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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 81 KB, 1024x724, Family_Guy___Death_by_LordNaraku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2386873 No.2386873 [Reply] [Original]

I would like to formally encourage all current Theists and Agnostics that visit this image-board to the wiki designed for free imaginative Christian Science. The space is non-profit based and allows valid contributions from members only, purely because of the militant Atheists who may or may not visit the wiki-page and start editing things that don't agree with their boring, dull and restricted perception.

- We do not simply prove God, but rather prove the word of God scientifically. For example, replacing words such as "Adam and Eve" with the definitions that are applied to "Proton and Neutron" (this hasn't been validated).

- There are no restraints on the hypotheses or theories that you can write on the wiki - this isn't troll science, but has the freedom of troll science.

Sanctipedia - Your source for Christian Science.


>> No.2386892
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>Christian science

>> No.2386898
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>he thinks being human is funny. (a joke)

>> No.2386900

It's not funny it's hilarious.

>> No.2386903

I lol'd at Christian and Scientist in the same sentence.

>> No.2386908


>Implying max planck wasn't one of the most important scientists of the twentieth century

>> No.2386909
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>> No.2386912


huuuuge difference between a christian scientist, and a scientist who is simply christian.

>> No.2386913

More heresy from the Christians trying to abuse their religion by twisting information to fit their notion of creation.


Where is your guilt, your shame? You corrupt your own religion, and for what?


>> No.2386914
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>> No.2386915


have a pudding pop.

>> No.2386917
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>9th post down

Why do I have such shitty friends?

>> No.2386920
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I'm just gonna leave this here for you, OP.

>> No.2386926

awww, theres nothing good on that site yet to make fun of. You christian "scientist" better start gettin to work on some material

>> No.2386932
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>Christian Science


>> No.2386933

Christian Scientist is becoming worse than Aether.

>> No.2386940
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>Christian Science

>> No.2386947


nah, this guy actually has decent responses sometimes and seems capable of actually conversing with people in a meaningful way. Aether just spewed out random crap that sounded vaguely poetical with no decent way to interpret it.

>> No.2386948

"in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit"

>> No.2386955

Can't expect much more from a science board on 4chan than talks about why walking tanks should be made and religious people using scientific terms for something that just isn't science .__.

>> No.2386958
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Which is?


>> No.2386966

We know a surprising amount about the nature of time.

>> No.2386972

This is just another example of christians making other christians look foolish. Genesis is largely poetry and oral accounts passed on over generations before being written down, there are 2 variations of the Garden of Eden metaphor. leviticus was largely a book of civil law, intended to prolong the existence of the hebrew tribes.

>> No.2386973

Yes, you mentioned your trilogy before. Then you were blasted by fellow Christians for your heretical interpretation of your religion.

>> No.2386979

It's entirely possible that this board rivals /b/ for ragetrolls

>> No.2386991
File: 20 KB, 600x338, death_the_kid 58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We shall see. Keep checking the Sanctum for updates, Kid.

>> No.2387013

I think a good aphorism here would be of the drunk person looking for his keys under the street light at night. When offering to help him look for them, he replies that he didn't drop them here but further away in the dark. But it's too dark to see over there so he'd rather look for them here.

>> No.2387030
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Do you sleep Tripless?

>> No.2387034


one who separates his or her faith from scientific research and one who tries to integrate it into the research a.k.a a christian scientist.

>> No.2387052
File: 34 KB, 1024x580, death_the_kid 61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking of sleep, recently, I made an oath to stop fapping, because I had a weird experience. I was sleep deprived by 24 hours - and the following night I managed to get to sleep, I didn't dream, but when I did wake at around 6:00, for around 8 seconds, I seen someone in my room, it was someone I knew, a friend named Joseph, and he said quite clearly, "This is your last chance," and then when I strained my eyes wide he disappeared. This was an unusual experience, however, it made me quit fapping by making me believe that I was forgiven for the other times I had fapped.

That being said, the last three nights I've had dreams where I climaxed before waking up, so it seems that, as a gift of me quitting fapping, I'm having multiple, continuous, sexual dreams where I climax at the end as if I was fapping.

