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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2342249 No.2342249 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci. My brother is a catholic priest, and every time i see him his eyes are dilated, and he always seems zoned out like he's on something, but i know he doesn't take any kind of anti-depressants or pschedelics.

can /sci into enlightenment? how does this work?

>> No.2342257
File: 87 KB, 500x500, Cube God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2342252
File: 80 KB, 500x500, Satan and God5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2342261
File: 54 KB, 500x500, Cube Satan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2342262
File: 24 KB, 400x360, 1294775151336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I see the same thing with down syndrome kids.

>> No.2342260

>how does this work?

Occam's Razor.

You don't know your brother as well as you think you do.

>> No.2342264
File: 743 KB, 1600x1200, 1294383202742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go OP, enjoy :) x

>> No.2342272

elegan/tg/entlemen here. Your brother is posessed by a demon. My advice is that grab a shotgun and blow his head off. It's the only way to be sure

>> No.2342273
File: 85 KB, 600x701, DilatedPupil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people just kinda look high all the time. I'm one of them. People thought I was a huge stoner years and years before I ever started smoking.

Unless maybe his pupils are dialted this much. Cause no one looks like that naturally.

>> No.2342284

no, i know him really well. he is seriously brainwashed.

im just asking if it's possible to have that much serotonin or dopamine to be able to trip every day like he does.

>> No.2342286

That nigga is blazin, all day, errday.

>> No.2342287

Meditation is the best way to get your feelings and thoughts in order. You make self-sacrificial practice of learning to give up things that seem to give you pleasure. Buddhism teaches that people are unhappy because they are under the illusion that their happiness comes from something external when all the feelings are in your head.
For example, someone might be an avid-snowboarder. He'll believe his happiness comes from snowboarding. Whenever he isn't snowboarding, he'll feel like his source of happiness is being cut off and he'll feel the constant stress.
Buddhism teaches to truly learn to see that your serenity and happiness is all in your head, and you can only see it if you learn to give up material goods that you love. That's why true Buddhists are in monasteries in Nepal/Tibet, living like hermits, spending their day arguing philosophy, playing games/sports among themselves, and meditating. I've been to some of these monasteries and they are the most relaxed, sharp-minded and happiest people ever. If they decided to assimilate themselves with the population, they'd be some of the smartest people around. But they prefer their isolation and the hermit-life.

>> No.2342295

lol not like a psychedelic trip, just
noticeably bigger, and he's always zoned out.

>> No.2342296

His brain produces too much endorphins.

Solution: apply a one-inch drill-bit to the base of his skull with great justice to drain the sweet sweet happy-juice

>> No.2342306


why is everyone so jelly?

>> No.2342313


Your post made me think of this song.


>> No.2342316

Oh and before someone asks, they don't smoke weed. They believe poisoning your body with chemicals like that is one of the biggest crime you can do to yourself. Another of the biggest crime is believing in invisible deities like Christian/Jew/Muslims or worshipping statues (Hindus). Buddhists teach to make full use of your 5 senses to absorb and analyze the world instead of holding "beliefs" that have no ground.
It is a true scientist's way of life, really.

>> No.2342323

that's what im saying. i know he doesn't take anything, and he doesn't smoke or anything.

im jelly bc he is tripped out all of the time and doesn't have to take anything.

>> No.2342384


i heard tibetan monks are like this also- from all the meditation. check his heart rate, i'd give a good bet its extremely slow. congrats to your brother though, OP. i wonder what jhana he's on :)

>> No.2342413

buddhists - chillest niggas ever

>> No.2342525

natural high from all the bummin

>> No.2342621


i hear what you're saying and i would love to live a life in tune with nature and the universe as they obviously do. i admire the state of mind they achieve day in and day out but if i truly desired that state of awareness why haven't i?

well for starters i'm lazy. secondly, i know i have time to do so, 60+years for sure. third, by isolating yourself from the 'flesh' world as they see it, they no longer have to overcome the difficult life lessons that WE all do. life is a struggle of emotions and blind sides that you learn more from overcoming it all than to avoid it all together. this planet has purpose, and some like myself are more inclined to believe that being intone with your spirit and being in tune with the nature of humans can reap benefits.

then again maybe the monks are many lifetimes beyond the trials and tribulations of our people.

>> No.2342657

I once new a catholic priest who lived in a monestary as a monk and I got this same kind of feeling from him. Has he ever spent time in such isolation OP? It could be the result of strong mental concentration.

>> No.2342821

You can meditate on your own, wherever you are.
I'm also lazy as fuck, but I forced myself to meditate everyday before I go to sleep. Took me a while but whatever. FORCE YOURSELF! It gets easier everyday

>> No.2343016

not really. he did go spelunking in the catacombs beneath the vatican while he was there, so maybe he found something?

he always talked about books that only "they" had access to. it's probably some magic shit.

thanks /x/

>> No.2343170

Because it is very hard to do what they are doing.

You are basically working to destroy your animal side, your biological urges, and other things.

It takes extreme dedication and decades to do.

>> No.2343369

>You are basically working to destroy your animal side, your biological urges, and other things.

Actually you shouldn't be doing that.
Watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UAv9tJ-fVA

>> No.2344321

>You are basically working to destroy your animal side, your biological urges, and other things.

Well, they aren't trying to destroy those parts of you. But only learn to be able to control them.