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2365834 No.2365834 [Reply] [Original]

>Contrary to their self-advertising, atheists are actually more over-represented at the low end of the intelligence spectrum than they are on the high end. 8.4 percent of atheists have IQs below 63 (nearly as many as have high IQs) whereas only 1.9 percent of believing theists do.


>> No.2365843

This whole argument is complete bullshit

>more smart people are atheists, therefore if you become atheist it means you are smart
>NUH UH, more dumb people are atheists, therefore if you become atheist it means you are dumb

>> No.2365844

>falsely separating agnostics from atheists when the issue really is "theist" or "non-theist"
>cherry picking data


>> No.2365848


>falsely separating agnostics from atheists
these are two different things my friend

>> No.2365858

I'm not really surprised. Christian families have better values and study harder. The "atheists are smarter" thing is a delusion cooked up on the internet, so far removed from reality.

>> No.2365859
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That must be why such a disproportionately high amount of scientists are atheists. CUZ 'DEM SCIENTISTS ARE DUM AND HAVE NO RESPECT

Oh look, here's an ACTUAL study that refutes your BS blog, troll:

>> No.2365864
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Even if that argument wasn't utter shit (which it is)...
Since when does the intelligence of the people who believe or do not believe something have any bearing on it's factual correctness?

>> No.2365868

Although the source is questionable, the results don't surprise me one bit. It seems most atheists live off of a mentality that they're superior and more intelligent and unique for...following something that has been swarmed by millions of individuals exactly like that.

These days, "new atheism", which is the kind I'm critical of, mostly appeals to pop culture philosophers who learn all their opinions from a NY Times best seller and have little education beyond that.

>> No.2365869
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>doesn't know the difference between belief and knowledge

>> No.2365880

I ran the table.
More intelligent prople don't believe in god than expected.
More dumb people believe in god than expected.
About 70% of clinically retarded people believe god exists, against some 50% on 125+ IQ.
In simple terms, it positively correlates high intelligence with atheism and dumbness with religiousness.

So how can we explain the high percentage below 100? Well, a lot of prople are dumb. Just fucking look around, the average IQ is not 100, and I'd put it at 90-95. At best.

>> No.2365894
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>>I'm not really surprised. Christian families have better values and study harder. The "atheists are smarter" thing is a delusion cooked up on the internet, so far removed from reality.

Vox Day is not a scientist. He is a videogame designer, and rabidly hates atheists. He's the author of the atrociously written "the irrational atheist".

Here are some non-internet sources which corroborate the inverse correlation between intelligence and religiosity. There's a century worth of studies here, so this will have to span a number of posts.

>> No.2365893

Atheist are stupid?
What else is new?

>> No.2365895
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Look, theists actually think that this is a valid way of studying a concept. lol. What more proof does anyone really need that atheists have higher IQs?

Evidence is reviewed pointing to a negative relationship between intelligence and religious belief in the United States and Europe. It is shown that intelligence measured as psychometric g is negatively related to religious belief. We also examine whether this negative relationship between intelligence and religious belief is present between nations. We find that in a sample of 137 countries the correlation between national IQ and disbelief in God is 0.60.


>> No.2365914

>in b4 200 replies and 30 images omitted. Click reply to view

>> No.2365920
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>>Although the source is questionable, the results don't surprise me one bit.

So although the data is flawed, you've chosen to accept it because it agrees with your prejudices?

>>It seems most atheists live off of a mentality that they're superior and more intelligent and unique for...following something that has been swarmed by millions of individuals exactly like that.

It's fair to hate that attitude, but statistically they're correct. Atheists comprise only a tiny percentage of the US population yet are disproportionately overrepresented in science and underrepresented in prison.

>>These days, "new atheism", which is the kind I'm critical of,

Naturally, because it's critical of your beliefs. You're fine with the kind that remains silent.

>>mostly appeals to pop culture philosophers who learn all their opinions from a NY Times best seller and have little education beyond that.

This is how you prefer to view them as you resent the fact that they are critical of your beliefs. It's a baseless stereotype bought into by insecure religious people who cannot allow for the possibility that atheists on the whole are smarter than they are.

>> No.2365921
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>> No.2365925
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>> No.2365927
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This is about the point in the thread where people like this: >>2365868
>>2365858 suddenly vanish, rather than addressing the evidence put before them.

>> No.2365929
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>> No.2365931

Too bad that has nothing to do with a flaw in the concept of atheism.

>> No.2365943
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>> No.2365944


>cannot allow for the possibility that atheists on the whole are smarter than they are.

I think what irks the other poster is not the fact that atheists are, on the whole, smarter than theists, but that a lot of atheists seem to believe they are smarter than all theists simply because they are atheists.

