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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2330023 No.2330023 [Reply] [Original]

Why won't God reveal himself? Why is there no physical proof of such a being? Most of you probably answered "because He doesn't exist."

Consider the following:

This is not the Earth are led to believe it is.

This is Purgatory--a place where faith will be tested and God will only reveal himself once he finds you unworthy or worthy.

The whole point of Purgatory is to have your faith pushed to its limits--and as long as God thinks that you may have a chance to return to the path of the enlightened he will keep you around.

This would explain why children die -- they have been judged and placed into heaven

This would explain why life has no purpose-- Purgatory has no meaning

In the Bible it states purgatory is made up of "nothingness," but it is never clear whether it is literal nothingness or figurative.

>> No.2330024


>> No.2330025


>> No.2330027

>God doesn't exist
>Make up convenient explanation for him "not revealing himself"

>> No.2330028

Typical closed minded atheist.

>> No.2330030


typical troll
now get of /sci/
and also >>>/b/

>> No.2330031

>convient explanation
>implying it wasn't written in the Bible

Interesting how atheists are just as ignorant to the Christian way as vice versa.

>> No.2330032


Fact: post violates occam's razor.
Conclusion: Anon is a retard.


>> No.2330033

Not one person will come up a real response for this thread...because honestly this is plausible in the minds of christfags

>> No.2330034
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>> No.2330035

Fact: Occam's razor can be disproved with Calculus

Conclusion: You're an intellectual plebeian

>> No.2330038

>atheists have no idea what purgatory is
>don't even ask for OP to elaborate
>just keep being closed minded

>> No.2330041

>Fact: Occam's razor can be disproved with Calculus

>> No.2330040
File: 34 KB, 541x600, deeerrrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Purgatory--a place where faith will be tested and God will only reveal himself once he finds you unworthy or worthy.

>Purgatory has no meaning

kay...moving on now..lol

>> No.2330044

the ignorance.......it hurts.

Please tell me you've taken a calculus class?

>> No.2330043

Purgatory has no meaning to the inhabitants. They are sent their to be judged in final and are never aware of such.

Purgatory has meaning to the judger.

>> No.2330045

Fixed that for you.

Also: fucking idiot. I curse you troll, away!

>> No.2330046

Simple typo

>> No.2330047

I have a Bachelor of Science in mathematics. What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.2330050

I curse you troll, away!

>> No.2330053

>implying the bible isn't a bunch of made-up texts crammed together

>> No.2330054

Even the simplest of algebra problems can culminate in disproving Occam's razor.

My calculus II teacher took an entire day just to use Calculus to disprove it.

you might want to try becoming educated.

>> No.2330056

was Purgatory even in the bible? i thought the catholic church invented it

>> No.2330057
File: 17 KB, 367x388, 1294461300876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not what OP said...you can't add stuff now!

>> No.2330061

What's the square root of 4? Half these retards who just rad this thought "2" not "-2"

>> No.2330062
File: 5 KB, 126x136, que.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Occam's razor disproved by 3rd grade math

>> No.2330065
File: 339 KB, 1400x900, zgdfG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO ONE goes to heaven until the second resurrection anyways...so who gives a flying rats ass?

>> No.2330068
File: 51 KB, 574x431, cupcake-is-yummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"rad" ?

um..yes...very persuasive

>> No.2330069

>people attempting to use Occam's razor when the world is defined as chaos

fucking idiots

>> No.2330075
File: 78 KB, 610x672, hgfghjhgfghdfgd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in other news...

>> No.2330082

The square root function applied to 4 is 2, not -2.

You are full of shit and have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

>> No.2330088

Exactly you retard. What's stopping it from being -2i^2



>> No.2330090

>Even the simplest of algebra problems can culminate in disproving Occam's razor.
>My calculus II teacher took an entire day just to use Calculus to disprove it.

>using math to disprove an axiom concerning the natural world

>just went full retard

>> No.2330092

sqrt of 4 could be -2 bro........