One of the problems with being Christian is the amount of respect we have for our seed, for it's our future Children. I can't just simply go out and fuck lots of women, it's just as wasteful to my seed as fapping is... However, there are benefits to not being a complete sexual slave; my sex drive is always high, I'm always in good health and I direct my new found horniness towards other things, making less 'fun' in life, more fun, as I'm not always thinking about sex.

Just thought you would like to know.

>> No.2387062
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Hallucinations are not healthy.

>> No.2387065

You try create a working community without them.

>> No.2387067

Maybe he meant your last chance to fap? Your day was starting, family around and whatnot.
Should fap more, not less.

>> No.2387070

Sounds like a weak justification for being afraid of *women and your own sexuality.

Or men considering that you think about your male friends while masturbating.

>> No.2387071

They are also fairly common.

>> No.2387075
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>I would like to formally encourage all current Theists and Agnostics

everybody is agnostic, this is why it is 'belief' in god or lack of 'belief'
none of us 'know'
if we are honest, we admit we are unsure (even if only a very tiny amount of doubt)

>> No.2387077

I wasn't masturbating when I seen him, nor was I thinking sex, I was just sleep deprived.

>> No.2387091

And it was either smoking, fapping or generally losing my temper with my parents that I narrowed it down to. I used to fap quite often, and always be like "this is the last time," but never would stop. I do that with smoking and losing my temper too - I'll work on them too just in case I misinterpreted his obvious wise words.

>> No.2387109
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In the commencing moments of mankind’s creation, genesis, the key element to all life was forged and set in motion; the trinity: the father, the mother and the son. These components are necessary for evolution to develop and continue developing – without both the father and the mother there is no child, and without a child element there is no reproduction; it is an essential trio that has brought mankind to the present day.
Within existence lies two adjacent and symmetrical realms of sub-existence, connected through a subtle and binding third layer of sub-existence: the mental realm, the physical realm and the spiritual layer – each are dependent on each other to consist. The most important component on terms of evolution and prosperity is the spiritual layer, for it guides and brings forth both realms, it also requires good mothering and fathering which generates its foundations.

>> No.2387118


In 1937 he delivered the lecture, "Religion and Natural Science", stating that both religion and science require a belief in God

>> No.2387128

>proving christianity
nope, not seeing the connection.

-agnostic atheist

>> No.2387135

The spiritual layer is the developing component of our existence; it’s the child image from the mother and father, in this case the mental and the physical realms. Both of the sub-existences require its presence to have the ability to connect with each other - without the spiritual layer the two sub-existences are trapped within a stalemate, as they cannot bond or procreate, they cannot develop or proceed as a pair.

>> No.2387138
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You can't measure it? Then it don't exist!


>> No.2387139

>Christian Scientist

What the HELL are you doing to my religion you tremendous fagabilly?! Science + Christian religion = "YOU'RE NOT A CHRISTIAN, YOU'RE A SCIENTOLOGIST!"

stop it right now

>> No.2387148

What does "Heaven and Earth," mean in >your religion?

>> No.2387171

Land and water, exactly what it meant when Jevvs wrote it down 5000-7000 years ago.

Seems we have some kind of heretic shitting up my religion with his faggotry.

>> No.2387173


>science requires a belief in God

I find it just silly to imagine that being a requirement for scientific thought, though the exercise in questioning the existence of god surely helps in exercising logic.


Perhaps a life throughout which one practices the questioning of god done by the "agnostics" in this picture who may have an amount of 'faith' is like this?

>> No.2387188

Land and water? I don't understand, water is made from H20, there in components in water that require creation first before water, as a full component, can exist. The same with land. That religion would be stupid. Practice what you preach

>> No.2387217

The Mental Realm
The mental realm is the governing component of our existence; it’s the father image to all creation(s), the architect to the physical realm, and the protection and infusion of the spiritual layer. It requires the physical and spiritual components to continue fusing. Without its presence and effect the other components are void and useless; the mother cannot procreate and the son is unprotected or not fathered.
The Physical Realm
The physical realm is the functioning component of our existence; it’s the mother image to all creation(s), the instrument to the mental realm, and the incubator and erection of the spiritual layer. It requires the mental and spiritual components to continue procreating. Without its presence and effect the other components are void and useless; the father cannot infuse and the son isn’t incubated or not mothered.

