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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2384965 No.2384965 [Reply] [Original]

hey i was wondering if anyone out there has gauged ears and works in an office setting? im a math major in college and i had 5/8ths gauges but recently took them out because i was afraid i wouldnt be able to get a good job with them in, they are almost shut now but i really miss them and was thinking about gauging back up

>> No.2384977

What are you going to do if you ever become a grandpa? You're going to look like a piece of shit.

>> No.2384982

I bought a lock, still can't actually find anyone that has one in my town.

>> No.2384986

haha i plan to have them in for the rest of my life, i also have a number of tattoos that are not visible in a t shirt and i'm sure they will look bad when i am old as well, that's not what i am worried about at all

>> No.2384993
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I'd tackle you at random in broad daylight and strap a nice heavy duty padlock on that bad boy before running off.

>> No.2384997

yes, padlocks do nice for securing pump handles to the gasoline dispensers as well

>> No.2385001

both holes r almost completely closed now, if you gauge up right and take care of them then they have almost no problem closing

>> No.2385002

he is going to look like shit when he is old anyway, all wrinkly and shit. What difference does some holes in his ears make? Though i do not see how this thread is /sci/

>> No.2385009

well its math related because im a math major and looking for others that might be in a similar situation with advice, i dont see a better page for it

>> No.2385027


You should go to r9- oh wait!

>> No.2385029


<--------- /adv/ is that way

>> No.2385167

In the real world your dress needs to be extremely conservative. Tattoos and piercings may look cool in college but you will never get a real job with that shit.

>> No.2385197

Why would you want to "gauge" in the first place?

>> No.2385207

You will never get hired until those close up completely

Any employer will immediately see you as a druggie or fight the power hipster when they see those huge holes in your ears.

It won't affect you getting a minimum wage job, but if you want something better you have to appear more conservative.

>> No.2385249
File: 10 KB, 319x309, 1295346072667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, don't be old fashioned. Once all of the older, more conservative people die off, please do not continue their judgements and biases based on fashion sense.

>mfw everyone in this thread is socially conservative
>mfw I have blue hair, dreads, and thinking about gauging my nose piercing
>mfw I'm going for my Ph.D and no one gives a shit

Obviously some people get really over the top stuff done like lip gauges and face tattoos, but I think as long as it looks good on the person it shouldn't be a problem.

Kind of like if fat girls wear shirts that are too short + leggings. No one should do that shit.

>> No.2385255



surely people that are gen X are finally getting into positions of power by now, and are more tolerent of simply things like tattoos, earings etc.

who would you rather work for you. guy with tatts or literally thinks noah put 2 of EVERY animal in a boat.


not christbagging - just saying look like u have ur shit together and an earing etc wont matter to some degree. (unless its like 30mm wide or u have tatts on ur face)

>> No.2385257

why the fuck would you do that?

>> No.2385264

academia =/= real world.

Profs dont give a shit. You are still a student in his 20s so that is still expected of you.

>> No.2385270

they are shut now, i do know i want them in the future and until i die but i just dont know if itll be better looking for a job with them or asking to gauge them back up once i get a respectable position

>> No.2385289

All of my employers (who exist in the "real world") have not had an issue with it. Also many people I have interacted with in the public sector seem to like it, because it suits me. Scientists are interested in science, not if you decide you want to look like a clown.
If I wanted to work in retail or be a waitress the rest of my life things might be different, but honestly I've found no one really cares.

>> No.2385290

How old are you? You think that now but chances are you will grow out of it.

>> No.2385301

im 21 and i had them before for quite a while

>> No.2385320

You're still young. You will probably want to dress more conservatively sometime in your mid twenties.

>> No.2385346

i actually dress very professional and am very presentable, i just dont see why the choice in ear wear has to be such an issue

>> No.2385348

>He thinks it's "just a phase."

>> No.2385361

thank you, thats exactly how i feel, for me its just what i like and i would like to be able to leave it at that

>> No.2385377


Guys, don't be old fashioned. Once all of the older, more conservative people die off, please do not continue their judgements and biases based on fashion sense.
>mfw everyone in this thread is socially conservative

I just think getting gauges and that done is a cry for attention. If someone could explain in detail WHY they like them I might reconsider. Everyone says "I just like em!" that I've asked though.

>mfw I have blue hair, dreads, and thinking about gauging my nose piercing

Why? And why should an employer not discriminate against that?

>mfw I'm going for my Ph.D and no one gives a shit

It's a PhD, if you're good at what you do you're golden. You're probably doing it in the sciences or math, or not economics. To be honest I like the sciences because there are more quirky people there I find, with more nuanced personalities (although I am in philosophy now, realized the error of my ways and hope to transfer)

>> No.2385379



You are a fucking retard. Enjoy your ears and enjoy your desk job at Hot Topic.

