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2361400 No.2361400 [Reply] [Original]

True fact: President Barack Obama is an Atheist. He is WAY too intelligent to believe in that fairy tale. He is an in the closet Atheist. He takes the wife and kids to church every once in a photo op but in reality he is a genius whose vision spreads far beyond that of the grounded buybull.

Spread your wings and fly Mr. president and tell them you do not believe in their mythology!

>> No.2361436

I doubt that religiousness and intelligence have any correlation. Career/upbringing, maybe, but not intelligence.

>> No.2361456

Some of the most intelligent people I know (on paper) are serious Christians. I honestly can say I don't know any other Atheists, life in the south.

>> No.2361462


An r of 0.6 is awfully high for soft science.

>> No.2361466

I remember seeing a university study which found students who identified themselves as non-religious or athiest were more likely not only to graduate, but do better on course and lab work during the year as well. Can't remember where though, google should work but.

>> No.2361468

I have always been confused as to the strong opposition between religion and science, but I have found that it is a predominantly American phenonomen, in which the question is for many not just the belief in a deity, but the belief that the Bible is a factual account of events that happened before our time.

So those who are that kind of extreme are opposed to evolutionary theories, which is interpreted by some in the scientific community as an attack on all science, to which similar extremists in the scientific community respond by attacking all religion.

It's a matter of a few extreme types fucking it up for all the moderates, as it is with a lot of things.

>> No.2361470
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The man is smarter than nearly anyone else on the planet. He beat Steven Hawking in chess, supposedly he was an undercover agent at the time when he infiltrated that wacko church that he belonged to.

That is why he was chosen to run for office because of his extensive undercover agent experience. The man is a bad ass and most people are scared of him. John McCain was the only one who would go against him because BO kept saying anyone that ran against him had to fight him one on one. McCain fought with him for a LONG time in a no holds barred round room match and eventually Obama won and was then put in power as the President by the powers that /b/

>> No.2361476

I'm hesitant too draw any conclusions because the majority of the world is religious. Such a large sample would lead to very middle-of-the-road results. Although the country graph was interesting.

>> No.2361477
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>>I doubt that religiousness and intelligence have any correlation.

Commencing study dump.

>> No.2361480

OP, do you have the rest of the comic?

>> No.2361482
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>> No.2361485
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This thread seems appropriate

>> No.2361493
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>> No.2361496

He's going to make a run for the 2012 election. To come out now would be political suicide.

>> No.2361500
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>> No.2361502

You now realize that everyone in politics is an atheist (or a jew sometimes)

Believing in god and all that christian bullshit helps to control the masses.

>> No.2361503
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>> No.2361505

There are extremely few true believers, and they're all dumb as bricks.

>> No.2361510
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>> No.2361509

>Such a large sample would lead to very middle-of-the-road results.

That's not so. In statistics, you want the largest, most homogeneous sample possible. If a large sample led to no correlation between religiosity and intelligence, then we'd be forced to accept that there probably isn't such a correlation.

Fortunately, that's not the case.

>> No.2361511
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>> No.2361512
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>> No.2361516
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>> No.2361521
File: 137 KB, 499x499, Make-Humans-pay-for-what-they-have-done-to-the-eath-Give-them-justin-Bieber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2361523
File: 103 KB, 499x499, PYz7q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2361524
File: 122 KB, 499x499, When-god-tells-you-to-kill-your-child-kill-neighbours-child.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2361528
File: 121 KB, 499x499, THOU-SHALT-NOT-KILL-unless-they-pray-to-a-different-god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2361527
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>> No.2361526
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>> No.2361533
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>> No.2361538
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>> No.2361542



"Professor Richard Lynn, emeritus professor of psychology at Ulster University, said many more members of the "intellectual elite" considered themselves atheists than the national average.
A decline in religious observance over the last century was directly linked to a rise in average intelligence, he claimed.
But the conclusions - in a paper for the academic journal Intelligence - have been branded "simplistic" by critics.
Professor Lynn, who has provoked controversy in the past with research linking intelligence to race and sex, said university academics were less likely to believe in God than almost anyone else.
A survey of Royal Society fellows found that only 3.3 per cent believed in God - at a time when 68.5 per cent of the general UK population described themselves as believers."

>> No.2361548

Same guy did a study with two other scientists whose results corroborated his own:


"Evidence is reviewed pointing to a negative relationship between intelligence and religious belief in the United States and Europe. It is shown that intelligence measured as psychometricg is negatively related to religious belief. We also examine whether this negative relationship between intelligence and religious belief is present between nations. Wefind that in a sample of 137 countries the correlation between national IQ and disbelief in God is 0.60."

>> No.2361553

I'm just saying that I would expect a very generic bell curve if IQ tests were done on the religious population because it is so large. If the same test were done for an atheistic population, the results might imply a correlation between IQ and atheism, but I would assume that it has more to do with the careers of atheists as opposed to religious people.
For example, I think something like >90% of the scientific population is atheistic, but of course scientists are going to reject the concept of God and are also going to be intelligent.
Basically, I'm just saying that I think that smart people will tend to have an atheistic bias not because they are smart, but because of the nature of their jobs/interests/etc. Of course I'm just speculating...

>> No.2361557

Shit. I just went against my first post. I should have said that I don't think they have any kind of actual relationship, merely a coincidental one.

>> No.2361566

>>I'm just saying that I think that smart people will tend to have an atheistic bias not because they are smart, but because of the nature of their jobs/interests/etc

But their jobs are ones you must be intelligent to qualify for in the first place.

Also did you see the fucking century worth of studies I posted or are we ignoring that?

>> No.2361631


I think "coincidental" suggests there's no correlation. You find one, or two, or twenty people whom you think are smart and find they're atheists. That might be a coincidence.

The neat thing about statistics is when done properly, they squish coincidence out of the picture. The more people you survey, the less likely your hypothesis is a coincidence.

>> No.2361664

Studies saying they show something proves nothing. You need testing method, sampling method, etc. of these studies.