>> No.2387252

>I don't understand

That's right. You don't. Now, stop raping the word of God with your heresy.

The "water" was the oceans, which a faithful Christian would know, heretic.

>> No.2387254

The bible doesn't say that.

>> No.2387257

You're retarded, any faithful Christian who believes what you believe is also retarded. Being trained in the creed, our creed, I have the superiority and standing to make the bold claim that you are NOT Christian, but rather some deluded and poisonous abomination.

>> No.2387263
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>implying anyone with even an ounce of intelligence gives a flying fuck about what the bible has to say

>> No.2387280

> any faithful Christian ̶w̶h̶o̶ b̶e̶l̶i̶e̶v̶e̶s̶ w̶h̶a̶t̶ y̶o̶u̶ b̶e̶l̶i̶e̶v̶e̶ is also retarded.

>> No.2387283 [DELETED] 

...says the mouth of Satan himself.

You can ad-Hom me all you want, but my faith is backed by faith, not renationalisations.

You corrupt your faith in our religion with every post.

You need to plead more, and rationalize more, and metaphor more, and eventually you're not talking about Christianity at all.

>> No.2387285

But you know of it's nature, you know it was written by man to create a working community. That rule may have helped the community stay happing and in working order at the time. It's not required now a days though - the only parts of importance are: the knowledge of our history and the knowledge of creation. Killing the bible removes all of that knowledge - and that's what you support, hiding behind your little wall of lies, like the scabby parasitical ferret you are; you're a disgrace to humanity. I'd kill myself if I was you, and I'm not even joking - I'd grab a few pill bottles and just chomp on about 100 pills, lay down, and just watch my sinful, disgusting and alien self wash away from the fine and perfect creation that lay around me.

>> No.2387288

...says the mouth of Satan himself.

You can ad-Hom me all you want, but my faith is backed by faith, not rationalizations.

You corrupt your faith in our religion with every post.

You need to plead more, and rationalize more, and metaphor more, and eventually you're not talking about Christianity at all.

>> No.2387293

>It's not required now a days though

Neither is religion. We practice religion because we are faithful to God.

The problem is YOU.

>> No.2387296
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how to do strikeout text pl0x???

>> No.2387307

>"Killing the bible removes all of that knowledge - and that's what you support, hiding behind your little wall of lies, like the scabby parasitical ferret you are; you're a disgrace to humanity. I'd kill myself if I was you, and I'm not even joking - I'd grab a few pill bottles and just chomp on about 100 pills, lay down, and just watch my sinful, disgusting and alien self wash away from the fine and perfect creation that lay around me."

what the fuck??
thats some nice christian compassion and respect for a fellow human being right there...

>> No.2387314

Troll-dar, you lack it.

>> No.2387323

Paste the Combining Low Stroke Overlay (U+0335) character after every nonspace character you want to strikeout.

>> No.2387328

You believe God is a Male.
>Impossible for a male to bore children without the female counterpart.
You believe God to be one thing.
>The number 1 is a concept, meaning it's not real and is a lie used to help us progress in reality. Meaning you're calling God a lie - blasphemous and sacrilegious.
You believe worshipping this Male One God (lie) is more important that worshipping your Children and Women.
>Stupid, intolerable, delusion and poisonous to anyone your spread your fake-faith to.
The bible was originally written in Hebrew by people 2000 years ago, with different terms of address and wording.
>The God you worship is a cause and effect from churches that arrived during the 15th century, 15 centuries after it's original creation.

The God you worship, is not the Christian God. You're not Christian. Any real Christian knows that 'You' don't exist, and that anyone that practices the faith and lives by the creed is addressed as Thou, for Thou refers to God, rather than 'to the man'.

