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2386001 No.2386001 [Reply] [Original]

Cindy Butler is a JUDGE for Jefferson County in Birmingham, AL and this is her opinion of atheists

>> No.2386003


>> No.2386014
File: 225 KB, 600x1820, fb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the conversation that sparked the remarks..

>> No.2386016

>christian calling atheist ignorant.

Oh lawl.

>> No.2386015 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2386018 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2386021


Are you Brandon?

get the hell out while you can.

>> No.2386027

Brandon is a fucking idiot, and Cindy is his mother.

>> No.2386032


>Are you Brandon?

Sorry, I mean are you DAVID?

>> No.2386033

Stay, David, stay and turn them from their evil ways.

>> No.2386037

You can't sway people by insulting them. Basic persuasive writing rule, dude.

Advanced argument is staying calm and civil no matter how much they piss you off and presenting the facts, with citations, and without editorializing or rubbing their nose in it.

This may anger them anyway but they are more likely to research the matter on their own time and change their views than if you're a dick about it. In that case they just come to associate everyone who accepts scientific findings with douchebaggery. It's not fair, but that's how simpleminded people work.

>> No.2386038

She's right.

Theists: Isaac Newton, Copernicus, Louis Pasteur, Max Planck, Norman Borlaug
Agnostics: Charles Darwin, Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, Steve Wozniak
Atheists: Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, Mao Zedong, Kim Jong Il, Richard Dawkins

>> No.2386040


>they see me trollin' they hatin'

>> No.2386044

How many cults were based of theistic properties? How did they turn out you dumb fuck? Oh, everyone killed by the leader?

Dun goof'd

>> No.2386054
File: 51 KB, 1400x1050, atheism is the most violent religion in history.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And how many people did they kill? Spoiler: it wasn't over 200 million people like with atheism

>> No.2386052
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part 2

>> No.2386058

Looks like that left out the Crusades.

>> No.2386059


>>Theists: Isaac Newton, Copernicus, Louis Pasteur, Max Planck, Norman Borlaug

All but one of these lived and died centuries ago. They didn't have the information necessary to be atheists.

>>Agnostics: Charles Darwin, Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, Steve Wozniak

Sagan, Curie, Einstein and Darwin were all atheists. Darwin explicitly renounced belief in god later in life and Einstein explicitly stated that he was an atheist.

>>Atheists: Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, Mao Zedong, Kim Jong Il, Richard Dawkins

Neither Hitler nor Mussolini were atheists, Mao and Stalin were Communists which is separate and distinct from the modern atheist movement, and Richard Dawkins is an accomplished evolutionary biologist whose name does not belong alongside genocidal madmen.

>> No.2386055
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part 3

>> No.2386062 [DELETED] 

And no I am not David, but he is my friend.

>> No.2386064
File: 27 KB, 500x342, pray for world peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: butthurt theist with no argument available uses profligate argument from authority/argument from adverse consequences.

>> No.2386065

Wow, that's sad, a judge that doesn't understand how a logical argument or paragraphs are formed.

>> No.2386068

>Crusades (200 years)
>Looks like that left out the Crusades.

>> No.2386073

On 4chan and doesn't know a troll when he sees one.

>> No.2386075
File: 73 KB, 755x1255, lol i trol u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

it's you

>> No.2386077


Remember Socrates and Orwell were atheists also.

>> No.2386080

Looking at davids FB profile, he looks like a total smug douche.

>> No.2386079

>implying I was the one who typed it

>> No.2386083

>talked about reincarnation

>> No.2386085


"led by heterodox Christian convert Hong Xiuquan, against the ruling Qing Dynasty. About 20 million people died, mainly civilians, in one of the deadliest military conflicts in history"


>> No.2386094

Oh, but christians can denounce other christians and group them elsewhere. All atheists, however, are in the same single group of atheist.

>> No.2386097


NO TRUE christian would cover up child rape because the church laws commanded him to...

>> No.2386105

>blame the oppressed for uprising
I guess Hitler wasn't really at fault either, I mean the people he exterminated had it coming!

>> No.2386109

Hong Xiuquan (Chinese: 洪秀全; pinyin: Hóng Xiùquán; Wade–Giles: Hung Hsiu-ch'üan; Hakka Chinese: Fùng Siu-chhiòn; 1 January 1814 – 1 June 1864), born Hong Renkun (洪仁坤), courtesy name Huoxiu (火秀), was a Hakka Chinese who led the Taiping Rebellion against the Qing Dynasty, establishing the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom over varying portions of southern China, with himself as the "Heavenly King" and self-proclaimed brother of Jesus Christ.

hitler ---> roman catholic

>> No.2386119

>mfw she's actually a judge

But its only a probate court (they handle trivial shit like name changes and marriage licenses)


>> No.2386129
File: 34 KB, 500x429, atheist_chart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP. What's up?

I read that travesty of a conversation, and I'm pretty sure I'm dumber for it.

Look, you can't argue with Christians. One of the cores of their belief is resisting unbelievers who try to sway them from the Way of the Lord. Forget your "evidence" and your "logic." They'll just say:

1) you're lying
2) you're a tool of the Deceiver
3) even if you might be right, God probably did it anyway, which supports my belief in God.

You can't win against them. Fortunately though, theism is on the decline in America. While you will probably never pull anybody away from their church, theism is slowly but surely losing the war.

And to that I say hallelujah, and amen.

>> No.2386132

>Cindy Vines Butler

Seriously, when she threw her "I can disprove the existence of Barack Obama" proof out there, I fucking laughed my ass off.

David is a fucking boss, taking those fucks to school.

>> No.2386134

>>2386119 But its only a probate court

Yeah, but when you hold a public office you should probably refrain from saying remarks that make you look like an idiot.

>> No.2386135

European colonization of Asia and Africa, 50 - 60 million died by almost purely Christian invaders.

Rwandan genocide, a million people died in a 95% Christian nation, clearly their religion caused them to do it.

>> No.2386137


They aren't elected or vetted by the peoples representatives (i.e. confirmed). Its more akin to a DMV employee.

>> No.2386138

omg an athiest person on this board who actually knows something about theology AND science. I am shocked and impressed.

+10 internetz to David Brantley

>> No.2386143

Modern Catholic Churches, thousands (probably millions, perhaps even close to billions knowing those pedos) of young boys are being molested every single day by over 9000 penises, those children to not forgive nor do they forget.

>> No.2386139

America's inception, all of the Native Americans murdered for their land.

>> No.2386146

So you are saying a "true" Christian is one which doesn't adhere to Church law? Interesting. What exactly do they follow? The bible? I'm sure the Pope or the Archbishop of Canterbury would be happy to hear this.

>> No.2386152

French wars between Catholics and Protestants, 4 million killed.

>> No.2386156

Congolese war, 5 million dead, 95% christian.

>> No.2386157



>> No.2386160

>>2386157 doesn't understand what trolling is.

>> No.2386162

Human-Reptillian War, 2.5 billion dead in the name of Christianity.

>> No.2386172

if the humans would have listened to the space pope, there would never have been any problems

>> No.2386180

put the conversations back up but black out the names. I didnt get to read the last one

>> No.2386189

I can't wait til I'm a janitor, so I can delete these threads.

>> No.2386211
File: 27 KB, 331x334, 1295071242230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /sci/ has janitors
>implying anybody gives a shit about this cess pool

>> No.2386262

>implying selena would ever imply anything