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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2329287 No.2329287 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically do you think global warming can be stopped or reversed?
Assuming of course you believe in it.

>> No.2329293


Why the fuck did I laugh so hard at that picture...

And in response to your question, don't really believe in it, but I believe one day humans will be able to do whatever the fuck they want with the weather.

>> No.2329291

Believe libtard propaganda? lolno

>> No.2329294
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I think it should be accelerated, I have florida!

>> No.2329296

You cannot "believe" in scientific fact.

>> No.2329298
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Caveman one: "Do you think this ice age thing can be reversed?"

Caveman two: "Not by us, let nature run its course."

>> No.2329305

typical evolutionist response
it's ALL about belief

>> No.2329306

Global warming will stop and then it will reverse, just like it did last time. We will not be pleased about that either.

>> No.2329313
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>still falling for the communist global warming propaganda

i thought this board was supposed to be where the "science lovers" gather?

>> No.2329317

Change scary.

>> No.2329319

they always fall for the same libtard lies

>> No.2329327


Worst global climate catastrophe ever. We need to try and reverse its effects.

>> No.2329343
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You guys think global warming is a myth? Where the fuck do you get your data from? Alex Jones?

The sun is expanding. Whether or not that means less energy output, it doesn't take a whole lot of heat to melt the polar ice caps and completely fuck up our ozone layer, allowing ultraviolet radiation to completely burn out all life on the planet. While it would take eons for this to be visible. It still will cause massive weather pattern differences, which is why it FEELS colder. But infact, we're losing water, ice, and life.

Now, as a man of science, I'm not going to call you retarded for holding a different hypothesis. But this is worse then the whole "smoking causes cancer" thing. Yeah, maybe after twenty years of smoking, it may contribute to it's development... but it doesn't "CAUSE" cancer. You won't smoke and wake up the next day with cancer.

Tobacco is regulated because people with cancer cost insurance companies money, the same thing applies to global warming. We ignore it because then you lazy fucks would have to whip up some engines that can run on canola oil and cough syrup. Which is possible, you're just being procrastinators.

>> No.2329360

earth can sustain more life during warmer periods

>> No.2329380

wtf /new/ get out /sci/

>> No.2329385

Yeah, but not necessarily human life. Almost certainly not human civilization.

>> No.2329402

What the fucking hell, we are not niggers anymore white people invented things like insulation and air conditioning that make your point completely useless. Not only that but even niggers with nigger technology can survive in conditions that existed during the eocene epoch.

>> No.2329419

not fact
more on ground, less in oceans. overall net loss

>> No.2329438

Yes, but all those survival technologies cost an enormous amount of energy... and we're on the cusp of a bit of an energy crisis even now. Make the planet that much hotter and make the weather that much less predictable and things will only get worse.

>> No.2329436


>> No.2329435


Get out.

>> No.2329446

your wrong

>> No.2329461

>we're on the cusp of a bit of an energy crisis even now.

The entire planet's energy needs can easily be met by Thorium.

If we just got off our asses and built the shit, we'd be set. Too bad our politicians are faggots.

>> No.2329463

I'm going to avoid the speech I give about Thorium every time I hear this argument. Not as great as everyone thinks it is.

Nuclear Engineer here...

>> No.2329465

we need expensive energy or we wont be able to keep the masses enslaved eight hours each day

>> No.2329472


>> No.2329493

Well that too. But I'm speaking about fissionable materials as opposed to fissile materials. Also the energy range in which they operate is sort of hard to control. Fast neutron ranges tend to be tricky. Most neutrons born from fission are fast, and you need to maximize absorption while minimizing scattering materials to make a safe, efficient fast reactors.

Also, fast reactors take a large amount of energy to start up anyway. And like I said, once you get fast fission going, it'll work and it'll be efficient but you walk a thin line in that energy range.

Also, had a lot of caffeine recently so if I seem a little whacked out, it's because I am.

>> No.2329495

If by "enslaved" you mean "in the standard of living to which they have become accustomed" then yes. Without energy, the complex technological society we know and love collapses.

>> No.2329514

So will you eat your words when India gets their Thorium reactors running and proves you the moron you are?