At least I practice our faith for the right reasons, whilst you do it because you want to live after dying - to sit around on your knees all day doing what you believe to be 'praying', because one day between the 15th and 21st century some men said "this is what praying is," and ever since then you've been wasting time talking to yourself, with full belief that there is a MALE in the sky answering your prayers; which hasn't and never will happen.

Kill yourself.

>> No.2387334


Lay off, it's not her fault.

She's a woman, after all.

>> No.2387335

that isnt a troll, thats just nasty.
i mean i know there are some EK-haters out there, but i didnt expect stuff like that.

>> No.2387342

>implying there are limits to the nastiness of trolling
Welcome to the internet.

>> No.2387350

You're not human if you support our mental and blind physical enslavement.

>> No.2387351

> christian compassion and respect for a fellow human being
I'm sorry, what? Christian compassion? Christian respect?
You're the one trolling now.

>> No.2387359

...that didn't look like trolling to me.

t'was sarcasm.

>> No.2387360

Compassion for you? No. Don't be silly. You're an alien. If you turn a blind eye to what's really going on, then you're living and perceiving life with one eye closed - your cycloptic mentality is sub-human, and you're unwilling to seek or learn the truth because you do not care for the important things in existence, such as the children, the nature and so on. As long as you're having fun, it's okay right? So kill yourself, you're not US, you're a cyclops and therefore THEM.

>> No.2387361

Again, implying Christian Scientist is not a troll?

Damn, EK, you ARE dumb.

>> No.2387363

I'd die for humanity,
I'd die simply to send a message to humanity,

You'd kill for money.
End of discussion.

>> No.2387370

theres a difference to being a troll and being a dickhead, trolling is supposed to be humurous. so a mere string of insults does not class as trolling in my book.

also, is christian scientists #trip a troll, or is he legit?

>> No.2387373

In order for sarcasm to work, it has to reference an existing thing that is obviously not being exhibited in this instance.
What you have done is refer to a non-existing thing as if it did exist, and reference it as the thing not being exhibited in this instance. It is not sarcasm. It may be irony if you actually believe Christianity to be a religion of compassion and respect and intended it that way, or if you're more familiar with the works of Yahweh as described in the Bible and his followers in recorded history, you might be using it as literal truth as your opponent demonstrates perfectly what passes for compassion and respect in Christianity.

>> No.2387376

God is neither male or female you ridiculous twat.

God is God, and you are corrupt and buttmad.

>> No.2387381

So now flamebaiting isn't trolling?

Man, making people angry is the HEART of trolling. The amusing stuff isn't trolling - it's trolling on parade, fully acknowledged trolling that everyone is in on. Like Troll Physics.

But true, original trolling is just about pissing people off. It's always been that way.

>> No.2387382

Your message was ruined when you confused faith with science.

>> No.2387387


And so it shall be.

Forever and ever.


>> No.2387391

I wasn't talking to you.

>> No.2387392

At least you managed to understand that God is not male or female, but still, you think God is stupid and inferior to science. What a crude and restricted mind you have (a level that no true God believer would ever stoop down to).

>> No.2387397

God can do anything, so why can't God do science?

>> No.2387398


as metal workers and blacksmiths, the cyclops take offense. Our single eye creates many a wonder and is essential to our being. We didn't choose to be that way.
We gave Zeus the gift of thunder and lightning, also gifted Poseidon with a trident, and Hades with the Helmet of Darkness.
Apollo kinda ruined everything... his asshat son Asclepius had that lightning bolt on his name for a good long time.

>> No.2387405

I'm not saying it doesn't have it's benefits, what I'm saying is it does have it's limits. When it borders ending the world, then you must stop. Any intelligent -human- would know this.

>> No.2387410

What I'm really saying is, "Open both your eyes"

>> No.2387417

God doesn't NEED to do science, science does God.

>> No.2387419

Is it bad that I can only parse that sentence in sexual terms?

>> No.2387422

And I'm saying open your third eye, and see what I see.

>> No.2387425
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>Humans are hold against their own will
>Forced to work for a cause that holds no purpose
>Surrounded by increasing pollution
>Food is being depleted at a high rate
>Nature is rapidly being siphoned for profits
>Tons of nuclear weapons are in the hands of most powerful countries.
>Waste is thrown into the waters and at various parts of the world almost daily.

