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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 3 KB, 210x230, 1285615089994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2368555 No.2368555 [Reply] [Original]

>Two old women knock at my front door
>One is holding a bible
>I'm a physicist
>In a quiet voice the lady asks me if she can read me a passage
>I bite my tongue and awkwardly agree
>She hands me a leaflet with the word "truth" emblazened across it
>I thank them and wait patiently for them to leave

Fuck sake /sci/, why do I do this.

>> No.2368560
File: 77 KB, 620x520, RageFace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude....you fucking misspelled "emblazoned"!!
Da fuck is the matter with you!??!?

>> No.2368562

i dont believe in the christian god but the bible is an awesome book to read. King's james version is like poetry

>> No.2368564

>someone knocks at my front door
>look out the peephole
>they claim they are here to bring the word of God
>I tell them that for all I know they are assassins coming for my life
>they look at each other
>they leave

>> No.2368567

The people who do that it my neighbourhood always bring along cute little smiling children in fine clothing. It is really hard to be what is socially considered rude when children are present; and those manipulative cunts know it.

>> No.2368575
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>It is really hard to be what is socially considered rude

inorite. In my case they were two frail old women with kind smiles and softly speaking. How could anyone tell them to FUCK OFF I BELIEVE IN PROOF AND THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD!

I wish I had

>> No.2368576

Because they are human, as you are, and deserve a little dignity even if they are wrong.

I believe in the battle against religion, but it won't be won by intellectually body slamming people.

>> No.2368578

We're all human, OP.

>> No.2368585

>two old women knock on my friends door when were all hanging out
>obvious jehovah's witnesses
>i open the door
>my friend in the background immediately pulls down his pants and begins humping other friend
>3rd friend pretends to go into retarded epileptic fits
>try to keep a straight face
>when they see, they hand me the fliers and book it
>funniest moment of my life

>> No.2368590

lold at the imagery

>> No.2368592

>Someone knocks on door
>No one visits me, ever; get excited, don't check peephole
>Open it
>Ask if they can have a few minutes of my time
>They come in, sit down
>Not sure what do
>Offer them tea
>They accept
>Woman starts drinking it
>Keels over
>I get on the floor
>Other guy gets on the floor
>We all walk the dinosaur

>> No.2368595

not so...it clearly says on the tiny tag in my shirt i was manufactured in China.

As such, i have no such feelings of guilt when the nice old folk never make it to my door thanks to my handy motion activated lawn sprinkler.

During the cooler months i simply answer the door naked...this seems to hasten their visit since they don't want me to catch my death of cold i suspect.

>> No.2368600
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>Hear a knock on my door
>Open it
>Have you accepted the lord Jesus Christ as your-
>Close door

And then all was well with my life.

>> No.2368601
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cool story bro

>I don't believe a word

>> No.2368602

>Knocking on the door
>Open the door
>Receive punch to face
>Fall to the ground
>Receive kick in stomach
>Pass out
>Wake up
>They stole everything

>> No.2368606
File: 22 KB, 420x418, Ainsley3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Close Door

You're going to hell when you die

>> No.2368610
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>My face when you're going to freeze in the plains of Fimblewinter forever for not being a Norse Pagan

>> No.2368617

>hear knock
>answer door
>3 women, show me a bible
>start asking questions
>slam door so hard knob falls off
>get down on the floor to pick it up
>fix it
>walk the dinosaur

>> No.2368622

Fucking Jehova's Witnesses

>> No.2368628

>Knock on door
>American missionaries
>In Europe

>> No.2368637

Don't you mean
>crawl the dinosaur

>> No.2368656

id like to apologize for my country.

>> No.2368657

There's no christian proselyte where I live, never experienced that.

>> No.2368671
File: 206 KB, 800x508, old_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no...your right.

i just stand there like a putz while my beer get warm and i miss out on the latest from ESPN



>> No.2368675
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oops...i try again



>> No.2368678 [DELETED] 

I've tried converting them to science before, it doesn't fucking work. I got turned around trying to explain quarks and string theory.

>> No.2368680

I've tried converting them to science before, it doesn't fucking work. I spent ten minutes trying to explain quarks and string theory. All they have to say in their counter-argument is "It's god's will."

>> No.2368685

When mormons come knocking I invite them in for a glass of water. Then I troll the shit out of them for a couple of hours (I know my Bible better then they do and love arguing religion). They never come around a second time

>> No.2368689

ask them if they would like to know what 'God's Will' is telling you at the moment while loading a shotgun or brandishing a blunt object.

