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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2390080 No.2390080 [Reply] [Original]

No matter how much someone who is pro-choice tries to convince me, I still cannot bring myself to believe abortion is OK. For every single argument that is brought up, I can very easily, through scientific, logical, and non-religious arguments, refute them.

You would kill an innocent person to relieve psychological tension?
>harmful to the mother
You would hold up an infant as a shield to deflect a bullet?
>It's part of the mother's body
And banana plants are just part of the tree they're stuck on, right? It's a new being of the DNA is different. Also, it has its own blood and bloodstream.
>It can't live on its own
Neither can a parasite or any other animal's fetus, yet they're considered different organisms than the being they're stuck on.
>They're not functioning
Neither are certain disabled people, should we kill them too?
again, DNA.


>> No.2390096

So my jizz, considering it contains DNA capable of making a human should be trapped every time I ejaculate and frozen so none of it is allowed to die?

>> No.2390101

Tell me again why questions of morality belong on a board dedicated to science and math?

>> No.2390104

Your "refutations" presuppose that whenever an abortion is performed, we're killing something equivalent to an "innocent person".

Do you in fact have anything to offer other than begging the question?

>> No.2390107

OP, would you consider a single human cell a human person?

>> No.2390108

the republican christian white supremacists from /new/ are here now.
moot likes it this way.

cool dinosaur, Op.

>> No.2390110

>You would hold up an infant as a shield to deflect a bullet?

To deflect a bullet from hitting me? Yes, I would.

>> No.2390111

>They're not functioning
>Neither are certain disabled people, should we kill them too?

>implying this is the wrong answer.

>> No.2390112

According to his argument, it contains the DNA. So yes, it would be to OP.

>> No.2390123


>> No.2390125

>You would kill an innocent person to relieve psychological tension?

I found the source of your problem, until you can define words properly you won't be able to get past this.

>> No.2390127

That is the most shit argument ever. Semen itself is not capable of becoming a person. It is only half the ingredient.
New life does not come into existence until conception.

>> No.2390133
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>> No.2390138

Oh shit, since my body naturally recycles a hundred million sperm every few weeks, I am truly a mass murderer. I've killed more people than there exists on the entire planet...I'm a monster!

>> No.2390139

That's what you believe. It doesn't necessarily have to be true.

>> No.2390141
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it isnt killing a person, as they arn't conscious/sentient yet.
they are a small lump of cells, its is lightyears away from 'murdering babies' or anything like that.
you use emotive examples, but it is still equating killing a baby with removing a blastocyst, which are 2 completely different things.
if you are talking about potential for life, then this guy has a point >>2390096
every single sperm not allowed to fertilise an egg is dying, and a potential future human being is lost to the world.
the blastocyst has no vervous system, it cannot feel pain and does not suffer when it is removed.

you are not losing a human, a blastocyst has the potential to eventually be a human, but it not really any closer than an individual skin cell, or sperm cell.

leave it to personal choice, if you dont like abortions, do not have one for yourself or your female partner (if you are male) but other people may think differently, and seeing as no suffering is caused, they should not be obstructed.

>> No.2390142

Your DNA contains half a person's DNA, and is as you said only /capable/ of (helping to) create a life form.

A fetus is already developing, and contains a full set of working DNA.

>> No.2390143

>Neither are certain disabled people, should we kill them too?

Yes if they are not a net gain to sociality lets scrape them off our backs.

>> No.2390145


Sperm is alive.

Meanlingless living things die all the time. Your skin cells for instance. Bacteria.

But is it a person? Is it a sentient, sapient being?

Not until the brain starts.

>> No.2390150

one that was in the process of developing into a human itself, yes. no cheek cells, no skin cells. nice try.

>> No.2390154

>New life does not come into existence until conception.
no. sperm and egg cells are very much alive.
they are just not conscious or sentient as a seperate person until long into the pregnancy.

>> No.2390158

The embryo or fetus are not sentient. We give rights to human beings, because they are sentient (with the exception of children aged 1-2 years old). A fetus has the ability to become a completely sentient human being, but until then, it is not even close to being "alive" or "conscious" on the level of real human beings. Mentally retarded people, on the other hand, ARE sentient.

>> No.2390170

They are sex cells of the parent organisms. Their DNA is a subset of the DNA of the organism they belong to, just like all cells in every animal. A zygote after fertilization, is a different story. It is a new combination of DNA, and a new organism. It is not a cell belonging to any other organism.

>> No.2390174
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I can scrape some of my skin off, apply some magic in a chemical bath and turn them into pluripotent stem cells from those cells I can form a zygote and another human. So is allowing my scraped skin to die also abortion?

>> No.2390184


cells do not 'belong' to organisms, they are only needed to function. Sperm is seperate from their parent organisms, hence by your own definition individual people.

>> No.2390190

actually the chicken fetus feeds on the yolk and what we feed on. if you're talking about an actual chicken fetus, then yes that's a chicken. you sometimes see dead chickens in eggs.

if it was planted in the ground and was growing, i'd consider it a sapling (child), yes.

no it's not. correct, because a bucket of fat, skin, muscle and bone material is not a person. this is like an undeveloping cell without DNA.

>person, fully developing, contains 100% of DNA, multiplying cells, alive

>> No.2390192

>again, DNA.

Not human if it isn't aware, now is it?

protip: it isn't

>> No.2390194

You're an idiot. All fetuses are sentient, as are embryos over a certain age.

>> No.2390204

Define "sentient"

>> No.2390206

lolwat? What species do you think it belongs to if it's not human.

>> No.2390210


>as are embryos over a certain age.

Give me a number.

>> No.2390214

If you don't know what it means, look it up.

>> No.2390217

at what point does consciousness enter the picture? Babies certainly aren't conscious.

>> No.2390221

so just because it is a new combination of genes, and distinguishable from either parent (keeping in mind it is still not a human, and not sentient, and has no nervous system, brain or metaphorical 'soul' ) you think that it has the same rights as a human?

>> No.2390222

it isn't a living mammal yet.

It has the potential to be human though.

>> No.2390223

Is cancer another human... I mean it's human cells that mutated so it's not the same as original while still being a human cell.

>> No.2390226

if you believe human - conscious, sentient, amazing, human - life exists in a foetus you're just wrong. maybe that doesn't matter to you, after all babies don't really have sentience in the strictest sense, but to me that's what makes something human. before then it has potential but as long as the mother is keeping it alive she should have the choice to prevent it from living if she wants.

it's not an easy call for anyone to make.

>> No.2390233

I grant the fetus complete status as a conscious being with full human rights. Yet, I argue abortion should be legal!

Why? Because no one should have the legal obligation to sacrifice their body and become a human life-support machine for another human being. Regardless if that other person is their friend, the president, a fetus, or Einstein. No one.

Such a law would destroy one's right to autonomy, power over their own body, movement, etc.