No-one gives a shit.

>> No.2387426

No, it's typical.

>> No.2387429
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I'm on no-ones side.

>> No.2387436
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it was sarcasm because christians tend to generally think they are very moral people "do unto others as you would have done to you" "love your fellow man - jesus" etc, wheras atheists are challenged because they can say "well, if you dont believe in god, or divine judgement/heaven and hell whats the point of being a good person?" so they dont believe objective morality can be achieved without a divine being telling you how to live.
at the start of the chapter on morality in 'the god delusion' dawkins shows some e-mails from christians who describe in graphic detail how they want to murder him for being an atheist "...take a knife to you gutless fools....meet your god SATAN in hell!..."
and i kinda like evidence like this, of christians sounding very immoral, because it pretty much proves that either they are very bad christians, or morality doesnt come from god. christians can be dickheads as well, and some atheists are very nice, even with no divine reward/afterlife.

true, but insulting me and saying i should die, doesnt piss me off. it just inspires me to avoid such a horrible person in future.
trolling me would be wasting my time in some way, or saying something stupid and having me rage and correct you. (e.g "your trolling, arn't you?" ~ "its 'you're' FFFFUUUU!!")
merely insulting isnt trolling, and doesnt make me angry.

>> No.2387443

You say that as if I had one eye that saw reality and one eye that saw spirituality. I have one eye that sees reality and one eye that sees myself. With both my eyes open, I can tell that someone with both eyes closed is not seeing reality or themselves, and so thinks they have an eye open, and that it sees both reality and spirituality, and they then declare my eye of spirituality closed.
Yes, I lack the no eye you wish me to open. Without it, I am incapable of seeing things that do not exist.

>> No.2387447

You cannot see the truth without opening your 'no eye'.

>> No.2387473

And you cannot have faith by mixing religion with science.

>> No.2387479


Christian Scientist?

Are you trying to be funny or are you serious about that name?

>> No.2387483

Of course you can.

>> No.2387487

I'm 100% serious, Kid.

>> No.2387500

I'm going to continue with the Trinity Formula, enjoy yourselves.

>> No.2387504

No, you can't, because you're replacing your faith with facts.

No faith, no religion.

You are obviously not a Christian, so shut up whore.

>> No.2387507

Have fun corrupting your religion, whore.

>> No.2387531

Jesus fucking Christ, I've checked out the link hoping to see some promising community effort on history of Christianity and found a steaming pile of creationism. Guess I should have read the original post to the end :<

>> No.2387543
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That's nice. Why don't you go to another Atheist related thread and broadcast to people how having imaginative beliefs in support of freedom is stupid.

>> No.2387576

1. ?
2. Design
3. Creation

1. ?
2. Format
3. Erection

I'm not getting what [1] is, at the moment.

>> No.2387632

>atheist thread
>implying /sci/ is atheism
>implying religion is science

>> No.2387637

What is the opposite of preservation?

>> No.2387655
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Hey aether,

sorry don`t add articles that fast but im thinking of the best approach to start with.
it realize i takes some time until we have some good quality artciles.

Anyway i would like to change something at the fundement of the website, an additional Christian Science Code...
>or adjustion to rule [5] We do not require physical evidence to determine whether theories are legitimate.

[6] Our interpretations of christianity are self-evident, christian science as a whole is it`s own source of information.

this may sounds extreme but my firts article will be about belief i`ll try to explain it there.

>> No.2387675 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 240x182, shitjustgotreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit just got real

/sci/ trolls coorperating on a new religious sect.

>> No.2387681
File: 8 KB, 240x182, shitjustgotreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit just got real

/sci/ trolls coorperating on a new religious sect.

>> No.2387686

I agree on that rule and will add it now. We separate from Science, but in no way inferior.

>> No.2387690
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Hey Christian scientist, I was thinking about joining Christianity, but I am dubious of joining any religion until I find out how it began.

Can you give me a brief rundown of how Christianity started please?

