up to what?

nature catching up to itself?

>> No.2403903

Catching up to actually being able to reproduce the marvellous feats of chemical ingenuity that nature does on a regular basis.

>> No.2403917

wtf is human nature technology?

>> No.2403923
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Think about it people. I know the truth, I can see the Demons behind the kind name of Atheism, I see what they're trying to do with your mind, and I see those people who choose to be Atheists as they're too dumb to measure God. It's a disease and you really need to get help.

When you speak of "the Father," you're talking to your mentality.

When you speak of "the Mother," or "Holy Spirit," you're talking to your physicality.

When you speak of "the Son," you're talking to your inner child, the life force that allows you to develop and reproduce.

Your mind, body and soul is not yours if you believe in science, you are Fatherless, you believe the word of others instead of the truth, you don't have freedom of speech, imagination or will, you're completely restricted. It's your brain, not theirs. It's your heart, not theirs. And it's your soul, not theirs.

You don't have to refer to your mentality as 'the Father,' but why would you want to lie? It's the truth. The mentality is existent, you do have mentality, your mind is not completely physical, it's courier may be, but that's your mother (nature). Do you honestly believe what you see, hear, feel, smell and taste is completely physical as oppose to mental? Then you're retarded.

Space is not Physical, in any way, shape or form, it's the external Mentality. Mass is not Mental, it's the external Physicality. The developing mechanism between the two is the external Spirituality.

Seek the truth, or live stupid, and die evil.

>> No.2403940
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Think of it like this,

"You think with your ears and not your eyes."
"You believe what you hear and not what you see."
"You live life with one eye blind."
"You're unable to think the opposite of what you're taught in education, you allow the teachers to program you like them, and then you leave education with certain focuses that are oblivious to what's actually happening,"
"There are criminals, because there is an enmity between civilians,"

>> No.2403950
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Think of teaching and preaching Atheists as Routing,
They are coloured Red (ignorant, evil, impure, liars), and they broadcast to the classroom or peers with information that isn't true, but seems as though it is, turning you red, and you begin the same process.

>> No.2403959
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In conversation you continue to pass this information onto others, in an 'Any Cast' style, rather than broadcasting - it's very subtle, you weaken others into believing what you've been told.

>> No.2403966


sounds a little redundant tho, eh?

or do you mean like flying like birds

in which case i'd agree with you

>> No.2403972
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You then have 'Multicasting', where you're targeting a specific audience, such as Buddhists, if a thread is created by an undercover Atheist, claiming to be about Buddhism in an attempt to persuade Buddhists that their Religion is not Religion, but is rather a branch of Atheism, these select few are weakened or fully converted from their natural free state. This is the current objective of Atheists on this board. If a thread is made claiming that certain Religion are not Religions, it's an attempt to dilute and convert people to the Atheist side.

>> No.2403983
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You then have Unicast, where they select a certain person and do their best to provide information that seems correct or 'normal' to convert the solitary man or woman to be an Atheist, or weaken their belief in things that are not Atheism. For example, someone believes in Morality, and Atheist will select the post and claim that Morality doesn't exist, and provide evidence that seems true, but in actuality is a concept (a lie) built upon human truths (concepts: lies).

>> No.2404003



>> No.2404007
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Finally, Geo casting, this is how the Atheists attack worldwide, and is the foundation to modern day Atheism, because most of the world is not aware, especially in the Whites Domain, anyone who thinks against Atheism is usually tagged as crazy by those people who still believe God or Theism to be fairy-tales or completely mythical.

Just a warning, don't think that Atheists are nice or truthful people, they want to enslave you with a cyclop mentality to serve the Government and Fake-Scientists as slaves; whilst the rich, powerful and fake-singularity-knowledgeable fly away in spaceships or command billion dollar yachts in the ocean. Either way, you're insignificant, soulless, meaningless and have no reason. So why would you want to be you? Be no-one, no-one is the complete opposite.

>> No.2404029

Well it seems you really are ignorant of how the body works.
The body is the most complex set of highly tuned chemical reactions known to man. It is a nanomachine machine. We are all the metal terminator from T2, except when we break apart into little bits the whole system shuts down and we fail.

>> No.2404033
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They're even trying to restrict your freedom on this board, almost every single thread has around four or five Atheists (or one Atheist reposting) reporting, saging or desperately putting together words to make you seem like a troll. They want you to have no freedom, they're trying to enforce the rules rather than accept your opinions and allow your freedoms. How many "reported" comments do you see a day? It's not the Theist threads that are the problem, because they're aimed at Theists, it's the Atheists who desperately enter the thread trying to suppress any friendly Theist discussion, they're the only ones complaining, reinforcing that enmity that was put between us by purposely acting Evil, as a deterrence to friendly and progressive Theistic discussion.

There are two types of people in this world, Theists and Atheists. You are born Theist, you come from nature, Atheists, come from the Government. You are either completely natural and free (Theist) or completely the opposite (Atheist).