I'm sorry, but if I became attached to a woman's body as a means of life-support, I would not want the law to legally oblige her to carry me for 9months. Obviously I would appreciate it if she did and wish that she would carry me, I would find it repulsive to mandate a law to force women to do this all the time. It should be their choice, it is their body and life.


>> No.2390235


Regardless, you have answered my question the way I thought you would.

How about an egg cell that has just become fertilized? How about one that is less than one millionth of a second away from being fertilized? Or one second from being fertilized? Or one day? One week? Never? Miscarried?

Once you argue potential, you can argue a human life a far back as you please, which is absurd.

>> No.2390237
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>> No.2390241

I don't remember, and I don't feel like looking it up. It's toward the end of the 1st trimester, shortly before they are considered a fetus that the neural pathways are functional and brain waves are detected.

>> No.2390247

the problem is that were you to leave it alone, it would become sentient. you are aborting the process, and keeping it from its already-on-the-path development.

>> No.2390251

hivemind, in a way

>> No.2390254

Well let's just look up whether abortion is legal. If so, there's nothing to debate right?

>> No.2390255

I can't believe some people think zygotes should have the same rights as sentient humans.

Seriously, if you had a choice between saving 5 zygotes and 1 post-birth human you'd pick the zygotes?

>> No.2390262

wat? fucking retard.

>> No.2390264

Which brings us back to >>2390096
If you are arguing a "process" you can start at the very beginning.

>> No.2390273


Bullet proof.


>> No.2390274


This. If you kill a sperm, you are not only comitting murder, you are committing genocide of the entire line of potential descendants down to the heat death of the universe.

>> No.2390275

you're confusing "has the potential" and "is acting on the potential and if left undisturbed will reach its potential completely and fully".

>> No.2390278

>it's not an easy call for anyone to make.

Actually you'd be surprised how easy it is to decide to terminate a mass of cells with the potential to ruin you for the next couple decades.

>> No.2390279

cancer isn't in the process of creating a human.

>> No.2390282

I disagree with any definitions involving potential. That makes no sense. The biological definitions are perfectly clear. A new organism is formed the instant that the DNA of the two sex cells combine into a new set of DNA, and the cell is then called a zygote and starts down the path to division. That's when, biologically speaking, it is a new living human organism. Not a second before or after. It is no longer a component cell of another organism.

If you're going to talk about what rights we grant what organisms, that has nothing to do with science. Make up whatever you want. Just don't claim that a zygote is not alive or not human, because then you're wrong.

>> No.2390286

By swimming my sperm are acting on their potential to become fetuses. Therefore you still fail.

>> No.2390292

Even if the fetus was a conscious human with rights, it wouldn't make any difference.

>> No.2390293

well said. ..seriously.

>> No.2390294

Yes that completely debunks my entire argument.

oh wait

it doesn't

>> No.2390296

sperm are not in the process of creating a human being.
killiing a sperm is preventing, killing a zygote is stopping, haltingm aborting, terminating, and murder.

>> No.2390299
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>> No.2390301
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>> No.2390302

oh wait

yes it does

>> No.2390304
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>mfw mind blown

>> No.2390307
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>> No.2390308

The thing is we're all attached as human life support to one another. The younger we are, the more so. College students definitely. Children more so. Infants more so. Fetuses more so. So I find your argument completely specious. We do have obligations to each other.

>> No.2390309


I agree that it is living
I agree that it is human

So are somatic cells.

>> No.2390310


my argument was that it isn't human yet.

I guess

you got


>> No.2390313

yup. if you're the one who through carelessness (or not) brought the life into the world, thus, it is your responsibility.

that's a word this generation doesn't quite understand.

>> No.2390314
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>> No.2390318


Point is, sperm are alive, and human as well.

Zygotes can't feel.

This dealing with potential is ridiculous. If someone doesn't become alive, that is not the same as killing someone already alive. The former makes no change, the latter does.

>> No.2390321

>You would kill an innocent person to relieve psychological tension?
Is it a person?
>You would hold up an infant as a shield to deflect a bullet?
Is it an infant?
>And banana plants are just part of the tree they're stuck on, right? It's a new being of the DNA is different. Also, it has its own blood and bloodstream.
blood;no. bloodstream; no. If you say this, then ejaculate, and you've caused a mass genocide to sperm. What about the grass you step on? You've killed it too.
>Neither can a parasite or any other animal's fetus, yet they're considered different organisms than the being they're stuck on.
Not the same concept.
>Neither are certain disabled people, should we kill them too?
Again, different concept. It's been touched upon already.
>again, DNA.
See; sperm.

>> No.2390323

I didn't say anything about rights. We have to get the science right before we can even go there.

>> No.2390324

oh wait but it is human.

because it's in the process of forming a fully-formed human.

>> No.2390327

So a living mammal fetus is not a living mammal? Well, you're wrong and retarded.

>> No.2390329

i am in the process of making a peanut butter sandwhich

does that make is a sandwich?

protip: it doesn't

>> No.2390330

>see: sperm
see: ten posts on this topic in this thread.

>> No.2390331

Then you better make unmarried sex illegal as well.
That should work.

>> No.2390334

A cell becomes cancerous because it mutates away from being a human cell. It's a cancer cell that was derived from a human cell.

>> No.2390337


You're comparing the obligations people in society to each other, to having to care for a baby?

LOL god if you're the OP just quit now

>> No.2390338

if you were in the process, and i came in and took your slices and through them onto the floor, you damn well wouldn't say "oh well it wasn't a sandwich yet".

>> No.2390341

>terminating, and murder.

So when I'm turning off my computer I'm murdering processes?

>> No.2390344

Well, you're wrong. Sentient means it reacts and responds to sensory input. From before it becomes a fetus it does that.

>> No.2390345

not op.

>> No.2390348

yes but speaking literally, a fetus directly NEEDS sustenance from the mother during pregnancy, wheras children/college student etc can fend for themselves if they have to.
also, keep in mind that the fetus isnt just growing itself, it needs help from the mother to develop.
the fetus is hijacking her blood supply and TWOCing nutrients for itself. what if we just clamp the umbilical chord? the mother is perfectly entitled to her own blood and nutrients, you cant demand that she feed the fetus and keep it alive.
and this way, she hasnt even killed it, she has just not directly kept it alive. it has died of natural causes.

>> No.2390349

>herp derp if I breath that does mean that I kill oxygen?

>> No.2390350

>harmful to the mother
>It's part of the mother's body
>It can't live on its own
>They're not functioning

I assume all pro-lifers are vegan?

>> No.2390351

no, just making killing a baby illegal will do fine.

>> No.2390352
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>would you hold up a baby to deflect a bullet?

Sure would!

>> No.2390354

"Human" describes a species or genus. Your argument is stupid. What you're trying to say is that it's not a "person" yet. You can define "person" however you want. You can say that only whites are people if you want. You can't define "human" any way you want, because it is a scientific term.

>> No.2390358


Ridicule aside, will you provide a rebuttal?

