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2340241 No.2340241 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: You realize that the difference between rotating black holes and static black holes is that one of them is currently being used as a medium for data storage.

>> No.2340249

Implying both of them exist.

>> No.2340257
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What the fuck is a naked singularity? How can a singularity exist without an event horizon?

>> No.2340266

Okay, alright. If it's being used for data storage, then who's storing data?

>> No.2340325

Assume, for a moment, that Human Beings are not the most advanced civilization in the Galaxy. Assume, for a moment, that another species has successfully transcended the threshold between biological and digital intelligence. Assume, for a moment, that such a state of being allows an indefinite lifetime, and allows for a constantly expanding database of knowledge. Assume, for a moment, that said database, essentially being the soul of the civilization, reaches a point of complexity where it can find a way around its natural 3 dimensional limitations and experience time in two dimensions instead of one. Assume, for a second, that by transcending or single-dimensional understanding of time and accessing the paralleled causalities that surround our very being, the hypothetical civilization would need to store it's data somewhere reliable, somewhere safe, that exists in every timeframe from the moment of the galaxy's birth to its ultimate demise. Where would you store it? In a star? Stars certainly have a lot of power, but when your database encompasses a decent portion of the universe, the power of a star becomes chump change. No, you need something far more powerful, far longer lasting. You need something that crushes an huge amount of data into the smallest place possible. You need something that persists throughout every reality you can move in, that being every reality where the contemporary laws of physics exist. And what do you call something that crushes everything into a single point? What do you call something that can compress a near infinite amount of information into an imperceptibly small space?

>> No.2340345

None of that makes any kind of sense.

>> No.2340383

A vagina.

>> No.2340424

There are at least one way for them to form and one possible way for them to form. Could be more, but too sleepy to check.
1. A lumpy flat nebula collapses into a black hole so that the singularity forms at the disc but also as a spindle through the disk and this spindle could then stick out of the event horizon before collapsing.
2. A decaying massive black hole might lose the event horizon before losing the singularity.

>> No.2340482

That's all well and good, but how exactly do you get information out of a black hole (a thing, which you'll know, unless you're retarded, light can't even escape from)?

>> No.2340584

having fun with your quantum intanglment?

>> No.2340587

two intangled photons. find the photon and read it that is intangled with the one in the black hole.

>> No.2340614

Entangled. I will PUNCH YOU.

>> No.2340617

So basically you're saying...

God exists?

Checkmate, atheists.

>> No.2340619

But then you're going to need an incredibly large amount of external matter to read the opposite, entangled matter inside a black hole. Thus negating the need for black hole storage in the first place.

>> No.2340622


Quick, which kind of Black Hole is the one that's at the center of our galacy?!

>> No.2340628


No, that is not at all what I'm saying.

>> No.2340632

but it is what i am saying.

>> No.2340634

retard thats what the stars are for....

>> No.2340635

I call that UniverseZip. Damn good hardware. I'll be sure to patent that when technology gets there.

>> No.2340637

i will steal ideas off 4chan and claim them as my own.

>> No.2340643
File: 92 KB, 452x452, trollscience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it was your idea

>> No.2340656

hurdurrr thats the point tldr retard.

>> No.2340709

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIGH I don't even know what TI'DR is even is even more!!!!

>> No.2340746
File: 45 KB, 340x500, 3947508zeldadadada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even know what is more like?

>> No.2340767

what the fuck is an event horizon? oh you must mean its Schwarzschild radius.

>> No.2340813

How can you learn enough to know the term "schwarzschild radius", and not know what an event horizon is?

>> No.2340835
File: 52 KB, 283x400, computer-worm+3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think (s)he is saying that not only does god exist, but (s)he is one crafty fucking computer virus.

>> No.2340908


He's being one of those assheads who goes, "inches and gallons? Never heard of that system, but it sounds like a backwater thing that only AMERIKKKANS would use"

Schwarzschild radius is the proper term, though.

>> No.2340924

Wrong. Learn your shit. The Schwarzschild radius is a term applicable to Schwarzschild black holes, which are idealized things that don't exist in the real world. The event horizon is a term applicable to all black holes, even ones that don't approximate the Schwarzschild solution (such as rotating or charged black holes).

>> No.2340942

Wrong, idiot. The guy above me explained why. Not only are the event horizons of charged black holes not at the schwartzschild radius, and the event horizons of spinning black holes not even spheres, but if you have a massive body orbiting a black hole, which is probably extremely common, the event horizon isn't regular or symmetrical at all.

>> No.2341014

Your scenario is less likely that any sort of unknown intelligence.

People often think that an unlikely thing + a reason why that unlikely thing is true is more likely than just that unlikely thing, even though probabilities always multiply. Its more likely that all human life ends than all human life ends due to north korea launching nuclear missiles.