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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 212 KB, 1998x4240, MusicthatmakesyoudumbHuge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2370671 No.2370671 [Reply] [Original]

Look at this chart.

Tell me what you listen to.

Tell me your SAT score.

Tell me what you think of this chart.

>> No.2370677

I think it's too large for my screen to even remotely be interested,

>> No.2370679

Controlscrolling saves the day.

>> No.2370685

Most of the stuff I listen to is not on that American List, but would fall under Pop and Rock. Also, I doubt the validity of testing done to create this.

>> No.2370687

>1450 SAT score
>I like several of those, including ones near the bottom

>> No.2370689

Stop using 800x600.

It's correlation between average college SAT score and population music at that college, as culled from Facebook data for people attending that college.

tl;dr Do stupid people listen to dumb music, or does dumb music make you stupid?

>> No.2370691


>> No.2370693

Lil' Wayne is dead last. LOL

>> No.2370699


I'm calling bullshit too.

I love jazz and The Eagles
The Eagles is average
jazz is near bottom, I got some pretty high marks.

1345 SAT score


>> No.2370700
File: 10 KB, 225x224, blast with piss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw them "metal" bands

>> No.2370705

I can't trust a chart that has a section for rock then classic rock, but puts classical music in to 'misc'.

>> No.2370707


But this is based on averages, and i've always been "Out of the norm"

>> No.2370715

I scored just over 1100 but I do believe that I'd rather shoot myself in the dick instead of listening to most of what you have listed in that range. The only exception might be David Bowie.

I also think you might want to expand your survey pool just a little considering this seems like a very narrow group that you've sampled.

>> No.2370718

Got tell it it Virgil Griffith.

>> No.2370721


My words exactly.


If you feel like complaining

>> No.2370728
File: 431 KB, 1998x4240, SAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2370729

From his page:
>Yes, I'm aware correlation ≠ causation. The results are hilarity incarnate regardless of causality.
>You can stop sending me email about this distinction. Thanks.


>> No.2370732
File: 27 KB, 315x400, ill-be-bach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I listen to J.S Bach most of the time. 1460 SAT score.

>> No.2370753

SAT is bullshit. I got a 2300 without studying, and I'm not that smart.

>> No.2370754

stupid people listen to dumb music.

>> No.2370760

Then you just have a different standard of "smart". Also,

>> No.2370765

Yeah, that's my vote too.

Lookin' at you, Lil' Wayne.

>> No.2370770

i got a 1990 on the SAT.
i guess i like radiohead best from those options.

i'd say that music taste and income are probably related in the same way that standardized test scores and income are related. basically this is a silly graph designed to make people who listen to classical or indie bullshit feel really smug.

>> No.2370777

Why is classical really low and Beethoven really high?

Based on this chart, my SAT score should be 1350 and 900. How informative.

>> No.2370781

It's just data. If you want to arrive at illogical conclusions from it, go right ahead.

>> No.2370784

Stupid people tends to like crappy artists
Average people tends to listen to one or two specific genres.
Smart people are going: "Fuck you, if it's good i'll listen"

>> No.2370790

come on people..if you discuss of every randomly made ranking on the net this place will get much worse.

>> No.2370791

I looked at the chart!
That's a mighty fine chart you got there!

>> No.2370803

No. This is far better than religion threads. Fuck you.

>> No.2370808

I'm annoyed by the position of Sufjan Stevens.

>> No.2370859

Just stating a genre -> dull.
Being more specific -> bright.
(Whoa, no room for Zappa?)

>> No.2370872

Also, this isn't a tier list. This is data. Just not especially meaningful data.

>> No.2370896
File: 404 KB, 2176x4240, 1295382905834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my musical tastes are all over the place. I like a little bit of everything. Except rap. rap is shit. (linkin park doesn't count; it has a melody)

what I listen to is filled in red.

>> No.2370939
File: 113 KB, 545x2440, 1269851316802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do believe that is the creator's point. How people can conceive data and coloration and how such things can be used or taken out of context.