Just because Thorium is challenging doesn't mean it should be abandoned. If you work out all the infrastructure Thorium can be a perfectly useful energy source.

>> No.2329525

So can burning wood and cattle dung. Doesn't mean it's the next step in our technological evolution.

>> No.2329529

Now you know as well as I do that Wood and Cattle Dung are not nearly as energy dense as Thorium.

Please try again.

>> No.2329544

Sure, I may eat my words when India gets there Thorium reactors running, and then you'll eat yours when it goes prompt critical unexpectedly and exposes plant works to neutrons that are literally orders of magnitude higher than you can comprehend with nothing to moderate them or absorb them.

I'm not saying it should be abandoned, and it's not. It's just being rushed. You'd actually be better off doing something like the Canadians and running natural enrichment with heavy water moderates or abolishing laws on mandated burning times of fuel within the US.

Which is another matter. There are tons of reuse and recycle methods that are in use today (by the French and others) and some that are in development that literally double the available burn time of our fuel stock pile and by the end would have a negligible mutagenic effect and near negligible carcinogenic effect in the waste.

My point is that there are better, more established ways in branching nuclear power without the use of Thorium. Seriously man, don't tell me that I'm wrong when I've worked on a degree in the matter.

>> No.2329679 [DELETED] 

A. it costs less to dig up new uranium than to reprocess spent rogs
B. if you let it sit around for 50 years it will be clean enough to use with out reprocessing.

>> No.2329685

A. it costs less to dig up new uranium than to reprocess spent rods
B. if you let it sit around for 50 years it will be clean enough to use with out reprocessing.

>> No.2329693

Not at all actually. The way things are in the US, the only thing preventing burning a fuel rod past 18 months IS the law. No if, ands, or buts about it. You could literally just keep the rods in the reactor for 36 months until they accumulate too much xenon to be efficient if Congress didn't mandate scheduled refueling.

Additionally, most of our Uranium is imported. It'd be much more efficient just to burn what we have rather than import it.

>> No.2329702

Sorry, this >>2329693
is for you.

>> No.2329723

I have no beef with burning it a little longer but reprocessing it is still more expensive than getting new stuff. Also ageing it dose most of the work for you as the nasty stuff dies out fast. Stick it in the utah desert for a few decades and reuse it, it's the most elegant solution.

>> No.2329738

I am not convinced global warming exists in the first place (not trolling, my honest feelings).

>> No.2329745

learn 2 science you derp fuck
we have like a gajillion termomiters recording temprature for sevral hundred years we know something is happening for shizzle

>> No.2329748

I don't exactly believe in the theory, I believe that we are as a whole damaging the atmosphere, but I don't believe it's this cataclysmic mess that Global Warming makes it out to be.
I believe that Earth's climate cycle ties into it, such as how Earth experienced raising temperatures preceding the Ice Age.

>> No.2329753

Just because "global warming doesn't exist" doesn't mean environmental pollution is too.

>> No.2329760

I don't believe in universal hydrogen depletion either.

>> No.2329761

nobody said it's gonna be a cataclysmic mess. the name is just misleading. i mean, global warming, it sounds like the world is gonna boil all of the sudden. it actually means, warming by little degrees. 5 degrees warmer would fucking change the whole world.

>> No.2329768
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that is if you trust the temps from some retardd farmer from the 19th century. Also, stating sources that only go back a few hundred years is not very conclusive for a planet that has been around for billions.

>> No.2329773

I don't know if it can be stopped or reversed (well, at least not in the next several generations, it will naturally reverse itself given time). However, we can certainly avoid making it worse. There is definitely a warming trend, and we may or may not be the primary cause of it, but even if we aren't we still stand to benefit from curbing our own emissions.

TL, DR: Just because you didn't light the warehouse on fire, it doesn't make it wise to keep storing your gasoline there.

>> No.2329774

I can't really tell if you're mocking me.
Perhaps I haven't been around enough educated individuals who support the theory, that mixed with me being to lazy to read up on it.

>> No.2329775

lrn2science, i'm not saying anything more.

>> No.2329780


l2atmospheric sample from ice core drilling. We have records of temperatures going back thousands of years, and had you bothered to do a fucking five minute google search, you would know that.

