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2399231 No.2399231 [Reply] [Original]

Hello. My invention doesn’t equal an invention. It equals an idea. The idea of life. I have heard various conspiracies about the prophecy of 2012, and from a scientific standpoint I believe it to be somewhat true or related in similarity to the truth. As Robert Anton Wilson has once said, E-prime becomes English without the use of any form of "is." The year 2012 was a specific year that has been chosen for us all along. When you strip the English numerical definition of 2012 and categorize it in Roman numerals it becomes

I I 0 I I I or I I - 0 - 1 - I I. As the limit of 0 approach its own limit, what actually occurs being it equals zero approaching a whole. That being said, the numerical definition of “One” equals 1 or as the Romans categorized it as I. 1 becomes the letter I. I becomes the number 1. I am I. This is a common concept of yin - yang where yin versus yang and eventually they cancel each other out, becoming infinite within a limit, thus becoming finite at the same moment of time and space collapsing mutually - time and space reaching infinity or equaling infinity while converging paths with the finite. So let’s consider metaphors. Let 0 or “zero” be the start of existing of the conscious mind or “life.” Let 1 or “one” become the realization of “I” as a whole - basically “oneself.” As zero approaches “one” or “1” or “oneself” oneself reaches the point of existence or “to be” as in a “being” or as “one whole.” Many philosophers and psychologists such as Sigmeund Freud, Albert Hoffman, and Robert Anton Wilson have already came to the realization as a whole, the common concept of “god” that humans have incorporated throughout the years of life, whether it be through the presence of the Mayans, Egyptians, Italians, English, Greeks, Americans, Chinese, Japanese, French, Native American Indians, Africans, etc. Let’s break it down even more. “ 1-1-0-1-1-1 “ is the same as would be 2012.

>> No.2399239

Addition of all the “1”s becomes 5. 5 being the number of weekdays in a week with the last 2 as days of rest. 2012 will be the year that everyone and everything will come to self-realization and become a whole, as Bob Marley has once said - “ONE LOVE.” If you take fear out of the human consciousness then your mind becomes a consciousness/sub-consciousness. Said that, the sub-consciousness interlines with the consciousness becoming a whole or “ONE LOVE.” Thus in 2012, 0 will approach one or in other metaphorical standards, “nothing” approachs “something” and vice versa and when that happens, they cancel each other out just as ying and yang would cancel each other so really the middle path becomes awaken. The middle path is the dynamic equilibrium of life - the centers or the axil of life, where everything becomes complete utter perfection as portrayed through modern language. So really 2012 is the end of the non-reality many of us have been living all our life (as a separate whole), and everyone’s mind will come together to form the even greater intelligent mind of “one” greater divine being. The sub-consciousness becomes the consciousness and vice-versa. 0 finally approaches 1 at a constant of two.

>> No.2399245

What the flying fuck is this bullshit

>> No.2399249

i believe it's time for you to stop posting

>> No.2399256

Two different parts of the universe, being TIME and SPACE. So time and space converge paths and become one which is unimaginable to the human eye and can only be perceived through the naked eye - aka the truth or true finding also known as “Judgement day” to many so called “believers” or self-realization. Judgement day should not be feared but should be accepted as many preachers have once said. E=MC^2. Energy is equal to the matter times the square of the speed of light - putting speed of light on a plane “geometric” figure multiplied by matter not in 3 dimensions but 2 which is what surrounds the universe which can also be described as the sub-consciousness. The conscious is E where E is e-prime for the English use of “is” or in other words energy. This consciousness can be best represented by the scientific concept of the 8-Circuit model of consciousness. Energy equals our consciousness and when it converges paths with the sub-consciousness and each collapse on one another, it becomes a whole which represents the basic but complicated concept of the circle of life and one divine but acceptable “being.” This can also describe why catastrophic and apocalyptic events such as the Ice Age have happened. Positivity exists with negativity. This is why opposites attract. As we approach this “whole” and strip our consciousness of negativity and positivity there will be nothing left but everything...only in it’s not perfect but true self, that which could be named as a divine being or to be. In the end though, none of it all matters. It is almost cynical to say such a thing.

>> No.2399262

This so called “event” will only happen for a split amount of time so small it cannot be understood by the human mind and body. So basically after that split in time and space occurs, life will turn in on itself and become it’s exact opposite which is death so in turn instead of Death following the end of Life, Life will start following the end of death. This can satirically be represented as a “zombie apocalypse,” which seems completely absurd to the human eye. In reality’s reality, that is neither a good or bad thing because once the concept of labeling items is absent in the human mind, fear is nonexistent and mind steps over matter and becomes matter just as matter becomes mind after the moment in 2012 described as that split moment in time and space where both mind and matter exist in a dynamic equilibrium. Yin becomes yang and vice versa. Think of it this way. We are living in Yin-yang. Y-in and Y-ang become Y also similarly shown as the piece symbol by many “hippies” in the revolution of the eighties in modern or present time. Yin-Yang become Y for that split moment in time and reverse themselves becoming Yan-Ying or Y-an and Y-ing spelled with the opposite letter evoked in the peace symbol, portrayed as an opposite letter Y. So what becomes the meaning of life is well...life and “to live.” It shouldn’t be questioned but curiosity cannot help but overcome our consciousness. So what is left to do? Absolutely nothing which in itself is something. So do nothing about finding the meaning of life by living it. Become one consciousness within your subconsciousness or in other terms realization.

>> No.2399265

new age bullshit

>> No.2399286

This will be the first thread to go when I'm janitor.

>> No.2399294


>> No.2399312

This reads like http://timecube.com/


>> No.2399314

Oh wow, someone else got that too. are you initials AB anon?

>> No.2399328

...Time Cube is popular, you know.

>> No.2399569

2012 -> MMXII

Roman numerals do not include a symbol for zero

simime secure