>> No.2390363

Well, I didn't want you to take away my slices so it is bad. If one slice had mold on it that i didn't notice and i threw it out i would say "at least i didn't put the other piece on it yet!"




>> No.2390364

The difference between a zygote and a somatic cell is that a somatic cell is a member cell of an organism it belongs to. A zygote is the the entire organism. You can kill a somatic cell without killing the organism. You can't with a zygote, because the cell is the organism.

>> No.2390367


The problem in this situation is "how" that connection exists.

No one is obliged to become a literal life-support machine for anyone else.


It is only your responsibility if you choose to support it.

The question in this case is, should it be legally necessary to support the other being? And the obvious answer is no, never.

One's right to autonomy and power over their body trumps the other person's "Desire" to be supported.

>> No.2390368

I draw the line at a zygote. Sperm is nothing, egg is nothing. Zygote is new life, neither father's nor mother's.

>> No.2390373


An extremely weak, and desperate argument.

I can define "faggot" anyway I want. Does that then mean its suddenly not applicable to you, because I've changed the meaning for myself? No, not in the least. Whether you like it or not, most words mean what the majority says they mean.

>> No.2390375

again, so what if it's not sentient? that isn't the point, as children aren't sentient and we sure dont kill them flippantly.

no, the reasoning is that anything currently in the process of becoming a fully-formed human being should be treated as such, for ending the process is the same as ending the end result.

my thumbs hurt, guys.

>> No.2390376


>the mother is perfectly entitled to her own blood and nutrients, you cant demand that she feed the fetus and keep it alive.
and this way, she hasnt even killed it, she has just not directly kept it alive. it has died of natural causes.

>died of natural causes

oh i like that line of thought :)

>> No.2390378
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we still have a winrar

can anyone refute this?

>> No.2390381

Thanks, God.

>> No.2390382

>children aren't sentient
You may want to rethink that.

>> No.2390384

Why you mad though?

>I assume all pro-lifers are vegan?

You'd be wrong, they're all for eating meat, going to war, and killing doctors.

>> No.2390386


Would you use the morning-after pill?

>> No.2390387

People for abortion with logical, well thought out arguments
People against abortion with shitty, teenager logic

>> No.2390389

so if you gained autonomy over shooting someone, you would?

my, this world sure is selfish. horrifyingly so.

i think that's our main problem as a society.

>> No.2390394

I'm not comparing it, it is the same thing. The obligation to care for a newborn is a societal obligation. And there is really zero difference between the obligation to care for a newborn and a fetus. In terms of sentience and brain activity they are scarcely different. In fact we are the first culture in history to come down on opposite positions on abortion and infanticide. Lots of cultures have come down on different sides on those issues, but the two issues always went together before. Saying you can kill the fetus but not the newborn, or vise versa, is completely irrational.

>> No.2390396

>didn't read the thread at all

it's quite the opposite.

did I miss anyone?

>> No.2390398

Our main problem in society is that people like you have to sit on a high horse and think you know what is right and wrong. Life is a gray area, there is no black and white.

>> No.2390400

>One's right to autonomy and power over their body trumps the other person's "Desire" to be supported.

>the mother is perfectly entitled to her own blood and nutrients, you cant demand that she feed the fetus and keep it alive, and this way, she hasnt even killed it, she has just not directly kept it alive. it has died of natural causes.

These are very important points. The fetus/person is in a predicament. They can't continue living without dominating another person's body.

This situation has no comparison. It is basically unique. To compare this to a college kid in need of financial assistance is retarded and just plain trolling.

Seriously guys, think more before you post your derp and herps

>> No.2390401

>It's the woman's body therefore it is her choice and only her choice as to whether or not she gives birth.

What's your argument against that?

>> No.2390402

>People for abortion with logical...
...can you say 'pro-choice' please?
otherwise its like 'in favour of all abortions'

also, you are right :)

>> No.2390403

>they're all for
>killing doctors
this is where i get mad at people perpetuating stereotypes(sp?)

>> No.2390408


>pro lifer
>religious right
>probably hates socialism
>bitches about selfishness

>> No.2390412

A newborn needs a mothers sustenance (or technical intervention). A 10-year-old can't survive if you just throw him in the woods either. Even an educated adult needs the rest of society... unless he's bear grylls and knows how to live on worms. It's a continuum of decreasing dependence from pregnancy to adulthood. But almost all the arguments made concerning pregnancy can be made for other stages of life as well.

>> No.2390413

did you not read OP post?
it's not the mother's own body, it has its own blood, and most importantly its own DNA.

>> No.2390418


>so if you gained autonomy over shooting someone, you would?

this makes no sense, do you even know what autonomy means?

Why are you on 4chan. I imagine you being a really old, uninformed grandma who is stuck in her ways.


>> No.2390419

>children are not sentient

>> No.2390421


I'd say the man should have a say in the matter as well, since he's probably going to have to work to support the child, and furthermore it's his DNA too.

>> No.2390424

>You still haven't looked up "sentient".

>> No.2390425

Nature and I would have to disagree about the 10 year old.


>> No.2390426

>socialism is the only way to acheive selflessness

>> No.2390428


children = post birth human
sentient = able to react to stimuli, feel pain

children are sentient.

>> No.2390430

look up the definition of sentient.

>> No.2390433


he still hasn't looked up sentient ,, or autonomy

op is dumb as shit

>> No.2390438

>No one is obliged to become a literal life-support machine for anyone else.
Says who? To be consistent, you need to support tossing newborns out with the trash, like the greeks and romans. I still won't agree with you, but at least you'll be consistent.

>> No.2390447


>> No.2390448


mfw you think libertarianism, conservativism, religious rule are not selfish.

>> No.2390449

this isn't an argument about the fathers having to support anyone... this is about the woman choosing to not give birth! If she aborts it then the father wont be having to pay anything.

Your argument failed. Please try again when you actually address the argument using relevant rebuttals.

>> No.2390451

/r/ archive

>> No.2390456


The blood just magically appears from thin air and enters the baby's body huh?

>> No.2390457

The refutation to the assertion "you don't have an obligation to care for a child you bring into the world" is "yes you do".

>> No.2390458

sentient: responsive to or conscious of sense impressions

don't know if troll..

>> No.2390459

Not the one you're replying to but we're NOT arguing about throwing newborns in the trash after they're born we're arguing for aborting them while they're in the womb. IT'S A DIFFERENT and UNRELATED argument/topic! Stay on topic.

>> No.2390461

it's pretty funny how the pro-choicers can't control their tempers. OP did a pretty good job at arguing peacefully, and everyone couldn't handle it.

>> No.2390464

This and I think everyone is missing the point. The fertilised egg has the potential, like all of us, to become a real, proper human.
Who really has the right to say this newly formed human's life should be snuffed out due to the negligence of the parents?
Of course the aborted foetus feels no real pain, but it's sad to think of a life cut short no matter how logical (and I'm extremely logical and cynical) and "right" it may seem at the time.
If having a child due to rape or mental problems (define that) the mother should have the right to abort, in most other circumstances I believe the resulting child should be put up for adoption.
Come at me bros

>> No.2390467


What, no man. I'm saying the father should have a chance to not have to support an unwanted child, via abortion or not concieving.

