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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2335643 No.2335643 [Reply] [Original]

I may get a chance to work in IBM research, or for IBM this summer as an internship, but I may also be able to do a math REU (it'd be my last eligible year for that).

My question is, if given the opportunity to do both IBM research or a math REU which should I choose?

I already been involved in math research and was just recently published in a journal. I never been accepted to an REU before (that may change with the now publication). For the most part the REUs (to me) seem very pretentious and they pay significantly less than IBM. I will need a few grand to apply for all of the graduate schools I am applying for my senior year and $2,000-$3,000 from an REU wouldn't cover all my needed expenses (I am a poor student and I need some of that money to pay off tuition). IBM would probably pay in the $7,000+ range (which would help a lot).

Resume wise math students need research. I already got that plus as publication. Do I need more? Would doing IBM research look better than an REU?

What are your recommendations?

edit: I didn't proof read, all errors are on me

>> No.2335647

Do IBM, hands down.

>> No.2335657

IBM, not even a question.

>> No.2335690

Yeah OP,

Do IBM . That shouldn't be a question.

>> No.2335704

What is an REU?
What are REUs like?
How do you get into one?

>> No.2335711
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Why are you even asking this question? Fuckin' IBM.

>> No.2335755

Research Experience for Undergraduates
You can apply through the NSF website

>> No.2335773

Do the REU

>> No.2335791

Why would you recommend the REU over IBM?
The opportunity cost is higher for IBM

>> No.2335800

do what interests you more.

>> No.2335805

IBM research would.

Unless you guys want to discuss REUs/research and what not.


>> No.2335817
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IBM internship = get coffee for the others, hang around, learn a very very very alittle, mostly grunt work

REU = Actual research project

Why even consider IBM? I'm sure it looks better to fuckin dumbasses who just recognize the name, but it really is a shit job.

An REU looks much better then IBM to anyone who actually fuckin matters. The REU is actually more frutiful in terms of research as well. Good Luck!

>> No.2335819

>I may get a chance to work in IBM research, or for IBM this summer as an internship, but I may also be able to do a math REU
Do the one you actually get into, duh.

>> No.2335827

While I don't disagree with your statement, I would like to add the position I am being considered for within IBM is a research position. I did the whole "coffee" thing at IBM last year.

Indeed. I am applying for both.

>> No.2335828
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finally a voice of reason in a crowd of underage faggots

>> No.2335854
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That does change things; However, In IBM your work is owned by the company. The only benifit you will get from working at IBM, is saying that you worked at IBM (which really isn't impressive to anyother that matters). Unless you plan to work at IBM in the future, there is very little real benifit.

I would still pick the REU. But it really is up to you.

>> No.2335879
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You already have an "in" at IBM then, you will not gain much there in the summer. Try the REU.

Then you will have two "in's"....DURRRR