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2371756 No.2371756 [Reply] [Original]

>Mfw schools in Illinois began enforcing prayer. Or as they like to say a moment of silence, to keep it constitutional and all.

What are your opinions on this, /sci/?

>> No.2371767

They do that here in Texas, too.
I think it's silly.

>> No.2371768

Poison, Irrelevant, Homosexual, Blasphemous and Sacrilegious.

And yours?

>> No.2371772

I don't care. I'm not some aspie who can't take 2 minutes out of his life to let others have a moment in peace.

>> No.2371774

They do that here in Delaware as well. No body gives a fuck.

>> No.2371779

It's good that schools are purposely trying to make america one of the least educated countries in the world. I mean, why the fuck would anyone want to be intelligent in this day of age?

>> No.2371783
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When i was in high school it was mandatory in North Carolina.
I just didn't care.
Pic related

>> No.2371799

OP here.

What the fuck? I had no idea this was happening in so many states.

My knees make insanely loud crackling sounds when I stretch. So that's how I'll be spending my moment of silence.

>> No.2371804

I used to live in Texas for 10 years. No one really cares for this "moment of silence." Very few people take the time to pray. And if there's a moment of silence for people that were killed, I didn't pray. I just stayed silent for the dead (giving my respects, I guess).

>> No.2371810



a moment of silence

on 4chan

how would that be?

>> No.2371822

It's called "posting is down". Happens all the time.

>> No.2371829

Let's take time out of learning to pray! It makes perfect sense, because you can't be smart unless you talk to imaginary friends.

>> No.2371828

>senior in NE Indiana
>my school does the same thing

Jesus fucking Christ, it's annoying. But all I do is think about how nice my bed would be. And when we say the pledge, I leave out the "God" part and just keep going, so that while everyone else is saying that line, I'm done and in my seat.

Yeah, I'm pretty badass.

>> No.2371824

They have that here in Georgia. Never really saw the point of it, but if some christfag wants to use it to pray, let him, I don't give a shit, so long as I don't have to.

Any time the posting server goes down.

>> No.2372029

I'm from new Zealand we don't have shit like that, all religious people have some thing they do and no one cares, what they do in their own time is no one else's business,

letting something like that in schools is a bit messed up though, there is a bumpy line between respecting someone else's religion, and being forced to go through the formalities of someone else's religion.

I would be fine if all the religious people went into the hall or some other room to pray or whatever five minutes before lunch ends, but no instead of using up five minutes of their own time on the religion they pertain to they would rather waste five minutes of everybody else's time.

>> No.2372037
File: 40 KB, 1178x517, atheists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way to be patriotic

>> No.2372044

>Or as they like to say a moment of silence

We do this in the UK. Tt never once occurred to me that I was supposed to pray during that time. I thought it was a semi-enforced period of reflection.

>> No.2372051


well if its put across like that then i see nothing wrong with it, im not going to bag on some kid for praying,

>> No.2372059

My schools always held "moments of silence" whenever something horrible happened.

I never realized what they were for.

>> No.2372067

The minute of silence has never been about prayer

>> No.2372085

my school has a moment of silence but i dont think anyone prayers just stand their waiting to sit down

>> No.2372105


>enforcing prayer

>invent new personal religion
>do whatever the fuck you like
>say it's because of personal believes

>> No.2372119

Neither a non-omnipotent god nor an evil god would be one worth worshiping anyway. And the whole premise of trying to disprove the existence of god is retarded. The burden of proof lies with the claimant. It is the theists responsibility to prove his claims, not the atheists responsibility to disprove them.

>> No.2372149

There is no reason why an athiest could not use the moment of silence to clear their head and get in right frame of mind for the rest of the day.

Don't let the fact that others are using it to talk to their imaginary friend throw you off. Have some respect for yourself and others.

>> No.2372186

a live in an atheist country.
if there's a public gathering after some tragedy, a moment of silence is held. it's about respect for the dead, not about some prayers.
but doing it every day? why.jpg