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2333372 No.2333372 [Reply] [Original]

Perhaps /sci/ can help me out with this

A long time ago, I read a science fiction book that I particularly enjoyed, although I cannot for the life of me remember the name.

It began with a meteor hitting Earth, and a small group of people being herded onto a single ship as a desperate attempt to keep Humanity alive. The people on the ship then went into crystorage and the ship left Earth, which was breaking apart.

Several scenes I remember vividly are about a lady on the day of or before her wedding, and the shes getting her photo taken on the Golden Gate Bridge. The meteor causes the bridge to break, and an iron beam falls through her chest. The meteor crash and her death are captured on camera. Another scene is when the main character, some young man, wakes up on the ship and looks at all the other cryo pods, noticing that several of them have holes from micro meteors, and that others failed early and their inhabitants are rotten piles of mush.

I also remember reading on the back that a sequel had them potentially returning to Earth, to find people living on the ruined broken chunks of the planet that still orbited the Sun.

It wasn't an adult-oriented book like what Card and Asimov wrote, but it was good nonetheless.

Anyone have an idea what this could be from?

>> No.2333382

Sounds stunningly like Remnants by K.A. Applegate. It focuses around a guy called Jobs, his friend Mo-Steel and the ship is called Mother. When they attempt to turn the ship to Earth the other two alien factions on the same ship go apeshit on them. Amirite?

>> No.2333387

Let me check real fast

>> No.2333389

yes it is! thank you anon! I appreciate your help very much

>> No.2333394
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>> No.2333395

oh jesus christ I read that first book when I was like 12 or some shit and it freaked the shit out of me

I remember sobbing like a baby during the part where they were taking the people onto the ship, and some couple had to leave a big stuffed lion behind that had been a gift to their dead young daughter

oh god

>> No.2333398


Shit, I remember loving it and reading up to I think book six or eight, when they land on the alien planet and realize the planet or the ship is sentient. Then my library stopped buying them.

>> No.2333401
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I remember recoiling at horror at the beginning of the series when they come off the ship and some worm things manage to get into the bodies of them and they had to chop of this (I think girls) arm to stop it consuming her. Though I must say I preferred Animorphs. Probably because I could read the entire series in one go.

>> No.2333408

Animorphs was too unrealistic, even by my 12 year old standards. How can 5 people stop a fucking invasion from 3 species?

>> No.2333410

Rachel is just that tough, man

>> No.2333414

haha i like how you said it "sounds stunningly like"

i havnt read anything from these books for over 8 or 9 years, but the memories of these scenes are incredibly vivid. funny shit :P

>> No.2333423

I haven't read it since 2004 and I still remember most of the names. Billy Wier, the asian chick with the half melted face (Two-face?) and Kubrick, the guy with the transparent skin that died from Mr Porcine in thee hook I think.

>> No.2333426

*Mr Porcupine

>> No.2333432

There is no doubt that Jake and Tobias were the best animorphs.

>> No.2333464

Tobias was a furry