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File: 195 KB, 436x435, Oxford_Pederasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2365849 No.2365849 [Reply] [Original]

If sexual orientation is genetically determined then why was pederasty practiced universally among the Greek?

>> No.2365853

That's a very good point.

>> No.2365854

it's multifactor

>> No.2365861

Attractions are a social construct.

>> No.2365863


>> No.2365860

peer pressure

>> No.2365866

cause mammals are bisexual

>> No.2365870

because molested kids sometimes grow up to be molesters

>> No.2365879

Maybe they were bi. That's a thing you can be.

>> No.2365886

At 15-16 these weren't exactly kids and they all (pretty much) grew up like that.

>> No.2365897

They must have been, considering how there was only heterosexual marriage in Greece. What I think this points to, though, is that under the right circumstances most people are bisexual (with possibly an inclination in either way).

>> No.2365928


>> No.2365954

because in a culture where homosex is expected, almost all people will be homosexual, and only the hard-core heterosexuals will stand out.

In a culture where homosex is hated, almost nobody will be homosexual, and only the hard-core homosexuals will stand out.

People love to talk about alpha males and betas, this idea isn't completely wrong. In reality, only a small portion of our populations are actually exclusively heterosexual, just as only a small portion are exclusively homosexual. Most of you bastards fall somewhere towards the middle of the spectrum, whether you admit it to society or not.

>> No.2365960
File: 73 KB, 500x284, kinsey-scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone should know of Kinsey scale by now.

>> No.2365968

You'd think so, but OP seemed to miss how expression of possible genetic predisposition will be influenced greatly by the prevailing culture.

>> No.2366013
File: 58 KB, 400x300, YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because nothing in the world, including sexuality, is black or white.

The lines between gay and straight are completely cultural.

What is considered gay or straight is depended on what society you are in. American society considers you gay if you consider another man good looking. European society considers you gay if you fuck other men. In many CONSERVATIVE Arab societies as long as you are the one doing the fucking and not being fucked you are still straight.

The "Gay Gene" is retarded.

If I fuck a male goat, does that make me gay?
If I fuck a post-op tranny, does that make me gay?
If I fuck in prison, does that make me gay?

I consider myself straight, I've been with women and never done anything with a man. If I was raised in Afghanistan I would consider myself straight and still fuck men.

Your ideas of sexuality are a throwback from a Victorian middle-class code of ethics.

>> No.2366028

>>Your ideas of sexuality are a throwback from a Victorian middle-class code of ethics.

As long as people are still inside that framework they will continue to spend time, resources, and effort into asinine shit like whether or not there is a gay gene or what Jesus REALLY meant when he said "blahblahblah"

>> No.2366042

What is the color measuring?

>> No.2366045

Because it is not entirely genetic. It can also be cultural.

*gasp* Heresy!

>> No.2366055

And This

>> No.2366057

I like to think orientation is not genetic but still a construct outside of the individuals control and a result of their life and experiences.

>> No.2366062

Why do you think the Greek Civilization collapsed?

>> No.2366071

beware the other extreme.

humans are exceedingly complex in behavior, but there are countless examples in nature of supermales, hermaphrodites, and superfemales.

there's likely a genetic basis somewhere, it's probably both nature and nurture.

>> No.2366072

Because little boys are cute

>> No.2366086

Ancient Greeks were the best because they invented everything including shota.

>> No.2366090

If homosexuality were entirely genetic, then by its inherent nature it would've died off long ago. Since this is not the case, there are other factors at work, and it may be (more or less) a social construct.

>> No.2366114

not likely, or it wouldn't still exist in reproducing populations of not-social animals.

I view it as a normal response to sex drive, whether due to scarcity of females, or sexual agonistic behavior for hierarchy, or a simple "fuck every hole until you get the one you need" strategy.

Just like healthy hunger causes animals to eat all kinds of things, healthy sex drive will cause them to fuck whatever holds still long enough.

>> No.2366140


in any case, we have to create relations with both genders, to care for both genders, to feel strong emotions with both genders, and to communicate with both genders.
And I'd say physical contact is a way of communicating through the sense of touch.

Most cultural models in the world oversimplify sexuality and relationships and make a cut distinction between sexual and romantic sphere, and every other sphere of human relations, while probably the various sectors overlap greatly.

>> No.2366154

>If homosexuality were entirely genetic, then by its inherent nature it would've died off long ago.
unless, ofcourse, the same gene had other effects like increased fertility in women, as certain studies have suggested it may.

>> No.2366166

true that. we have a far more complex social construct to deal with, and a simple comparison to other animals won't work entirely.

biology has nearly endless complexity though, one of the reasons I find it so fascinating. It's a bit funny how rarely people realize the depth of things they simply haven't begun to suspect. Any explanation is almost certainly too simple, and aimed at ending further inquiry.

>> No.2366173

What kind of sexuality is it when you just fap, or do an onnahole or a dutch wife?

>> No.2366204

The sort that doesn't get passed on.

>> No.2366218

Just like homosexuality, right?
I'm serious, not sarcastic.

>> No.2366244


engineering thread is >>2366047


>> No.2366249

not really.

exclusive homosexuality could still get passed on if it accidentally or purposefully nails an ovulating woman.

but as another anon pointed out, if the homosex gene is valuable in another context it will get passed on. Say we've got a brother and a sister both having a gene making them more effeminate... the brother may not reproduce, but the sister may be far more likely to, passing on the gene. A homosex gene could be just a differentiation towards greater dimorphism at the expense of one gender's contribution.

>> No.2366302

Genetic and environmental factors play a role. No one person can be held responsible for their sexual attractions; only acting on them. In the case of pedophilia, most of the 'abuse cases' find that the person isn't physically attracted to the child, but to the power and control they have in it.

>> No.2366324

Kinsey Scale OP.
I'm roughly a 4.5

>> No.2366363

what I mean is that all species are inherently Bisexual but personality,life experiences and environment condition fixation.

>> No.2366388


you are still making a definite between absolute homosexuality and absolute heterosexuality and assuming that those are the only 2 possible definitions. While most likely there are gradual scales of homosexuality and heterosexuality.

Furthermore, you're assuming that there is a specific gene or set of genes that code for homosexuality as opposed to heterosexuality.

For instance another possibility is that there are a number of genes which make us capable of feeling emotions and empathy and communicate with other people, and feel the need to reproduce, and the only thing that changes between het and homo is how those genes are switched up.

see this post

>> No.2368161
