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File: 528 KB, 949x745, moon-walk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2334423 No.2334423 [Reply] [Original]

So I was dropping acid the other day and the idea that we went from the horse and buggy to walking on the moon in less than a century hit me like a freight train. Technological evolution is happening faster than it should.

>> No.2334429

Compelling research.

>> No.2334432

>faster than it should

How fast should it be progressing, then?

>> No.2334434

Trains were definitely around in 1869.

>> No.2334443

In 1803, a man named Samuel Homfray decided to fund the development of a steam-powered vehicle to replace the horse-drawn carts on the tramways. Richard Trevithick (1771-1833) built that vehicle, the first steam engine tramway locomotive.

>> No.2334476
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Yes and no.

These guys did that with slide rules. I have acess to a five axis cnc at work that is big enough to machine 80% of what was needed in the Saturn V and those guys built it my counting ticks on dial after spending a week calculating geometry that can be pooped out of a computer now in less than a second. Why the hell don't we have a thriving colony on the moon should be the question being asked.

Fucking NASA spends 4 billion to half build a capsule and SpaceX builds a capsule and a rocket and launches it twice for 200m something stinks.

After you adjust for inflation NASA gets more cash now than it did during Apollo and all we have to show for it is some shitty ass science station in a useless orbit.

The real problem is fucking lazy ass risk avers greedy bastards everywhere in the space industry.

>> No.2334480

well running a movie studio is a hell of a lot cheaper than running a space program

>> No.2334484

It all went downhill when our country turned its back on Jesus.

>> No.2334485

Fucking retard. You can point a laser at the moon and get irrefutable evidence that we have left junk up there.

You probably don't believe in evolution and think that global warming is fake.

>> No.2334490


you don't think aliens are inhabiting the moon?
those "mirrors" are put their by the aliens, for all we know there the alien houses

>> No.2334496

well no shit we left junk up there, hell we crashed a rocket into the moon like a year ago, no ones arguing that one

>> No.2334500

So what have we done since walking on the moon? Technological evolution hasn't produced much since electronics since then.

>> No.2334501
File: 15 KB, 100x100, 1291656357672.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burn in hell for looking at gay child furry you Christian troll.

>> No.2334499

Sure thing man, aliens.

Yup. Alien settlements on the moon, which can be viewed by any telescope.

As for NASA, it's a bloated government bureaucracy. It's not going to do shit anymore.

>> No.2334504

I kind of agree with you but i kind of dont...
See all teh shit they send up into space has to be looked after, so they have to keep paying teh people that work on each mission...untill the space craft is dead or no longer in use..if you have a big team, like 10 people each earning $60-80k then they have ot be paid for years...and they have to be given offices, computer equipment etc... i rekon allot of what nasa spends is money is is red tape bullshit. The reason spacex and smaller companies are doing it on the cheap is because they need to compete with NASA to show there is another way.

Howeveri agree, we should have a colony on the moon AT LEAST! for fucks sake, all that money spent by the russians and the us.....

and on a nother note, id like to point out that im dumb as shit compared to any scientist work at nasa on any of their projects so i cant criticize...or spell well

>> No.2334512

ill pray for you, child

>> No.2334513

So I was dropping acid one day and it hit me. The fact that I went from being not an adult to an adult in 1 year. I'm aging way too rapidly guys

>> No.2334519

The space race directly lead to printed circuit boards. A critical development for mass produced computers. Computers have advanced far beyond expactations. My cell phone has enough capacity to fly any rocket or space station and includes incrementation like acceleraromiters, magnomiters and gyroscopes which used to require boxes weighting hundreds of pounds.

>> No.2334521

Get off of 4chan, Ted Kaczynski.

>> No.2334524

here's the thing about a moon colony: What good would it do us? Does it help us deal with the problems we have right now?

Don't put the cart before the horse, as they say.

>> No.2334540


The world has always and will always have poor people, I say fuckem. There is nothing more important than branching humanity past the earth and the moon is the next logical step regardless of what those mars fags say.

>> No.2334546

Where the fuck did he mention poor people?
What the fuck man
Don't pull shit out of your fucking ass
Fuck you

>> No.2334549

There are more poor people than people who want to go to the moon. Countries with a space program worth a damn are democratic. You can't "fuck the poor" because the poor outnumber you.

The only way we'll get space colonies is if a private venture (spaceX) does it. It'll be corporate rule. You'll live on corporate property, buy corporate goods, eat corporate food.

I wouldn't mind all that bad, unless the corp treats its workers like shit.

>> No.2334565
File: 18 KB, 376x376, mooninites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Yes, and our technology is far superior to all your silly computers and earthling toys.
-Yeah suck on that bitches.

>> No.2334568

Your greatest weapon, the Quad-Laser, is easily beaten by moving laterally.

You fail.

>> No.2334575

The fact that a device that can comfortably fit in your pocket can contact individuals virtually anywhere in the world through bouncing signals off of a satellite out in space is simply astounding.

>> No.2334579

Here on the moon, our weekends are so advanced, they encompass the entire week.

>> No.2334583


u actually believ that man???
wut r they teaching in schools!!!

more ppl need to get homeschooled

>> No.2334584

It's more mind-boggling that nobody cares how we stopped being interested in space.

>> No.2334594
File: 8 KB, 835x709, quadlaser1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The explosion shall be of extraordinary magnitude. Just hang on.

>> No.2334602
File: 113 KB, 400x308, 321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to satellite phone perhaps?
Ive used one before costs like $2 per minute.

>> No.2334605

In 1869 Mendelev presented his period table to the Russian Chemical Society. A hundred years later, we are on the fucking moon.

Technological advance isn't happening faster than it should, but it sure as hell puts some expectations on our shoulders, doesn't it?

I mean, what's the technological equivalent in a hundred years to mapping out the human genome?

>> No.2334616

we could map a getroll

>> No.2334640

Creating a life form from scratch?

Wouldn't have to be complex. But I would be so damn proud of our species if we managed it.

>> No.2334665

I'm pretty sure artificial life is already in development, and they already have a few functioning organelles... but I'd have to find the articles to be sure.

>> No.2334671

I have good news for you...

>> No.2334674


Yep, here we go, they've apparently already done it:


>> No.2334676

They have synthesized bacteria dna and injected it into denucleated dead bacteria and made it come alive.

>> No.2334681

IIRC, that cell that was created was made by injecting new DNA into an existing cell.

I want to see scientists take simple chemicals and form them into a living creature. If it's a multi-step process, like first creating the amino acids, then this, that and the other thing, that's fine. But working with existing structures is cheating.

>> No.2334689


True, but it's much more efficient to recycle pre-existing structures and then modifying them to whatever you need it to do. The fact that even this is possible is still a huge amount of progress.

>> No.2334691
File: 56 KB, 275x300, 1188304649275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Um, http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2010/05/scientists-create-first-self-replicating-synthetic-life/

>> No.2334713

More efficient, yes.

But it won't help us create lifeforms to help terraform a world that is radically different from our own.