>> No.2371791
File: 476 KB, 1998x4240, mtmyd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, well i took the newer sat, got a 1910, which correlates around 1236 i think in the old scale (although i think i would've done better on the old sat than the new one).

>> No.2371815

I listen to Two Steps from Hell which is a Symphony not listed.

Makes me believe this list is biased.

>> No.2371857

wtf is with the metal bands listed

I listen to mostly metal, but also jazz, classical, classic rock, some punk... a little bit of everything.
Also I didn't write the SAT, Canadian here

>> No.2371929

31 on the ACT which translates to roughly a 1320/2100 on the SAT.

I listen to folk music.


>> No.2371952

I enjoy Beethoven and lil wayne.
Sufjan stevens and jay-z
Also what does going down do?

>> No.2371963

I listen mostly to techno and I was in the 99.9th centile rank. Never bothered to check my actual score though.

>in before I call bullshit

Logic is easy. Lern2do it.

>> No.2371968

itt correlation = causation

>> No.2371974

you mean itc

>> No.2371981

there is no EDM on this chart.

>> No.2371985

>jazz, with all its complex timings and such


>> No.2371988

Correlation indicates causation. All scientific methods to establish causality rely on probabilistic causality, which require something like the common cause principle, which effectively means that whenever things are correlated.... some causality is involved (though not necessarily between the two correlated variables)

>> No.2371995

Listening to Sufjan Right now.

>> No.2372014

dat weed bro

>> No.2372023

OP is a fag that thinks listening to pompous music instead of making your own choices about what audial delights you wish to delve into.

>> No.2372027

ludacris has a section on the map as large as all of classic rock

>> No.2372052

how the hell is jazz so low?

i immensely enjoy jazz, folk, and elements of country, and i got a 1520/1600 (fuck the writing section)

I'd like to see where stuff like animal collective ranks (i listen to that too...)

>> No.2372118

got a 2230. mostly listen to trance, hardstyle, eurodance, pop, and hip hop. and of course, "techno" probably covers all electronic dance music, which is bullshit.

>> No.2372137

Western classical music is harmonically adventurous, strucurally pleasing with well defined tones and is entirely congruous with the positive brain harmonics related to intelligence. The extent to which other music emulates this can be debated. It seems in affecting the brain the personality is also altered. There is perhaps a predisposition for intellectually aggressive people to already be receptive to music that demands greater attention.

>> No.2372143

Hrm...I'd say my favorites out that list are sublime, shins, hendrix, beck and oasis. But I've listened to pretty much every single artist in this list at one time or another.

SAT was 1940 overall 1310 composite.

>> No.2372148

>Wonder why there is so few data towards the right side of the graph.
>Realized data is pooled from Facebook users.

>> No.2372158

This is what trolls and faggots actually believe.

BTW OP that study EXPLICITLY mentioned that it was not comprehensive enough to used for any sort of intelligence gauge.

>> No.2372166

>ha I'm smart and like Jazz, this chart will validate my preference

>> No.2372201

I listen to audio books.
I got a 1450.
I think this chart is boring.

>> No.2372217

You misunderstand.
The science is solid. I never said other music could not achieve the same effect.

In reguards to the actual results; students taking SATs are too young for this study so this test is largely inconclusive. It's more likely that parental upbringing and genes were involved in the scores instead of music; which serves as a by-product.

You're just butthurt about your taste in music.

>> No.2372237

Ya, I'd like to see this "brain personality data"


>> No.2372242

Perfect 1600 (from back in the day when you weren't allowed to miss any too =)

If I had to choose my favorite music by genre I guess I'd go classic rock. Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, Alman Brothers... but I have a little of everything in my collection.

Drawing waay to wide conclusions from this... maybe the brighter you are - the more you expect or need from your music to be interested in it.

For instance - for some people a strong beat would be enough, for others it just has to sound nice, going along some people would require both a pleasing melody and also lyrics which tell a story (and can be understood) or which evoke strong emotion. Others might need something beyond that.