>> No.2387707

It started as a method of understanding the world. It's philosophical science - although many scientists will disagree. It treats all objects in existence as family (made out of the same stuff as we are, obeying the same rules as we do, and so on). The bible was used as a tool to create a working community, think of it as a human nature handbook, to teach people how to be morally correct and so on. Years ago we did not have these working and cities and had to teach people much differently today, less advancement and more balance. Each word in the bible is metaphorical - the current definitions for most of the words are wrong and 'closed', when they're supposed to be 'open to interpretation'.

>> No.2387721

Ah. So you're not Christians at all. You need to label your fantasy something else then, like the Mormons did.

>> No.2387725
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Hahahahaha I laugh at your ignorance.
Watch this PBS video and learn the painful truth about your religion's beginnings.

The Bible's Buried Secrets:

>> No.2387738
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how christianity started is irrelevant.

The fact THAT something exists, and in what extension it exists, is the main reason to investigate a case in the first place.

>> No.2387740

>tells me to watch video made in modern times (with a video camera) claiming to know secrets about pure Christianity that originates from the year 0.

>> No.2387751

>Whereas you entirely make shit up and pretend your version is not heresy.

>> No.2387760
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Tells you to watch a video about archaeology that reveals why Judaism and Christianity were founded in the first place.

Wouldn't you like to know why people originally believed it?

>> No.2387773

1. First Child codes Encryption(Father "Heaven") and Compression(Mother "Earth").

>God is in the Mental Realm, Inspecting the Physical Realm.

2. The Compression was without form and void (Design), and Darkness was upon the face of the deep (Format).

3. And We said "Let there be Light" (creation) and there was light (erection).

4. And We saw the light, that it was good and separated the light from the darkness (error detection).

>Father (Mental).
>1. Infusion
>2. Design
>3. Creation

>Mother (Physical).
>1. Incubation
>2. Format
>3. Erection

>1. Encryption.
>2. Compression.
>3. Error Detection.

>> No.2387780

4. And We saw the Light (compression), that it was Good (error detection) and separated the light from the darkness (encryption).

>> No.2387783
File: 173 KB, 600x599, 600pxStele_of_Qadesh_upperfram1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are building your beliefs on a foundation of lies originally created to unify a people against an oppressive upper class.

Christianity is nothing but the glue that cements the plebians of the world together and keeps them from rebelling against their superiors.

When will you realize this?

>> No.2387794

>created to unify a people against an oppressive upper class.
>keeps them from rebelling against their superiors.
Way to contradict yourself hard, bro.

>> No.2387795

>(compression)(error detection)(encryption).

>> No.2387796

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>> No.2387803
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The bible's buried secrets

and you will see that I am, in fact, not contradicting myself.

>> No.2387819

No, he's right.
>created to unify a people against an oppressive upper class.

That was when Jesus was alive.

>keeps them from rebelling against their superiors.

Was what emperor, uh, Constantine was it? Anyway, that is what Rome demanded 200 years after Jesus died. A religion of obedience.

>> No.2387834
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Here's the kicker, Jesus never existed.

Nobody could verify it either. That's the beauty of it. Pic related.

Also, the whole "Jesus died for your sins" thing absolves people of any responsibility for their actions. As long as they believe in Jesus, they can do whatever they want and "be saved"

>> No.2387843

Well it's time to resurrect Jesus, because your sins are at a level where they can wipe us out at any second.

>> No.2387857
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Here is why I am not afraid of Christianity's beliefs.

Most Christians don't realize that they are actually worshipping Satan, yes Satan.
Satan has been tricking christians into worshipping him and doing his bidding for hundreds of years.

Think about it... The crusades, the spanish destruction of the Americas, all the pain and destruction that were caused by Satan tricking people into whorshiping him as god.

>> No.2387862

...says the heretic trying to rewrite the bible to suit her preconceived lazy-ass notions.

>> No.2387869

You have a dizzying intellect.

