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2383150 No.2383150 [Reply] [Original]

>93% in a class
>still study like a motherfucker
>do terribly on the final
>dropped to 89% in the class
>bring in all my old work from the entire semester
>argue over every point lost starting from Day 1
>after about 25 minutes in
>"I can see you really care about this class and the grade you receive in it--I'll be sure to give you that A"
>my face

Anyone other troll/trolled stories about professors.

>> No.2383160
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>> No.2383174
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I did something like that back in high school.

My calculus grade dropped from a 95% to a 87% after the final......

I got my teacher to not count it after we looked at the scantron and it was clear I miss bubbled.

>> No.2383180

>dropped to 89% in the class
>bring in all my old work from the entire semester
>argue over every point lost starting from Day 1
>after about 25 minutes in
you can bet he made jokes about you behind your back.

>> No.2383185

It was my junior year and I had gotten all As up to the point. I wasn't going to piss away valedictorian without a shot in the dark.

>> No.2383201

90% for an A? that's just crazy talk

>> No.2383207
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You're a fucking idiot bro.

I too, ended up failing my Spanish II back in high school and I shot my teacher an email explaining how hard I worked and such. She ended up giving me an A with an 89 in the class and that was exactly what I needed for my full ride to Caltech

>> No.2383216

what was it at your school?
89.5 rounds to an A- where Im from but a lot of teachers don't even use the A+/-

>> No.2383219

>shot my teacher
ooh shit!!
>an email

>> No.2383220

>Annoy professor until he gives you what you want

Just because it works with your parents doesn't mean you should take it up as a standard approach to solving problems. Because if you do, people will grow tired of your bullshit very, very quickly.

>> No.2383224

when you put it that way, MAJOR ASSBURGERS.

the professor was probably like:
>"fuck off aspie, lol"

>> No.2383232
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>mfw you say you had full ride to caltech

>> No.2383235

If this is a non-curved class in college, it's understandable. A letter grade can make just the difference in your GPA, which can make or break your scholarships. If it's high school, fuck OP.

>> No.2383243

>Have some retarded "communication" class.
>Must bring a box to tell who we are.
>Dont bother for 2 month, 5 minutes before it's my turn, make a paper box and grab a hand of tiny rocks.
>It's my turn.
>"That is my box. Let's see what's inside"
>"Oh, a rock. That is interesting. What's more? Another rock. Would you believe it?" for 3 minutes, blablering about metaphysic bullshit.
>For the rest of the year, only bother to do half of the work that dumb teacher ask us.
>In the end, get 14/20 on the class while all other faggots got 11 or 12.

Also, High School:
>7/20 on economy class.
>16/20 on mathematics.
>Failed at economic sciences faculty, now doing informatic
>"I dont give a fuck about english, German is superior!"
>3/20 in german class.
>18/20 in english class
>Well, fuck.

>> No.2383245
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>your professor's face when he gives you a b for annoying him

>> No.2383246

Good thing I never talked to the man again huh?

>> No.2383247

>failing my Spanish II
>with an 89 in the class
>failing = 89%?

>> No.2383254

I failed my Spanish II final for some reason (I swear that she scanned it with the wrong version of the scantron) and got like a 37% or something on the MC part of the final...

>> No.2383255

It's obviously high school. College grades are almost always +/-.

OP is bitching over high school grades like an Aspie faggot. I'd like to see him try that shit in college.

>> No.2383260
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>10th grade AP World History
>Compare/Contrast: Judaism vs. Buddhism
>Claim that Buddhism isn't a religion because it doesn't necessitate a belief in God(s)
>Get a 10/30 on the essay
>Go to teacher
>"Buddhism is a religion"
>Come back the next day with the Dalai Lama's book, saying that the concept of God is ridiculous
>completely ignores it
>refuses to change grade

>> No.2383257


Languages never were my forte

>> No.2383269

I did the same thing, lol

>> No.2383276

>Implying a religion require a personificate god.

>> No.2383280

>they go to a college where +/-s affect your GPA

>> No.2383296
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> Ph.D. in African studies
>any job i want
>900k starting

>> No.2383297

competativly speaking, yes, anything but an a is a failure if you care about getting into a good school, unless it isn't a core class

>> No.2383309


>be a dumbass
>continue to be a dumbass

>> No.2383319

Getting a B in Spanish under the AP level is embarrassing. So yes that was failing.

>> No.2383337

Indeed I saw it as a failure.

I think there was a mutual understanding though. I had an 96% until my abysmal 37% on the final. She didn't even keep the scantron test to see if she had used the wrong key.

It was only fair that she gave me the A

89% is the "Lowest grade I received" while in high school.

>> No.2383365


not sure if troll, but if not:

actual african studies or stupid african american studies?

international relationsfag here, interested in african politics and economics

>> No.2383370

>physics class, me and about 5 others actually interested in course, rest of class is whiny faggot "premeds" only in it for a science credit
>writing the midterm exam
>finish with confidence, sit and watch as others struggle through kinematics problems
>gather things and prepare to leave, see bleached blonde girl get up, visibly sadfaced
>walks up to professor and initiates conversation
>asks how to solve a fucking problem on the paper step-by-step
>professor laughs at her
>she starts crying and loudly complains about how he's ruining her chances at med school
>she walks back to her seat as I get out of mine
>we cross paths
>I chuckle at her
>next week, girl is gone, class average drops by a few percent

>> No.2383388

>take math methods in physics class
>fucking hardest class i've ever had
>prof. says he will never curve, but gives us the option of making final test 100% of our grade
>class average for every midterm is 50%, i'm barely struggling with 60% average
>study ass off for final
>get 68%, D+
>well, fml
>teacher sends out email
>claims he's used "adjusted grading scale" all year long and that we should have known that
>end up with an A

Fuckin teacher-trolls.

