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2338830 No.2338830 [Reply] [Original]

If you were immortal, what would you do? Also, you don't need to eat/breathe anymore.

I would invent/construct a space craft, suitable for two people and explore the universe. In the time of invention, I will also learn necessary skills to extract fuels and construction of things necessary to repair my spacecraft if it is damaged.

>> No.2338845
File: 71 KB, 500x500, 1288802839583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw OP actually does it.

>> No.2338848

I wonder how you wouldn't get bored/go insane.

>> No.2338856


I'll bring weed.

Also, I will also learn how to do test tube babies and stuff. Find suitable planet to sustain life. Allow life to prosper on suitable planets.

>> No.2338853

Am I immune to protonic decay? Do I require energy to move/think?

If I have a perpetual source of energy then I wait for the heat death of the universe and become the universe's sole powerplant

>> No.2338858


>become God.

>> No.2338866

Probability says you eventually would become both, and possibly even a starfish, a god, or sentient can of soda.

I'd do everything if I was immortal, probability dictates it.

>> No.2338876


>become can of soda.
>destroy universe.

>> No.2338884

Get NASA to shoot me to Mars. I'll be their best rover ever.

>> No.2338890

I would smoke enough weed to kill a man several times over.

>> No.2338936

I would build a tomb to challenge god himself then live in it until the end of time.

>> No.2338977


I'm pretty sure you'd get bored of being insane

>> No.2339012

1. Become immortal
2.Invent way to kill self
4. Profit!

>> No.2339196

>meet extraterrestrial life forms.
>become friends.
>wipe out entire planet through disease you brought along.

>> No.2339242
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i would fly into the sun
and chill out there until it blows up
or id walk into a military base and set off a nuclear bomb for the lulz

>> No.2339249

You would have little choice but to "chill there", considering the gravity well.

>> No.2339261

I'd sign up with NASA for long-range exploration.
no consumables = a whole lot of saved weight

>> No.2339263
File: 4 KB, 124x126, 1294104850708s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea but if i can survive infinity without energy that means i have infinite power

mfw i walk out of the sun

>> No.2339275
File: 211 KB, 1052x1375, Bakunyinportre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait if i have infinite power because of this i would rather walk around and punch every world leader in the face until i break there jaw

>> No.2339276

I'd basically chill until The Boat of a Million Years came true.

>> No.2339308

I think this is the most worthy endeavour.

>> No.2339313

go nuts after a few centuries i imagine...then i start to have fun

>> No.2339332
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If I were immortal I would watch the formation of a star and its solar system all the way to the stars death.

My life would be complete after that, and i don't rightly know what I would do afterwards.

>> No.2339336

Why do people think diseases will work like that? I don't think ET is going to have similar enough physiology to get a cold.

>> No.2339339

Do I feel pain?

Do I regenerate shit? Because I would just say fuck immortal if one day I'll turn into a charred mess or a fucking pile of goo that thinks.

If I do then I would do everything.

>> No.2339355

>Find another intelligent human like race
>Oh wow what a disappointment
>Take pictures

>> No.2339362

Insult everyone in the galaxy.

>> No.2339363

i forget what it is called but einstein figerd it out. it was about a atom dispering and reapering some where else in the univers.

you would have to live like 100 million years for the chance for this to happend but it would if you lived forever

>> No.2339371



>> No.2339459

well despite the fact your imotal u can still be thrown in jail, and you can become fat, or your bones could suddenly just tur to dust, i would have to say that i would devote my life to the study or random things that dont matter :D like time travel

>> No.2339470


no matter how long you may live, your grammer and spelling will never be fixed

>> No.2339476

I will get a arts major and spend the rest of eternity paying it off.

>> No.2339484

stay here, learn as much as possible, and try to guide and support our species into higher civilization

>> No.2339488

working at Mcdonalds right?

>> No.2339490

:P sorry, i kind of rushed typing that, and im tired.

>> No.2339503

Carl's Jr. actually

>> No.2339515

I would get a phd in every subject imaginable then rule the world for a few centuries.

then this


>> No.2339524

Get out of here Slartibartfast.

>> No.2339570

I lol'd

As for me, I'd spend a lifetime or two studying, then I would walk around the world.

I would also stretch my brain to the limit by seeing how many personalities I could emulate. (A hypothesis of mine, not sure if its possible or not).