>> No.2385382


It doesn't really matter what your boss thinks of your appearance.

What matters is how the customers/patients/clients think of your appearance.

I work in a physical therapy clinic while i'm getting my DPT and while I wouldn't care if you had visable tats or piercings, the patients who are mostly boomers and elderly do not like it.

It really depends on your field of work. If you're in a medical field you are expected to have a clean cut conservative appearance.

I don't even know why it would matter at all in a research based field

>> No.2385390


>am very presentable

No you aren't, you have gauged ears. It's like wearing a buttplug with a tail coming out of it, and expecting people not to notices because you're also wearing a jacket and tie.

>> No.2385489

It's really just aesthetic preference. Like how some guys like redheads, some people think x car body is ugly but some love it, some think x animal is adorable and someone else thinks it's disgusting.

And personally just because the majority feels that something isn't "good looking" I don't want to have to bend to that standard. I have a different standard of what I like aesthetically and it makes me feel good to look the way I do.

Personally I hate attention but I realize it's a side-effect of looking "different" so I have to deal with it. I know a lot of people would call bullshit on this and be like "YOU'RE JUST AN ATTENTION WHORE" but seriously I'm not. I WISH I could blend in, I just am a very artistic person and I like to see something wonderful when I look in the mirror.

enjoy your boring judgemental life

>> No.2385510

I simply would not hire someone with those.

>> No.2385544

ITT extroverts and introverts don't understand each others impulses

>> No.2385554

>I have a different standard of what I like aesthetically and it makes me feel good to look the way I do.

Good for you but dont forget that a potential employer also has his standard of what he likes aesthetically. Its not a bad idea to dress how most people think looks good in order to maximize your probability of getting hired.

>> No.2385562


>it makes me feel good to look the way I do.

Why? Why is appearance so important to the way you feel about yourself, that you create problems for yourself in order to maintain it? Aren't there other things that make you feel good?

>> No.2385579

please refer to

>> No.2385593

Depends on the job, really.
It's the same as balancing anything else. It ranks pretty high on my list of priorities. For example, hell if I'd give it up for a minimum wage or shit-tier job. My body is all that I am so I might as well make it look awesome. Other things are good too, but I like not having to hold back - it's not that I won't tone things down, but I'd really prefer not to, depending on the circumstances.

I haven't really found this to be much of a problem in the science/math fields or visual art fields, but business/english/communications type people tend to get more butthurt over it.

It's all about sacrifice. You have to ask yourself - is it worth it to sacrifice x for y? Depending on the values you give to x and y, that determines your answer. Different people give different values to how they appear, and I tend to have a high one. The same for knowledge and logic. A lot of people take pride in how they look and like to look good because it makes them feel good but they fit into the niche that we think is "normal" and therefore it's okay. I dunno. I could go on forever about this because it impacts my personal life.

I wonder how science would explain it... something about the same reasons poisonous frogs are brightly colored, I'd wager.

>> No.2385613


Instead of spending what precious time you have alive worrying about your own body looks and yourself (you are going to die anyway), why don't you try and contribute something to humanity before you die.

This is what makes me upset and prejudiced against people with tats, piercings, etc.

>> No.2385625

I do. I am VERY passionate about progress of the human species. It took me about an hour total to dye my hair, 5 minutes to get a dermal punch, and I can sit around reading textbooks on my ebook reader while getting tattoos done.

There are tons of women who take an hour or two EVERY DAY to do their hair and makeup and shit. I got dreads so I wouldn't have to comb my hair, I keep them clean and they smell like apples, and I can get up in the morning and go and learn and I am seriously EXCITED about what the future brings.

>> No.2385642


So you're reasoning amounts to "at least I'm not as vaccuous and fixated on looks as air-head bimbos"? Um, ok then.

>> No.2385659


I wouldn't say every woman who spends a lot of time on her appearance is vacuous. I'm sure plenty of women who are reasonably intelligent and work in business sectors, etc spend a good amount of time on their appearances as well. Honestly, hair doesn't get that way in 10 minutes.

I'm just saying that it really isn't a time sucker, and it's basically no different than treating yourself to your favorite restaurant or going to the hardware store to check color swatches for your bathroom because you don't like the color.

>> No.2385773

Look OP, chances are you are going to be negatively judged based on your non-mainstream appearance. You will not be considered for some jobs because of your appearance. You need to decide if that is something you are willing to risk to keep your looks how you want.