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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2382960 No.2382960 [Reply] [Original]

Mathematics, equivalent to God and shining in the divine Mind. Gave God the pattern... by which he laid out the world so that it might be best and most beautiful and finally most like the Creator.

Solipsism implies there is, by defenition NO divine entity or "god" in the external world.

Considering there is NO divine entity in the external world(solipsism) requires just as much assumptions as considering there IS a divine entity(theism).
So why consider solipsism a possibility while theism would be a rediculous idea ? ?

God is to the world around us what a soul is to your inner self.

Quantum physics makes a non-deterministic universe with a strong role for consciousness or, as some people call it "souls" the most elegant and most likely sequel theorie.

Just because there is no absolute prove doesn`t mean no suggestive hints can be seen.
>Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness
Is a good book on this.

Denying the possibility of immaterial aspects of consciousness and free will is like putting the reliability of scientific method and observation into doubt.
The logic one has to fallow in order to defend this position is verry complex and unlikely.

>> No.2382991

>>Considering there is NO divine entity in the external world(solipsism) requires just as much assumptions as considering there IS a divine entity(theism).

Although theism in its most basic of forms is: "An all powerful being exists", that's not the only assumption made by 99.9% of thesists: God created the universe, God cares who I have sex with, God is responsible for disasters, God is responsible for diverted disasters, God tells me what is right and wrong, etc. Atheism makes none of these assumptions.

>> No.2383001
File: 33 KB, 300x316, persian-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a janitor delete this opening post ? ?

Im afraight we have few days left until /sci/ will become the most superannuated message board in the world.

Don`t even try to think about the threads where atheists and nihilists mentally mastrubate each other, while deleting every counter argument.

>> No.2383014

delete it yourself you colossal faggot
learn to spell, FUCK!

>> No.2383020

Possibly. It's pretty borderline. It's not religion versus science, but it's only tangentially related to science (that one line about quantum mechanics).

>Don`t even try to think about the threads where atheists and nihilists mentally mastrubate each other

Religion threads not related to science are against the rules regardless of the poster's stance on the topic.

>> No.2383029

>>he thinks atheism = solipsism
>>he thinks quantum physics = souls

Made of fail.

>> No.2383035

Anyway, I've marked it as a "bad post" on 4watch.

>> No.2383050

Whereas I marked aether's latest post as rule-breaking. Users can select what they want to hide.

>> No.2383054

>Quantum physics makes a non-deterministic universe with a strong role for consciousness or, as some people call it "souls" the most elegant and most likely sequel theorie.

That sounds like bullshit... I hate all the pseudoscience discussions that employs wantonly quantum physics.

Non-determinitsics don't imply free will in any logical way, like many people say. To justify free will you need some entity that is independent in a certain way of the system an its physicals laws. So a "soul", if there really is free will, must be isolated of physics. It doesn't matter if my action is unpredictable if I cannot control the stochastic process.

>> No.2383055

> solipsism
> is the philosophical idea that only one's own mind is sure to exist.

> theism
> is the belief that at least one deity exists

One of these beliefs is skeptical, and the other asserts something that cannot be disproven.


>> No.2383064
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Oh look, another Philosophy thread. Why don't you take your science for retards and GTFO tripfag.

>> No.2383104
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>> No.2383228 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2383289


>> No.2383326
File: 17 KB, 262x313, successful_troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tautofaggot posts the same shitty bullshit ever other day



>> No.2383335

OP, why do you compare atheism to nihilism?

>> No.2383385
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>> No.2383427

You're talking about conclusions, not assumptions. It's nothing to brag about that you haven't made similar conclusions. That is, unless you have some sort of evidence suggesting the conclusions are false.

>> No.2383435

Can't wait until we've got janitors. Hopefully it will be a competent and caring individual that deletes religion threads on sight.

>> No.2383437

I don't think so. It's not a science vs religion thread. It's not a religious troll thread. It asks legitimate philosophical quesitons, and philosophy is a kind of science (not in the "scientific method" sense of "science", but it's surely closer to science than most the scifi/transhumanism/immortality/singularity threads)

>> No.2383444

>Religion threads not related to science are against the rules regardless of the poster's stance on the topic.
It depends on what you call a religion thread. If it's philosophical, it's not necessarily off topic.

