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2329731 No.2329731 [Reply] [Original]

"God made evolution."


There. Religious debating solved. Why was that so hard?

>> No.2329737
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This has been my stance all along.

>> No.2329740

I know right?

It's the most logical way to populate a whole fucking universe.

>> No.2329755

when i am god i will make self improving life forms then i will get bored and ignore them for a while and when i come back and they will be gods them selfs and we will have a jolly good time together.

>> No.2329765


>> No.2329767

Makes sense to me. Besides, I always figured the origin of life was more interesting than evolution, mainly because it's less understood. If Christians wanted to attack scientific uncertainty they would stop debating evolution and go after that.

"So where DID life come from then, HUH? I guess a bunch of molecules just bumped together right and TADA! Life!"

>> No.2329769
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Morman detected

>> No.2329776

>"So where DID life come from then, HUH? I guess a bunch of molecules just bumped together right and TADA! Life!"

Actually, yeah, somthing like that.

>> No.2329778
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You got me!

>> No.2329781
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because the explanation of a complex mechanic by a infinitely more complex being obviously follows occam's razor and makes perfect sense.

>> No.2329998

occam's razor's pretty sharp yo

>> No.2330003

I created a god which created evolution which created me.

Prove me wrong.
Oh, you can't, since human logic doesn't apply to godly being


herp derp

>> No.2331147

"can you prove it?" -- god

>> No.2331170


>> No.2331179

It doesn't satisfy most monotheists because the idea that God does not have a direct involvement in the existence of humanity and does not meddle with their mundane affairs contradicts most of their dogma.

>> No.2331183

God came out of nothing
Made the universe
Made sol
Made life
Lets life make small adjustments

The universe was nothing which them exploded
Matter exploded in a non uniform pattern
The universe has a uniform temperature
Sol form
Earth formed
Bunch of molecules just happened to form a bigger, self replicating molecule.
It 'evolves' into an extremely complex mechanism

Occams razor is in favour of 1

>> No.2331226

1 raises more questions than it answers. You're just being a dishonest faggot by leaving them out of your comparison.

>> No.2331246

Such as?

>> No.2331250

no it doesn't the processes in 2 are well understood and come from a simple set of laws. the processes in 1 are not. furthermore god would be way more complex than the whole universe so any explanation involving him is going to be super complex

>> No.2331261

If God is a being with unimaginable power and intelligence, then why does he see the need to create a planet with a race of inferior beings in a tiny fucking corner of the Universe just to appease his selfish needs of worship?

>> No.2331265


you just don't understand His ways. He created the universe for us, don't you see?

>> No.2331267

He came out of nothing. It's no more ridiculous than saying the universe came out of nothing

>> No.2331275

yes it is because there are theories for how the universe could have come about

look up the hartle hawking no boundary condition.

furthermore if god is more complex than the universe it is against occams razor to assume that it was god that just appeared and not the universe.

>> No.2331277

Yes, and if we don't bow down to him for creating us and said universe then our "soul" will burn in hell for eternity. Completely logical I'd say.

Why even bother creating something like that if you're going to be such a fucking prick about it?

>> No.2331283
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>implying the bible says so

>> No.2331297

If nobody made the universe, would we even be here? No. Therefore, somebody made the universe.

>> No.2331307

Nothing, in the literal sense of the word, made the Universe.

>> No.2331336

"Unicorns made god." You know in your heart it's true.

>> No.2331354

Evidence of evolution pre-dates evidence of God.

Evolution created God.

>> No.2331359
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Trolls created god

>> No.2331375


This is what Catholics officially believe today. Creationism is for protestant scum.