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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2391687 No.2391687 [Reply] [Original]

First they came for /new/....

>> No.2391701

>First they came for /new/....


>> No.2391702

/sci/ is where we discuss science. Too bad science is being robbed of the skills needed to create innovations.

>> No.2391707

Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...


>> No.2391743
File: 2 KB, 126x115, 1272618729671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good one, OP. Good one.

>> No.2391763 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 838x983, 1295320086542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2391800

reporting, lol

a better way is to just type the word "J|ew" (except no slash. this will cause it to be automatically sent to a janitor and put a link in the post to the offending post and request that it be deleted.

I did have done this for several threads and it has worked everytime.

>> No.2391824

>/sci/ is where we discuss science.

>> No.2391825

last page of /t/
use sage

>> No.2391826

Doesn't this autoban you?

>> No.2391827

Autobans, for people trying to get this shit off /sci/?

Shame on you.

>> No.2391832

ITT: anti-semites complain when they get final solution'd.

>> No.2391839

Sorry, no persecution complex here, just ugly truth.

>> No.2391848

I got 24 hour autobanned for making a post responding to some thread about Germany circa the first half of the 1940's and their engineering of tanks. Avoiding using the word obviously.

>> No.2391853

why would he close /new/ but leave the racial shitfest that is /int/ alive

also, why is moot trying to kill the racism that makes 4chan great?

>> No.2391858

You obviously do not understand sage.
Please kill yourself.

>> No.2391860

wait, why is racism banned on 4chan

>> No.2391866

Wow, I got banned.
What's up with that shit?

>> No.2391870 [DELETED] 

Simple fix:

Jevv (with two v's instead of a w)
Nlgger, n1gger, n|igger, n!gger, whatever.

Just like avoiding wordfilters.

>> No.2391876

Nіgger is an autoban word now?
Wtf. Since when is 4chan politically correct?
And since when is casual racism grounds for a ban?

>> No.2391877


>> No.2391885

sage and reported
whining belongs in /b/

>> No.2391892

You obviously do not understand sage.
Please kill yourself, or atleast read the 4chan faq, dumbass.

>> No.2391909


>> No.2391913

>STILL does not understand sage.
ffs, sage is not some kind of insult, nor does it lower a thread.

>> No.2391935

Is there some kind of problem that you don't want this thread to be saged?

>> No.2392592

He saged because he did not wish to bump a thread that he believed was worthy of reporting, it's as simple as that.

You seem like a faggot.