In otherwords the pregnancy should go ahead only if BOTH parties want it.

>> No.2390469

>nothing is wrong
great argument, hitler

>> No.2390471

knew it


>> No.2390475

lol you sure are uneducated about fetal development.

the fetus creates its own blood, just like every other organ. they don't just pop into existence either, do they?

>> No.2390478
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Children can't feel things?

>> No.2390480

Using "sad" and "right or wrong" are not real arguments.

>> No.2390481

There is nothing unique about the fetus situation. How is it different from the infant or the 8yo? None of them asked to be brought into the world. They're all brought into it anyway. The obligation to care for them is on the people who made that happen.

>> No.2390482

>make retarded statements based on no/false evidence
>refute retarded statements based on no/false evidence

>> No.2390483

'All' wasn't referring to everyone of them it was referring to willingness in general. A stereotype is fine if I'm referring to a group in a general manner, so long as the stereotype is true.

And just for the sake of review...

>> No.2390484

that's like saying people with malformed DNA aren't human.

>> No.2390486

That's not an argument, it's retard-level rhetoric. By every definition, a fetus's body is distinct from the mother's body.

>> No.2390490

so all black people kill and rape and do poorly on SAT tests?
all those are "true" steriotypes when it comes to documentation of statistics over the norm.

/sci/ is like a drug. especially this thread.

>> No.2390492

Bread is the fetus

Mold is the reason mother doesn't want to keep the baby

tell me where this shit fits in

>> No.2390494


You need to have sex to get pregnant. Everyone knows this. If you get pregnant becasue of poor birth control you should have to live with it. It's not like people are randomly selected and forced to host some sort of indiscriminant evil for 9 months. Killing a child because it would be inconvenient for your lifestyle is the worst form of crime. Don't have sex if you're not prepared for all of the conssequences.

If a women is raped she should be able to get an abortion. If the child faces serious medical conditions she should be able to get an abortion. These are the only circumstances under which I think abortion is acceptable.

>> No.2390495


>Says who? To be consistent, you need to support tossing newborns out with the trash, like the greeks and romans. I still won't agree with you, but at least you'll be consistent.

you offered no argument against my argument, I win by default.

you seem to only be able to make up poor analogies and scenarios that miss the point of the discussion.

in ancient times, it would be fine to disconnect the person if they were using your body as a life-support machine, if they happened to fall in the trash during the process, so be it.

you can't take over another being's body. Sorry. Not now, not ever. If you do, you are at the mercy of the other being, it is their choice (not the courts) if they should sacrifice their life and energy to support you.

>> No.2390497

Try using logic next time you try to not look retarded.

>> No.2390499

>implying you've refuted anything
go read the thread again. this time: comprehension!

>> No.2390500

>can you say 'pro-choice' please?
Kind of non-specific, isn't it? You can legalizing any atrocity "pro-choice". You could call legalizing slavery "pro-choice". Of course, it's not "pro-choice" for the slave or for the fetus. So... not the person you asked, but, no I can't use that term.

>> No.2390501

nice bottom-tier argument.

>> No.2390505

oh right, i forgot: logical arguments don't qualify as refutation for conservatives.

>> No.2390506

Nice expectations on 4chan.

>> No.2390507


Does "not being wanted by parents" fit into the medical condition criteria?

>> No.2390508

I'm not talking about the fetus' body as a separate entity I'm talking about the fetus existing inside the woman! Anything that exists inside the woman is a part of HER body and she has the right to do with it what she wants. Besides, abortions have been happening since people figured out you could kill the thing while still inside the womb, but if all else failed they'd kill it once it was born. You can't stop human nature with your "moral" religious arguments either.

>> No.2390514

99% of the time a child will not survive in the wild. Of course, it depends on the environment and climate. Most feral children survive by stealing, living on the outskirts of civilization, so they're not really in the wild.

>> No.2390517

they're still surviving alone, therefor your argument means nothing.

>> No.2390519
File: 3 KB, 137x103, JimSmoke13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My problems with abortion.

1: Why is it a "personal decision"? Why is life and death a fucking personal decision?! Most people can't even wipe their God damn ass. Who the fuck are they to decide if a baby can fully form or be aborted? Fuck their righteous bullshit. Only doctors, judges, or at least several men's signature (such as the woman's father and the man who impregnated her) should get to decide.

2: We can regulate smoking, but not abortion? You have to wear a seatbelt, jaywalking is illegal, but God forbid someone tell a bitch she can't murder her baby without some kind of practical opposition!!!

We should do abortion like in other successful countries. Women don't decide on it AT ALL, and the state does. Preferably, we use it as a eugenics program to control the female and gay population.

>> No.2390521

   /ˈsɛnʃənt/ Show Spelled[sen-shuhnt] Show IPA
having the power of perception by the senses

This happens in the 1st trimester.

>> No.2390522

I would start a motion to sue every baby for infringing on human rights.

>> No.2390524

>but it's sad to think of a life cut short no matter how logical (and I'm extremely logical and cynical) and "right" it may seem at the time.

Argument from emotion that you yourself say contradicts reason.

You defeat yourself.

>> No.2390525

No. Why would it?

Like I said, if teh women getting pregnant is a result of two consenting people having sex, then you shouldn't be able to get an abortion.

All of you 'pro-choiceers' seem to be forgetting that this child is completely innocent. It has done nothing wrong. Why should he/she die just because the parents didn't want him/her?

>> No.2390526

>And banana plants are just part of the tree they're stuck on, right?

Bananas do not grow on trees, they grow on herbs.

>It's a new being of the DNA is different.

Actually, all bananas you will find in the grocery store are genetic clones. The DNA is not different in any way from the other millions of bananas sold all over the world.

The point being, you can't even understand fucking bananas well enough to make an anlogy based on them so maybe your conclusions about a more complex issue are wrong.

>> No.2390527

This is almost too much fail for me to continue living.

>> No.2390528

Blood cells are manufactured by the fetus's marrow cells.

>> No.2390532

>This happens in the 1st trimester
which is when 99% of abortions are done

>> No.2390540

It's the same topic. That's the point. You're making an inconsistent argument if you're saying it's ok to kill fetuses and not newborns. Inconsistent arguments are irrational arguments. Come up with a consistent position and we can talk. As long as you're for protecting newborns and not fetuses, then all your reasons for protecting newborns defeat your position on fetuses. So there's no point in arguing with you because your positions are self-defeating.

>> No.2390541

>doesn't know a thing about banana development

>> No.2390544


There's the keyword you've misplaced, had you said 'black people are all for rape' you'd be right as far as generalizations go.

>> No.2390545

If you think aborted fetuses feel no pain your are living in a fantasy. You should see some of the videos out there.