>> No.2383390

>sees anything other than perfect as failure
>clearly has never failed something before
>presumes a high course mark entitles one to a high final mark
>inflated sense of self-entitlement
>grade inflation running rampant at school
This is what I gathered from your post.

>> No.2383450

Yes, like I clearly deserved a 37% on the final when I had a 96% in the class and got a 97% and 100% on writing/reading respectively...

Fucking idiots... she obviously used the wrong key.

>> No.2384275
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>> No.2384330

Guys, what should I do if I got straight A's in college except for one B that I got in Literature from a well-known racist?

>> No.2384333


>> No.2384335


Should have manned up and studied then; stop whining and start acting like an adult and take responsibility for your actions.

>> No.2384341
File: 9 KB, 310x247, DealWithIt1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get 100's on every test and final exam in every class
>Be the first to turn in the final in every class
As I am turning in my final exam I shake the teachers hand and thank them for their great work
>Every one of them tells me that if I ever need a letter of recommendation to contact them
>My face when everyone in the class hates me because they have no curve

Completely true too

>> No.2384343


we dont use the +/- system at my college.

>> No.2384348


class average drops? so that chick was holding it up? so she is a physics star?

please post pics, I will save them for later

>> No.2384351


>> No.2384365


I study for about 6 hours everyday. On Friday through Sunday I study like 10 hours each day.

Even the asians sometimes have trouble keeping up with me sometimes

>> No.2384383

>he still takes classes where getting a 100% is possible

Come to a real major

>> No.2384407


>Come to college


>> No.2384423


>Implying you can't get 100's as a math major at a top college

No thanks bro. Philosophy and art classes aren't for me.

I prefer my math major over classes where I am graded over how in line my answer is with what the teacher wants.

Keep telling yourself it's my major or my college, whatever makes you feel better about the fact that you'll be cleaning my pool with your psych degree soon

>> No.2384431
File: 32 KB, 500x335, love_being_white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cheat off the Asian kids for my entire junior/senior year in everything but language classes
>Never get caught and only have to really focus on my extra circulars and having fun
>Get into Berkeley
>Ask myself if this is karma then I calmed down and realize I can do it all over again
>Later learn how easy it is to manipulate people, especially small dicked chinks
>Top 2% in all of my class
>decide to cheat my way through the corporate ladder in later life to success

lol stupid gooks/chinks

>> No.2384445




>> No.2384448

It's okay bro, it's just a troll.

>> No.2384473
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>> No.2384475

I'm in a PhD engineering program at a real school. Our transport class had a test with an average of around 55. A mother fucker got a 100 (asian). A good friend of mine got a 95. Shit happens, some people are much more brilliant than others.

>> No.2384485


I even stated that I study ~60 hours a week to get those grades, but he's so jelly all he can do is type in caps

>> No.2384497



>> No.2384501

If I were a teacher, especially for high school or introductory classes, I would use the shit out of scantron, problem?

>> No.2384505


>> No.2384514

Yeah you make a problem, put 4 choices, one is the right answer, and 3 are answers if you make obvious mistakes. Whup dee fuckin doo. I've never had a scantron calculus test but I've had quantitative tests that have multiple choice, same thing.

>> No.2384529

Teacher here:
You can make a tough-as-shit test using scantrons, but it won't let you see what the students are doing wrong. For math majors, they will try to learn from their mistakes on their own (find the errors).
For intro classes or general high school classes, teachers need to point out the errors so the students don't make it again.

>> No.2384540

I agree with you at the high school level at least. When it comes to college level I'd just say cya, here's scantron, bye. They can look at the solutions. College is too easy as is anyways.

>> No.2384708

premed kids taking physics? It's either the most simple physics classes that all the math/science students skip over or the premed kids are retarded, because they almost always take the joke science classes like Intro to Astronomy.

>> No.2384801

nope. most (good) universities say you need legit physics for med school. in fact, in most (canadian) universities, physics is a prerequisite course. you can't get into med school without it.

>> No.2384863


I had a teacher Freshman year high school who gave the same test every year for 10 years. He said that

>"Everyone fails this test. It's normal. It's ok to fail tests, it doesn't mean you're not smart. I had a girl cry in my room because she wanted to be valadictorian and couldn't becuase she failed."

Took the test, multiple choice, 34%. WTF. I didn't score that low on my Spanish final. I retake it.

34% again. Look at the test, 1st third perfect, last 2 thirds FAIL. Ask for a answer key. I checked. Examples of "right" answers:

-Asteroid belt: between the earth and the moon
-Outer level of the sun: the core
-When tectonic plates pass each other they may cause: changes in weather patterns.

Turns out the last 2/3 of the test was switched around. He'd been giving the test for 10 freakin years. Approached him about it relentlessly even past the point where he threatened to call security because of my persistence. Until he read the test.


>> No.2384887


The next class he slammed my test on my desk, glared at me in a way that grabbed the classes attention. And then walked away and forced another test on the class.

Looked at the test: 98%, bitches.

>> No.2384912

Since when do premeds take "joke" science classes? All med schools require at least one year of physics, biology, gen chem, organic chem, and calculus. They have no motivation to take a class like "intro to astronomy" unless they're actually interested in the material considering that a successful premed will have completed all their science and math GERs by the end of their freshman year.

>> No.2384921

You should have send that shit away to the superintendent. You could probably get him fired, have him lose his house, pay his wife $20 for a blowjob, get his kids taken away by CPS.

>> No.2384922

everyone else still fucking failed though, so they approached me after class
told them what i did, and for some reason they started to get really pissed off
situation is heating up, so i try to walk away, but some alpha asshole grabs me and throws me against the door of the classroom
its opens
everybody gets on the floor, walks the dinosaur