Bonus points for popping out veins in your neck and turning cherry red while spittle runs down your chin

>> No.2368691

I live in Europe and at any given moment there's a pair of pimple faced american mormon missionaries. I usually let them struggle to speak french to me for a few minutes before rattling off in fluent english

>> No.2368822

American here. I wish I could do stuff like this. Sadly I am stuck knowing only one language.

>> No.2368833
File: 122 KB, 499x499, When-god-tells-you-to-kill-your-child-kill-neighbours-child.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its awright OP. You only supported the greatest accepted insanity ever to continue indoctrinated more people to be insane as well.

Just like babyfucking, it's awright. *i'm fucking hinting at what a fucking failure you were today OP*

>> No.2368848

Easy. First you must realize that while most fanatic christians know how to quote "scripture", very few of them actually know anything about christianity (its history, theology etc.). In fac,t even just watching a few good academic documentaries like "from jesus to christ" (PBS i think) will leave you knowing more about christianity than 95% of all christians.

Then just invite them in and as them some real theological questions (like their position on homeousis) and if they do not know the right answers, pronounce that they "are NOT christians".

you will never see them again.

>> No.2368857

I would ask may I see the bible please. Then I would look for a nasty piece of scripture, then ask them to read it to me.

>> No.2368858
File: 1 KB, 33x33, ¦3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh, you realise that in creating this thread, you are opening the door for my ilk to accost you right?

now forgive the oprahesque psychobabble i'm about to impart, but isn't that indicative of someone who actually WANTS to know about jesus on some sub-conscious level?

he loves you btw

that is all

>> No.2368859

I always wanted to open the door just in underpants with a huge boner pitching a tent.
Too bad (or good?) christfags don't bother us here.

>> No.2368861
File: 98 KB, 239x254, rape to death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knocks at my door
>open door
>guy just wants to talk... about god
>im not a believer
>no one at the apartment is
>something something designer, he says
>explain emergent properties
>explain biochemistry
>explain paradigms and modelling theory
>explain faults of platonism in math and logic
>explain chomsky's naturalist refutation of dualism
>he asks about big bang... was i there?
>no... neither were you, so any claims we make about it are basically meaningless. it's better we don't talk about it at all
>he knocks on neighbours door.

pic related
mfw religious extremists make claim their beliefs aloud in my presence

>> No.2368862

We don't care Jesus loves us, or that he exists at all. You christfags just never seem to grasp this concept, we're demons.

>> No.2368864

ugh i wish u died with /r9k/

>> No.2368868

>Hear Doorbell
>Check Peephole
>Jehovah Witness's
>Quickly get naked with dick and balls hanging out
>Put clothes in entrance closet
>Open Door
>"How may I help you two?"


>> No.2368870
File: 1 KB, 33x33, ¦3urichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no silly, you're not a demon - you're merely a child of the devil, who happens to be a very abusive parent who hates you (being as you are; 'made in the image of god' and his most beloved creation)

that's why the father sent his son to bring you into his adoption

see jesus is like the social services and he wants to rescue you from the dysfunctional family you've been born into - and if you accept his proposal, you get to be a co-heir in his inheritance

which is nice

>> No.2368873
File: 1 KB, 33x33, ¦3urichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like you've never even heard of resurrection anon

>> No.2368875

even if god is real, he's a total asshole.
why would you condemn people to eternal damnation just for not believing in you?
fuck god, even if i believed in him i would still avoid religion just to piss him off.

>> No.2368876


Hey bro, obviously science conflicts with your faggotry called religion so why don't you just leave?

If science can explain so many things what the fuck makes you think a God exists?

What does god explain? nothing just morals.

Get the fuck out.

>> No.2368877


Make one up, or learn some rudimentary words of another language. Russian is fun.


>> No.2368879
File: 27 KB, 403x365, 1231344376333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jesus is like the social services and he wants to rescue you from the dysfunctional family

What if I were to rape Jesus? Rape him mercilessly. Unrelenting, untill he died of rape. What then?

>> No.2368880

>Two police officers knock at my front door
>One is holding a gun
>I'm a pedophile
>In a quiet voice the cop asks me if he can read me my rights
>I bite my tongue and awkwardly agree
>He hands me a dildo with the word "truth" emblazened across it
>I thank them and wait patiently for them to leave

>> No.2368884

You speak any Russian? I took a semester in college and want to keep going but have no motivation.

