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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2388566 No.2388566 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, I'm 21 right now, and want to get frozen as soon as I die. I'm going to make a tattoo on my arm telling to freeze me, and indicating the phone number and name of the company which does the freezing, so if the technologies would be found to unfreeze me, I would continue living.

I advise you to do the same.

>> No.2388586
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lol yeah ok buddy

>> No.2388585
File: 22 KB, 410x285, coward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2388588

My sense of pride dictates otherwise~

>> No.2388593

> dead
> get frozen
> get thawed
> still dead

>> No.2388599

Is that you, Yudkowsky?

>> No.2388603

Freezing in current technology will kill you. Kill you so proficiently, you won't be reanimated. Water freezing expands, this causes cells to be torn apart. To make one immortal it is necessary to make neurons replicate again, and stop errors in DNA replication. The latter one is impossible, therefore immortality is impossible.

>> No.2388614

>brain starts decomposing
>get frozen
>get thawed
>be a vegetable

>> No.2388624


>> No.2388628

Don't listen to these people OP. They call things impossible but have no idea what future discoveries and technology will bring.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

>> No.2388662

I'm tempted to do this, just so there'll be at least one Christian when we all get unthawed.

>> No.2388676

Currently, the technology is ineffectual at being able to freeze your body without lysing (destroying) the cells.

Perhaps future freezing technologies will fix this issue, but currently, if you were to become cryogenically frozen, all of your cells would break. You would die if you weren't dead already.

>> No.2388701

Jesus, that's the least rational wiki I've seen in a while. It could make conservapedia blush.

>> No.2388730

Wow OP, be more of a pussy.

Stop being a fag

>> No.2388776


>Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic

Not really, no. Don't get me wrong, science is fucking awesome and all but if a subject ever becomes indistinguishable from magic, it means we have a distinct lack of knowledge as opposed to a great amount of knowledge regarding it.

In any case, freezing a corpse won't change anything. It'll still be very dead and likely severely damaged upon thawing due to good old freezer burn.

but supposing life could be restored, the brain would still be severely degraded such that getting it to once again regulate basic bodily function would be a monumental triumph. retrieving memories is pretty much impossible.

Also, who in the far future would want to invest in the time and effort to resurrect some schmuck from ages ago?

>> No.2388912

>To make one immortal it is necessary to make neurons replicate again

or just prevent neurons from degenerating in the first place


>> No.2388959


>they intend to die one day
>call OP a coward and a pussy

Wow, your lives must suck, no wonder that the idea of living for hundreds of years scares you. Why not just kill yourselves now? Really, why suffer for several more decades if there's no point to your existence?

>> No.2389012


You misinterpret the quote. A magician or a witch has (or rather would have) knowledge of magic, but the common folk is awed and beguiled by it's workings.

Ask someone around you how a tv works. Ask them if they are aware of the electron gun in their CRTs or the circular light polarizers in their LCDs. A cell phone is no different from a crystal ball, and yet we don't treat it like a magical artifact, because no one really claims it's magic, because that's not what scientists do.

How easy do you think it would be to convince a person with little/no education that a hologram is magic? Or heck, even the fact that a black plate can produce sounds! It's all subjective, people just don't realize that they probably know more of druid rituals than they know how a computer works.

Also, kinda agree with you on the freezing. If you're dead, it's pointless. Before they'll freeze you, your brain would deteriorate.