>> No.2390546

>This happens in the 1st trimester.
Please cite your source. I find that difficult to believe, considering:

>Evidence regarding the capacity for fetal pain is limited but indicates that fetal perception of pain is unlikely before the third trimester.

>> No.2390547


Define "life". Your statements mean nothing without it. You've obviously skipped over much of the thread, and don't deserve to even be addressed.

>> No.2390548

Do you think people should have indiscriminate sex without adequate protection and not have to deal with the consequences? They have created a potential life and maybe I'm too sentimental, but I think it's wrong for society to think killing them is right.

>> No.2390550
File: 114 KB, 582x427, JimSmoke47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good thing we don't have star gates. Pro choice be shooting aliens and people who they teleported into their house. Who cares it was their own damn fault for flipping the switch and allowing anything to come through the other transdimensional end? "It's my house HUUURRR!!!"

This is why we need to abolish property rights. The western whore has this tremendous narcissism like it's ENTITLED to being a dick to everyone.

>> No.2390551

When is it to late to decide you don't want to support your child, and why then? Does a child ever obtain a right to be supported?

>> No.2390553


>If you get pregnant becasue of poor birth control you should have to live with it. It's not like people are randomly selected and forced to host some sort of indiscriminant evil for 9 months.

just because it occurs naturally doesn't mean we should be oppressed by it.

If the person wants to support the life, that is their choice. That's how it should be.


>Killing a child because it would be inconvenient for your lifestyle is the worst form of crime.

Again you make false analogies and miss the point.

You can't force people to move around. You can't force people to do things with their body they don't want to do. Do you understand how a free society works? We have a right to control our own bodies.

This is a very unique situation. One in which a being is obstructing another beings autonomy, quality of life, freedom of movement, well-being, etc, for 9months.

While it would be nice of the person to support the other being, it is absurd to make it legally necessary.
Sorry, you don't get to control other people's bodies and lives just because you exist in a parasitic lifeless state.

>> No.2390555


>> No.2390566

>Sorry, you don't get to control other people's bodies and lives just because you exist in a parasitic lifeless state.

im ok with this

>> No.2390568

Whether it's spermicide or abortion it's all the same result. There's no meaningful, non-symbolic reason for your argument.

>> No.2390569

>you can't take over another being's body
You certainly can. The negroes on the welfare have taken over my body. I am forced to work part of every day to feed and clothe them. Am I justified in killing negroes?

>> No.2390571

I had a 3 egg omlet.

Did I just eat 3 whole chickens?

>> No.2390576


They do it all the time with the morning after pill.

Whether the pro-life proponents like it or not, the morning-after pill is fundamentally the same process, but it will NEVER go away. NEVER.

>> No.2390578

I took the morning after pill about 2 days after having unprotected sex and the guy came inside me. Did I kill a fetus? No. Because it takes over a week to actually become pregnant if you even do. More often than not I would most likely not have gotten pregnant but I didn't want to have to pay for an abortion and I personally don't want to ever have to have one yet I'm pro-choice. Hell, I'm even a volunteer for Planned Parenthood. I have to deal with retarded protesters more than I would like.

>> No.2390579


Are they literally, LITERALLY, taking over your body?

If yes, then you can use force to get them off.
If they still stick to you, you can use more force.

You are legally allowed to defend yourself, even if it results in their deaths.

If they literally strap themselves to your body and start sucking nutrients out of you and cause you pain and suffering, you are allowed to disconnect them. If they happen to die, so be it.

No man has to become a life-support machine for another.

>> No.2390581

>You would kill an innocent person to relieve psychological tension?
First we must define what a person is. Typically, a full grown person has both a personality and DNA that compose them. However, the problem here is discerning whether or not it is the DNA or the personality that creates the person.

If someone had just the personality and is considered a person, they would be a ghost or a floating entity that lacked a physical form. So we can say that the personality alone does not make the person.

If someone had just the DNA and is considered a person, then we can say that a dead body is a person and requires all of the moral consideration and rights that a living person deserves and receives.

>You would hold up an infant as a shield to deflect a bullet?
The infant both has DNA and a personality, however small and dependent it is. A fetus does not have a personality nor does it have any awareness as far as we know.

>> No.2390584
File: 50 KB, 500x400, JimSmoke108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Morning after pill

You're such a fucking lying pig. We should DDoS all the prochoice just for being sociopaths and pathological liars...

Roe vs Wade was founded on PREJURY, but that isn't enough. No, you've got to lie about the medical semantics too. You're such a fucking scumbag. You should be the one with a coathanger jammed in your head. You make me sick.

For those who don't know. The morning after pill basically creates a coating in your oval, preventing fertilization. It's nothing more then a force field. It's not an abortion pill. Do not listen to these serial killers.

>> No.2390585

You seem to have a mental defect, it is in our best interest as men to have women aborting children instead of getting hit with child support.

>inb4 religious right passing on genetics justification

>> No.2390586

Too bad there are no independently wealthy fetuses, or you would be on to something.

>> No.2390588
File: 28 KB, 499x356, pf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being an anti-abortion "cuz god said so" Christian might be bad, but it's common. Now you are telling me you are against liberalism in general? Take your communism somewhere else.

In Soviet Russia, fetus aborts YOU!

>> No.2390590
File: 15 KB, 163x236, JimSmoke53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they had been fertilized eggs, then yes. You ate three itty bitty baby chickens.

Also you're fat.

>> No.2390592

I don't have a problem with contraception. I encourage it if you and your partner aren't ready for a child.

Contraception =/= abortion

>> No.2390595

I've seen you around here, and I fear you may be mentally retarded. Please, go back to /b/. You aren't intelligent enough to argue with the big kids here.

>> No.2390596

>You can't force people to move around. You can't force people to do things with their body they don't want to do. Do you understand how a free society works? We have a right to control our own bodies.

You seem to be missing my point. They knew that pregnancy can only result from sex. They had sex. She got pregnant. I understand the points you are making, and appreciate your response, but if you make a decision, knowing full well what the consequences are, you should have to live with it.

>> No.2390599

Here's some questions for the OP and anyone who agrees with the OP:

Have you ever been pregnant?

Have you ever raped or been raped? I'm seriously asking this because rape is not something you can easily dismiss though there are people who do so.

Would you adopt? Will you ever adopt? If not, why not?

Do you care about babies after they're born? Do you do anything to help the welfare of babies and children?

Do you hate women?

Reproductive decisions are personal. Whether it's an abortion, sterilization, adoption or similar situation, then it should be legal and it's not bad. There are always going to be idiots who abuse and/or misunderstand choices like abortion, but that's not universal. Sometimes a hard choice like abortion needs to be made.

>> No.2390602

If you're talking about fetuses as opposed to embryos, you're talking about something already sentient.

>> No.2390604
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>> No.2390605

I mad.


>> No.2390606
File: 4 KB, 119x126, opfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going to stop masturbating now OP.

