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2364335 No.2364335 [Reply] [Original]

Ask someone diagnosed with ADD anything.

To answer the most likely questions:
>I'm prescribed concerta
>Sure, I'll give ya some!
>I do not take it every day

>> No.2364343

Lol fake syndrome so people can get money giving you fake meds

>> No.2364351

ADD is an excuse, blow me.

>> No.2364365

>don't know about the neuroscience involved

>> No.2364376
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>> No.2364383

Thanks CNS = )
Are you a big deal around these parts?

>> No.2364390

>Thanks CNS = )
No problem.
>Are you a big deal around these parts?
Uhm, well no.

>> No.2364394

>don't know about the neuroscience involved

Maybe you should make a quick visit to


>> No.2364430

OP what dose are you on? I'm on the 54mg version and enjoying the hell out of the amount of concentration I get out of it.

Also here is a little aside about my experience with ADD meds like Concerta, before I started taking it I was doing terrible in school/life in general and was depressed and what not. After I started taking it I began to get straight A's in my college classes because I was actually doing the HW and not procrastinating like I always had.

If not for these meds I probably would have been kicked out of my house already for failing at life.

Also the weight loss side-affect is somewhat nice for those who need to loose some extra pounds. It basically kills you appetite to the point where you only need to eat the bare minimum each day to be full. Great stuff.

>> No.2364443

Do you think all the time, and while doing so block out almost all sensory input, and ignore the real world? For example, when you go hanging out with someone you often don't hear what they say because you're in deep thought, to such an extent that it takes up all your resources and you become very clumsy in real life.

>> No.2364449

I'm on 36 mg

I get depressed when coming down, another reason I hate to take it everyday.
As for my personal life, it seems to be hit or miss. It makes me more talkative, and sometimes people really enjoy that, and sometimes they don't.

Also gives me the mad shits

>> No.2364470
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Beheld... ADD

>> No.2364472

Very much so. This is mostly in class though. Our biology teacher will tell us something, then go on to something else, but no!
I want to keep talking about that last thing! I know I won't be able to focus to anything else, so I just open up my book and read more on that one thing that interested me.

I become a pro on it, and struggle to study everything else.

>> No.2364481

You guys know you're taking a milder form of speed/meth right?

>> No.2364484


Yup and I'm okay with it. I also take a day off each week from it so that I don't get addicted to it.

>> No.2364486


Oh please, it's 'cocaine'.
I mean... Pep.

>> No.2364496

And..? I wouldn't take it daily by any means, but whatever makes me contribute more to society.

>> No.2364508


So what, I used to take five hits a night of XTC.

>> No.2364513

You got my point wrong - do you think about 98% (LITERALLY) of the time you're awake, excluding the computer time? Think when walking, when eating, when doing sports, when hanging out with friends, during ALL OF YOUR CLASSES, not just some biology class (it's normal to day dream from time to time like that) - not just think of something related to it, but something completely unrelated, and think so much that it blocks out all your input to real life and you appear very clumsy and aloof to strangers?

>> No.2364518


And weed and alcohol.
I have no problems now. I never got addicted.

I was not harmed; unless studying knocked me off the subtances, whereby I took fantasy for a while at about 350g for four pills a shot.

>> No.2364520

yeah, and you ended up as a retard posting on 4chan.

>> No.2364525


I has autism. That is autism.

>> No.2364536


True. What's your story?

>> No.2364539

Wow you guys are fucking retarded...

>> No.2364570

I would say so. Maybe not 98%, but close to it. I've gone on several hour drives and zoned out for almost all of it, to the point where I don't remember certain landmarks or events.

I'm a slow eater because I start think and end up holding my sandwich in my hands for a good half hour.
I also end up with awful insomnia thinking of things. Not bad things, but good things, Like inventions.
It used to be worse though, my friends always snap me out of it.

Currently writing a paper though, so my attention is divided though. Sorry

>> No.2364571

Are you sure? Although I can't have a proper social life, I can talk with people just fine as long as they find some subjects to talk about (Which is understandable, because I don't follow the values of the modern culture).

>> No.2364595

My social skills are sort of fucked. In the Eurgene Mirman type of way though. It's funny, but I can't help it

>> No.2364597

I think I'm underestimating it by saying 98%. I should probably say 99.99%. If you have friends, it means you most likely don't do it. As long as I'm not on computer, I think virtually all the time, completely blocking out the world around me. I go to the bus like a zombie and get to the college aloof, sitting and thinking of something with an open mouth, not remembering anything the teacher said EVER (literally). - the last time I listened for at least 1 minute at class was about 5 years ago. For this reason, I have to study on my own. If you don't have to study on your own, you most likely don't do it neither. I haven't had any friends for about 8 years now as well.

>> No.2364645

Yeah, yours is worse. But I can pseudo-relate to you.

If I am in extreme moods though, I do get exactly as you said. But most definitely not that bad day to day

>> No.2364712

i miss adderall

>> No.2364727

I think it's normal to always be thinking/in your world when you're depressed or in a bad mood. However, I wouldn't say I'm in a bad mood, and I have been like that for my entire life. My dad is like this also, he used to be a stereotypical 'nolifer' - he read books all the time and only had one friend whom he hardly ever met. He also seems to behave in a very strange way.
I wonder what could be causing this - better not be some autism spectrum disorder.

>> No.2364752

Hey I do that too, it ends up kinda sucking because unless I have something to actively focus on I usually just end up thinking about stupid shit I shouldn't think about and making myself feel bad. But yeah pretty much 99.9% of the time when I'm sober is accurate, it doesn't completely stop me from having friends and I can still half-focus on class most of the time which is all I need though. But drinking and smoking weed definitely stop this from happening at least for a while, which is good because legit techniques like meditation and such just totally fail for me.

>> No.2364756

I work at the boys and girls club, and we have some autistic kids.

You don't seem to match them very much. Might be the age difference though.
One of them is constantly thinking, but in a different way. He can still communicate and hold a conversation, but if he is alone for a while, he starts playing with toys and makes up stories. To the point where he gets so engrossed in it, that saying his name won't get him out of it. You have to physically touch him, like waking someone up.

>> No.2364784

My parents told me that I didn't reply/react when they called my name as a child. I still don't reply/react when my name is said, unless the person who's calling me starts screaming or touches me.

When I was around 8-10 years old, I talked with some stereotypically nerdy kids about astronomy, or just pissed them off for fun.

>> No.2364789

Diagnosed with ADD/ADHD or not?

>> No.2364853

how do you deal with sudden distraction? I have ADHD and most of the time I can cope by that's pretty cool there's a /sci/ text board as well

>> No.2364948
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Real condition or not the medicine helps so much. I take adderall and suddenly instead of being such an impulsive person, I become compulsive and I can get things done and get my brain focused. It's difficult to do anything when your brain jumps everywhere, and you think about too much at once.

Simply thinking about other things I could be doing would instantly put my brain on a tangent and pull me away from whatever task I was on. Adderall lets me actually follow through with what I'm doing.

I hope concerta works for you OP.