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2380226 No.2380226 [Reply] [Original]

What can we do to save nature?

>> No.2380237

>implying nature is worth saving

>> No.2380233

Clone more woolly mammoths?

>> No.2380239

Die or change.

Shit's a lost cause.

>> No.2380245

>nature includes everything
>nature includes you
>implies you yourself are not worth saving
I... agree with you.

>> No.2380253

Aren't we part of nature? Wouldn't you say we, a sapient technological race that came about purely by luck over billions of years, are nature's greatest achievement?

>> No.2380267

r9k does not agree with YOU, so stfu.

^does not agree with me either. fuck!

>> No.2380274


it has been the opinion of many great minds that nature if left unchanged from it's current condition is not worth saving. it's rly not even questionable.

>> No.2380276
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you're an absolute faggot

>> No.2380281

Step 1- kill yourself Aether.

>> No.2380282

I understand that you've taken a liking to me

>> No.2380287

>implying nature and humans are fundamentally seperate
How very Christian of you. We are matter, so is everything else.

Also, the "great minds" you are likely referring to are philosophers and philosophers from 100's of years ago, so their opinion means jack shit.

>> No.2380292

>christian scientist
>tyler durden
ur doing it wrong

>> No.2380303


i'm referring to myself and they guy who posted it in the first place. and any other nihilist, and most creationists. nature sucked. god made his own shit. what was the first thing he said? "this doth not suck"

>> No.2380316

silly you. nature no need be salved. only a litle part of it. humans. they nee dlearn new tricks to adpat their behaviors to the new enviroment they created
adapt or die.

>> No.2380317

> Christian Scientist
> What can we do to save nature?
Stop being Christian and start being a scientist.

>> No.2380321

>Believes "god" personally handled the creation of life as we know it.

>> No.2380322

Then the second thing he said is "Wait...wait......waait...this sucks"

Gen 6:6

>> No.2380329

We should, and we can, change. Nature is the reason we're here, and is the reason we evolved. We need nature, simple.

>> No.2380333


i don't know what i believe bot lots of the people who read this either believe that god is real or that he is the character devised by great space faring immortal scientists to describe themselves and their country as a whole in a singular personified manner.

"let US create the heavens and the earth"

thus there was already a name for those 2 things, they had meaning to whoever he was talking to. here is the earth...let us create one cuz something keeps baking the flesh off our bones and emp blasting the energy from our circuits

>> No.2380334
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>> No.2380335

No, not really. We can control nature to get what we need. And preserve everything else in case we need it later on. What else does nature do other than serve our needs which is so valuable?

>> No.2380339

can anyone in this thread help me out with this question


>> No.2380341

what is more difficult; being happy or being smart? what is more valuable to you personally?

>> No.2380342

but r9k...


>> No.2380347



they only deleted the thread about r9k bro.

he lives on...

>> No.2380348


he had to post a thread about himself like several times daily and it got old i guess.

>> No.2380352

>become robots
>destroy nature
>humans only living creatures in universe

>> No.2380365

I for one, would welcome any chance to become transhuman.

>> No.2380415
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nukes, nukes everywhere

>> No.2380440

>Christian Scientist

Stop going to stupid wars with Muslims would be one thing....

>> No.2380457

Build solar panels, windmills, and nukes on an incredibly massive scale.

>> No.2380482

>become robots
>destroy nature
>humans only living creatures in universe
>get bored of virtual world
>begin massive restoration of biospheres
More likely than your thing.

>> No.2380489
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>robots begin massive restoration of biospheres

And I think to myself, what a wonderful world...
; _ ;

>> No.2380497

Well we need tissue samples of every living thing on earth in order to restore nature. Obtain tissue samples and preserving them could be, difficult...

>> No.2380520
File: 51 KB, 284x217, crying_like_a_motherfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that manga

>> No.2380529

crying? They were successful in the end. What's there to be sad about?

>> No.2380534

>get the exact shape of every molecule at once in a 3d-image for every living thing, save into data banks
>when we want to recreate everything, just put those molecules perfectly back in place and have life recreated

>> No.2380541

But the hotel AI Louis died.

>> No.2380542

That's a lot harder than it looks... We don't have the technology to do such a thing currently. Best hope is a bunch of tissue samples

>> No.2380544

True, but at the moment we don't have the technology to create robotic humanoids inwhich we can dump our brains into.

>> No.2380550

Ok, but if you want to recreate nature, you need to be able to have the technology to preserve it before it gets destroyed, which is well, now.

>> No.2380878

Please open your right eye when replying to this thread.


>> No.2380885

Becoming robots takes time, time requires nature. So that's the end of that ignorant pipe dream.

>> No.2380889

Well, there are already some projects along those lines.
Naturally with meager funding, like anything that might save the future.

>> No.2380906

This guy.
We improve solar power particularly, or we just cull the place at a very slow speed.

>> No.2380908

I've never felt the urge to visit physical violence unto another being, untill i read this thread.

>> No.2380925
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It's simple, don't be greedy and don't pollute the air too much. Give and take, don't just take, that's looking at the world with one eye closed. Nature is the reservoir of the human spirit, without it we are as good as dead.

You people seem to think that being a robot is a cool life, but robots break, and robots don't come back - they're not eternal. They also take time to build, we are no where near building the technology that you're thinking of, and we won't get to that stage for hundreds of years, and we don't have enough nature to make it hundreds of years; especially when we take more than we give. There should be geologists making sure that the whole ecosystem and nature is well kept, that animals are comfortable in the wild, and that there is enough untouched 'resource' that stays untouched. You cannot claim that all nature is resource, because some of it is required relative - i.e. we need it. The tree is worth more than the gold. The tree is worth more than the oil. The tree is worth more than the humans. The tree of life is the most valuable thing in the universe. We need to even out 'the tree' and 'a tree'.

The tree = the untouched bulk nature of many 'trees', 'plants', etc.

A tree = the resource we use to collect wood and other things.

Not all trees are 'a tree', half of them, rationally, account towards 'the tree'. Kill yourself if you don't live by that code.

>> No.2380942

And this is the truth from someone who observes the world with both eyes open.

>> No.2381066

Nature will fix itself. It's us who are going to die ffs.