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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2391333 No.2391333 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand how things exist. What does it mean?
How do numbers exist? Trees? Dreams? The past? the future? Are there different ways to exist?

>> No.2391337
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>mfw philosophy question on /sci/

>> No.2391346

how do you know that they exist? we could all be brains in vats in a big empty floating nothingness

>> No.2391359


>> No.2391351

All existence is only a byproduct of the individual's perception.

In effect I have no way to know you exist.

The same would be true of you. If you were real.

>> No.2391361


Im not saying how do we know this or that exists

im saying, WTF does it mean to exist?

>> No.2391369

It means you can ask retarded questions like this and people might actually take it seriously.

>> No.2391375

>hurp derp metaphysics

Define existence to be something and be done with it.

>> No.2391385

In the deepest sense, no one understands how things exist. To answer your question on a basic level though, we exist because conditions arose to make it so.

>> No.2391393


I'd highly suggest looking into the concept of qualia if it interests you.
It's not science though.

>> No.2391394


scientists aren't equipped to approach this question, you need to ask a philosopher.

too bad Kant died 200 years ago.

>> No.2391402

When I was a child I thought often of the possibility that each of us has our own way of interpreting our surroundings. It still bothers me; because if each person did see their own version of reality, the actions of anyone else would match up in their world, so we would all be none the wiser.

>> No.2391401

we exist regardless, so it doesn't matter. (or it isn't matter, or it only appears to be matter, or...)

>> No.2391406

its kind of meaningless to ask these questions

since you exist already

>> No.2391407
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Op queastion hurt muh brain

>> No.2391408

Immanuel Kant supported Christianity and denied the idea of Christendom.
His philosophy regarded an individual's experience as it relates to the Christian god.

>> No.2391409

The background of this board is what we as a collective refer to as a shade of blue, right?

Who's to say that in my personal perception, my understanding of blue is your understanding of green?

I'm not talking about being colour blind either.

>> No.2391411


he also destroyed any meaningful argument for the existence of god

so he didnt afraid anything and was cool guys

>> No.2391426


He didn't destroy the argument, he just pointed out that they were invalid, especially as it comes to his philosophy of personal experience. Immanuel Kant didn't turn the argument against Christians; he was for them.

Nietzsche and Co. would be the ones to bring existentialism to bear against Christianity.

>> No.2391427


Because we can measure the processing of the visual data that goes from the retina to the occipital lobe and compare them.

>> No.2391433


ya but Kant was at least 3x smarter than Nietzsche.

>> No.2391442

in this case we'll let biology decide how long both of us can last in society due to our differing perception of the color blue

>> No.2391441


This. The cells in the eyes have similar ratios of cones to rods in pretty much every human being. Brainwaves could probably also be analyzed to prove it.

In any case, here's some food for thought
It's philosophy, so be warned.

>> No.2391448

I agree.

>> No.2391450


But then you remembered that we cannot advance our knowledge past solipsism.

>> No.2391458

i just proved you wrong

>> No.2391461

Yeah... Rene Descartes' argument kind of fell off from there. Let's just say that I'm pretty sure that you and I exist, and otherwise, who cares?

>> No.2391469


No you didn't because in the universe I create in my mind all the laws of physics and biology still hold true. Don't be mad though. All we need to do is define experience to be existence.

>> No.2391472


Becuse herpa derp absolute certainty. Descartes did some great things with math but his meditations were ridiculous. Math, for example, works because we have defined what the basics mean and how they apply to certain objects we perceive to exist. Sure, when we say "two apples" we might be wrong and there are three, but the abstraction of the idea of two is completely reasonable. Whenever I have to deal with this question I argue essentially that it is worthwhile to, on the grounds of pragmatism, assume these abstractions to have application where they have been inductively successful, with the knowledge that there is some error.

>> No.2391501

do you pay your bills then?

>> No.2391504


Pragmatism has nothing to do with truth. Truth is a property of the propositions that mirrors an existing state of affairs. We cannot know the truth of a proposition unless we are able to compare it to reality.

>> No.2391508


In my universe all bills must be paid or consequences will never be the same.

>> No.2391514


Yes, but in consideration of strong-arm skepticism I consider it better to take action based on uncertainty, in most cases a function of probability, rather than to remain idle.

>> No.2391523

Existence is subjective. The concept of "you" or "I" is only an illusion created by your subjective conciousness when in reality we are simply a sentient form of matter. We are only this way for a brief time. We are the universe experiencing itself. You are but a raindrop in the vast hydrological cycle of matter and energy.

>> No.2391554


I don't mean to say anything moral with my skepticism.

>> No.2391576
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>> No.2391581 [DELETED] 

The chance is 1 in 1000. Not that rare, given the number of threads.

>> No.2391586

The chance is 1 in 100 that a given post will be triples. Even better, if you shoot for it by timing posts. It isn't rare or special, given how many threads are posted.

>> No.2391607

Existence is a function of being able to interact with other things.

>> No.2391644
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There's only one fundamental to all your question and to the universe.

1. Emptiness is a prerequisite for "form".

That's the simplest and most basic answer as to why anything exists.

>inb4 retards

>> No.2391649


you could have just said "magic" dipshit.

>> No.2391658


Go away Sartre.

>> No.2392683

I love you OP, if you want the answer I'd recommend you learn to read and comprehend at a college level

>> No.2392730

Those living in the UK, or Americans with access to proxy servers, I highly recommend watching the following on iPlayer:


Fantastic documentary.