>> No.2390610

Unfortunately, faggot, sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation is not the only purpose of sex anymore.

Please go and get molested by a priest.

>> No.2390614
File: 142 KB, 600x395, JimSmoke41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well thank you for noticing I'm a communist. You liberals are more detrimental to any revolution then all the republicans and religious right wingers COMBINED.

They're just terribly misinformed, brainwashed, and scared. You... are actively evil.

>> No.2390619

When you decide to have sex you understand you can have a child, and if your birth control fails or your condom breaks then you are left with a SECOND choice. To keep this baby, or let it ruin your life. Life is decisions, you're pretending like only some of them should be made.

>> No.2390620

confirmed for not-scientist.

whatcha doin on /sci/, Jim?

>> No.2390623

Evidence of fetal pain at 8 weeks.
Nervous system in place and and brain waves detected around 6 weeks.

>> No.2390628

Why should abortion be legal?

Because killing babies is hilarious.

>> No.2390629
File: 310 KB, 560x320, samuel l jackson angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you even read my argument? I never said that sex was only for procreation.

>> No.2390631

Not him, but one case kills a human being, the other doesn't. It's not rocket surgery.

>> No.2390632

abortion is just early emancipation

>> No.2390633


Are you kidding? Learn about the pill, douche. Fertilization still happens, the fetus just isn't harbored within the uterus because of the release of the endometrium.

Fail harder.

>> No.2390636

Try harder.

>> No.2390638

But Feminism OP.

If you disagree with Abortion then clearly you are an evil misogynist probably rapist pig member of the patriarchy new world order designed to make sure women are payed less and kept under social control.

All of your valid arguments are rendered invalid. All a person has to do is pull the misogyny victim card and suddenly legions of politically correct idiots stand behind them no matter how stupid their counter argument may be.

>> No.2390639

Those eggs are unfertilized

>> No.2390652

Yes they are literally using force. If I don't work for the warefare negroes, the IRS and police come and put me in jail, I can try to use force against them, but that would greatly increase my punishment, if not end in my death. I have none of the rights you claim I have.

>> No.2390656

1) Ideologies are by definition unscientific.
2) Communism is a utopian pipe dream that only hurt humanity's prospects of long term survival, at least Marx take on communism.

>> No.2390658

Fair enough, but pain's subjective, without the realization or understanding of cruelty and unfairness I think it's fair to say our perception of pain is a lot different than a foetus. My wife and I had a child stillborn at eight months and she was a perfect little baby so I "get it".

>> No.2390665

>>Why? Because no one should have the legal obligation to sacrifice their body and become a human life-support machine for another human being. Regardless if that other person is their friend, the president, a fetus, or Einstein. No one.

So we should also abolish child support and Paternal obligations?

Not saying you are wrong, just pointing out the hypocrisy in todays laws. If women are allowed to bail out of responsibility men should be allowed the same.

>> No.2390668

>Contraception =/= abortion

Different process same result.


How is one result less acceptable than the other?

>> No.2390669


Syndicalist here. Not all forms of socialism are authoritarian. You can have collective ownership of the means of production without vesting all that power in a state.

I think businesses should simply be run as democracies, with all profits not going to expansion capital shared out among the workers.

It worked in Catalonia.

>> No.2390672

The morning after pill can work in 3 ways. 1) prevent ovulation, 2) prevent fertilization, 3) prevent implantation of the fertilized zygote in the uterus. In the 3rd case, the new organism is formed, but it starves to death.

>> No.2390677

>our perception of pain is a lot different than a foetus.

My youngest son was born at 24 weeks, he reacted vigorously to painful stimuli, about what a person would expect of someone experiencing pain.

I don't know that abortions are allowed at that gestational age though, I kinda doubt it in most cases.

>> No.2390678


Who says abortion is okay? Do you think pro-choice people are for abortions? All we want is the government not being able to interfere with these types of decisions.

>> No.2390680

One kills a potential human, the other prevents fertilization.

>> No.2390682


this really has no close substitutes or analogies, it's a unique case

ppl shouldn't compare it to college kids needing financial assistance or child support paid by fathers

lol...neither of those cases involve another being literally being used as a life support machine by another being who will die without such life support

>> No.2390684

You're one step short because there are ways to nullify the consequences, people can take risks because of this.

>> No.2390685
File: 35 KB, 512x343, JimProfitScientist22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're only on the computer right now thanks to the soviets. Be it the motivation by the west cause they were scared shitless of the USSR, or because communism makes the most since if you want to pursue technological advancement.

Private ownership slows down progress. It's that simple. All production and material should be oriented toward constructive purposes that build up society and the human species. This is why we cannot afford to have fuzzy minded liberals in the revolution who only think about their fucking selves.

What the fuck are you doing in /sci/ unless you want the absolute best for humanity?

>> No.2390688

I'm pro-life. I've never been pregnant as I'm not a woman. I've never raped or been raped. I would adopt, and I probably will adopt. I've cared for several of my own children both before and after birth, and continue to raise them. I love women to a fault.

>> No.2390689

>Who says abortion is okay? Do you think pro-choice people are for abortions? All we want is the government not being able to interfere with these types of decisions.

This is a very very good point

>> No.2390691

A closer one is this: should you be forced to give up a kidney to someone who needs it?

>> No.2390692
File: 228 KB, 570x610, gtfo_take_fail_GTFO-s570x610-78516-580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYI: Sperm and human eggs have human DNA as well

So you purpose a no jacking off and menstration policy?

>> No.2390697

That's true, but I think when 'nullifying the consequences' involves killing an innocent child, things are a little more complicated than what you are >implying.

>> No.2390701

how many posts can you get before a thread caps out?

>> No.2390709

Contraception, abortion, wait till it's grown, and then rape it and kill it with an ax. Different process same result. Not moral equivalents.

>> No.2390711


>> No.2390715


When does the fetus turn into a child? Clarify definitions and technicalities people, please.

>> No.2390718

>A closer one is this: should you be forced to give up a kidney to someone who needs it?

Good point ^

And no, no one should be legally forced to do this.

We control our bodies, not the government. Fuck you Christian Biblethumpers

>> No.2390719

You've obviously never had to support children. You are literally a life support machine for all your children, fetal, infant, or child.

>> No.2390721

report religion threads, move along

>> No.2390722

No, you are not literally a life support machine.

>> No.2390726

The fact that this thread has gotten so huge proves this is not as cut and dry as those who are pro-abortion would have us beleive.

>> No.2390729

Emotion is the driving force behind abortions. We are humans with hardwired brains for these emotions. Problem?

>> No.2390734


Precisely, but that's redundant. Contraception and abortion only affect a non-sentient substance.

>> No.2390737

One doesn't typically lose organs in the process of childbearing. Legal obligations for caring for one's children are generally limited to foot, shelter, clothing, and (more recently) education. If your child needs an organ, you're not obligated to give it one of yours, though most parents would.

