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2387820 No.2387820 [Reply] [Original]


I found this on another board today and it got me wondering what you guys think about all these doomsday predictions set for 2012.

>> No.2387852

>what you guys think about all these doomsday predictions



>> No.2387926
File: 337 KB, 1056x1342, 1283672500740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all tinfoil hat wearing voodoo practitioners over there in /x/. I want to know what rational minds think of the subject.

>> No.2387936
File: 3 KB, 126x86, idontgiveafuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we arn't worried OP.
any predictions made on mysticism and not science are doomed to failure


>> No.2387939

It's all bullshit, what else could there possibly be to it.

>> No.2387976

Most likely bullshit. If a prediction succeeds, it's either because:
1) Based on predictable/deterministic phenomena.- don't see the case being so here.
2) Coincidence - rare, wouldn't worry.
3) Self-fulfilling prophecy - believers in said predictions put in motions dynamics that cause the event to happen.

Thus I'm not really worried about 2012. I'm a lot more worried by how popular it is and the people believing in these doomsday predictions than of anything that might happen then.

>> No.2387994

Rational minds are aware of the 2012 thing being a big load based on a misunderstanding of the Mayan Long Count Calender coming to en end around December 21st in 2012. We are aware that the Mayan system of long term time measurement involved astronomical bodies, as with most cultures. Unlike with the Gregorian calender, which is contiguous and updated constantly, the Mayans made one super accurate calender with an expiration date. The world wasn't going to end on 2012, the calender was going to be invalid on 2012. That was their THIRD calender to do this. And they even started making the fourth.

Mug! Trying to get a hold of you, damnit.

>> No.2388061
File: 1.06 MB, 1600x1066, dmt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everybody in this thread thinks Freudian/Newtonian.

everybody in this thread says it is just crap.

nobody in this thread has looked into real sources surrounding the topic.

nobody in this thread knows what dimethyltryptamine is.






Divine Moments of Truth


>> No.2388069

feels good to hear that coming form someone else.

I didn't have the facts but my opinion was that the poor Mayans had to stop there calendar sometime and couldn't just mark it out to infinity.

I expected they'd use a repeated measurement of time like an Age, but i have no idea how long their calendar goes on for, do you?

>> No.2388100



>> No.2388111

Watching atm, spirit molecule.. wonder if it has a gauss boson lololol

>> No.2388124


simple, we dont think about it, untill we want a good laugh,

e.g. listen to paton oswalt (my weakness is strong) talking about the apocalypse

>> No.2388120

Good post, couldn't have put it better than this.

>> No.2388133

Everyone in this thread is thinking logically, you're thinking like a fucking christian radical with no means to support your theory.

>> No.2388142


>> No.2388147

>I'm a lot more worried by how popular it is and the people believing in these doomsday predictions than of anything that might happen then.

THIS. I've read about the chaos that will inflict will certain areas of Earth because of the fanaticals who are convinced that the world will end on December 21, 2012. There will be those living as if this day is the end. Who knows what they'll do?

If anything spectacular happens, it's we, the human species, who were the cause.

>> No.2388152

What does DMT have to do with real sources for 2012? Absolutely nothing, that's what.

>> No.2388167
File: 160 KB, 454x468, eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do they put patterns on everything?


am i dreaming? is this a dream?

i see a man. he is in a suit. his two eyes are open.

but his third eye is closed.

his third eye is closes.

third eye.

>> No.2388172

What are yo smokin brah?

>> No.2388180

He's on DMT. He's not tripping, it's a spiritual awakening. They're different.

>> No.2388183

Flooding of the earth seems like the most plausible means of our destruction.

Think about it, all it would take is melting the ice caps (which can be done in a variety of ways (nukes)) and thw whole world will be underwater.

>> No.2388199

Sounds the same to me.

>> No.2388202
File: 124 KB, 352x469, dmtperson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems you are having trouble remembering what you chose to forget.

remember what you chose to forget.

chose to forget.

just give it time. haha, time.

haha, time