The Atheists are the problem on this board. It takes a wise man or woman to notice this, if you don't, please don't claim intelligence, because you're a weak and intolerable program.

Case closed.

>> No.2404037

How many cocks can aether take up the ass?

Rumour has it only pope ratzinger knows the answer.

>> No.2404053

Pope has multiple cocks?
brb catholicism

ITT PFSS demonstrates evangelical christian tendency to twist words around and pretending to be victims

But he does it in such a roundabout way that it can hardly be called science.

>> No.2404054
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You're the Government pet! You've permanently got a dick up your ass! You're in no position to talk, this is your life:

1. Wake up
2. Find free people who have their own opinion.
3. Try and enslave them, call them dumb, provide seemingly correct evidence.
4. Find free people who posted threads aimed at other free people.
5. Call them dumb, report the thread and continuously sage in an attempt to cause disarray amongst the people that actually wanted to contribute.
6. Enforce rules wherever you go like a little pussy who phones the cops whenever he gets in a fight.
7. Repeat.

This is the life of an Atheist abomination. If you want to be an Atheist, go ahead, there is nothing stopping you, just make sure you actually notice how retarded, parasitical and pathetic you are compared to real humans.

>> No.2404058

>There are two types of people in this world
No, there are over 6 billion types of people in this world.

>> No.2404064
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No, there is You, and there is Us. We're US, you're YOU. There are only two types of people in this world, you Atheists, and us Theists.

>> No.2404071

are you saying that people can't be individuals?

>> No.2404072

stop assuming

It makes you seem a bigger fool than I hope you are.

>> No.2404089

I'm saying that there are two types of people in this word, you Atheists, and us Theists.

>> No.2404111

Oh really, you say that? I didn't get it the first five times you mentioned it.

Don't worry though, in hundred years there will be only one kind of people, the atheists you don't have to worry about any segregation

>> No.2404123
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So what exactly is your goal then, Mr. Atheist, what do you hope to achieve through your Anti-Religion, what is your ultimate goal?

- It cannot be to rid the world of stupidity, because I can prove that Theism isn't stupid.
- It cannot be to remove the restraints of belief, because I can prove that belief is liberty.
- It cannot be overpopulation, because I can prove that through Theism, this can be controlled.
- It cannot be because of violence, because I can prove that violence is cause and effect from the enmity of Atheism (evil) between Theists (good).

All of which of Empirical proof, which I can prove, Empirically, to be superior to Physical proof.

>> No.2404135
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If you're not an Atheist then the question isn't aimed at you but rather passed on to the next observing Atheist.

Also, all of which has been said in this thread, try and remember, in the future, we'll refer to it as:


we'll refer to it as:
>quoting for emphasis
we'll refer to it as:
>quoting for emphasis
we'll refer to it as:
>quoting for emphasis
we'll refer to it as:
>quoting for emphasis
we'll refer to it as:
>quoting for emphasis
we'll refer to it as:
>quoting for emphasis
we'll refer to it as:
>quoting for emphasis

>> No.2404187


Did you not get the point yesterday when you were told by like 10 different people how much we despise you on this board?

Once again, not reading the thread, I see your name, so I know it's ignorant crap.


>> No.2404228
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I'm not anti-religion. I think people can believe any retarded thing they want as long as they keep it to themselves.

But once their beliefs start to manifest as destructive behavior, it becomes the duty of all to stop them from doing harm. We really don't want the lessons of Caligula, Nero or George III to have been in vain now do we? You know how it goes; those who do not know history...

And though there are more people now, it doesn't exactly mean that individuals have become more insignificant. Quite the contrary. Today individuals have access to more power than ever, both social and physical, meaning that while a good woman or man may now do more good than ever, one that has gone bad is able to cause untold destruction.

While this ability is given to us by our progress socially and scientifically, even you ought to be able to see that it is not science that is to blame for evil done with it any more than a car is to blame for people slain with it.

While individual scientists have caused suffering, havoc you seem to attribute to science has been done by unstable individuals that might have wielded their power for the good of all if not for having been idiots, douchebags or loonies.

So, while freedom is a value in itself, people need to wake up to being a developed civilization. And that means acting responsibly. When a person takes up a gun, they need to understand that their acts have consequences and that they cannot act like children anymore.

The person you playfully shoot at will not jump up
laughing anymore when the game is over.

>> No.2404304


you missed my point, and at any rate you're agreeing with me

>> No.2404327

> what is your ultimate goal?
To not have fanatics like you on this board anymore. Because it's about science, not about your hate for science, or your desire to see science turned into some perverse christian cult.

>> No.2404451


Take it away, Ivory "Deek" Watson

>> No.2404479

thank you, ivory

>> No.2404532


Can nature make me a tasty hot toast?

Because technology can.

>> No.2404578

fuck off PFSS

your ignorance of non-hostile refutations killed the last shred of believability you might have had