>> No.2330093


You're fucking idiotic and still thinking calculus can resolve shit in an actual practical problem in real life without defining the system first, right?

PROTIP: Junior highschool doesn't teach you everything about math, son.

>> No.2330094

-2i^2 is 2.

>> No.2330095

>implying math can't be used to disprove anything

full retard brah

>> No.2330099



where's your occam's razor now you idiot??

sqrt 4 = 2, -2, -2i^2 etc etc

>> No.2330100

Let's be very careful about how we define things.

The square root function when applied to 4 equals 2, as commonly defined.
sqrt(4) = 2

The solutions to x^2 = 4 in Real Numbers are { -2, 2 }.

The algebra to get that is:
x^2 = 4
sqrt(x^2) = sqrt(4)
|x| = sqrt(4)
|x| = 2
x = -2 and/or +2

>> No.2330102

Occam's Razor is a statement about explanations about the natural world. It in no way is a reflection about math. You were dropped on your head as a child weren't you?

>> No.2330108

Atheists are kinda funny.

We don't understand how dark matter works or what it is. We don't understand why light is limited. We don't understand what the Universe is.

And yet, atheists think that we would be able to understand/comprehend the CREATOR of all these things. Funny.

>> No.2330111

>And yet, atheists think that we would be able to understand/comprehend the CREATOR of all these things. Funny.
That is known as begging the question. You assume the existence of such a creator.

>> No.2330114

For fun, that's actually
x^2 = 4
0 = x^2 - 4 = (x-2)(x+2)
0 = (x-2)(x+2)
0 = x-2 or 0 = x+2
x = 2 or x = -2

>> No.2330120

Stalemate, then

>> No.2330126
File: 81 KB, 600x750, 1263668230266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why won't God reveal himself?.... "because He doesn't exist."

Sounds about right. Stopped reading there. The rest is probably bullshit.

>> No.2330127
File: 35 KB, 414x600, gdfat56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2330128

Ok, you faggot.

Not Occam Razor, no math either.


>Life has no purpose--Purgatory has no meaning

Meaning =/= Purpose.

>why children die

Everyone does. Your point?

>The whole point of Purgatory is to have your faith pushed to its limits

So it's a pretty methaphor about how we are supposed to give life a purpose while discovering the meaning of things. Then we can achieve spiritual enlightment.

So, no God, just human writers. God would have an alienated point of view.

Also, Plato said the same only that we were actually in hell and he was adogmatic. And previous to the purgatory shit.

In your face, bee-yatch. Sincerely, anon.

P.D: you're retarded

>> No.2330134

The bible doesn't say anything about purgatory, purgatory was invented about 800 years later. Old testament doesn't even have a hell, heaven is just an inevitability

>> No.2330188

disregarding the mathematical proof of occams razor, OP's question violates this law. Thus /thread.

>> No.2330196

>disregarding the mathematical proof of occams razor, OP's question violates this law. Thus /thread.
There is no such proof jackass.

>> No.2330212

God's checklist:
1) Create every human being yourself from scratch, designing everything about them; even how they make decisions.
2) Release them into the world.
3) Watch them do exactly what they were designed for
4) Punish them for it

Infinitely good, my ass.
Also, if your god is omniscient, why does he need to test us? Wouldn't he just create you, know if you would deserve heaven or not and skip all the suffering?

>> No.2330226

considering purgatory arrived into western catholicism via The Divine Comedy......

At no point is a purgatory mentioned in the bible. The faithful will apparently arise on the second resurection. It is assumed by some theologians that upon death you arrive at the second resurection since the soul is no longer subject to time.

Though whether a particular deity exists is up for debate.

>> No.2330261

you got it all wrong.

you have a CHOICE...that's the test
i can't wait to see what all the religious fags do when they realize they were suppose to stand up to gods antics the whole time and tell him to stuff it...it's the only way in you know