>> No.2390739
File: 47 KB, 400x298, opsiafag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alright, so if the girl is 12, get raped and is pregnant, I'm pretty sure she should get an abortion. hm?

>> No.2390740

read the fucking thread before saying something that's been tread over a dozen times.

>> No.2390742
File: 262 KB, 563x853, 607_1273755309974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see we've gone back to that line of reasoning... as such you should be saying that one kills and infinite amount of potential humans.

>> No.2390743


>> No.2390744

>The fact that this thread has gotten so huge proves that /sci/ is the easiest board to troll.


>> No.2390755

Fair enough.

You sound like a good man who cares about women and children. I can appreciate that.

However, you do realize that most women who get abortions don't do it for shits and giggles though, right?

I understand you want babies to be born, but sadly there do exist circumstances where pregnancy isn't desirable.

It's especially cruel to force all rape victims to carry babies they didn't consetn to conceiving. If you disapprove of rape, then you shouldn't be callous on this point. Granted there are rape victims who do give birth to their babies, and that's fine. It's a personal decision.

I'm glad you want to adopt. You're consistent and I respect that. Do understand though that creating more orphans isn't a good thing either.

Personally I think abortion is a gross and sad process, but I accept that it happens. Not every woman's pregnancy is a miracle or consensual choice.

>> No.2390757


>> No.2390763 [DELETED] 

>You're only on the computer right now thanks to the soviets.
Nazi rocketry got us to the Moon. Your argument is invalid.

>Private ownership slows down progress
Personal liberties are the issue. Government having absolute control over the populace is always a bad idea. I'll assume you are aware of this and forgo arguing it.

>All production and material should be oriented toward constructive purposes that build up society and the human species.
1) You use the Soviets as an example for what is good about Communism, but you know as well as I do the Soviet leadership were not the pinnacles of selfless anthropocentrism you make them out to be. The regimes are good at surviving are the regimes that are most likely to persist. The Soviets cared about the Soviet party, not humanity.

It seems we agree on one thing, that the survival of humanity should be put above all other goals. The problem with communism is that it relies on humans with power in the government to actually give a fuck. The best thing about democratic capitalism is that it doesn't rely on such high hopes to make progress. It benefits from good in humanity but progresses none the less using the negative qualities like greed and general selfishness.

Providing everyone with coca-cola and flat screen TV's plus giving them a ballot and telling them they have a voice also creates a stable society, and stability is as important as productivity.

>> No.2390762

The legal definition is when the child is completely clear of the birth canal. Biologically, compared to other mammals human infants are essentially still fetuses for the first 6 months or more. Our big heads require we're born before we're as developed as a newborn generally is.

That underscores the whole stupidity of "okay to kill them inside"/"bad to kill them outside". Make up your fucking minds. Try some consistency.

>> No.2390767

Yes, I literally am.

>> No.2390768

>You're only on the computer right now thanks to the soviets.
Nazi rocketry got us to the Moon. Your argument is invalid.

>Private ownership slows down progress
Personal liberties are the issue. Government having absolute control over the populace is always a bad idea. I'll assume you are aware of this and forgo arguing it.

>All production and material should be oriented toward constructive purposes that build up society and the human species.
You use the Soviets as an example for what is good about Communism, but you know as well as I do the Soviet leadership were not the pinnacles of selfless anthropocentrism you make them out to be. The regimes are good at surviving are the regimes that are most likely to persist. The Soviets cared about the Soviet party, not humanity.

It seems we agree on one thing, that the survival of humanity should be put above all other goals. The problem with communism is that it relies on humans with power in the government to actually give a fuck. The best thing about democratic capitalism is that it doesn't rely on such high hopes to make progress. It benefits from good in humanity but progresses none the less using the negative qualities like greed and general selfishness.

Providing everyone with coca-cola and flat screen TV's plus giving them a ballot and telling them they have a voice also creates a stable society, and stability is as important as productivity.

>> No.2390773

That depends on how early the abortion is done, as has been demonstrated.

>> No.2390776

Then get back to the hospital, they paid a lot of money for you.

>> No.2390785

>innocent child

If we're going to argue fictions you should know that by definition of potential you have no guarantee that child is or will be an innocent.

>> No.2390787

I think any argument involving potential is a bad one.

>> No.2390796

One is grossly farther down the timeline and gone past mere 'potential' into 'near certainty'. Nice try though.

>> No.2390809

>You would kill an innocent person to relieve psychological tension?
Not a person. One must have all necessary organs, functionality, and consciousness to be considered that.
>You would hold up an infant as a shield to deflect a bullet?
Not even an infant. Once again, it's not a person.
>And banana plants are just part of the tree they're stuck on, right? It's a new being of the DNA is different. Also, it has its own blood and bloodstream.
The tree is more important.
>Neither can a parasite or any other animal's fetus, yet they're considered different organisms than the being they're stuck on.
I have no problem with killing parasites. If you don't want to kill the tapeworms living inside you, that's fine by me. But the government should stay out of my body.
>Neither are certain disabled people, should we kill them too?
Not to the extent of disabled people. At the very least, disabled people have some consciousness. Bugs have more of a life-conscious than fetuses.
>again, DNA.
Everything has DNA. Bugs, parasites, humans, everything. By your standards, men aren't allowed to jack off and women must freeze their eggs after their periods because it'd be considered "killing babies" if they don't.

So much for your "perfect logical" thinking. Get a grip.

>> No.2390810

Babies have no concept of death, things get fucked up and they die. They have no understanding of life so death is just what happens after the pain. Humans spend their lives fearing death which makes the idea of not "being" difficult.

>> No.2390814

I have daughters and I can easily imagine scenarios where abortion might seem highly desirable. I've been around and I know the realities and why people get abortions. I'm just looking for logical and consistent positions. I don't claim to have all the answers. I'm not callous on the point of rape. I can't say "there's nothing wrong with killing your kid if it came from rape", but I wouldn't make a law about that either.

>> No.2390816

>implying an unborn child can be guilty of anything.
It doesn't matter if the child goes on to be a mass murderer, in the womb it is innocent. Unless you are proposing abortions, Minority Report style.

>> No.2390823

On their way to being human =/= human.

Different DNA. Identical twins have virtually identical DNA, are they technically one person now? DNA means nothing other than a blueprint to determine how it will physically develop.

Just because it has the DNA of a human, doesn't mean it's a human being yet. It is a FETUS on its way to becoming a human being.

>> No.2390828


>> No.2390829

>It doesn't matter if the fetus goes on to be a child, in the womb it is not a person.
Either you deal in eventualities or you don't, you can't have it both ways.

