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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2336282 No.2336282 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /sci/ strange question but, how much bleach would I need to use(or other household item) to poisen several slices of ham?

Its to kill a fox in the field behind my house and I want to make sure that it dies rather quickly, or slows it down enough for me to finish it off
Picture highly unrelated

>> No.2336301

>implying a fox would eat meat that reeked of bleach

>> No.2336316

just buy a wolf

>> No.2336367

Bleach has a strong smell and animals will avoid it.

If you've got sedative drugs or some kind of medication, push a bunch of them into the ham and let the fox eat it. If the drugs don't kill it, then you'll have a very sedated fox that's easy to brain with a rock.

>> No.2336438


No sedatives lying around, and I couldn't get sleep medication with a prescription, any other methods of removing it

>> No.2336448

put the meat in the middle of a bear-trap,
or soak the meat in a bowl of anti-freeze, but add a bit of honey to the anti-freeze

>> No.2336451

Got any anti-freeze? It tastes sweet so animals will be attracted to it. Not sure if it's a "humane" way to kill it though.

>> No.2336452

Shoot it in the head.
It will die fast.

>> No.2336465

Ground up glass mixed into hamburger meat. Dead animal guaranteed.

>> No.2336468

Use rat poison instead, bro. Or anti-freeze.

Hell, anti-freeze AND rat poison.

>> No.2336474

Antifreeze, rat poison and ground up glass mixed into hamburger meat.
Proceed to place the patty in the middle of a bear trap.

>> No.2336526


>> No.2336608

this should do the trick

>> No.2336676

or you could leave it the fuck alone

>> No.2336691

Leave the fox the fuck alone. Or get a fuckin skunk trap and then re-release it 10 miles away.

>> No.2336695

Just leave the poor fucker alone. It's not its fault they are invading his home.

>> No.2336701

Step 1: Acquire a furry
Step 2: Put furry in back yard
Step 3: ????
Step 4: Death by rape

>> No.2336702
File: 205 KB, 600x750, YaBlewIt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bleach is detectable if your killing a human. Look up some real poisons or use rat poison. I pity the fool. You probably wont get away with it.

>> No.2336719
File: 85 KB, 379x298, 1265620872106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is Colonel Coffee when we need him

>> No.2336724

Disguise a grizzly bear as a piece of ham, that should do nicely

>> No.2336753

why dont you catch it with a have a heart trap and then call animal control

>> No.2336803

Don't worry, he's not the only furry here. And not all furries are zoophiles you know.

>> No.2336821

I know, I know


>> No.2336823

Why do you want to kill the fox?

I'm fairly sure that you have a bad reason that is easily resolved in ways that do not involve killing the poor creature.

>> No.2336846

These have consequences, you know? Serious consequences.

>> No.2336935

This. It's not necessary to kill the animal OP.