>> No.2365949
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>> No.2365956


>>but that a lot of atheists seem to believe they are smarter than all theists simply because they are atheists.

Where did you get the idea that they believe this? I've never heard any atheist claim that they were smarter simply by virtue of being an atheist.

>> No.2365965

I'm a strong atheist and I certainly have heard people claim this, unfortunately.

>> No.2365978


I'm you, and actually come to think of it I never heard anything like that.

>> No.2365986

I'm not even going to argue this shit either way. I honestly don't care what the truth is here, as I don't see how it's relevant to my beliefs. I'm an intelligent Christian, but statistics mean nothing to the individual. I just don't care.

>> No.2365991

This just boils down to "My argument is right because you are stupid".

While its impossible for ad hominem to completely leave debate I will go on hoping.

>> No.2365997


>>I'm not even going to argue this shit either way. I honestly don't care what the truth is here, as I don't see how it's relevant to my beliefs. I'm an intelligent Christian, but statistics mean nothing to the individual. I just don't care.

Deny the findings until the evidence is overwhelming. Then claim the evidence is invalid and you never cared to begin with.


>> No.2366002

>I've never heard any atheist claim that they were smarter simply by virtue of being an atheist.

Lurk here for a few minutes: http://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/

>> No.2366003

People that believe in imaginary beings are stupid.

People that don't believe in imaginary beings may also be stupid, but I don't think it is too far fetched to say that they are probably less likely to be stupid.

>> No.2366004

Didn't read the article, but the statement quoted in the opening post would be completely true even if the average IQ among atheists was exactly identical to the general population. Still, it's worded in a way which allows a misleading effect.

Males have around the same or slightly lower average IQ than females, however the male population exhibits a significantly higher standard deviation. Thus it is correct to say that while the average male is around the same intelligence as the average female (or possibly slightly less intelligent), there are more males with extremely low IQs (as a percentage of population below an arbitrary level, say 85) than females (the same is true about people with extremely high IQs). As the male population is overrepresented among atheists, assuming intelligence plays no role in deciding to become an atheist (the zero hypothesis), atheists would also have a higher proportion of people with very low IQs than the general population.

>> No.2366014

>IQ below 63
>ask them if they love Jesus or no
>shake head in some vague way spit up poop in diaper and take a nap

Seriously isn't that the level of retardartion where they can't talk or understand anything?

>> No.2366017

At the end of the Golden Globe Awards last night, Ricky Gervais thanked God for making him an atheist.
I facepalmed.
I love Ricky Gervais, but stuff like that just furthers the stereotype.

>> No.2366020


I have. Didn't see what you're talking about.

It seems like you're inferring that belief without legitimate basis for doing so. You've described not what they believe but what you cynically imagine that they believe.

>> No.2366030


Obvious jokes further the stereotype? I'm pretty sure the fact that he is a giant asshole is worse for the atheist image.

>> No.2366033


Mostly people on the internet. I have a sneaking suspicion that these people are all 15 year olds, but still, they're certainly around and I can see where the guy you're replying to gets his disdain from.

>> No.2366036


What are you talking about? Ricky Gervais is awesome.

>> No.2366040

Well ofcourse there's dumb atheists
What do you think drug dealers are?

>> No.2366053

Am I supposed to believe a guy who can't spell "Vox Populi"?

>> No.2366063

Ricky Gervais killed last night.
Awards shows are just giant circle jerks, and he tried to knock some self-righteous actors down a few pegs. Good on him.
I just hate it when atheists sarcastically thank god as if they are smarter than theists.
I realize how stupid it is to complain about that while supporting his other antics, but I don't give a fuck.

>> No.2366078


>>I just hate it when atheists sarcastically thank god as if they are smarter than theists.

They are. See:


>> No.2366093

Actually went and checked the data quoted.

>OP: Contrary to their self-advertising, atheists are actually more over-represented at the low end of the intelligence spectrum than they are on the high end.
>Atheists over 125 IQ according to the source: 8.8%
>Theists over 125 IQ according to the source: 3.2%

theists gonna theist

>> No.2366092

I'm smarter than 90% of the people I interact with on a daily basis.
Guess what?
I still don't act like I'm smarter than them.
Because I'm neither an enormous prick nor an angsty teenager with self esteem issues.

>> No.2366097

Yes, yes, yes. On AVERAGE.
Maybe I should've said, "as if they are smarter than ALL theists."

>> No.2366105

>8.4 percent of atheists have IQs below 63 (nearly as many as have high IQs) whereas only 1.9 percent of believing theists do.

It's called the Bell Curve. According to this data, one can assume that about 1.9 percent of "believing theists" have high IQs.

>> No.2366106

mfw the statistics quoted include an option to compensate for niggers, ie bumping their scores for being black

>> No.2366107

Hi guys, I've come here with mind-blowing idea.