I'm not sure what this says about classical music though - that could be both a cultural thing (as it has a rep as "smart music" in addition to it's other qualities), and it may have something to do with the ability to appreciate the complexity (that is *sometimes* present in classical music - though some classical music is just so fucking repetitive and boring and slow that it bores me to tears, but some of it's fucking brilliant...)

Dunno - just thoughts, interesting graphic. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.2372253

I thought the same thing. Since it's mined from Facebook...

A majority of people who listed "Classical" are average folks who think it makes them sound sophisticated, while people who REALLY like classical music list composers or more precise terms like "baroque" or "romantic". Beethoven is the only composer from this category statistically significant enough to merit an entry on the chart.

>> No.2372262

That's an educated guess BTW, not fact.

>> No.2372270

I'm not your teacher find your own answers. Or succumb to ignorance there's enough of that on this board.

>> No.2372289

>Claims dumb ass shit without proof.

>Confirmed troll or pretentious idiot.

>> No.2372290

I mostly listen to classical and rock.

>horrible taste in everything

>> No.2372298

Pretentious right back at ya.

>> No.2372305

1. Is this on the old 1600-pt scale or the new (2400?) scale?

2. Jazz is only on the low end because lots of blacks and senile fudds who think Jimmy Dorsey was hip listen to it

>> No.2372313
File: 40 KB, 446x361, milloncocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, we use the scientific method here. Take the pseudo science elsewhere.

>> No.2372333


>> No.2372356

>1. Is this on the old 1600-pt scale or the new (2400?) scale?
Why don't you take a guess.

>> No.2372380
File: 36 KB, 604x453, cpathar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How interdasting, Cant find Bustin Jieber

>> No.2372488

>Look at this chart.

>Tell me what you listen to.
None of that.

>Tell me your SAT score.
Higher than 1200. I don't remember exactly.

>Tell me what you think of this chart.

>> No.2372500

You say it's how raised and brought up that determines your SAT scores? could that not be what determines your Music choices?

Maybe theres a correlation?

>> No.2372648

Wheres the techno and such?

>> No.2372705

i had a 1275 on my sat and I listen to the grateful dead, phish, umphrey's mcgee, pink floyd, disco biscuits, bob dylan, sufjan stevens, most jam bands, as well as classical music. I despise most of the music toward the bottom of the chart. Except Jay-z. dude's smarter than the average rapper.

>> No.2372720

you suck

>> No.2372752

2230 overall 1500 composite
>mfw Rush isn't on there, and neither is my score

>> No.2372754

I like Elton John, Rammstein and Eric Clapton.
I think the chart is mostly inaccurate. although I completely agree with the lil' wayne part. It would probably help if it were arranged in genres of music e.g. classical, rock, rap, pop ect.

>> No.2372785
File: 39 KB, 447x335, oh_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>System of a Down
>Brand New

>> No.2372800

Scored 1930 and I like some of the stuff near the right and/or bottom right :/

>> No.2372811

2210 overall 1480 composite
I mostly listen to classical and the Beatles. Some pop, and some rock from the 60s/70s/80s

>> No.2372823

Romantic and Impressionist Era classical
such as: Rachmaninov, Chopin, Ravel, Debussy, Gerschwin, Beethoven, Brahms


pretty accurate OP

>> No.2372828

1380/1600 (for Math and English, obviously). My favorite band is Iron Maiden, which isn't on there. I suppose you could associate my preferences with Metallica but I don't think that would be very good because I don't like Metallica at all. I think I mostly like Iron Maiden because of the interesting subject matter in their songs.

>> No.2372886

Math and verbal only.

I got 1380 and I listen to a little bit of everything. It's interesting to look at, though.

>> No.2372897

kid fucked up writing section

>> No.2372929

i like the doors, pink floyd, stones, also some techno
1900 on sat but didn't study I bet I could get higher
16 years old

>> No.2372934
File: 54 KB, 320x240, 1286413818920.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

derp derp derp derp correlation equals causation

derp derp derp derp


>> No.2373009

Surveying the thread:
butthurt jazz fans, butthurt jazz fans everywhere

>> No.2373033

I listen to led zeppelin and got a 100% on the SAT

guess you're chart is wrong than?