>> No.2383448
File: 64 KB, 600x750, atheism1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why compare atheism to nihilism?

They`re both hypes based on the persuit of a social-image that appears smarter then you actually are.

>> No.2383454

If I become a janitor, I will not be deleting thoughtful intelligent posts like OP's. They are not cancer.

>> No.2383525


"Hypes"? What? "Pursuit of a social image that appears smarter than you actually are"? Seriously? Atheism is the default state. We're all born atheist. People don't reject religion to appear smart, they reject it because they don't find anything redeemable in it. Claiming that asshole in your pic is representative of all atheists is no more accurate that claiming that the Westboro Baptist Church is representative of all religious people.

>> No.2383549


Oh give me a break.

The whole WILL TO GOD(s) is of the most NIHILISTIC DRIVE known to man, the WILL TO NOTHINGNESS.

MEN WOULD RATHER WILL THAN NOT WILL AT ALL, even if that will is turned towards NOTHINGNESS.

Thus men will A FINAL SOLUTION and A FINAL BEGINNING called "God" who represents nothing less than the END OF QUESTIONING, the END OF STRIVING.

>> No.2383566


Trust me baby, you don't require any artificial sweetener.

>> No.2383570

fractals remind me of God; so simple in equation form, so beautiful and infinite in solution.

the study of pure math and the study of God also contain the search for perfection, as well as the search for order and rationality.

>> No.2383597



pick one.

>> No.2383605

Saved pic for future use. Thanks.

>> No.2383627

i take it you do not believe in God; however, if you were to assume for the sake of argument that God actually did exist, would you then argue that He is not rational?

>> No.2383634


If he/she was the monotheistic god of judaism, islam and christianity, yes, he/she is very irrational, spiteful, bigoted, angry, jealous (by own admission), hypocritical, schizophrenic and sadistic.

>> No.2383641


Saved pic for future use, thanks.

>> No.2383642

Dat dern shifting of the burden of proof again eh? Also could you please define what you mean by the word "soul" OP?

>> No.2383643

>rational god
>create a universe where particles can be in 2 places at once
pick one

>> No.2383660


In other words, the Gods were created by STRONG human beings who tried to will beings as WORTHY AS THEY WERE and EVEN MORE SO.

Remember, the use of power was not a sin until we got the image of Christ, the crucified God! Christ, the ultimate revenge of the slaves in not only the physical BUT THE MENTAL REALM. Values being turned upside down and all that

>> No.2383665

Also, if you're taking "soul" to mean consciousness...we already have a word for that..it's consciousness.

>> No.2383718


By 'strong' I see you mean 'warmongering', and 'authoritarian'.

>> No.2383734


If god is never wrong then why did he change his mind?

What about the thousands who died on now-invalid orders?

>> No.2383741


Best Rhino on /sci/
you ugly

>> No.2383754


Yes, warmongering and inflicting authority REQUIRES STRONG SPIRITS. The human animal is something that delights in games of warmongering, cruelty, and malice.

It does not preclude kindness and compassion but those traits are bought with EONS of terrible acts by our predecessors.

>> No.2383769

bump for not rhino

>> No.2383778


I'm not saying I believe in God you douchetard.

I'm saying that Gods were made up by strong spirits, strong enough to IMPOSE judgement onto the world.

How did such an obvious point GO OVER YOUR HEAD?

>> No.2383783

'bitch aint a rhino.. gtfo


>> No.2383825
File: 40 KB, 550x375, 1295202740941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My defenition -->
soul = immaterial part of a living being

not claiming it a soul exactly as described in the bible

>> No.2383838
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My defenition -->
soul = immaterial part of a living being

not claiming it a soul exactly as described in the bible

now im gonne need some sleep its 2:00
good night /sci/

>> No.2383875
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>> No.2383928

Let's say for the sake of argument, I accept your definition. Assuming that you're taking one's "soul" to be a unique entity, what do you make of split brain patients? Do they each have 2 separate souls housed in the same body? Also, what about cases where a traumatic brain injury has caused such a complete change in one's personality, memory, etc. that they're unrecognizable from the person that they were before? What happened to their "soul" there? Did they get a new one?