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2403038 No.2403038 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci

I have a couple questions:

>Recent theories suggest that Black Holes are actualy some kind of portals leading to a White Hole that spews out the matter that the Black Hole absorbs.
How is that theory possible? A Black Hole is nothing more then matter ultra-compressed to such densities that gravity is greatly increased to the point even photons cannot escape. How would a portal be formed? Wouldnt you just collide with the compressed matter?

>Current scientific studies on Black Holes suggest that Black Holes would eventualy vapourise away due to Quantum effects "teleporting" particles away from the Black Hole.
Wouldnt those particles end up being re-absorbed by the Black Hole due to immense gravitational forces?

>The Universe is expanding ever faster and faster according to recent studies. Eventualy it will cause an event called the "Big Rift".
How would Black Holes fair under the Big Rift? Would they survive due to their own gravitational forces?

>> No.2403044

Citations. Citations please.

>> No.2403046 [DELETED] 

>Recent theories suggest that Black Holes are actualy some kind of portals leading to a White Hole that spews out the matter that the Black Hole absorbs.

reported, called the cops, etc

>> No.2403059

>Conspiracy theories suggest that Black Holes are actualy some kind of portals leading to a White Hole that spews out the matter that the Black Hole absorbs.


>> No.2403060

I'm actually a little curious on number 3. What exactly would happen to black holes in the Big Rip?

>> No.2403083

Called the IRS, the FBI, the CIA, Interpol, EUROGENDFOR, Europol, European Union Police Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo, United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo, Angolan National Police, Anti-Narcotics Force, Federal Investigation Agency, Frontier Constabulary, Frontier Corps, National Highways and Motorway Police, and the fucking Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

>> No.2403090

did you delete your first fucking post?
now 2403083 doesn't make sense

>> No.2403232

>How is that theory possible?

We simply observe that black holes fail to grow in mass as they absorb accreting matter.

Wait... no we don't

>Wouldnt those particles end up being re-absorbed by the Black Hole due to immense gravitational forces?

Most of the quantum pair products do. Some however have sufficient velocity imparted on them to be flung away from the black hole and escape as Hawking radiation. Remember that escape is still possible as long as they're still outside the event horizon.

Black hole jets are another example of the incredible energies that allow matter to escape the pull of a black hole before it reaches the event horizon.

>Eventualy it will cause an event called the "Big Rift"

Our observations and experimental evidence do not support such speculation.

>> No.2403244

Call me immature, but I;m laughing at this.

>> No.2403248

white holes are found all over the place, like kitchen sinks.


>> No.2403266

black holes evaporate due to hawking radiation. eventually particles will be alone inside of their own cosmic horizons. the vaccuum fluctuations responsible for hawking radiation will sometimes allow the energy of a particle to tunnel out of it's own event horizon. this will cause a vacuum metastability event which will utterly change the laws of physics in a bubble that expands at the speed of light, within the cosmic horizon of the particle in consideration. each time this happens a new universe is created.

this is definitely what is going to happen.

>> No.2403276

Cosmic Goatse

>> No.2403361

Warning: What follows is nothing more then things I read about scientists speculating and riffing, and may not represent actual factual science.

Regarding question 1, I do remember something about how, if a star is rotating at all before it collapses to a black hole, the black hole will rotate too, and at phenomenal speeds (due to conservation of angular momentum when the star shrinks to a fractions of it's former radius). Also, it's thought (read: speculated) that a black hole, under sufficient rotation, would not be a point at all, but rather a ring, or torus. What is for now pure science fiction, it may be possible that such an object would form a wormhole-like anomaly in the center of the donut.

>> No.2403377

1. It's kinda not. It's somewhere in the realm of wild science fiction speculation. there's no evidence at all.

2. Nope- the particles appear outside of the black hole's event horizon- so they can actually escape. Well I say appear, but it's more like they exist outside of the black hole for long enough.
It's not that they leave the singularity, they leave the event horizon.

3. Not so well. They'd eventually evaporate and spread their energy all over the universe.