>> No.2375021

Is this really science?

>> No.2375296

Lil' Wayne Master race here.

>> No.2375300


Derp Derp

Literally no causation was ever implied.

Derp Derp.

>> No.2375304

Shit, there's not a single industrial band

>> No.2375307


A vast variety of classical music, and a lot of Pendulum / Linkin park type music, however, I don't find that I dislike much.

>> No.2375310

sounds like bad troll but has some truth to it, except jazz is too low

>> No.2375313



>> No.2375315

Facebook users

>> No.2375317

Is this chart from the 90s? Goddamn.

>> No.2375319

>no Bach
>classical music is mediocre tier

Fuck this subjective arbitrary shit. Though Gustav Mahler, whose music routinely puts me to sleep, would bring the classical score down.

>> No.2375323

Looks like a bullshit chart with no research gone into it at all.


>> No.2375324

1300, downtempo/electronica/trip-hop, oldies, classical, some pop/rock

music and ignorance may be correlated, doubtful that a causative effect exists between them though

>> No.2375333

> Implying SAT scores are a measure of intelligence.

SAT was too easy, how about using GRE.

>> No.2375334


>Death cab for cutie
>Jack Johnson
Need I go on?

>> No.2375338


>Implying the reason you posted this wasn't because you have a low SAT score and need to compensate

>> No.2375396

1560 on SAT, 1500 on GRE, I just feel GRE is a better measure of intelligence. It draws on vocabulary unlike the SAT, and vocabulary level is a great proxy for intelligence. U MAD?

>> No.2375417

It is but the problem with vocab is that it ends up being luck on what words the test gives you. I improved my verbal score 60 points simply by getting lucky on the vocab words I knew.

>> No.2375419

Orchestral Classical/modern
Sufjan Stevens
Damien Rice

In the UK, so no SAT. Can't find a decent converter. Scores on GCSEs were
Maths, Physics, Chemistry A*
Biology, History, Geography A
French B
On the maths I got 100%, if it's relevant.

>> No.2375427

oh, and the chart is complete rubbish. I have professors who listen to eminem, and there's no way the test could be this precise

>> No.2375438

1470, when I took it back in 2002. 800 on the verbal, 670 on the math. Also hat an 800 on my lit comp SAT II, as I recall. Favorite bands are in no particular order:

Smashing Pumpkins
Pink Floyd
My Bloody Valentine
The Melvins
The Innocence Mission
Led Zeppelin
The Pixies

>> No.2375439


>> No.2375445

Mostly rock, a bit of metal.

I don't know what SAT is.

I don't understand the chart.

>> No.2375465

what about people like me who listen to and enjoy all music?

>> No.2375469

thats a funny troll chart tho. I couldnt find crunk on it, most likely because people who are actually enthusiastic about crunk lack even the intelligence required to go to a community college.

But in srs mode, the chart is flawed; certain bands there are liked equally by low IQ people as well as high IQ people for different reasons. I think youll find bands like Led Zeppelin, or Parliament-Funkadelic have an extremely wide cross section of people who like them. Although for the most part, I have to agree with the bands on the right side of the chart; Ive never known an intelligent person who actually like taking back sunday, for instance.

>> No.2375470


Why the fuck are you on /sci/?

>> No.2375475

Britfag so no SAT but for GCSE I got
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English A*
History, German, Maths, A
Music, DT B

A Level predicted A*A*AB
Applying for medicine

I like Radiohead the most out of them

>> No.2375477


you mean the left side.

>> No.2375484


Becasue it's like /v/ but with even more smug people.

>> No.2375485

Makes me glad most of the pop/alternative stuff doesn't appeal to me.
Never felt I could identify with it, much.
I tend to have a lot of soundtrack stuff (orchestral bg music).
Yay, I'm pretentious!

>> No.2375490

I'm a C student in controll engineering listening to mostly metal and classical

>> No.2375506


the chart is a joke, really; anyone with even the slightest life experience would know that the musical tastes of actual high IQ people vary widely and are not limited just to classical.

all its done here is expose you for being an ass.