>> No.2329783
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>> No.2329785

dude, that was a troll

>> No.2329787

you need to lrn2science what yo are doing is not science, you are watching a fucking stupid ass al gore film and quoting it as fact, when its all bull shit. Science also shows that these kind of warmings happen all the time, ice ages come and go, polar shifts happen as the sun is not a fucking space heater with settings on it, and it sometimes trolls the earth with soem extra fucking lazer beams. so stfu and lrn2notbeanignorant dip shit.

>> No.2329790


Well, in all fairness, there ARE people who say it's going to be a cataclysmic mess, but they're not generally supported by the scientific mainstream. They just get more press because what they say is scarey.

>> No.2329792
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So fucking convincing.

>> No.2329798

conspiracists use those as strawmen, so derp

>> No.2329817

>bull shit


>> No.2329821
File: 9 KB, 274x263, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The scientific consensus is that anthropogenic global warming is occurring. Nevertheless, political and public debate continues. BUT THERE IS NO SCIENTIFIC DEBATE!


^ Oreskes, Naomi (December 2004). "BEYOND THE IVORY TOWER: The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change". Science 306 (5702): 1686. doi:10.1126/science.1103618. PMID 15576594. http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/306/5702/1686..

^ "Joint Science Academies' Statement" (PDF). http://nationalacademies.org/onpi/06072005.pdf.. Retrieved 2010-08-09.

^ "Understanding and Responding to Climate Change" (PDF). http://dels.nas.edu/resources/static-assets/materials-based-on-reports/booklets/climate_change_2008_
final.pdf. Retrieved 2010-08-09.

>> No.2329828


cause your side is full of gramma perfect scholars, you internet hero fag.

>> No.2329836
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Because these boards seem vaguely less troll infested than the rest of 4-chan I will, in fact, feed them.

Yes, global temps have fluctuated before, the most recent Ice age of course being the most recent example of this. That said, IT WENT WAY THE FUCK SLOWER BACK THEN!!!!! Yes, some animals went extinct but others evolved. Lots of others. But things are moving so quickly that evolution cannot keep up this time. And that, my loves, is a serious problem.

Further more, I expect people on this board to be smart enough and educated enough to not think that the existence of cold weather means global warming (aka global climate change) isn't happening. Seriously, at least understand what you are arguing about or you will just sound like a moron.

>> No.2329838


Those cases prove my point, The earth is warming, but its not because of my car you dumbshit.

>> No.2329857
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>doesn't know what Anthropogenic means


"Anthropogenic sources include industry, agriculture, botany, mining, transportation, construction, habitations, environmental design, and purposeful changes such as afforestation."

So yeah, your car contributes dumbshit!

>> No.2329867
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>> No.2329893

I believe tha-No. It's 7 fucking billion of us already.
Jesus. We reproduce like fucking termites.

>> No.2329901
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>> No.2329956

those who believe have something to do, get ready. save your money, move, get a group of likeminded people together around you, learn to count on a local barter economy if you really feel depressed about it. i trust the market to value climate stability enough to do one of the many options to stabilize temperatures should the climate spiral into an unmanagable situation. we aren't fucked, and environmentalists are hardly fucked, cause we know how to give a shit when it matters and look out for our own! the rest of you can stew in the shit you shit! uh, check out the jtec for some cool solar power tech

>> No.2329971

This right here needs to go out to society.

>> No.2329983

of course there's Global Warming, you can't put this much Co2 into the atmosphere and not have it warm a little. But the climate is dynamic, it's changed before and it will change again. Historically a warmer climate is a good thing. In fact they say humans themselves evolved into what we are today because we were able to deal with a warming climate. And the inhabitable areas of this planet are limited by how cold they are, not how hot.
This isn't the Apocalypse people. It's going to get a little warmer, the weather is going to change a bit, but we will survive as a species and be better for it.
Don't go loosing your head over it. The same type of reactionary behaviour is what got us into the mess in the first place. If we hadn't listened to those damn hippies we'd have Gen IV reactors by now. Fuck you hippies!

>> No.2329996

It is there for all society to see, but there are still fuckin retards that refuse to believe facts (Repblicans and religiousfags).