>> No.2368888

He'd get a res erection.

>> No.2368889

he'd turn the other hole to you.

Eh, the one in the face. Since, you know, the other cheek and all, but he only got one hole down there, so his mouth will have to make due.

Also I'm currently enjoying myself imagining Jesus choking on my dick, tears in his eyes, trying to say "father, why have you forsaken me?", but all that's coming out is gargling and it feels so good on my dick.

>> No.2368896
File: 23 KB, 750x681, jesusnegotiates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2368897

>someones knocks on my door
>don't open
>never find out who knocked

>> No.2368901
File: 22 KB, 432x288, 1294309135966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> open door
> church guy
> we chat about the weather
> he asks what faith i am
> tell him i'm atheist
> he asks if it's the bad things that have been attributed to the church
> i say no, i just never got into it
> he says oh. offers to tell me about it
> i say nah, that's okay
> he wishes me a good day and leaves
> i wish him a good day
> boring story with almost no conflict

>> No.2368902
File: 58 KB, 600x600, jesus_is_coming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2368904
File: 76 KB, 598x702, 1279914158441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.2368905
File: 1 KB, 33x33, ¦3urichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh anonymous, you think jesus hasn't already been raeped to death?

don't you realise that on the cross, jesus took all the suffering of the world upon himself - he shared in every pain each of us has ever been wounded with, so that we can be healed of all the wrong done to us

he also took the punishment for every rapist upon himself, so that means every evil thing you've ever done to someone has already been paid for - you could be made clean from all your evil if you accepted his substitutory sacrifice

>> No.2368915
File: 69 KB, 419x433, 1287449513976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess who is a troll, and is terrible at spreading dogma? Yep you are. Congratulations at failing to convince a single person in your whole life.

>> No.2368918
File: 119 KB, 1000x750, 1294879846145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Knock on door

>> No.2368923
File: 23 KB, 450x450, 1293430256280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw I take responsiblity for my OWN actions

>> No.2368924

>Two guys knock on the door
>One of them is holding a black book
>The other guy says, 'hello we would like to tell you about jesus chri-'
>I shut the door
>hear them say 'and good day to you aswell' through the door
>Feel very rude and ashamed

>> No.2368930

They're just trying to manipulate you. They're all psychopaths under dogmatic control. Don't let them fool you.

>> No.2368939


Oh jesus christ its christfag! I thought I was actually on r9k for a second there, how dare you remind me of such wonderful times ;_;

>> No.2368940

where the hell did you get that photo ?

>> No.2368942

/sci/ - stories and religion

>> No.2368979
File: 1 KB, 33x33, ¦3urichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well if i am as you say, then guess who just got trolled, and is terrible at dealing with my ilk in the proper fashion, ie; ignoring them. yep, you are. congratulations at failing to resist my bait

but since you ARE responding to me then i'm afraid it's obvious a nerve has been struck, and what's moar; since you have chosen to attack this bumbling fool instead of the 'dogma' they espouse then i think you're at a loss

tl;dr the anon does ad hominem too much methinks

good for you, i respect that - i really do

it's just, so do i

only when i'm in front of jesus' judgment seat i'll be able to say "thanks for taking my punishment lord - i don't deserve your mercy, but i'm grateful for it - you're the best"

> how dare you remind me of such wonderful times ;_;
> dare you remind me of such wonderful times ;_;
> you remind me of such wonderful times ;_;
> remind me of such wonderful times ;_;
> me of such wonderful times ;_;
> of such wonderful times ;_;
> such wonderful times ;_;
> wonderful times ;_;

are you sure we're talking about the same place here? :)

>> No.2368983


I remember when Jehovah's used to come knocking at my nan's house. They'd bring a kid with them to make it all cute and shit. My nan would just give them an ear full of abuse "you've brainwashed that poor kid" etc. then slam the door in their faces

>> No.2369020
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>> No.2369080
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>> No.2369098

>Jehovas Witness comes to the door
>Talk to them
>Ask them their opinion on Scientology
>They think it's a crazy cult

Really I should have pressed on and asked them about more established religions

>> No.2369125
File: 57 KB, 490x600, 490px-Frans_Hals_-_Portret_van_René_Descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knock on door
>they ask if we can talk about belief
>they talk for a little while
>ask about philosophy and logic
>they know nothing
>tell them that they shouldnt be talking about things they know nothing about. tell them off. ask for $1.25 for the coffe they drank


>> No.2369136
File: 69 KB, 360x274, beenfun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Two Mormon missionaries take a glance at a well dressed black man.
>Watch them ignore him completely as soon as they see me a white short guy.
>I pay them for two Mormon bibles
>Walk up to black man chilling and hand him a free Mormon bible while they follow me because I told them I'd invite them in my apartment.
>I proceed to rip pages out of mine and we laugh together at the Mormons that tried to recruit me.
>The tallest Mormon gets angry face
>The shortest starts crying
>Where's your god now?

