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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2353506 No.2353506 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2353511
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>> No.2353520
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Except, the atheist is the guy on the right.

>> No.2353531

I love science.

Atheism (anti-christianity) is the easiest religion to troll.

>> No.2353540
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>> No.2353557

why do atheists worship Satan?

>> No.2353565

Cause he is the good guy?

>> No.2353566

They don't. They worship Charles Dawkins.

>> No.2353573
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mfw I've actually met someone who believes this

Satanism is kind of like an injoke to atheists.

>> No.2353574
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>> No.2353588

Atheism is the lowest form of wit.

>> No.2353613


I get it. Because religion is a joke!

>> No.2353618


read the Bible you doofus.

Man and woman lived happy in the garden of Eden. Then Satan came and offered them knowledge, because he wanted to challenge God. So they started to understand and became unhappy, and couldn't live in Eden anymore.
Science is the Devil's spawn.
Jesus said so himself. Blessed be the poor of spirit and the meek.

Instead scientists want to understand God's creation. That is such an arrogant act.

So yes, scientists worship the devil.
But you're still in time to change and take the good path of faith.

>> No.2353638

but they are the most helpful people in history, bringing all sorts of life advancements.

>but thats evil

>> No.2353639

I call pics or it didn't happen!

>> No.2353650

>bringing all sorts of life advancements.

those advancements bring people away from God and Faith.

>they are the most helpful people in history
On the contrary they are the most damaging people in history, because they lead people astray, away from God.

>> No.2353659

>those advancements bring people away from God and Faith.
By making it easier to communicate the word of god...
and giving people of faith more time to worship god
WTFAIR.jpg again.

>> No.2353663

Yeah, I've always thought that was great. God creates everything, and offers people eternal bliss. Except you have to be ignorant.

Ignorance is bliss, therefore knowledge is evil. So close your eyes and smack people with the bible. OUUUR GOOOOD IS AN AWESOME GOOOD~~~~

>> No.2353662

>most damaging people in history
>implying making our lives easier is damaging.

>> No.2353675
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>> No.2353676


any technique can be used for good or ill, the question is whether we are responsible enough to make good use of the techniques science has obtained for us.

future looks uncertain.

>> No.2353678
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OP here. You're being reverse trolled. No idiot would say those things, let alone anyone posting on sci.

Also, burden of proof. Checkmate.

Theists 1-0 Atheists.

>> No.2353683


yes, because it makes people attached to this false life, instead of wishing for the next perfect life in Heaven.


The Word of God doesn't need internet to be communicated.

>> No.2353689

Can't believe you always buy into the latest definition of trolling.

Trolling used to imply getting someone angry. Therefore, to troll someone, you had to actually accomplish something. It was a good feeling, because when you said "I troll you!!!!" you meant, "I executed a careful plot to fool you into thinking I was sincere in a way that would make you angry".

Now? Trolling means "I said something and you thought i was srs but I wasn't!!!!"
E.g: "I have a cat"
"What's his name?"

And no, using the bad definition of trolling isn't trolling me into typing this message. I have it saved in a text file and I'm not even mad, bro.

>> No.2353692

> it makes people attached to this false life>
>implying it does that for everybody

>> No.2353701

>The Word of God doesn't need internet
but it would benefit from it retard

>> No.2353707


>No idiot would say those things

you'd be surprised.

There are also people who say that God hid false fossils in a made up layer to trick scientists.


>> No.2353718


knowledge is not the same thing as wisdom.there are many epistemefags who would say that science doesn't constitute knowledge

are most religionfags people who have blindly accepted certain dogmas? perhaps but i doubt that the proportion is that much greater than amidst atheists.

people are into blindly accepting doctrines as truth because then they don't have to think for themselves. it seems to be just as prevalent in the Dawkins crowd as with catholics,

/beam in my eye, mote in yours etc.

>> No.2353720

>but it would benefit from it

The Word of God doesn't need any help.

But the internet leads more people astray, and away from God, thus it's evil.

God doesn't need us, it's us who need God, and the Internet, with it's easy access to all sort of immoral things and knowledge makes people forget that.

>> No.2353728
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Yeah back in my Youtube trolling days I saw a video of some guy saying the earth was covered in a layer of ice 2 miles in the air or something.

But then you meet obnoxious anti-christians like thunderf00t (read: thunderfaggot) and it just makes you less sympathetic to the atheist messages.

>> No.2353730


this is mostly true.

the word of god does speak through the internet though so....

>> No.2353739

I was talking about the whole "Tree of Knowledge" part of the bible, but discussing the implications of it and the conclusions you can draw from it are cool too.

I'd just like to point out that the only valid interpretations of it that I've heard is that people have to stay ignorant to be happy, or that people have to blindly accept god's commands to be happy, even if that command is to not have knowledge of the way the world is.

In other words, either you can be metaphorically blinded and fed and taken care of, or you can open your eyes and have to fend for yourself. God punishes independence and encourages being a sheep to be herded by the authoritative figures of your religion.

>> No.2353742

>The Word of God doesn't need internet
but what the hell is the point in people not taking advantage of any means of spreading it retard.

>> No.2353789


Read about Mesopotamian mythology.
Especially the story of Enlil and Enki.

The were part of a pantheon of deities.
Enlil, the boss god, asked Enki, the god of knowledge, to create some slaves. So he made man.
And man worked in the garden of the gods. Then he got attached to one of those slaves and decided to make him eat to the tree of knowledge.
He created woman, from a part of the man, and gave the fruit of knowledge first to her, and then throug her to the man.
He was often represented as 2 intertwined snakes.

Now they had the same knowledge as the gods, and if they ate the fruit of Life they would become exactly as the gods, so Enlil ordered them out of the garden.

My guess is that people in the past noticed that humans were somehow separated from the ret of animals, and that despite all the shit animals weren't unhappy. So they imagined a story to explain it.

>> No.2353868

What the fuck is burden of proof? You don't need proof that god doesn't exist, just look at the fact that niggers and chinks exist, which proves evolution.