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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2398900 No.2398900 [Reply] [Original]

hey /sci/ i have to write a paper with the guidelines of

" PHIL 2010

Response Paper 1

The Question of God

Choose any position related to the topic. State your thesis and defend your reasoning."

was hoping you guys could just help me get a direction, im either leaning to a historical account about how christianity has blindfolded the world, or the god seen by psychonaughts

thanks guys
pic related, its socrates

>> No.2398913
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sage for religion thread

>> No.2398916

/sci/ is not /phi/. Un til moot opens a /phi/ board, you'll have to save your question to yourself, because /sci/ specializes in empirical things, while /phi/ specializes in logical and phenomenological things.

>> No.2398921
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You have come at the right time. I'll help you with this.

Well, if you have 2 hours, there is this beautiful documentary called "the bible's buried secrets" (link: http://video.pbs.org/video/1051895565))

It pretty much exposes judaism (and by proxy christianity) as a social revolution catalyst which later evolved into an independent religion.

>> No.2398927


Besides, this is philosophy. I would not go about asking for input from people on the internet. Work out your inner philosopher a little, maybe talk to your professor. I ended up befriending my philosophy professor from my last semester we got along on such good terms.

>> No.2398928

just figured this would be a more appropriate place then /b/

Im not here for an atheism vs religion troll debate, just want some idea on what to write about on an incredibly vague gudielines

>> No.2398932
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Socrates, dude, most excellent!

>> No.2398933
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These wikipedia articles will also give you many ideas


>> No.2398941
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>> No.2398973

I think you can always talk with people on the internet about these things, but the sad thing is that most of them won't try to explain an argument and understand the other person's argument, they would just try to impose their toughts to the other person.
Like >>2398941, I could say churchs or Christianism aren't related with the existence or not of God, because those are religions run by people, so the core question remains.

>> No.2398974

Defend God, and go to Conservapedia.

You'll have all you need.

>> No.2398978
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There is a reason why the romans persecuted christians.

PROTIP: it is the same reason Scientologists are persecuted today.

>> No.2398992

It depends a lot about the definition of a God. Depending on it, it can range from impossible (contradictory/falacious definition) to unlikely (interventionist personal God) to highly likely(God=Consciousness) to exists (God=at least our physical universe). You should judge each definition on its merits and decide from there.

>> No.2398999

It's funny, I think you just took me for somebody who actually cares about all of this.

>> No.2399002

op here, thanks thats more what im looking for

>> No.2399234

>how christianity has blindfolded the world

If you wish to pursue that avenue for your paper, first you have to learn, unbiasedly, what the core beliefs of Christianity is, what it is based upon, the history of the culture that shaped (created) Christianity. From there, you can expound into history of the time up to current day.

Next, you have to define and then justify what you call "blindfolded".

The avenue for your paper seems to focus more on culture and impact, the result of, than the question of God itself. It seems this is within the scope of the assignment, but good luck writing a convincing paper.