>> No.2369138
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Brool Story Co.

>> No.2369148

I'm okay with this.

>> No.2369757

Descartes is stupid. He believes in god.

>> No.2370294
File: 34 KB, 324x432, 1286946006391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>no one has security cameras installed to monitor front door
>they open the door to complete strangers


>> No.2370300

>security cameras

You capitalist pigs know about spyholes, right?

>> No.2370326

we know knitting needles jab right through them yes.

why do you ask?

>> No.2370330

>implying there isn't a fucking lens in the middle of a spyhole
>implying needles can quantum tunnel through PMMA

>> No.2370336

honestly, i think the mormons and jehovah's witnesses have my address crossed off their list; they lose converts when they come to a real christian's house.

>> No.2370338

in the middle?



>> No.2370344
File: 30 KB, 273x313, 1284715198779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying they can't hear you walk your fat ass to the door and will believe no one's home in case they are not welcome and denied access

>> No.2370348

>implying I won't insult them through the door if they are not welcome
>implying I'm a coward pansy who needs to use stealth to avoid confrontation

>> No.2370357

>waiting for train at station
>two guys come over
>expecting questions about train times and platforms (seriously, the amount of times I have people ask me about their train, it's like people think I work there)
>they are missionaries
>kill some time talking about stuff
>get given free books
>receipts still in books
>take books back for refund
I felt kind of bad about it afterwards, but still.

>> No.2370359

True Story
>knock, knock
>Two young Jehova Witnesses
>Hello, sir. Do you know who we are?
>Read their name tags to them
>Ask me what my religious affiliation is
>tell them they are preaching to the wrong choir
>close door
>alpha as fuck

>> No.2370367
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Probably because of aliens

>> No.2370368

>Jeovah's Witnesses knock at my door
>They ask if I know the word of God
>I tell them Allah is great and merciful
>They leave

>> No.2370370

1) Wait for religious people with children to come at your door
2) Open the door, ask them for a Bible
3) Read aloud Numbers 5:11-31
4) ??????
5) PROFIT!!!!

>> No.2370371

Don't get me started on aliens abducting me.

>> No.2370378

>have religious people come to door
>they try to sell their religion
>politely decline
>close the door
no need to be rude about it.

>> No.2370381

>Middle-aged woman and little girl show up at front door
>Little girl knocks quietly
>I'm recovering from surgery, shuffle to door in pajamas
>We're here to invite you to our church
>"No thanks."
>Shut door

I'm extremely rude to solicitors. Soliciting is a waste of my time and yours. Do something better with your life.

>> No.2370384

That's a pretty weak passage to be using for shock value.
This is better, 10:18-27

>> No.2370400

maybe it's not in Numbers?

also, the bald man, the kids and the shebears

>> No.2370407

>Two women knock on my front door
>They want to talk about God
>One of them is wearing jeans
>I tell her it is a sin in the eyes of God for a woman to wear men's clothing
>I'm wearing a skirt
>I'm a man
>Call her a sinner
>Close door

>> No.2370411

Are you me?

>> No.2370416


>> No.2370427

I never open them the door, same situation as with beggars and door-to-door salesman.

>> No.2370526
File: 126 KB, 453x575, lol'd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Walk up to door and knock
>Resident approaches and opens door
>Greet them and ask if I can read to them from a special book
>Retrieve The God Delusion from bag, turn to chapter 4 - Why there is almost certainly no God.
>Read pre-selected arguments until the Jehova's Witness that I found the address of butts in
>Asks why I am disrespecting their beliefs.
>Continue to read.

>> No.2370544

Physicists. ALWAYS physicists.
Maybe it's because, instead of actually doing sciency things like chemists and biologists, they have nothing but math problems, and need to take their anger out on delusional, but kindly people doing what they believe is right.
I wouldn't know if I got a knock at the door. As a chemist, I practically live in the lab.

