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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2388001 No.2388001 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ technology is slowly replacing peoples sexual urg....

you know what fuck it! woman are inferior, and can't even use a damn computer i mean look at comp sci majors or any science major hell even engineering I'm willing to gamble 1 maybe 2 percent are woman

praise be to man

>> No.2388009

I mean my classes are fucking sausage fests and i might be a little bitter about it but god damn

why don't woman like science?

>> No.2388017
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>woman are inferior
fuck you, ya faggot prick!

>> No.2388021

looking forward to it

>> No.2388027

She mad

>> No.2388039

biology, 50% are women,

mfw i havent met a single one of them who want to do molecular biology or anything except zoology

>> No.2388050

Oh yeah, she definitely mad.

Seriously, though, EK, you're kind of in the gender minority here. Despite female college enrollment going up, fewer and fewer women go into science compared to men.

>> No.2388062

>biology, 50% are women,

52% are women actually.

>> No.2388063

Wait, I should clarify: advanced science.

>> No.2388068



>> No.2388073

>conflating biological sex with cultural gender roles

No, I'm not a woman.

>> No.2388076

Women are generally inferior to men in most areas, however I have the utmost respect for women who excel in science and math related fields
EK you aren't one of those women so stfu

>> No.2388079

The two percent are actually 134000000 people. It fucking matters.

>> No.2388083

I love this thread already

>> No.2388160
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>Mfw according to you 6.7 billion people study biology

>> No.2388169

That just shows women can't do math

>> No.2388171


Is there a problem?

>> No.2388177

That's how many bitches think they know biology amirite?

>> No.2388185

And now you know why they went into biology and not a real science.

>> No.2388223

dude, zoology is fuckin class!
yeh, probably. meh.
yes i am. go eat a dick!

>> No.2388240
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>> No.2388245
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>> No.2388253
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>> No.2388444

Jesus, don't get bitchy.

That's the difference between you and I. You get defensive, and I calmly defeat most shit people throw at me, and concede when I appear to be losing.

No, I'm not that Anon.

>> No.2388472

what the fuck, where is mathematics or sciences


i feel special now. but still stupid since there are barely any jobs for scientists.

>> No.2388478

>is confronted with a valid counterpoint
>"Yeah, probably. Meh."
>keeps arguing

Some days /sci/ feels more like /sigh/.

>> No.2388480

wait so EK is a niggalesh female on a science board


>> No.2388491

Oh, and I'd like to add that my counterpoint was not demeaning in any way.

>> No.2388498

yeh, i usually calmly defeat them as well...its all good.

you're not him?
hmm...but you know him?

>> No.2388510

I'm separating myself from him, as an entity, in order to prevent a barrage of "LOL U AGRE W/ HIM SAEMFAG SAMEFAG SAMEFAG" because really, that's fucking annoying.

>> No.2388516

i wasnt arguing against the fact that there are more male scientists than female ones, so it isnt even a counterpoint against me.
i was arguing against saying women are 'inferior' and then i was pointing out that I do study science and maths (the 'eat a dick' part might have been unnecessary...but meh)

>> No.2388522

wait, what?
are we talking about the same person here?
did you mean someone in this thread?
...whos 'him'?

>> No.2388533

>fuck you, ya faggot prick!

Sorry, I misconstrued this as a discreditation of OP, rendering his entire post invalid.

Personally, on a 1:1 basis, I don't find females inferior. I make sure to avoid sampling bias by being around just as many male retards.

>> No.2388561

>you're not him?
hmm...but you know him?

I dunno. I really dunno what just happened.

>> No.2388578

nevermind, i think i was mistaken. its just something about your tone made me think you might be him.
theres an anon who sometimes posts here who knows me IRL, and then you said "i'm not THAT anon" as if you knew what i'd just thought...or something.
nevermind, you probably meant somebody in the thread, and he is probably not here.

>> No.2388652

>mfw my mom is a geologist
>mfw back in her uni days there were only 2 women studying geology
>mfw my mom is smart and rational
>mfw because of this the idea of women being dumber than men seems illogical to me
>mfw I go out into the real world and I find out that women like my mom are one in a million
>mfw most women are infact dumb stupid whores whose only purpose in life is to jump up and down on some dumb rich guys dick

>mfw I dont even know basic chemistry
>mfw straight f´s in math and science trought school
>mfw Ill never be as smart as her
>mfw I study international business
>mfw Ill make more money than her
>mfw I have no face