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2334131 No.2334131 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think of China's alleged research in quantum teleportation?

>> No.2334156


>> No.2334171
File: 20 KB, 278x256, Ommnomnom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no problem with research in quantum teleportation. It seems like a logical thing to look into after proving entanglement.

>> No.2334200

Entanglement doesn't get me as hard as it should, good luck trying to teleport any useful peice of information with that bullshit

>> No.2334270
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It's only teleportation because they don't understand the underlying mechanism.

Fucking humans, getting me pissed.

>> No.2334304

oh i just learned you can teleport energy too! we're probably decades away from anything useful, but its still super cool.

>> No.2334321

bream me up, Ching Xu!

>> No.2334329

How WOULD teleportation work?

>> No.2334343

Like magnets.

>> No.2334346


It doesn't work. The matter is destroyed on one end, and the entangled particles at the other end produce the information from the entry to the exit.
You need a matter replicator on the other end to be able to transport someone, but their original body would be destroyed in the process, along with their mind, so who says it's the same person at the other end?

>> No.2334351


This is also assuming that entanglement actually exists.

>> No.2334358

That's very Prestige of you.
But a fascinating answer.

>> No.2334395

This is why I would never use a teleporter if it was invented in my lifetime. Its basically kills the original you and makes a perfect clone. And then the next time, it kills that clone and makes another perfect clone...

This totally reminds me of that outer limits episode where this women was being teleported but something went wrong, and the orignal copy wasnt erased, so there was literally two of her but the new one didnt know this, she was "teleported" offworld, and the original thought it just didnt work.

So yea.. They then quietly murdered the original so as not to create a scandal, with the "new" women none the wiser.

>> No.2334411

The wholly grail is to ftl communications.

I seriously doubt they are naive enough to try and teleport useful objects.

>> No.2334431


Unless you're a Dualist (in which case your opinion doesn't matter!), then the general consensus of what "consciousness" is, is simply the electrochemical reactions in your brain. If your brain is replicated right down to the atomic level, then you'd essentially be the exact same person.

>> No.2334437
File: 607 KB, 800x1200, Yoona hey what's going on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book had an idea like that. In the future, everyone who was "registered" in the human thing shit used teleporters which actually kills them and brings them back with their "uploaded" personalities, and the same thing happens when you get severly injured, like getting decapitated by a t-rex.


It was a good book and I liked it.
illicitus. Cothibs

>> No.2334438

Wouldn't clone be an innacurate term since the copy would not only be genetically identical to the original but also have the same brain state and memories as the original?

>> No.2334441


That's the problem. It's quite incongruent to imagine that you'll just wake up at the other end as you. I don't believe in a soul, so I suppose that's what will happen.
Food for thought, I guess.

>> No.2334448


That would be interesting. Like an insurance policy.

>> No.2334458

They won't run out of "test subjects"...

>> No.2334469

Wouldnt a perfect clone also? Whatever Doesn't matter really. If the you NOW ceases to exist, YOU the THINKING YOU right now is GONE, even if the new "copy" has the exact same brainwaves, they are NEW brain waves or "copied" brain waves , the brain waves your using right this second, have ceased, thus, you have ceased.

>> No.2334479
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It's a waste of money. An even bigger waste then when the soviets tried investing in psi-ops. You cannot teleport matter, because it would take more energy to "move" matter then it would ever be worth.

As well, if you wanted to travel exceedingly long distances, like light years. That wouldn't be teleportation anymore, that'd be a stare gate. Making black holes in space and making white holes somewhere else to go through.

I thought Asians were supposed to be smart.

>> No.2334489

myth debunked

>> No.2334492
File: 117 KB, 796x631, Yoona Do not want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weren't clones (human) supposed to be "back-up" "people" in case the original person misplaces his/her organs or limbs?

Film related. Sam Bell, Sam Bell everywhere.

>> No.2334493

>You cannot teleport matter, because it would take more energy to "move" matter then it would ever be worth.

that's a retarded argument. Having the ability to transport matter, even if it was ridicoulously expensive, would put them at a massive advantage over the united states.

With enough tweaking they would definetley be able to figure out some military application.

They could always teleport robots into secure rooms and steal documents or something.