>> No.2370548

Because you instinctively sense that your public image is important and being rude to those two ladies might ruin your reputation?!

>> No.2370585

I'm a chemistry student
I say that I would like to talk about the wonders of the gods of Norse mythology instead of their religion.
Usually it drives them off with a look of confusion, but occasionally I have to bullshit about Norse mythology.

Over all it isn't all that rude, and provides me with some funny.

>> No.2370594
File: 81 KB, 640x480, dategg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Cause you pity them, and you wanna tap dat ass.

>> No.2370613

youths, not kids.

>> No.2370662

>new young Jehovah witness knocks on door
>claims she went to university and has studied evolution and knows its incredibly wrong
> starts using arguments against evolution that are inherently wrong as she obviously knows nothing about evolution
> later she tells me she purposely avoided any course to do with evolution because she new it was obviously so wrong
> I facepalm
> starts using the weakest arguements ever for the existance of god
> tells me they have a magazine for atheists that prove god existence
>I tell them 'I would love to see that some time'

seriously they were the freshest ignorant jo hoes ever, it was comical I had to keep stopping them and correcting them

>> No.2370674

I seriously want to tap a Jehovah Witness girl while discussing evolution.
Wat do?

>> No.2370709

just do it
that will make her question her god's love for her

>> No.2370759

>Knock Knock
>Jehova's witness
>2 guys
>"Hello, we are Jehova's witnesses ect ect"
>"I'm afraid I'm not intrested."
>"Thank you anyway"
>Politely shut the door
>Go back to watching Tv

>> No.2370779
File: 22 KB, 311x450, TomCruise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jehova's Witness shows up
>Try to talk to me about God
>"I didn't know you were allowed to talk to JW apostates!"
>mfw they turn around and walk away
>mfw it's been 5 years and they haven't showed up since

>> No.2370811

>Any religious group comes to door
>I open
>They jabber on about their religion
>I scream "you have 10 seconds to say why your god is better than mine"
>After 10 seconds I make a buzzing sound and tell them that their time has ended
>I then hand them pieces of candy telling them that it is their consolation prize, and tell them better luck next time
>Close door
>Banana god cannot be defeated

>> No.2370848

i can't breathe i am laughing so hard.

>> No.2370876

Please tell me that is a response to this:


>> No.2370879

>hear knocks on door
>check to see if it's a delivery service
>if it's not, do nothing
>wait for them to leave
Works every time.

>> No.2370884

I didn't do this, it was someone I knew.

>Jehovah's Witnesses come every week at the same fucking time
>Get sick of it
>Rub vaseline all over arm and coat with hairspray
(I don't remember if it was exactly this, it was something like it though)
>Wait for doorbell
>Doorbell rings
>Light arm on fire
>Open door
>Jehovah's Witnesses
>Cackling with arm on fire
>Starts to burn a little, put it out
>Never have anyone come to the door again.

>> No.2370898

Every time religionfags knock on my door i try to convert them to Satanism

>> No.2370905
File: 20 KB, 409x329, bush_metal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true story:
>working out in my garage over summer
>two fat black baptist ladies ask me if I have a minute (my back is turned)
> go to ipod, put on Slayer - God hates us all
>they leave
> I lol

>> No.2370913

never saw that before thank you for the watch anon.
truth be told i have also done this in the name of the mighty marshmallow gods.
i worship awesome food stuffs.

>> No.2370950

Don't treat religion as if it's a faulty path to truth, treat it as cultural/linguistic cancer. Scientists are wary of debating religitards, thinking it'll give them a veneer of legitimacy, and they're right to do that.

>> No.2370966

no treat it like a game
the rules are made up
no body wins
but you get points for style

>> No.2371059

I just tell them that I'm deaf.

>> No.2371072

you better talk like you're deaf when you do.

>> No.2371100

>Vacationing in BC at my mum's for the summer.

>Fapping to some/d/ flavoured hentai.

>Suddenly, I stop. My arousal just disappears after one edge, I don't know why.

>Knock on the door


>I grin a horrible grin....

>Get dressed, debate morality for an hour and a half, bid a cordial farewell.

>> No.2371146

>I spent ten minutes trying to explain quarks and string theory.

You weren't doing it thoroughly enough.

>> No.2372622
File: 380 KB, 639x482, fintan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jehova's Witnesses at door
>Jack swiftly
>Open door
>Zerg rush splooge all over their faces & chests