>> No.2387870


this all makes sense, just replace Satan with "natural stupidity"

>> No.2387874

ive been overestimating this board

>> No.2387885
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By the way, this is my tried and true best method for showing Christians how silly they are for believing the bullshit that was crammed down their throats since before they could remember.

There is seriously no way to counter this argument.

>> No.2387886

Leviathan = spaceship

>> No.2387907

>There is seriously no way to counter this argument.
Sure if you have an IQ of 50.

>> No.2387908


Ok then, counter it.

>> No.2387935


Your silence is proof that it cannot be countered.

>> No.2387950
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you must have an IQ of 50
/x/ claims victory over this thread.


>> No.2387970

Counter what?

>> No.2387979

>bash oneism
hi Aether

>> No.2387987

That Christians worshipped Satan (Banks)? No, cause that wouldn't make them Christian, that would make them abominations. Christians follow Christianity - Christianity is worshipping God - if you don't worship God, you're not Christian. Christianity was erected 2011 years ago, the most purest Christians were from the year 0, they're the ones that count.

What you're saying is like claiming "Banks worship waste, even though it's their main aim to make money, they create waste, so, at the end of the day, they worship waste and not money, beat that bankers, your waste fuckers".

>> No.2387995


But you see, Satan has been tricking you into thinking that he is god, while he laughs at you for worshiping false gods that he told you not to.

Everything that Christianity says is one of Satan's clever tricks.

>> No.2387998

Banks create money and sell debt. Banks DO make money from waste.

>> No.2388018
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I also didn't say anything about banks, I'm saying that you are being tricked to this very minute into worshiping satan and his clever lies and tricks.

>> No.2388036

Ok /sci/ you faggots, explain sanctification, or how we age/grow, what makes us do that?

>> No.2388045


no, everything the bible says was created by satan.

prove otherwise or you are wasting your time and eternal soul on the wrong things.

>> No.2388077
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Learn how to interpret the bible correctly you cyclop brained, enslaved idiot. You still think 'reality' is real, and that they don't know everything about the universe. ....haahahah you're all so fucking dumb.

dumb, it's unbelievable. honestly, i don't see how you're all that stupid. i must be evolved more than you sub-humans or something.


>> No.2388088
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so your only response is that I'm fucking retarded.

very reassuring. enjoy worshiping satan for the rest of your life. I won't be fooled by his trickery like you have.

>> No.2388093

oh, pure 24-carat butthurt! this make me doubt if you are a troll

>> No.2388106
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>You still think 'reality' is real

Oh hush, you're just mad that you've been worshiping satan as your savior for many years.

>> No.2388110

I'm the Christian Scientist.
I'm the (probably the best) Deist.
I'm the expert in Timecube.
I'm the Wisest man in the world.
I'm the best Conspiracy Theorist.

I do not worship Satan (Banks), Lucifer is my Friend.

>> No.2388117

thats what a satanist would say

>> No.2388123
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See, this is the beauty of Satan's trickery, you don't even realize that he is deceiving you.

Also what's with this whole (Banks) nonsense. Banks are not satan. Satan is:

"Satan (Hebrew: הַשָׂטָן ha-Satan ("the accuser");[1] Arabic: الشيطان ash-Shayṭān ("the adversary") - both from the Semitic root: Ś-Ṭ-N) is an embodiment of antagonism that originates from the Abrahamic religions, being traditionally considered a "fallen" angel in Judeo-Christian belief and a Jinn in Islamic belief. Originally, the term was used as a title for various entities (humans, accusing angels, etc.) that challenged the religious faith of humans in the Hebrew Bible.[2] Since then, the Abrahamic religions have used "Satan" as a name for the Devil.[3]"

>> No.2388140

Explain to me how I'm worshipping Satan through your singularity loving mentality, you fucking guido.

>> No.2388158
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Satan influences people to create book of lies known as the bible.

People worship Satan as god (without realizing it) and go pillage and rape the earth in his name in order to "convert the heathens."

What more do you want?

>> No.2388182

That's not an explanation, that's some psycho who just released from his mental home dribbling on a keyboard.

>> No.2388191


Ok then, prove to me that the god you are worshiping is indeed not satan.

the crusades
dark ages
and Spanish destruction of the americas all are proof that Satan is tricking christians into doing his bidding.