>> No.2339652


>> No.2339686

I'd collect random things every year and put them into some form of storage. Every 50 years or so, I'd pretend to die and leave all of my things to some kid who died a few years prior. I'd assume the identity of the kid and continue with my previous activities. Eventually I'd start to sell my antiquities for a tidy sum and I'd take the heads of other immortals until there was only one left.

Or, I'd go and commit a string of crimes so horrendous, that I'd put the State to the test. If they want to execute me, then good luck with that. If they want me to serve consecutive life sentences, then once again, let's see how committed they are...

>> No.2339852

Or, I'd go and commit a string of crimes so horrendous, that I'd put the State to the test. If they want to execute me, then good luck with that. If they want me to serve consecutive life sentences, then once again, let's see how committed they are...

You would probably get out during a regime change when the jails are emptied.

Or if not, there would be plenty of time to calculate an escape.

>> No.2339994

> immortal, don't need to eat/breathe anymore.
Start a savings account. Read the library. Come back a thousand years later to get some money.

>> No.2340016
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I would study all there is to study in every science while pursuing a mental model that can deal with any new information... basically I would search for enlightenment.

I would then retreat to an underground lab in the Himalayas where I will stay until humanity's darkest hour. I will then emerge as the Immortal God Emperor of Mankind!

>> No.2340062
File: 3 KB, 160x160, sadfrogmannoose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fall down to the bottom of the ocean and get stuck there, trapped under pressure from which I cannot escape with only my puny human strength, for millennia. Eventually I would be trapped in an ocean trench and covered with sand, and spend millions of years being crushed and dragged into the guts of the earth as I twitch and beg for death. I would be roasted by lava for centuries as I am pinned beneath the layers of rock and magma until eventually the sun expands and engulfs the earth. Then I would spend billions of years sitting around at the centre of the sun being blasted by unimaginable heat beyond heat, a trillion nuclear furnaces blasting my every tortured molecule with unthinkable amounts of radiation.
Eventually the sun would burn up all its fuel and become a brown dwarf, cooling slowly over the countles aeons as I sit there, conscious but long since able to think like a rational human. As the universe grows darker and colder, I would sit in my gravitational prison and endure until the universe undergoes an excruciatingly slow heat death, seemingly forever and ever. My memories of my past, my thought processes, my self, would all be long since gone forever. I would be raw consciousness, suffering for eternity.

Yeah that's pretty much what I would do, lol. You?

>> No.2340070


>> No.2340081
File: 21 KB, 240x180, shockedaudience1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


... :(
Way to poop on our picnic.

>> No.2340083

... until the universe is empty enough to allow the collision of two dimensional branes, creating another big bang. My body would serve as an irregularity that will lead to the formation of galaxies and stars in the place of infinite homogeneity.

I am now the savior of existence. Fuck yeah.

>> No.2340101


>> No.2340103
File: 83 KB, 450x380, cool story jesus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2340110

Then I would enjoy being stuck inside a star all over again. And so on. And so on. Maybe I'll get to be in a black hole later on so it'll speed things up a little for me. Not that it matters, since I'll be here forever

Ha ha ha, weee

>> No.2340139

i would read every book man ever produced,
as twilight is written by a woman i would not have to worry about reading bullshit

i would travel the universe using my godly powers and knowledge to convince primitive races i am a god, i would then watch how i influence their history and culture....shit would be so cash

>> No.2340146

That was Wowbagger The Infinitely Prolonged.

>> No.2340183

>Fall down to the bottom of the ocean

>get stuck there, trapped under pressure from which I cannot escape with only my puny human strength
wat, physics fail

>trapped in an ocean trench and covered with sand, and spend millions of years being crushed and dragged into the guts of the earth

>roasted by lava for centuries as I am pinned beneath the layers of rock and magma

>until eventually the sun expands and engulfs the earth
wat, geology fail

>spend billions of years sitting around at the centre of the sun being blasted by unimaginable heat beyond heat, a trillion nuclear furnaces blasting my every molecule with unthinkable amounts of radiation

>the sun would burn up all its fuel and become a brown dwarf, cooling slowly over the countles aeons as I sit there

>conscious but long since able to think like a rational human
meh, par for the course

As the universe grows darker and colder, I would sit in my gravitational prison and endure until the universe undergoes an excruciatingly slow heat death, seemingly forever and ever

>I would be raw consciousness foever

>> No.2340214

> Stellar evolution = geology

Fail fail