What if atheists have higher average intelligence than the general population because they are a non-mainstream group? People of sub-average intelligence tend to just go with the flow, and so they tend to be religious, which is the majority currently. Basically, more people of higher-than-average intelligence are atheist simply because it is not the mainstream - the stupid don't even consider the question of whether they should be accept religious thought.

So, if atheism were the mainstream, it would be the religious who were, on average, more intelligent than the general population.

>> No.2366111

That's true, sometimes we're dicks about it.

But theists usually start it. (see: this thread)

>> No.2366113
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forgot my face in the hilarity

>> No.2366142
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Here's the table. I'm sure even a retard can see the real trend here.

from the blag
>proves 56.8% of all atheists have IQs below 100.
funny that 64.1% of theists are below 100 IQ using this 'metric'.

>> No.2366155

A normal distribution wouldn't (except, perhaps, as an approximation) apply if you assume that IQ is correlated with whether one becomes an atheist or not. Or do you expect say, high IQ societies to have a normal IQ distribution rather than one skewed to the left?

>> No.2366164


>I just hate it when people make fun of fiction.

You and me both, brother.

>> No.2366170

If all atheists were retards and God did not exist then who is the retard?

>> No.2366179


>> No.2366186

We must examine the proposition, not the proponents.

Leonardo da Vinci was smarter than any of you fuckers, but any one of you understand nuclear physics better than he ever did. It wouldn't matter if the smartest people in the world believed in god, that belief would still be unfounded.

>> No.2366206

Protip people.

Read the charts. Do the math.

Just over 6000 relegious people in the data.
Just over 500 athiests

Thats melding the religious and athiest bars together. This sample size is fucked. No wonder it's innacurate.

Mfw you combine the data anyway and find that the total atheist population has <30% as many fuckups as the christians. And more than 3 times as many smart people.

>> No.2366210

>the smarter you are the more right about everything you are
can you spot the logical fallacy, kids?

>> No.2366221

I feel safe in saying that almost all atheists very much dislike when a theist is smug about their belief in god.

I feel safe in saying that almost all theists very much dislike when an atheist is smug about their belief in god.

>> No.2366223

like the theists, you are seeing things that aren't there

>> No.2366226


>> No.2366235




>> No.2366240

The very first comment on the blog that started this shit:

mengbomin said...

> Ok, by the methods you used:

> Don't Believe: 56.8
> No Way To Find Out: 38.9
> Some Higher Power: 50.9
> Believe Sometimes: 61.5
> Believe But Doubts: 55.2
> Know God Exists: 64.1


> Why is every number besides the agnostics above 50%? Because those with an IQ of 100 would be most likely to get a score that corresponds to 98 in their table.

see table at >>2366142

>> No.2366248


All we can say from the data is that atheism and intelligence are strongly correlated. From this data, we cannot say anything about who is right and who is wrong on the issue.

Of course, there is a wealth of other data that shows no sign of a god, and a dearth of data that shows any sign of a god. But this thread isn't about that. It's about the strong correlation between atheism and intelligence.

>> No.2366254

This would be a difficult factor to eliminate from studies. It could actually be the majority of the observed trend.

Is it atheism in particular, or just any defensible non-mainstream position that attracts intelligent people who defect from the masses? I've gotten the impression that smart people from a Western background tend to go for Eastern religion too.

>> No.2366266
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Dubs and there is no god.

>> No.2366268

If you're functionally retarded you're likely incapable of embracing, or understanding the concept of, religion. If you call that atheism, then the numbers would make sense.

>> No.2366274

Study refers to strong atheists.

Suddenly, no-one cares.

>> No.2366276

/sci/ knows that this is irrelevant and meaningless, even if they like the implication.

Go away.

>> No.2366295
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>confuses a blog with a news source


>> No.2366306
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lol u buttmad theists?
god doesn't real

>> No.2366332

If retards believe the sky is blue does that make it red?

>> No.2366333
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>> No.2366346
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>> No.2366385

>"there is no god" and "its impossible to know" aren't mutually exclusive
I'm an agnostic atheist and i would have clicked the impossible to know.
This study doesn't account for agnostic atheism whatsoever. And the scale is fucked. 2 possible and non exclusive slots for atheists, 4 possible and all exclusive slots for theists.

>> No.2366395
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Out of religious people, the Jews do the best on their test and Muslims the worst.

>> No.2366424
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>> No.2366513
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>> No.2368020

Same goes for thinking atheists are smarter.

>> No.2368054

oh god, not this nonsense again...

>> No.2369126

contrary to theist 'advertising' atheism does not = science, and is a very broad widely accepted stance. encompassing many different beliefs and groups. whats your point