>> No.2390850
File: 10 KB, 218x232, opisafag2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're probably a man so SHUT THE FUCK UP. You can't understand, asshole

>> No.2390854

You would kill an innocent person to relieve psychological tension?
#Yes, if that innocent person was a baby which could be duplicated almost exactly at a later time
>harmful to the mother
You would hold up an infant as a shield to deflect a bullet?
#Yes, if that innocent person was a baby which could be duplicated almost exactly at a later time
>It's part of the mother's body
And banana plants are just part of the tree they're stuck on, right? It's a new being of the DNA is different. Also, it has its own blood and bloodstream.
And I eat bananas because they gather energy from the sun for me to consume, I eat baby cows because the mother consumed energy from grass. I don't eat baby humans because female humans aren't cattle.
>It can't live on its own
Neither can a parasite or any other animal's fetus, yet they're considered different organisms than the being they're stuck on.
Ok, kill the parasite.
>They're not functioning
Neither are certain disabled people, should we kill them too?
again, DNA.

All in all, all that matters is the sum of societies emotional attachment towards the thing we are planning on killing. A parent is more attached to their 5 year old child than their 1 year old baby than their just born baby than their zygote

>> No.2390856

People who claim to be against abortion are also the same people that are first in line at the abortion clinic once their girlfriend is pregnant.

People like fucking, and sometimes shit happens.
I'd rather unwanted children just aren't born into their shitty lives.

>> No.2390863


>> No.2390867

Not for me, I can just mark you down as a chimp and move on to people more worth my time if you're going to stand behind arguments from emotion. Besides that emotion would weigh against abortion instinctually so I can reasonably say those who chose to have abortions do it with less emotional bias.

>> No.2390869

OP here is obviously retarded. the DNA argument used by you morons refers to humans being human due to DNA. this is different from INTELLIGENT people's definition of a human, as being one who can make moral decisions and impose upon themselves an order of morality and conciousness. fetuses cannot do these things, therefore they are not human in the same way that animals are not human.

also, the parasite argument is weak, because your argument against it does not in any way say that we still can't get rid of the fetus as if it were a parasite. in fact, it only benefits our argument to consider this thing as a separate organism from the mother, that way she has absolute moral right to get rid of it the way you would remove a parasite.

here's a question for you OP: lets say the world's greatest violinist was suffering form a medical condition that destorys his kidneys. in an attempt to save his life, his fans have drugged you, taken you to the hospital, and has hooked the violinist up to your kidneys so that he may live until his condition is cured. This will only take 9 months. So here's the question: do you have a moral right to remove him from your kidney system since he was placed there without your permission, knowing that this will kill him, or is it moral for you to be bed-ridden for 9 months with a stranger attached to you?

>> No.2390875

bump for science.

>> No.2390877



>> No.2390878

I like you, we're friends now

>> No.2390887

If I had the choice to not exist I would have taken it.

Mothers who have abortions prevent their children from living a painful life and then dying tragically.

>> No.2390889



but >>2390233

already made that argument

>> No.2390895

bumping for math

>> No.2390905

Do you honestly support women being able to kill a new life for as trivial a reason as they want?
There's always the rape argument, "I'll destroy my child's life so I don't have to be reminded lol". It's a selfish attitude.
I'm not a fucking christian, but there's nothing right about the process or ideology of abortion.

>> No.2390907
File: 19 KB, 320x502, 6a00d83451dfaa69e20120a685d278970b-320wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hear, hear

>> No.2390908
File: 14 KB, 300x330, duty_calls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2390911

I'm not the one arguing potential, this i merely the logical extension of doing it though.

However I don't even have to go to a Minority Report situation. Let's look at rape, a child resulting here is essentially a part of a weapon that was left inside the victim. Some would argue the child wasn't at fault but socially we punish anyone who directly benefits from commission of a crime regardless of if they were responsible. (receiving stolen goods for example)

>> No.2390914


sry, my bad, i just read OP's post and immediately wanted to explain to him why he was retarded. and while this person made the same argument, he didn't give an interesting hypothetical like I did.

>> No.2390915


>but there's dna lol

How about this, OP? The decisions of whether or not the obortion happens or not will be upon the victim to decide. After all, she was violated. It would not be fair to take EVEN MORE RIGHTS AWAY from the person who's already suffered. If they want an abortion to get that NOT EVEN A HUMAN out, then so be it. Otherwise, fuck off.

>> No.2390937

For you my friend

>> No.2390945

It is always the womens choice. your an insensitive fagot if you force a women to keep the baby.

>> No.2390948

You seem to have posted a non-/sci/ related topic here, here are some options:

>> No.2390950 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 511x577, face65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK /sci/ducks, convince me of your position. Why would allowing abortion or banning it be beneficial to society or detrimental to society?

>> No.2390958
File: 43 KB, 511x577, face65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK /sci/ducks, convince me of your position. Why would allowing abortion or banning it be beneficial to society or detrimental to society?

>> No.2390959

fuck off.

get the fuck off my /sci/ and don't come back.

and please die in a fire.

>> No.2390961

Im okay with abortion, as long as they havent reached the 18-year stage

>> No.2390967


>> No.2391063

>innocent person
>new being
>you answered to yourself
>comparing fetuses to disabled people.

>Implying fetuses are alive persons
>Comparing infants to fetuses
>Comparing fetuses to disabled people

troll harder

>> No.2391517

People claiming that human fetuses are not human are obviously refugees from a former board which shall remain nameless. This is /sci/. If you're going to say things that are scientifically retarded, please leave.

>> No.2391544

Is your thumb alive? Yes, yes it is. Is your thumb a conscious being with rights? No, but you are. If it has yet to develop thought of any kind, it is simply a conglomerate of cells. If PREVENTING (not ending) a life can promote the well being and happiness of a life form that is already alive is possible then I really don't see the problem. Besides, we are 6.4billion+, the last thing we need is MORE humans. In fact, getting MORE humans might result in the deaths and suffering of countless alive, conscious humans through the strife of overpopulation.

>> No.2391556
File: 20 KB, 320x320, 1zn4byh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check my pro abortion doubles

>> No.2391564


...so keep the baby already!

>> No.2391578

>You would kill an innocent person to relieve psychological tension?

Define person. I see none.

>You would hold up an infant as a shield to deflect a bullet?

Infants have usually already developed a bond with their parents, which an unwanted fetus doesn't have - even in waned ones, the bond is one sided. It's a fucking fetus.

>It's part of the mother's body

Not part of the mother's body, no, but no one's got a righ to be inside someone else if the person in question doesn't want to. Not even a fetus. Or baby, whatever.

For the rest of the questions, it's the same thing. I don't care that it's an innocent human being. It's definitely not a person during early stages of development, and even the arguable person it becomes during the last of the pregnancy doesn't have a right to be inside someone else without their consent.

Simple as that.

>> No.2391580

Abortion ends a life. It kills the entire organism. Removing your thumb does not.

>> No.2391589

Hundreds upon hundreds of my skin cells are dying every second. I must be some sort of genocidist!

>> No.2391593


Anon is being inconsisten, but you say "killing" as if it's a bad thing. Better suppres that murderous immune system of yours. They're inside you! They're alive! They're not your body! They have a right to liiiiiiiife!