>> No.2388195


>psycho who just released from his mental home dribbling on a keyboard

>OP is a Christian Scientist

you silly fuck you.

>> No.2388200

Everyone is cyclops brained.

>> No.2388203
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>> No.2388205


not to mention the terrible stories in the old testament, given that they have some base to their tale.

>> No.2388211

>Christian Science
^Parsing error. Core dump.

>> No.2388226
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i always chuckle when see that pic.

The origin of christianity is irrelevant.
The fact THAT christianity exists, and in what extension it exists, is a wonder on it`s own that needs to be investigated.

>> No.2388234
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I beg to differ. If you see how it all began, you will understand why it is such bullshit.

>> No.2388237

There's nothing new or contrary to scripture with Satan tricking Christians into doing his bidding.

>> No.2388248

So what if Satan is actually trolling the Christians into thinking that he is god?

>> No.2388261
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That means that everything they believe is false and they should stop shoving it down people's throats.

>> No.2388274
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Stop. Using. Words.

>> No.2388285


But without any physical evidence in support of their views, how can they dismiss the possibility that Satan is fucking with them?

>> No.2388304
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Exactly, there is always the possibility that Satan made all of this religion up.

Therefore, you should not go preaching it because it could prove to be actually a wolf in sheep's clothing.

>> No.2388327

I apply science to religion. I'm not preaching the bible with closed terms. I'm studying the bible with open terms. Meaning that each of the words in the bible are undefined, waiting for the correct definition to be given to them.

Heaven: [insert new definition here]
Earth: [insert new definition here]
God: [insert new definition here]

The problem is finding the correct definitions.

>> No.2388349
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I can help you define some of those

Heaven: The Heavens (AKA space)
Earth: Our planet
God: Brahman (ब्रह्मन्) is the eternal, unchanging, infinite, immanent, and transcendent reality which is the Divine Ground of all matter, energy, time, space, being, and everything beyond in this Universe. The nature of Brahman is described as transpersonal, personal and impersonal by different philosophical schools.

Christianity does not fit into the equation. It is a tool of social control.

>> No.2388366

you're supposed to have a definition before a word

>> No.2388367

>Implying Earth is our planet and not Mass
>Implying that God isn't the union of all forces.

>> No.2388373

Not when you've evolved past the Government Plant stage.

>> No.2388396

sounds like you are trying to make the puzzle work for you man.

>> No.2388397


> the eternal, unchanging, infinite, immanent, and transcendent reality which is the Divine Ground of all matter

Sounds like the union of all forces to me


>> No.2388403

physical evidence

lol, you serious?

we're talking about religous people, right?

>> No.2388407

but you're using words that were defined before they became words

>> No.2388412

No there isn't.

>> No.2388428
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If it's worded in such a way that makes sense, then why not? It's not like I'm taking words like "and" or "then" or "saw" and replacing them with definitions. I'm looking at sentence structure, word types and mainly changing the main words like HEAVEN and EARTH. That's about it really, from there on, all creations are derivatives of Child, Heaven and Earth.

Seems like you're fucking retarded bro. Kill yourself.

>> No.2388456
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No point in arguing with an ignorant buffoon who doesnt even realize that satan is trolling him hard right now.

Evacuate the thread immediately

>> No.2388499

I know the difference between God and Satan bro, I'm not stupid. However, I can use the Evil for the Greater Good - it's what comes with Knowledge of Good and Evil, Life and Death, we are given free-will and are able to make yes/no decisions.

God creates Man, Man creates God.

God creates (philosophy) Man, Man (science) creates God.

Self realizations bro, Man's like "?", and then "!" - luckily the Greater Good exists, meaning we can use Evil things to ultimately achieve a better and more amazing existence. It's one of the things about life!


>> No.2388524


you clearly don't know the difference because he is trolling you right now.

God exists, ill admit that... but christianity is just wrong. Make your own set of beliefs and call it differently from Christianity. That's what I did.

>> No.2388528

I don't think so faggot.